Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • MapbrixMapbrix Posts: 0

    Hi Daz peeps.

    My name is Ian, I live on the south coast in England and spent my working life in London.   Alas, my skills are in Geographical Information Systems and data not this wonderful, creative and colourful environment.   However, I have a need for faces, lots of them, for a project involving synthetic (ficticious) data based on people and events.   May I ask, is it possible to use a base set of faces and then create multiple different types (ie faces based on a template but then changed to show ageing, different hair, facial structure, ethnicity, etc, etc?).

    Please accept my apologies if this is not the place for this type of request, perhaps as a newbie you will forgive me and advise where I ought to direct this question, but I was invited to introduce myself on the forum!

    Best wishes to all of you, Ian.

  • Eternal ForceEternal Force Posts: 301


    My name is Al. 

  • Hi name is David,

                               Is there away in animation of making G3/8  shake -- like in fear--- and or shiver as in cold etc.

    Thanks for any info.

    stay safe

  • Well Hey, Y''s your friendly neighborhood Cowboy, Good to be back in the Corral after seven or eight years. Always enjoyed the hobby, which my late sweetie, in the day, used to call my " Paper Dolls"...<grinnn> ....She liked to watch me fool with them, but never saw the attraction. Rip, Loverbug.<3


    Having some issues loading the latest, but eventually I'll get it right. Any tips on adding aftermarket files from elsewhere?


    Thanks, Folks.


  • mryn0410mryn0410 Posts: 0

    Hello my name is Michael, i literally just started this account a couple nights ago and I am looking to talk to someone who is experienced with DAZ and is ok with answering questions and potentially prociding some helpful links to information that i may require on my journey into this Awesome software! I am ready to start learning how to create characters and concepts for my portfolio. I have no real formal education and my knowledge is limited so the task before me seems Daunting. However, I am ambitious and driven. Likewise, I am ready for the work mentally to do this. So if your are potentially interested in contacting me and helping me figure this out I am here and here are some things im looking to do:


    -Create Character and Scene Concepts for a story i am writing

    -Create Visual representations of Props to help define items in the story.

    -Learn how to Animate.



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    mryn0410 said:

    Hello my name is Michael, i literally just started this account a couple nights ago and I am looking to talk to someone who is experienced with DAZ and is ok with answering questions and potentially prociding some helpful links to information that i may require on my journey into this Awesome software! I am ready to start learning how to create characters and concepts for my portfolio. I have no real formal education and my knowledge is limited so the task before me seems Daunting. However, I am ambitious and driven. Likewise, I am ready for the work mentally to do this. So if your are potentially interested in contacting me and helping me figure this out I am here and here are some things im looking to do:


    -Create Character and Scene Concepts for a story i am writing

    -Create Visual representations of Props to help define items in the story.

    -Learn how to Animate.



    We have just the right forum for you, designed to help our New Users get to grips with their new software, etc.  New Users Help Forum


  • Hi All,

    I'm Jacqui from London, England. I am very happy to be here and hope to be of some help to many in the Forum.

    In comparison, I don't have that much to say about myself really although I'm an Adobe Photoshop fanatic, and love to use GIMP and Blender.  I've been an addict of The Sims series since the very beginning (Sims 1). I enjoy using Sims 4 Studio to create custom recolors and character Skin overlays and Skins. I still consider myself as practiced even though I've always been interested in 3D and computer graphics and hands-on from 2001 until now. I guess time is the master as my real life (work etc) has been getting the priority it deserves.

    This is the 2/3rd time attempting to download and use Das 3D. It's been on my first self-built PC since 2011. I decided to try all over again on my second self-built PC. This time I want it to stick so I've been watching YouTube Tutorials and the like.

    During the lockdown period, I've used this time to learn all of the things I've always wanted to and get stuck into new projects. I'll show and tell when the time comes. I promise.

    Wish me luck!


  • warrenbeallwarrenbeall Posts: 16

    Hi all,

    Just got a fancy new computer and am gonna try this Daz3d thing out while Im on lock down


  • Hi

    I just downloaded DAZ and tried it out.  I sought it out based on some youtube videos.  In particular, according to this video:

    I should be able to work on a Genesis figure, only as manifold figure.  BUT, once I started on working on my first model, it turned into a wire diagram, Further, I did not find other items the narrator talks about like the longer hair and the dress for this female figure, as the video explains.  I DID find something called Mary Ann hair and a pair of shorts but this is not was I was trying to go for in order to practice.  There were a large number of animation options so I guess I downloaded a different DAZ 3D ?  Is there one for just static figures under the Genesis packet?

  • Hello I am Simona..Just got started with Daz. I always wanted to play with the huge library and figures available here since a long time. I have no particular cause of using Daz but just love to play with options, drag morph sliders, and create new characters. I mainly love to design female characters and toon characters.. Got some males as well but use them rarely..

    I would love to learn DAZ better from here like good yet quick render settings without freezes and lags. My laptop is good but not a super high featured machine to use the best render setting.Also I got a very little idea about animating in Daz on which I want to work better.. I also do not want to use a lot of props or environments around my models. I just love to make full body or half-bust portrait kinda renders so I would love to learn about better light and camera views rather than using only presets made by other creators which I do right now..

    So here is the big story about me. Nice to meet all of you and I hope to fit well here..✌️????️

    here is my very 1st character created with Daz as an attachment..

    1000 x 1196 - 141K
  • Chummy1962Chummy1962 Posts: 16

    Hello, My name is Stan but I go by Chummy. I downloaded DAZ 3D a few years ago. I found it difficult to grasp some of the basic concepts and moved on to other things. I rediscovered DAZ a few months ago, reloaded everything from my saved account and am doing my best to try and get my arms wrapped around creating interisting scenes and animations. Still finding it difficult to grasp the basic concepts. Where do I start. Went to the documentation but found a lot of the documentation is outdated, links are pointing to missing content or information is non-existant. Found some online toutorials, but unless they were made within the last couple of months, they have become outdated as well. Started poking around. Went into my content library and then the Smart content library and soon discovered the lost and found folder. I went searching for more information about Metadata and ended up back into the documentation. Found an article dated 2012/06/03 about Metadata. Searching the forums I found more information and reference to work being done to update older items by adding metadata. Now we have DazCentral. Will lost and found items show up correctly in DazCentral? Is there any documentation? Ok; before I go much further I would like to set a few things straight. I am computer literate. I have been repairing and working with computers from the time paper tape, card files and nixie tubes were popular. I served 22 years in the United States Navy Submarine Force as a communications electronics technician. I can do anything I set my mind to accomplishing and am determined to figure this out. Having said all this, it is obvious I have no formal experience in 3D animation. What I need is for the very good people who created DAZ 3D (You are awesome, please pat yourselves on the back) to take a short breath, marvel at your creation and then take just a few moments from your busy days developing more and better stuff to look at the documentation. Would you please help by giving us a solid foundation (the manual or WiKi) to work from? Please share with us (in writing) just how great DAZ 3D is. I promise I will read the manual from cover to cover (Virtually). Yes, I am old school, and you know what? Old School Works.I am sure you would rather spend your precious time getting genuinally brilliant questions that include a reference to the manual page, chapter and verse that challenge you. I pride myself having graduated as class honorman from communications electronic training with a GPA of 96.7. It was almost a daily occurance where I would ask a well crafted question that sent my Navy instructors off to the office so they could call Harris the equipment manufacturer to discover the answer. The rest of my class mates learned from my questions and we all did better than average. I am not quick enough to have a Youtube video open on one side of my screen while following along in the software on the other. Working from a manual, I can go at my own pace. Thank you!

  • thatwizard707thatwizard707 Posts: 0
    edited June 2020


    my name is william... and i am brand new to the forums... i  feel overwhelmed could not figure out how to post except through "quote" is there another way?



    Post edited by Chohole on
  • oh and how do I set up a profile?

  • Hi to all, I am a total newbie, who is trying to learn something :)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583


    I just downloaded DAZ and tried it out.  I sought it out based on some youtube videos.  In particular, according to this video:

    I should be able to work on a Genesis figure, only as manifold figure.  BUT, once I started on working on my first model, it turned into a wire diagram, Further, I did not find other items the narrator talks about like the longer hair and the dress for this female figure, as the video explains.  I DID find something called Mary Ann hair and a pair of shorts but this is not was I was trying to go for in order to practice.  There were a large number of animation options so I guess I downloaded a different DAZ 3D ?  Is there one for just static figures under the Genesis packet?

    If the figure turns into a wireframe when you move it and back to normal when you stop, go to the main menu > Window > Panes > Draw Settings.  On the left column go to General > Manipulation.  The first setting on the right is "Manipulation Draw Style".  Set that to "Use Current (Off)" and it won't change the figure to wireframe when you move it.

    If it's always wireframe look at the top of the Viewport pane for a circle with wires across it next to the "Perspective View".  That's a pull-down which you can change to "Texture Shaded".

    I'm not sure which items are being used in that video -- it might be the dForce starter essentials?


  • myutogarumyutogaru Posts: 60
    edited June 2020


    I am an aspiring animator and game designer. I started using DAZ because I wanted a new way to express the ideas I have in my head.

    I'm also a musician, I play guitar, drums, and sing and I'm also learning piano. But I have a love for video games like nothing else, and it bothers me the direction video games are going in.

    Game companies are cutting corners, overworking employees, and definitely not giving us as much as they really can. According to Rockstar sold 100 billion units of GTA5 making them ,somewhere close to, $6 billion dollars! A game that came out nearly 7 years ago! Granted, they are on track to release GTA6 by the end of this year but, I honestly doubt it will be anything spectacular (timeline is only based on the release patterns of their past games).

    Since, we're talking about GTA5 let's discuss further, If you take a jet or boat into the ocean you can keep going for a very very long time until you will sink or the jet dies and you drown or get eaten by sharks. Clearly there is a lot of memory that they can fill up. Yes, I know it was ps3/xbox360 game. Those consoles weren't even close to the processing power of the ps4 and xbox one, or today's modern PC's for that matter. Well, another example to back up my claim is Red Dead Redemption 2. In this game you have a MASSIVE world to explore and while it is taking place in or around 1899 it is quite desolate. There are sections of land where you'll be riding for 5 minutes in vast desert. Which I have no problem with, the problem I have is that we have the ability to trick the game into letting us explore the outer boundaries of the map and it is even more massive. It just makes me wonder: why would they not only skimp us on our games while charging a premium ($60) but also show us that they're skimping on us? Are they just laughing at how stupid we are for buying these games and helping them to take advantage of employees and the consumers while they can sit on $6 BILLION DOLLARS??? They have the money to hire more staff and stop overworking their employees (which they said they will stop in a press conference, I just hope it's true) but the issue is: Produce shit game because we are a big (used to be) reputable company and want as much overhead as possible > Produce a game that people will thoroughly enjoy, that feels like it's worth their time, money, energy and support.


    [Whoops didn't mean to post it yet]


    Maybe it's a sign I should get back on track... As you can see I'm very passionate about video gaming and I believe that DAZ can help me to understand animation and character design in a way that can propel a really spectacular indie game from me.

    I started using DAZ studio in 2015 and I really liked making renders with Marvel characters. Creating my own scenes and how I think the characters would react when in each others presence. I had one image that I lost now (I'm sure its somewhere) of Batman was perched in his normal Batman fashion overlooking the dark (k)night, but, unbeknownst to him Spiderman was swinging in behind him giving him the finger!

    I delved into the deep, dark world of NSFW tumblr shortly thereafter .... DUN DUN DUN ....

    It's not terrible. You find very disturbing things and you find very tasteful things; of course depending on each persons preference. But, I did meet and discover some really great animators that I eventually became friends with and have learned a lot from. There's a kind of stigma when it comes to using DAZ studio for ... let's just say lewd artworks, but I feel it's misjudged along with those who enjoy producing that work. As humans we are very physical beings, when someone is deprived of that it's better to express it in art and healthily rather than taking your frustration out on someone and potentially hurting someone. I see this community (3d art in general) as a very productive and very very nice community and I understand people may be attracted to that sort of thing and they may not, but it's just like anything else: Don't disrespect someone because they have different interests than you. BUT ....I digress.

    My twitter handle is @WhatsAGrumble, same as my DeviantArt. If you're interested in seeing how me and my friends progress come give us a follow. I really enjoyed talking a bit about myself and I hope someone sees this that shares my views! If you want to be friends you need only to reach out.


    Cheers x

    Post edited by myutogaru on
  • Hello everyone!  My name is Sarah, aka AyngelFlyingWestward.  I'm not really "new" to DAZ as I've been facinated with 3D and collecting assets since 2005.  However, it has only been over the past year that I've actually started learning to USE Daz Studio.  One can imagine after 15 years I've got an extensive library, but even I didn't realize how extensive -- until today.  You see, I don't buy jewelry or handbags or expensive clothing for me.  Oh no, I buy 3D models.  Then I buy clothes and jewelry and fancy cars and destinations for THEM.   I just realized today that I've averaged about $900 a year on digital assets. 

    I should stop.  Really, I should.  But then one of the content creators out there comes up with something that is just too cool to pass up.  And the sales, oh my but I love a good bargain!  Part of the fun is figuring out how to put this together with that to get the best discount, right?  Anyway- I have a million and one ideas of things I want to render and now that I'm finally learning about lighting and texturing and kit bashing, it's time to put those assets to use.  If I only I had just one. more. texture.... just kidding.  My initial reason for starting a digital library was to have "models" that I could paint and draw- but now it seems I'm just addicted to 3D in general.  So, anyway, I do better things when I'm inspired, like with challenges.  Is there a "best" place here in the forums to join into something like that?  I'm still pretty new to the forums also.  Thanks in advance for any advice, tips or tricks on being creative!

  • Hello everyone!  My name is Sarah, aka AyngelFlyingWestward.  I'm not really "new" to DAZ as I've been facinated with 3D and collecting assets since 2005.  However, it has only been over the past year that I've actually started learning to USE Daz Studio.  One can imagine after 15 years I've got an extensive library, but even I didn't realize how extensive -- until today.  You see, I don't buy jewelry or handbags or expensive clothing for me.  Oh no, I buy 3D models.  Then I buy clothes and jewelry and fancy cars and destinations for THEM.   I just realized today that I've averaged about $900 a year on digital assets. 

    I should stop.  Really, I should.  But then one of the content creators out there comes up with something that is just too cool to pass up.  And the sales, oh my but I love a good bargain!  Part of the fun is figuring out how to put this together with that to get the best discount, right?  Anyway- I have a million and one ideas of things I want to render and now that I'm finally learning about lighting and texturing and kit bashing, it's time to put those assets to use.  If I only I had just one. more. texture.... just kidding.  My initial reason for starting a digital library was to have "models" that I could paint and draw- but now it seems I'm just addicted to 3D in general.  So, anyway, I do better things when I'm inspired, like with challenges.  Is there a "best" place here in the forums to join into something like that?  I'm still pretty new to the forums also.  Thanks in advance for any advice, tips or tricks on being creative!

    You might want to look at the current challenge(s) heer

  • icehawkicehawk Posts: 2
    edited June 2020

    Hello... my name is Andre Stevenson....

    I'm fairly new to Daz.... Having a problem rendering.... Is there something that's not intuitie ... that I ... maybe should be reading.. ?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • icehawk said:

    Hello... my name is Andre Stevenson....

    I'm fairly new to Daz.... Having a problem rendering.... Is there something that's not intuitie ... that I ... maybe should be reading.. ?

    What are the problems you are having?

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,767
    edited June 2020

    Hi I'm Ron Knights. I'm probably the oldest Perpetual Beginner! I just never seem to get past some of the basics. My first introduction to Poser was with version 1, maybe in 1997. That was a really primitive version, and I gave up on it fast. Jump ahead to 1999. I was recently married, and had moved from Florida to Maine. I discovered Poser 4 and the online forums. DAZ was known as Zygote at the time. Let's just give a brief mention of the early years: at the age of 49, I still had a lot of "growing up to do!"

    I've been using DAZ Studio exclusively for several years. I got divorced and started doing YouTube videos. I had my 15 minutes of notoriety, and retired after a few years. I moved from Maine to Minnesota to be closer to my family again. I'm back in the forums, older and much wiser. I still feel like a bumbling beginner. I still get easily confused. But I love trying to Make Art, and hanging out with other artists!

    Post edited by Ron Knights on
  • Hello My name is Anton

  • Greetings and salutations, everyone. smiley

    Around here, I go by "Eden Evergreen." My favorite grandmother's first name began with an "E," and she had this really cool style of writing it (I thought). So when I went to choose a screen name, I picked one that had E's. wink

    I've been a DAZaholic since around 2005, though I don't recall ever properly introducing myself. blush  I shall correct that oversight today. smiley

    Back at the turn of the century, I was working. I came from a "less-privileged" background, where buying second-hand because "new prices are outside the budget" was normal. I got a good white-collar job, and struggled at first to measure up to the "business dress code." First few paychecks, every penny not needed for bills went toward upgrading my wardrobe.

    I deliberately scheduled my lunch break to avoid most of my co-workers, partly from being embarrassed that my clothing wasn't as fine as theirs. One other chanced to have the same lunch break, and likely for the same reason ... her clothing, like mine, showed signs of being second-hand. We began talking, and gradually became friends.

    One week, she had some pretty strong flu symptoms. Although we still sat at the same cafeteria table, she sat nearly six feet away - in the hope of not sharing whatever illness was causing the symptoms she suffered from. However, we did both touch the same pepper shaker (I realized later). After that week, she was in a car accident and vanished for a little over a month.

    . . .

    While she was gone, I began having significant flu symptoms. I called my doctor's office, but they were swamped. A particularly nasty and tenacious flu was making the rounds, and there were no appointments available. They recommended extra fluids, and extra rest. Unfortunately, I could not afford to take as many days off from work as were needed to completely get better. So the "rest and extra fluids" was happening only outside of work hours. I'd go home, eat leftovers, collapse, have difficulty waking from the alarm each morning, wash up, eat more leftovers for breakfast, grab another container of leftovers for lunch, and dash out the door to get to work. Spent the weekends cooking up enough food for the week, and otherwise resting - mostly sleeping. I just did not have the energy to do anything else: even propping up barely enough to watch TV was often too exhausting.

    That became my life, for five months. During that time, that co-worker returned to work on crutches (her car accident leg injury was not yet fully healed). Her "flu" had not been a flu, but mono. I didn't connect the dots, though, until the morning when I could barely crawl to the bathroom. It was a weekday, so I called in sick to my job. Not the first time that had happened, so they insisted on a doctor's note. I called my doctor, but they were still swamped and had no appointments available - they recommended I should go to an "urgent care" clinic nearby, instead. So I turned in, immediately after eating a quickly re-heated breakfast and taking some aspirin for my fever. I awoke late in the afternoon, changed, ate another reheated something, took some more aspirin to reduce my fever, and wobbled out to the bus stop (didn't feel coherent enough to drive).

    Long story short, I had mono and a sinus infection. Got a prescription for the latter, and orders to take a week off work to rest and recover from the former. After a week, I was still struggling to keep my temperature under 102 (Farenheit: for those unfamiliar, 98.6-ish is "normal" and anything in the three-figure range is a problem). I managed to get in and see my doctor, and got a note to excuse me from work for another week. After that, I tried to return to my job. Even after taking 8 aspirin (with food), which I knew was more than I ought to take, my temperature was wavering between 102 and 104. Numbers seemed to be dancing on the computer screen, twirling and bobbing about. I spent most of the time with my head resting on my hands, sometimes even falling asleep at my desk. And, sadly, I made some significant errors in my work. blush

    It was almost a relief when the company announced that they were closing that branch, and we would all be laid off (with severance pay). I was assigned to help pack archive boxes. I struggled to stay upright, still taking too much aspirin and still fighting a fever and significant weakness. After a week or so, we had done everything that needed to be done ... and we were all sent home.

    Long story short, aside from the fever leaving, I have never really recovered. It's -still- a struggle for me to sit up more than an hour or two at a time, far too often. The mono transitioned into fibromyalgia, with the constant crushing fatigue almost being worse than the gradually increasing pain. So ... - anything - that keeps my mind busy is a blessing! This definitely includes DAZ. wink

    I spent several years, prior to being legally declared "disabled," with no income. A friend helped me move into a cheaper apartment, and covered my bills, until disability income began. Else I'd have been homeless, and likely dead from the cold (winters, where I live, get cold enough to kill anyone lacking adequate shelter).

    As a result of that situation, I completely understand how difficult it is to find one's self house-bound and needing something to do at home. I'm still there, and still doing that. My health was worse over the last few years, so I wasn't able to "check in" here at DAZ enough to keep up with some of the more recent technology changes. I'm finally able to sit up a little longer again, closer to 3 consecutive hours at a time (before needing 4-8+ hours of rest), a few days a week. So I'm -hoping- (and trying) to do 3D art again. laugh

    Humanity is remarkably adaptable. One can grow accustomed to just about anything, if one decides it -can- be done. It may feel overwhelming at times, yet it remains -possible- to adapt. A lot depends on what each individual decides to do. I decided that I wanted to do more than survive, so I constantly seek methods that make it possible to thrive. I don't succeed as often as I'd like, though I do manage well enough to keep going. I'm nothing special, so anything I can manage - anybody else can do, too. wink

    Hope everyone who reads this is thriving, or at least managing to get by. Also hope everyone can have a good - and maybe even a DAZ-tastic - day! smiley

  • myarmyar Posts: 7
    edited June 2020

    Hi everyone, My name is Raymond username Myar
    A few weeks ago I was watching YouTube videos of Adobe After Effects VFX which I liked and was looking for a new hobby.And then Daz3D came around the corner. Make a movie with sound.
    Sound is no problem, but making a film yourself ... holy [cow]surprise
    I'm new in the 3D world At least in the making of it because I was actually audio engineer (post production) Film's, cartoon, live and in studio.
    Normally I had nothing to do with light and camera, but now it is different.
    I am still here with old computer 2009 and if I make something in Daz3d animation of 104 frames then I am rendering for more than 5 days ... Oooopscrying
    I do About 1 Second, I do 27 hours of rendering.
    But the movie is coming. Hahahahahawink

    Oh and I am Dutch

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • cishanjiacishanjia Posts: 10

    Hi, all,

    Been using Daz since, oh I don't know... it seems like a decade since the beginning of lockdown.  Think it was back in the Jurassic; sometime around 2013.  But only now felt confident enough to actually say "hello" ("hello") and upload my first render.  Just started using the iray engine (iMac, so no nVidia card, alas), and deciding to specialise in portraits for the time being - as these prove the easiest for me to manage.  Seriously impressed with how easy Daz and iray are making photorealistic renders (to my eye, anyway).

    Anyway.  Take care.

  • adrienneadrienne Posts: 0

    Hey Im new to Daz


    Im an interior designer that needs 3D furntiure models and some people nmodels and hoping daz can help me with that,  for now, tryna find the free software to download.

  • mark290039mark290039 Posts: 11

    Hello everyone! 

    I'm very new to the 3d world. I do some video editing in AE in my free time and this is my first time in a 3d software beacause I decided to bring my stories to life with the help of DS. 

    My goals right now are to create some VNs and put them out there for free becasue I love story writing and DS helps me build the scene for my content. 

    I'm still looking for some props I can use before I buy them from the store

  • Hi i am feranmi oladipo i'm having problems with daz sudio there is no lipsync in my daz studio 4..12. what do i do

  • sabastinasabastina Posts: 27

    Come on in and tell us about yourself!

    Who are you? What inspires your artistic aspirations? Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

    So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!

    Well...first off, Meatloaf is actually my all time favorite musician...and one of my favorite foods as well...Bat out of Hell was the first cassette tape that I aquired on my own without help from any adults (way back in back in 1977-I was 7).  I think that my introduction to meatloaf the food was more recent than that because most often we didn't have food when I was a kid, and I had to go earn money myself and buy pizza from the local convenience store (unhealthy yes, but I was lucky that they sold ANY ready cooked food back then!)

    I am inspired by...getting positive attention for my completed works?  I don't know that this is true...because I don't actually think of what others will think until I am at the point where I am tweaking my work...and at that point, it's ALL about the viewer and not really about me at all.
    I suppose that the biggest inspiration I have for my art is to communicate me (my thoughts, my beliefs, my talents...all that) to other people.  Because, though I am really, REALLY good at writing, I seem to put people off because I sound either like a child, or egotistical when I am directing my writing AT a person (or group).  I'm great when I'm just writing, but let me focus on's over...Let me tell you a funny story:

    In 12th grade, I was put into choir because I had studied music for the first 10 years of my educational process and had very good vocal abilities.  As such, I was given a solo in the Christmas concert that year.  The song?  One I had been singing since I was about 3 years old--Away in the Manger.  Easy practice I was perfect--every single time.  That is, so long as I was facing the teacher and not the class.  This is all great to understand--if it were understood back then and not just in hindsight now!  
    So, the night of the play. I go up on the stage.  It's MUCH hotter where I am standing compared to when I used to sit with the other Alto Saxaphone players on the risers.  So, I'm starting to worry about whether or not everyone could tell I was sweating.  This was important to me because during my early school years I was attacked daily due to not having nice clothing, and not having clean clothing because my parents weren't so good at that stuff--I bathed daily, but that usually doesn't matter if you don't LOOK clean.  So, I look over at the other side of the stage, past the piano, and as my eyes fell on the piano player, she nodded to me to look at the audience as she began to press keys.

    I stood there looking out at the bright lights.  I wondered what the HELL I was doing up there?  How did it all come to THIS? And where the HELL was my mom?  I knew she was out there, but when I looked out, all I saw were knees--and barely those as the ominous lights blinded me silly.  Was I drooling?  I'll never really know for sure.
    Oh, I definitely heard each of the three intros the pianist played for me, as I stood there gazing out at the audience dumbfounded.  I went to touch the microphone stand so I felt like I had some kind of contact with planet Earth, and vaguely recognized the loud slam of the pianists foot on the floor.  The sound of it made me lurch back...well, at least that's what I remember...

    As I snap back to reality, I realize that I had not only started singing, but I was incredibly on my third or fourth run through it.  I glanced over at the pianist, seeking the refuge I had found in class from the face of my happy little choir instructor.  That face was NOT happy.  Let me tell you, that face wanted to throw me into that audience and let THEM sort me out.  I can't remember what she looked like today, but I do remember that face scared me out of my mind.  

    I did it...I finally did it...I made that horrible mistake of looking out to the crowd.  Not only pointing my beady little eyes in that direction, but actually LOOKING out there...actually taking that unforgettable moment of WONDERING about what and who was out there?  What did they think of me now?  And Oh MY GOD!  I've just ruined the CHIRSTMAS CONCERT for EVERYONE!  I just KNEW that the boos and screams to get off stage, stop singing, what the hell is wrong with you were about to fall any moment.  I sang the same damn line over and over praying that the pianist would just end my misery.  
    I sent her psychic messages to just STOP!  I begged her in my mind over and over...then...

    I started to feel more cool...the heat of the light was countered by a cool breeze that was flowing around my feet.  
    They were all still staring at me, of that, I was positive.  But at least now I was not quite so physically uncomfortable.  I sent a psychic thank you to whomever turned on that air!

    As I glared over to the pianist, realizing she wasn't open to receiving my messages, I was so grateful that my knees were starting to feel the cool air.  The gown was horrible.  And I had a short, short skirt on underneath it, but I could finally feel some relief from all that heat! was glorious, and I was ready to sing that damn line through another dozen times if needed!

    Then, I realized that there was absolutely NO SOUNDS from the audience anymore.  There had at least been this sort of buzzing sound previously. The piano timing sped up.  The cool air was now mid just above my knee caps and I looked down to see if the gown was billowing out like a full balloon.

    In one look down, I realized why things had changed in that room...I had my gown in both hands at my sides and had been opening and closing my hands on the fabric slowly pulling the skirt up, and up, and up!  It was pulled above my knees and apparently, I had had no intentions on stopping my reflexive action so long as that pianist kept playing my tune.

    Mortified, I once again looked out into my audience, seeking my mother...nothing.  I remember NOTHING more of that night.  Not getting off stage, not going home.  Nothing.
    Not a single person every mentioned that night to teasing, no comments, no compliments, no insults...nothing.

    I have since done Karaoke in front of small crowds under peer pressure and at the request of my dad or stepmom...but my musical career ended then and there!

    And I like cats.  The one in my profile avatar is my best friend Brian Anthony.


  • Well...first off, Meatloaf is actually my all time favorite musician...and one of my favorite foods as well...Bat out of Hell was the first cassette tape that I aquired on my own without help from any adults (way back in back in 1977-I was 7).  I think that my introduction to meatloaf the food was more recent than that because most often we didn't have food when I was a kid, and I had to go earn money myself and buy pizza from the local convenience store (unhealthy yes, but I was lucky that they sold ANY ready cooked food back then!) . . .

     sabastina606_72a036cc6e- You made me laugh out loud.  Thank you for that.

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