Show us your 3Delight renders



  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    I managed to do this render in the beta while rendering a heavy one in the public build, pretty cool;)

    Converted to AweSurface and used IBLM + a HDRI from HDRI Haven, scripted rendering, 35 min. So thanks Gone, yeah it's actually working, cool:)


    1800 x 1013 - 2M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    I loaded the Awe environment sphere and aligned it as close as possible to the IBLM sphere, then turned off IBLM and rendered using the same settings, rendertime 12 min. The shadowcatcher is of course not working but wanted to compare;) Obviously it's a bit darker, should have adjusted lighting...


    1800 x 1013 - 2M
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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    So I loaded the secluded shoreline, chose the first camera preset, converted the mats to AweSurface, deleted the skydome and loaded the Awe environment sphere and loaded an HDRI by agent unawares (thank you). Scripted render (not progressive) 50 minutes. But I have another DS instance rendering at the same time so that doesn't say much. I'll do some more testing later on...


    1800 x 1013 - 3M
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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Same set, just deleted the environment sphere/HDRI and loaded the original skydome and made it ambient with the Awe environment shader, turned GI off. Loaded a light disc and applied the area light shader and moved it in a position to simulate the sun. So that's one light in the scene. Rendertime as above...slightly longer;) Oh and yes, motion blur works=) See that blob? It's a seagulllaugh



    THE SHORELINE arealight AWE.png
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    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Same set, just deleted the environment sphere/HDRI and loaded the original skydome and made it ambient with the Awe environment shader, turned GI off.

    Why would you want to turn off GI in this setup? Just for testing?

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Same set, just deleted the environment sphere/HDRI and loaded the original skydome and made it ambient with the Awe environment shader, turned GI off.

    Why would you want to turn off GI in this setup? Just for testing?

    Ah sorry I meant I turned off indirect lighting on the dome. Just made it ambient, basically.

    And yeah, lot of testing right now;)

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Hm I believe the correct term is diffuse ray caching?

    This is what makes GI computations faster, but the script does more than just that.

    Ah sorry I meant I turned off indirect lighting on the dome. Just made it ambient, basically.

    And yeah, lot of testing right now;)

    This makes sense, the sky doesn't have to receive bounce =)

    Have you tried adjusting the exposure on the environment? This might be useful if you have a low dynamic range image like this texture likely is.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    Okay thank you. I've usually been lost in these postings. Hopefully on the same page now. When I render in 3DL I usually use 4 lights (3 point lighting plus a forth to act as bounce off the ground). One of which is Raytraced.

    You don't specifically need fake bounce with aweSurface because aweSurface will compute GI. So you only need those lights that cast shadows. And all shadows should be raytraced.

    Moreover, you may well consider ditching oldschool lights and using the environment sphere with an HDRI, plus path-traced area lights as needed. This will provide higher quality on average and may also offer a speed increase.

    The aweKit in the store comes with a starter scene - it gets installed in your library "Scene" folder by default, so you may need to do some fishing for it - which is a perfect starting point for learning how to work with the awestuff.

    I posted a way to customise the skin preset from that starter scene, here:

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Hm I believe the correct term is diffuse ray caching?

    This is what makes GI computations faster, but the script does more than just that.

    Ah sorry I meant I turned off indirect lighting on the dome. Just made it ambient, basically.

    And yeah, lot of testing right now;)

    This makes sense, the sky doesn't have to receive bounce =)

    Have you tried adjusting the exposure on the environment? This might be useful if you have a low dynamic range image like this texture likely is.

    Yes, those parameters (gamma and so on) are very useful indeed when working with everything from  compressed jpegs to .hdr. The blur function is also neat;)

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    ... he looks a bit concerned, I bet the Dogs Of Doom are closing incool



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    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Most if not all this is way over my head like a Concord Airplane. I have no idea what GI or AO or IBLM are or what they do or why I would monkey with them. Most of this reminds me of video editors from Ulead. Lots of hoops to jump through and still not get what I'm looking for. Their forums were filled with reconfiguring the planet like an AOL software. My machine is old and now so am I like a dog. You know the phrase. I don't fake bounce. I aim from below so the underside gets a little bit of light. Only one light casts shadows. With four point lighting, the whole thing is faked. It is old school but it works for me. If I use only one light, it is in Luxrender. A 1GB ATI AGP graphics card will let me render fast in Luxrender like the Wowie mentioned with the Arnold Render link. Thank you Kettu for commenting. I continue to watch with interest what you, Kettu, Wowie, and Sven are doing. The latest posts with the subway, cars, and shoreline are nicely done. My head hurts though so I'm going to be quiet for a while.
  • Oh Sven, the pipe is a nice touch, made me smile. I also like that you changed the colour of the water. Sort of reminds me of the different beaches in Florida and Connecticut in the USA. Thank you so much for taking the time to test.
  • SmallLuxGPU or SLG in Luxrender. The link Wowie posted was this on the previous page.
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018
    I aim from below so the underside gets a little bit of light. Only one light casts shadows. With four point lighting, the whole thing is faked. It is old school but it works for me.

    I do that a lot when rendering animation, totally oldschool. Using the UE2 in ambient mode and fill lights with no shadows etc. I can get down to like 30sec/frame that way. As soon as you need atleast ambient occlusion you're looking at minimum 2 min/frame typically. 


    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Oh Sven, the pipe is a nice touch, made me smile. I also like that you changed the colour of the water. Sort of reminds me of the different beaches in Florida and Connecticut in the USA. Thank you so much for taking the time to test.

    Tks mate, and no problem;) I would do a lot of testing now anyway, brand new world, kind of;)

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Coming up next...


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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    ..meanwhile...hmm here is The Last Stand by DzFire converted to AweSurface (well it could do with some tweaking here and there) with a HDRI and an arealight, + some props and a little motion blur;)


    1800 x 1013 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • love the sunset vibe and whirl of the helicopter blades. DzFire made the set. Or is Stephan also DzFire?
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    love the sunset vibe and whirl of the helicopter blades. DzFire made the set. Or is Stephan also DzFire?

    Oh I stand corrected! It's indeed DzFire, nice set, nice textures:) Tks!

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Coming up next...


    Ok, here it is, 2 days 3 hours and some minutes laterlaugh,crazy stuff LOL, glad it's over. 27 arealights...


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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Now that the other render finished things started to happen LOL


    1800 x 1013 - 2M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • I like using different artists' products to make scenes. Some of The Ant Farm's with DzFire's for that Omega Man story. Yeah the blades are excellent there. Why haven't you upgraded to 4.10 of Daz Studio? The lighting and textures are well done in that 2 day render.
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    I like using different artists' products to make scenes. Some of The Ant Farm's with DzFire's for that Omega Man story. Yeah the blades are excellent there. Why haven't you upgraded to 4.10 of Daz Studio? The lighting and textures are well done in that 2 day render.

    Yeah me too, just put the behind-the-neighborhood in my wishlist;) Tks, yeah I like to use motionblur, kind of surprised you see so little of it in the various action renders over here... I have the 4.10 public beta installed so it's all good, I can run dForce and some scripts that won't work in 4.9 I also have 4.7 installed on my laptop so I've got that coveredlaugh

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Ok, here it is, 2 days 3 hours and some minutes laterlaugh,crazy stuff LOL, glad it's over. 27 arealights...

    That's... a feat.

    Please tell me you used primitive planes to approx those lamps.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    I have no idea what GI or AO or IBLM are or what they do

    GI = global illumination; here mostly used in the sense of actual computation of diffuse bounce aka indirect light.

    AO = ambient occlusion; an oldschool method of approximating actual GI.

    The beginning of this page (paragraph 1)  explains these concepts in more detail (then they go on to describe implementation-specific stuff in Blender):

    And this is an image from Autodesk Maya help system which is probably the best diagram showing how AO works:

    IBLM(aster) - a product here in the store; an environment light shader by Parris. Uses AO.

    or why I would monkey with them.

    I'm not a native speaker, so could you please clarify if, when you said "monkey with", you meant "tamper with", like in the Merriam-Webster definition, or is there some other meaning?

    I don't fake bounce. I aim from below so the underside gets a little bit of light. 

    This is exactly what fake bounce is.

    Only one light casts shadows. With four point lighting, the whole thing is faked.

    Actually four-point lighting can be used in real-world photography as well.

    I guess that what you meant was that since you only use shadows on the keylight, you also fake ambient lighting using a minimum of light sources.

    Which is all fine and dandy in "oldschool" scenarios as you say. Nothing would technically prevent you from using aweSurface (with GI turned off) for your materials in a scene lit like that... but why?

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Ok, here it is, 2 days 3 hours and some minutes laterlaugh,crazy stuff LOL, glad it's over. 27 arealights...

    That's... a feat.

    Please tell me you used primitive planes to approx those lamps.

    Actually I did not, I used 8-sided spheres to get the "pointlight" effect. So that's a lot of polys in total, yeah. I saw your post in the commercial thread about tilted cubes, will try to swap the spheres for tilted cubes when I have recovered from that render=) I also could try to reduce specular bounces for the shiny stuff, and maybe lower some settings in the render tab. Will render settings override surface settings? Haven't tested that yet. Hmm, maybe I should RTFM again, lol.


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Ok so did a new test with the shoreline without any other DS instances running, same HDRI (by agent unawares), only tweaked the water a bit, rendertime 22 min. (raytracer final, scripted rendering, AweSurface)

    I think the water looked nicer in the first version though.


    1800 x 1013 - 3M
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  • Sven, The water looks okay in all three versions you did. Depends on if it is coral or murky or time of day / year or even location on the planet. I think water is what slows down a render. My shoreline took 30 minutes to do. What are the blue scratches in the rocks? What is RTFM?
  • Kettu, Thank you for the explainations. I'll see how much I could absorb and use. Tamper is a good definition. I prefer experiment with or also it is like a monkey playing around with something trying to figure it out and when it breaks, get angry and shove the broken item in soiled diapers, flinging that at the observation window where the doctors and nurses are standing.
  • Which I guess brings me to reasoning of my insanity. Putting me or other real life objects into the 3D world. Perhaps adding parallax effects with it.
    Back C1 T01 36m42s 4pt sun.png
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    Bottom C1 T01 13m10s 4pt sun.png
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    UF4 C1 T01 about 75m 4pt sun 3Delight blur composite GIMP.png
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