Show us your 3Delight renders



  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    wowie said:

    Yeah, it is pretty complex. Sometimes even I have a hard time understanding exactly how it works. laugh

    Did some testing with your settings, it seems to work quite well, as you said;) What obviously does NOT work is having optimization at 100% and the filters at zero.

    Works for hair, but I did run into problems applying those values to cloth. Hence, the default values which results in very solid output.

    Ok that makes sense;)

  • What is IPR?
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    What is IPR?

    That's progressive mode.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    So following wowie's advice for the opacity filters and adding SSS (subsurface scattering ) to the hair + making it a bit rougher, and adjusting skin SSS a bit, here she is... where should I take her next? Some alien worlds with mercury seas or maybe Urban Sprawl LOL? I will have to start converting Urban Sprawl 2, (the only version I own) sooner or later, it will take some time for sure=)


    Back to the Woods 4.png
    1800 x 1013 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Hmm so she decided to put on some skimpy armor lol. Wonder where she's going?

    Rendertime 6 min.


    1800 x 1013 - 2M
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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    10 min render


    1800 x 1013 - 2M
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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018 more...


    1800 x 1013 - 1M
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  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    If I understand Wowie's comment, turning off optimization for the hair will give the best render. It is also the slowest render.

    100% optimization with tweaked filters will give almost as good a render as no optimization but runs a lot faster.

    Anywho, here is my attempt with 100% optimization - adding displacement also helped but it looks as though displacement also incurs a render time hit.

    900 x 900 - 240K
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Gone said:

    If I understand Wowie's comment, turning off optimization for the hair will give the best render. It is also the slowest render.

    100% optimization with tweaked filters will give almost as good a render as no optimization but runs a lot faster.

    Yeah I think you're right.

    Gone said:

    Anywho, here is my attempt with 100% optimization - adding displacement also helped but it looks as though displacement also incurs a render time hit.

    That's very nice! Love the reflections in the hair:) I think the hair looks good, did you try setting optimization/filters to zero for the skullcap?  I like the skin too, well done!

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    So here I had optimazation and filters off for the skull cap, hair optimization at 100%, filter 1 at 50%, filter 2 at 40%, lowered filter2 for the bangs to 30%, that's Wanda hair for G2F btw. Genesis1 with a V4 skin...


    GypsyDancer 1 awe.png
    1800 x 1350 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Thanks for the comment.

    Actually, I ran it 3 times. Once with no optimization, once with no optimization on skull cap and once with all parts optimized. There were small differences with quality but big differences with render time.

    OK, I lied. It was way more than 3 times as I played around with different optimization settings. smiley

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    Gone said:

     it looks as though displacement also incurs a render time hit.

    In general, yes, since it's still that famed 3Delight displacement where you get but since it's all raytraced, including camera rays, it will take up more time to render.

    Now some info that I do not really expect anyone to fully "get" because it's "alien arcane tech", but for the sake of completeness: 3Delight supports a "contemporary" displacement mode now, the one like in Iray or Carrara where only actual mesh vertices will get displaced, and it's fast, but it's obviously a) way more limited in use; b) requires heavy pre-tesselation (not actual subdivision surfaces), which will often crash DS if you do it via the subdivision menu.

    This last part probably makes the least sense, but I'll try - you have seen there are several subdivision algorithms in there.

    For Iray, all of them just tesselate the mesh AFAIK.

    For 3Delight, Catmark and Catmull-Clark (and in the latest versions one more, forgot right now which one) make it render the actual limit surface of a subdivision mesh. Which means that mathematically all the surfaces are now truly smooth for the renderer, no jagged poly edges.

    This is BTW why "sub-d level" makes no difference with Cat* modes in 3Delight: it always renders the "infinite maximum" level. Either on or off.

    And the remaining subdivision modes send a high-poly polygon mesh to 3Delight. Then the sub-d level will control how many times your control mesh polys will get tesselated.

    So it's a bit convoluted with DS, and because of this, Wowie hasn't yet integrated support for this "new" displacement mode.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Gone said:

     it looks as though displacement also incurs a render time hit.

    In general, yes, since it's still that famed 3Delight displacement where you get but since it's all raytraced, including camera rays, it will take up more time to render.

    Now some info that I do not really expect anyone to fully "get" because it's "alien arcane tech",

    I'm listeninglaugh

    but for the sake of completeness: 3Delight supports a "contemporary" displacement mode now, the one like in Iray or Carrara where only actual mesh vertices will get displaced, and it's fast, but it's obviously a) way more limited in use; b) requires heavy pre-tesselation (not actual subdivision surfaces), which will often crash DS if you do it via the subdivision menu.

    This last part probably makes the least sense, but I'll try - you have seen there are several subdivision algorithms in there.

    For Iray, all of them just tesselate the mesh AFAIK.

    For 3Delight, Catmark and Catmull-Clark (and in the latest versions one more, forgot right now which one)

    That would be bilinear?

    make it render the actual limit surface of a subdivision mesh. Which means that mathematically all the surfaces are now truly smooth for the renderer, no jagged poly edges.

    This is BTW why "sub-d level" makes no difference with Cat* modes in 3Delight: it always renders the "infinite maximum" level. Either on or off.

    Not sure I get that? If you have a model with HD morphs, there is a significant difference between subD level 1 and 2 ( and you can go as high as level 4 and still get more detail)

    And the remaining subdivision modes send a high-poly polygon mesh to 3Delight. Then the sub-d level will control how many times your control mesh polys will get tesselated.

    So it's a bit convoluted with DS, and because of this, Wowie hasn't yet integrated support for this "new" displacement mode.

    Tks Kettu, very interesting piece of information;)

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    Hmm I might revisite this one, I find the background a bit distracting, something happened in the rendering, oversaturated or somethingindecision Here it is anyway...


    ARRIVAL awe.png
    1800 x 1013 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • It might be the northern lights of the moon.
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    ...back to earth, sort of, she got tired of being alone on the dark side, so she got herself a brand new bike;) Steambike pro and Watts building converted...Note the high heels, perfect for riding Uranium bikeslaugh


    Watts Steambike awe .png
    1800 x 1013 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited October 2018
    What is IPR?


    That's progressive mode.

    Actually, IPR isn't progressive mode, although it shares similarities. It's basically an interactive render session, where you can adjust materials and lights as the render, well, rendering. You'll need to have the Aux Viewport open/docked. By default, it will show the IPR toolbar with buttons to stop/start an IPR session. I usually hide the toolbar and just use the pane's dropdown menu though.

    Here's an example. I have the Aux Viewport docked to the center section of DS UI. Unfortunately, changes to path traced area lights needs a restart, but materials and spot/point/distant light don't.

    Personal note - I hate how IPR is done in newer 3delight builds (progressively scaled buckets). I find the older builds more to my liking since it only updates pixels with changed parameters.

    So it's a bit convoluted with DS, and because of this, Wowie hasn't yet integrated support for this "new" displacement mode.

    Is there anything that's not unnecessarily convoluted with DS? laughI've made some progress on displacement bounds though.

    Vector displacement isn't rocket science, but it's not like flipping your hand either. winkFirst priority is to fix the bugs and then introduce new features while trying not to introduce new bugs.

    Post edited by wowie on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    wowie said:
    What is IPR?


    That's progressive mode.

    Actually, IPR isn't progressive mode, although it shares similarities. It's basically an interactive render session, where you can adjust materials and lights as the render, well, rendering. You'll need to have the Aux Viewport open/docked. By default, it will show the IPR toolbar with buttons to stop/start an IPR session. I usually hide the toolbar and just use the pane's dropdown menu though.

    Here's an example. I have the Aux Viewport docked to the center section of DS UI. Unfortunately, changes to path traced area lights needs a restart, but materials and spot/point/distant light don't.

    Personal note - I hate how IPR is done in newer 3delight builds (progressively scaled buckets). I find the older builds more to my liking since it only updates pixels with changed parameters.

    So it's a bit convoluted with DS, and because of this, Wowie hasn't yet integrated support for this "new" displacement mode.

    Is there anything that's not unnecessarily convoluted with DS? laughI've made some progress on displacement bounds though.

    Vector displacement isn't rocket science, but it's not like flipping your hand either. winkFirst priority is to fix the bugs and then introduce new features while trying not to introduce new bugs.

    Wow tks for the heads up, nice feature indeed:)

  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    G1 character, Mil4 Mon chevalier hair, G3 Super natural fibermesh eyebrows.

    900 x 900 - 133K
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Gone said:

    G1 character, Mil4 Mon chevalier hair, G3 Super natural fibermesh eyebrows.

    She is cute;) Nice eye reflections there! Brows look very good, I don't own any fibermesh brows, off to check the store... have a render going with Urban Sprawl 2 atm. Took me about 2h to do a rough conversion lol, millions of material zonesfrown

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    So here's US 2 converted to awe, lit with an HDRI. Had Irradiance samples at 1024, still a bit grainy though. Still need to finetune some things obviously...


    Urban Sprawl2 awe.png
    1800 x 1013 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • I just got Mollie by Zev0 recently along with the growing up by him as well. She is also a cute model and has eyebrows that could be used on other female and male figures. Love the freckles on your render Gone.
  • Sven, US 2, Wow!
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Sven, US 2, Wow!

    laughYeah looks pretty coolsmiley

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018

    She's got fleety feetsmiley



    DESERT ROADpp awe.png
    1800 x 1013 - 2M
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  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Thanks guys.

    The freckles are from Zevo's skin overlay and the eyes are using Dimension Theory's project eyeris. I can't seem to get the AWE shader to give me any kind of environment reflection in the eyes.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018
    Gone said:

    Thanks guys.

    The freckles are from Zevo's skin overlay and the eyes are using Dimension Theory's project eyeris. I can't seem to get the AWE shader to give me any kind of environment reflection in the eyes.

    Haha I totally bought it, project eyeris obviously works:) Here's what I do, wowie might have some better tips: on the cornea(genesis1) I enable both spedular 1&2, color pure white and roughness zero or maybe 1%. IOR 1.59. Enable base thinfilm, thinfilm IOR 1.50. You probably know that but don't blur the environment too much;) Thinfilm seems to enhance the reflections quite a lot (maybe beyond realistic) but that can be adjusted. I may have a better solution tomorrow lol.

    A quick unfinished testrender with an overcast HDRI with no direct sunlight (hotspots) in progressive mode


    Haven't tested various glosssy fresnel settings yet, but that may make a difference depending on angles etc.

    awe eyetest.png
    1280 x 720 - 2M
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  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Yeah, I tried most of that but the eyes just wouldn't pick up any environment reflection. Probably just doing something wrong. With so many options, it's easy to miss something you should be paying attention to. cheeky

    What I really like about eyeris is that reflection is set on the sclera as wall as the cornea so it works just as well as eye reflection surface in later models.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited October 2018
    Gone said:

    Yeah, I tried most of that but the eyes just wouldn't pick up any environment reflection. Probably just doing something wrong. With so many options, it's easy to miss something you should be paying attention to. cheeky

    Yeah tell me all about itcrying Did this overnight render just to wake up and find this strange dark line crossing the road, I have no clue what that is. Have to go back and check surfacesindecision

    Gone said:

    What I really like about eyeris is that reflection is set on the sclera as wall as the cornea so it works just as well as eye reflection surface in later models.

    Cool, I should wishlist it;)



    US2 2pp awe.png
    1800 x 1013 - 3M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Just curious, is that a seam between modules? Maybe there is some default material there. Also looks like there is an issue around the arrow to the right of the bike.

    Cool looking render, though.

    AWE shaders, scripted render, IBLM environment for the shadow catcher.

    900 x 900 - 136K
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