Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....

DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
edited December 1969 in New Users

Come on in and tell us about yourself!

Who are you? What inspires your artistic aspirations? Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!



  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305
    edited May 2012

    Hello every peeples from every places, :-)

    What inspires me? most everything I see but, achieving it is another matter.

    I spend very little creative time nowadays hence, I mainly rely on single character images [cos' they only take me an hour]. I really enjoy seeing all those multi-character/object images [if only I that kinda of patience]....those guys must spend hours on them.
    However, I do love the competitions and challenges so, maybe the "Daz upstairs people" could organize a few more of those for me...:lol:

    Daz user for around 3 years and Adobe Photoshop user from "Adobe Pen & paper" days.
    I'm an Adobe forum member and at one time DVD/Blu-Ray cover artist.

    Post edited by kylumi on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    * taps mic *
    Hello, is this thing on? :)

  • MistermysticMistermystic Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    Hello, my name is Josue and I've been using Daz for a few months. I have been learning how to use it with the help of the online tutorials. I am a recent grad, just got my associate's in graphic design and I've been wanting to get into the comic book industry for years. I wanted to get Daz because it's such a great way to bring your ideas to full life. My favorite artists include Reiq, Barbara Canepa, Shunya Yamashita, and Mizuno Junko. My absolute favorite Daz model has to be Nata. I'd love to start a Nata fan club. She's awesome. Check out my work at

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Hello my name is Szark and I am a Dazaholic. It has been two days and 15 hours since I rendered anything which is probably why I am having cold sweats and palpitations. Daz Studio will be my favourtie software of choice for some time to come. It took sometime to get over the new UI of DS4 but the more I use it the more I love working in it.

    I am just a hobbist, to releive the stresses of life.

    Check out my gallery over at DeviantART All images barring one are family friendly and that one is a fairly tame female nude.

  • edited December 1969

    Hello, my name is... well, nevermind that. I answer to everything, but don't call me late for dinner.

    The first time I tried to use DAZ Studio was somewhere back in the vicinity of 2.3, and gods preserve me, I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. Every time I loaded clothing, it deleted the figure from my scene. Sometime in ... 2009? 2010? I finally picked it up again, and lo, things worked! I'm now totally hooked on 3.1, though I have an active loathing for 4, because I can't get it to do anything practical without crashing and it keeps destroying my content database. I finally discovered Crossdresser 4 a couple months ago, and I've been kicking myself for not having found it sooner, since I've got at least three drag queens in my active repertoire, and it's so much easier to get things to fit after they've been converted.

    I have an archive of work over at and I strongly suggest paying attention to the ratings and warnings, before clicking through to the image-bearing pages, because some things are very much not-worksafe. The warning before the main page (which will come up first, when clicking that link) can safely be ignored and clicked through, because there will never be any images visible -- regardless of the rating -- before the post-specific warnings and a click-through for each post. Power of Heaven is my favourite PG-rated image, of the last month.

    I think everyone here is probably much more talented than I am. My favourite freebie artist is Chohole, who makes the absolute best textures I have had the occasion to actively misuse.

  • VCChrisVCChris Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    Hello everyone. My name is Chris. I have been playing in DAZ since about 2007, version 1.5. I love sci-fi and animation. I am far lacking in the imagination department so I love to see what others can do. I am one of those perfectionist that ends up screwing up the art pushing for perfection; and I do not have the hours to dedicate to creating the really cool stuff I see people do. I like using animate2 to bring things to life. It's perfect for the perfectionist because I get to hyper-focus on the details that make you go WOW!

    Post edited by VCChris on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Welcome everybody new to the forums. If you have any questions please visit our New Users Start Here forum. Our wonderful community volunteers(CV) will take good care of you.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Welcome everybody new to the forums. If you have any questions please visit our New Users Start Here forum. Our wonderful community volunteers(CV) will take good care of you.
    Well will try out best. :coolsmile:
  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited May 2012

    Hi, my name's Rob.

    I can't be on the forums as often as I'd prefer to - work gets in the way - but I do like to help out when I can. One way I help out is in maintaining over a half-dozen lists of links to freebies in the General Freepozitory - they're listed in the "Compilation of Links to Freebies" sticky there. I also offer Daz Studio rendering tips on occasion, but there are others who know more than I do about all of this.

    I also purposefully-misunderstand things on occasion, if doing so would be funny. (Not when the topic is serious, and never in the New Users' threads, though.)

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    Hello everyone. You can call me Miss Bad Wolf.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    Hello, I'm Jaderail.
    I'm a Thread Head. You will see me pop up in lots of threads in lots of Forums. I try to help in the help threads if I think I can be of help.
    Some people know me better than others so you will also see me called by another name from time to time, Jeff. That is my RL name and
    I dont hide it, so call me Jade, Mr J or Jeff its all the same to me. I'm new to DS4Pro but I know lots about installing content. I also know a
    good bit about the DS4 interface, so if you need help installing free stuff or finding content after a install just let me know.


    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • edited December 1969

    Greetings & salutations, my name is Flamewing...or you can just call me by my real name, Erica, or my nickname - Rikki.

    I'm sort of a shy & goofy person with a twisted sense of humor; but if I know about something, I do my best to try to help. I can be viciously opinionated...however, I do try to steer clear of that flaw of mine here in the Daz forums.

    I've always been of a creative nature, doodling...drawing...painting, writing, and my best friend introduced me to the wonderful world of CG art many moons ago that now occupies most of my time. :)

    I suppose you can say I'm a noob/hobbyist; I tend to get stuck in one genre though...Fantasy; but ever now and again, I'll step outside my comfort zone & play around in other genres.

    Well, that's pretty much it for now. :coolsmile: Oh yeah...this is me(whenever we get our avatars back)

    100 x 100 - 12K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'll be darned, little ol Flamewing just had to show off her Drow before I did. Good to see ya!! This is me.

    100 x 100 - 9K
  • FWIWFWIW Posts: 320
    edited May 2012

    I'm Winter, I use DS3A and lurk in the forums. I have a complicated on-line life, and an even more complicated real one. I have been around a while but I'm still a newbie by most standards. Years don't make up for lack of knowledge or skill. Glad to see some familiar names around here. All these names with no faces is getting a little creepy.

    As a side note, YAY spell checker! It may not help my atrocious grammar but it does help me spell atrocious grammar lol.

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  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    Slimer here. You can't keep a good slime down! Been using DS3 for about 1.5 years now. Not on the DS4/Genesis bandwagon yet. I offer help where I can. Been doing a lot with Bruuna by Roberto Melo. :coolsmile: My DA page:

    100 x 100 - 7K
  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,998
    edited May 2012

    The monkey has seen what he must do...This is me, Takezo3001, (Yes I do change my Avatars a lot, but they usually follow a theme) I've been a 3D artist/hobbyist since I got a free Poser 3 that came from a CD with PC magazine...I still have the bruised & Bashed CD even to this day! I remember when I first started using the program, and rendered my very first scene I actually thought; "You know what would be cool? If I could make a bunch of these scenes and upload them, this has never been done before, just think, I will be the first!" ....Little did I know...

    100 x 78 - 8K
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    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    Hello! My name is Lulu. I am an accountant by day and a 3D Graphics hobbyist by night. I hail from the east coast part of the US and live 15 minutes away from the new Giants Stadium. DAZ Studio was the very first graphics program I ever used and from the moment I accidentally stumbled on it over 5 years ago, I was hooked. I am now learning how to use Poser and other similar programs.

    I enjoy browsing the forums as I have found many very useful tips from everyone. My hats off to all who take the time to create things and make them available to the community for free. And to the community volunteers - many of you contribute so much to the forums and I for one am very grateful to all of you.

  • GregInOzGregInOz Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    I am Greg and I live in Australia.
    Have been a bryce a holic since version five.
    I like geometric type movies made with the usual shapes...cones, spheres, cubes and so on.
    Have down loaded Hexigon and Studio4, more as creative adjuncts to Bryce than as stand alones.
    I've asked a question in another forum about saving or playing bryce .AVI files for further work in video editing programs.
    Hope to chat to all of you here and there.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited May 2012

    GregInOz said:

    I am Greg and I live in Australia.

    I would never have guessed that, :roll:

    Not sure If I should join in on this thread.

    Hi, I am Pam, normally known as chohole, and I am one of those dreaded people who try to keep order in the community. I did used to have a trusty club to assist, but it is currently not available.
    When I get time off from doing that I am usually lost in Bryce.

    100 x 100 - 8K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited July 2012

    Hi! I'm KickAir 8P~ (formerly BethQQQ), and I've been a DAZStudio user and Platinum Club member for over five years now (don't be too impressed -- I've been a slow learner). I also use GIMP and Blender. I originally got into this to illustrate fanfic -- haven't done too much of that, but I've enjoyed myself!

    Here I am on:
    AO3 (aka Archive Of Our Own)
    tumblr (this one's vehemently Not Safe For Work, people!)

    Post edited by KickAir 8P on
  • ZelrothZelroth Posts: 910
    edited December 1969

    Hi all! Here I am Zelroth in rl I'm known as Kat. I am a frequent lurker and occasional (?) poster. When I make comments about a blond day or blond moment - I am laughing at the "dumb blond" stereotype and taking advantage of it as a natural blond. I don't post Images too often because it seems to take me FOREVER to get a version that I like. I am very self-critical of my own art, but nicer about others. What inspires me? Not any one thing in particular. Sometimes a movie, a render, song, book, doodle, bored brain syndrome (usually occurs at work :lol: ) I currently have only one pet, my dog Pipper and she often distracts me from doing what I should do creatively. I found DAZ 3D when I first got into Poser, but I have found Studio to be more to my liking and have been a loyal member of DAZ3D for a number of years.

    I am a DAZAHOLIC!!! I admit it and I DO NOT want to change.

  • WulfricWulfric Posts: 77
    edited May 2012

    Greetings all,

    Most people call me Wulfric or Wulf (I think I have another, but even my parents and wife don't use it often). I'm a software developer and web designer by trade and I've always had an interest graphic design. I started rendering in DAZ Studio in February, which was my first foray into graphics unless you count minor photo manipulation in GIMP or a little VRML experimentation back in the early 90s. At this point I am seriously hooked, but I'm trying to keep my enthusiasm and over-abundance of free time from resulting in prolific numbers of renders.

    100 x 100 - 10K
    Post edited by Wulfric on
  • chikako_8af55a8a68chikako_8af55a8a68 Posts: 83
    edited December 1969

    Hello all, I am Chikako,! Since we get to start afresh with a fresh, untrampled forum, Ill say a few things about my background. Ive been involved in the general Poser community since around 2001.

    I spend about half my time in localization. Ive localized a number of software applications, but started off localizing games from the Super Nintendo era (I should say SuperFamicon). If you recall old titles like Bonk, Air Zonk, Dungeon Master III, those all passed through my first business when I lived in Japan.

    Since we are starting afresh - Ill give a few facts many people don't know. Im Japanese, but live in the USA. I am a woman (people often assume I am not, because I am married to Lynn, who is a man) and I am a mom. English isn't my first language.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Name : LycanthropeX / MasterWolf
    Planet of Origin: Unknown
    Favorite Music: Industrial Metal / NDH
    Favorite Bands: Rammstein, Oomph!, Marylin Manson, Otep
    Favorite Artists: Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger, Hieronymus Bosch, Peter Paul Rubens, Gustav Dore, M.C. Escher, Frank Frazetta, Boris Valejo. and more
    Favorite Movie Genres: Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
    Favorite Movies: King Kong (1933), This Island Earth, Forbidden Planet, The Mechanic, Reservoir Dogs, Sin City, Frankenstein, Anything with Ray Harryhausen's creatures, Planet of the Apes, Conan, Beast Master.
    Artist Bio: Began drawing at a very early age, around 2 or so. Continues to draw. After High School was a freelance cartoonist and freelance artist. Got into 3D art in my early 20s. Started with Terragen, then Bryce, then Poser.
    Other Stuff: Loves animals, especially creepy and or potentially dangerous animals, snakes ( especially pythons ), tarantulas, scorpions, other giant bugs, various reptiles, vultures, bats etc.
    I tend to live a bit like the Adams Family, there are usually various skeletons and dismembered body parts around my house. I often have a gallon or 2 of blood in my fridge ( never know when you will need it ). I dress in black, I have just always been drawn to the dark macabre side of things. Even as a small child my drawings were of monsters and skeletons, demons and such... nothing really has changed much. I play chess, I enjoy reading, I love learning new things, I love science, I love cooking

    So that is probably more about me than anyone really wants to know.

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited May 2012

    Oh yeah, I also have giant mutant space spiders in my head. I have medical proof of that. I told my doctor about the giant mutant space spiders and he said they were ALL in my head. All of em, they're in there,

    Post edited by LycanthropeX on
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    Oh yeah, I also have giant mutant space spiders in my head. I have medical proof of that. I told my doctor about the giant mutant space spiders and he said they were ALL in my head. All of em, they're in there,

    ROFL! Careful now, if they really are giant spiders, we'd have to accuse you of having a swelled head. ;-)

    Remember the 1955 movie "Tarantula"? Now that was a giant mutant spider! Know who the jet pilot was at the end when they bombed it? Clint Eastwood!!!

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    I love that movie, and yup I new Clint Eastwood was the jet pilot

    you really want to have fun, look for Leonard Nimoy in Them!

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    I love that movie, and yup I new Clint Eastwood was the jet pilot

    you really want to have fun, look for Leonard Nimoy in Them!

    Hee, hee. And Leonard Nimoy was in Outer limits: Production and Decay of Strange Particles. He had to reach into a highly radioactive area to prevent a disaster. Wait a minute, I've seen that before. No, later. No before!
  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    Nimoy and Shatner apeared together in an episode of Man from Uncle shortly before they went on to do Star Trek

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    I think we hijacked the thread lol

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