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Hi everyone!
I'm Lee. Not actually a new person here at DAZ, have been a member since 2003(?) or so. I've been a Poser user since 1995 and bought content here over the years. As a Mac user, I tried running various releases of DAZ Studio over the years without great success (it kept crashing). Just a few months ago, in February 2020, I gave DAZ Studio another look after not trying it out for a few years. I am THRILLED that it is stable on my current rendering Mac (Mac mini). So I started using DAZ Studio almost exclusively and have enjoyed the results I get out of it. I still like Poser and some of the native features it has, but the ease of use with the Genesis line of figures and the beautiful and easy to use lighting make DAZ Studio my tool of choice now. I exclusively use Iray rendering, even if I'm constrained to CPU rendering on my non-NVidia Mac. The amazing renders are just worth it to me.
I'm still building up my library with (primarily) G8M figures and continue to play with customizing them with add-ons and lots of dial spinning. :-) There is so much wonderful content available through the DAZ marketplace and I love how well clothing autofits as if by magic. I can spend more time dialing in my characters and less time fiddling with clothing issues.
I still have a lot to learn about DAZ materials, lighting, and one day hope to jump in and start learning/using dForce elements. Maybe after I upgrade to a newer, more capable Mac system later this year.
Like I mentioned, I've been using Poser and now DAZ Studio since 1995, but have used various 3D programs earlier than that. I had an Amiga 2000 with NewTek Video Toaster card back in the day. It came with Lightwave 3D and that was a game changer for me. As rudimentary as it was back then, It inspired me to pursue my quest for an easy to use program that could handle human figures. In all the years that have passed, I have dabbled with Lightwave, Poser, and now DAZ Studio at least weekly, if not daily. And I'm still not good with it. But I do get creative satisfaction from what I accomplish with Poser and DAZ Studio.
In my past professional life, I was a software engineer who started out writing parts of the Space Shuttle launch simulation software at Kennedy Space Center, Florida back in 1981. My favorite job ever. Worked for Computer Sciences Corporation and Lockheed during that time. Moved across the state to work for Honeywell Space and Strategic Avionics and enjoyed many years there before returning to my home town to take on a more relaxed career path. Some of my professional and hobbyist software projects included a rewrite of core simulator code to handle memory expansion on NASA's ModComp computers, rewriting a microcode assembler for a NASA-specific hardware simulator, writing the Stand Alone Test Mode system for use at proposed Shuttle operations at Vandenburg AFB, California. Took on a couple of special, short term projects for Lockheed which included developing software components for HELWS High Energy Laser Weapon System in New Mexico and using that foundation software as the basis for something similar at a location in Nevada. My hobbyist accomplishments revolved around creating apps for the now forgotten Newton family of Apple handheld digital assistants. For the Newton, I created the first handheld movie player, a lightweight/rudimentary 3D CAD app, a multimedia/slideshow player, a simple text to speech system, a prototype 360 degree VR demo (similar to what became street view in Google Maps), vector graphic 3D flight simulator and tank battle games, and other various wacky and fun multimedia demos for the Newton. The Newton group at Apple enjoyed seeing the various apps/demos that I came up with. One of the Apple VPs asked for a special version of my Newton conversion of the Apple "Think Different" ad video. It was shown to Steve Jobs upon his return to the company.
So lots of fun with tinkering in computer graphics over the (many) years. And so happy to be part of the DAZ community. Thank you, each and every one for making my experience here welcoming and rewarding over the years!
Hola mi nombre es Felix Centurion, me encanta el diseño grafico y las artes visuales, uso Daz 4.12, demas esta decir que me parece el sofware mas alucinante que conocozco, necesito saber si en algun lugar se pueden ver tutoriales en español, muchas gracias.
Hi All. my name is Dave, and have been dabbling with DS for a while now and starting to grow in confidence to do more wtih this package, and with Hexagon/Bryce to actually create something. Will see how this goes.
Hi All,
My name is David. I am chiefly interested in using Daz3D to stage scenes that I can use as context images for a project. I am not yet sure whether Daz3D is the right tool. To be honest it never occured to me to use 3d models. However, I am very impressed so far and it may be exactly what I need - in which case I am prepared of course to invest in all the necessary models, environments, etc.
However, I am a little confused about a couple of things.
The first are the Genesis models. I understand that Genesis 8 is the latest and best looking model. Is there a reason why I would want to use an older model? Is there for example a limited set of content for the Genesis 8 models compared to previous versions?
The second is that the project in question has a strong theme so for the most part I can't just use off-the-peg clothing. Well, not for much of it anyway.
I think what I would probably need to do is to commission some custom outfits that I can then fit to a Genesis 8 model, place that model in a (potentially custom) environment and then make renders.
Do people take commissions for custom Genesis 8 compatible outfits?
Hello everyone, my name is John, 16 years old.
hope to know more of you.
Dear All,
Don't think I penned a few lines here yet, so here goes... I've been around the computing/2d/3d/design block a few times over the past few decades and have spent the last 10 years working in 3d enviroments with real-time 3d engines. No raytracing, but in return you get total 'immersion' albeit at lower visual fidelity. The whole thing of waiting for an image to 'develop' is still quite strange to me... and I keep wanting to rotate rendered images to look behind the posed characters :)
That said, I do like some of the image quality you can get and I absolutely love the lazyness of the Daz ecosystem. No modelling, no rigging, no texturing, just chuck-in a good-enough model and a few props, adjust the lighting and before you know it you have something that makes it look as if you have actual skills. Awesome!
I've been doing just that over the past few months, learning the Daz dance and coming to love/hate it as most people seem to do. To the extent that I find myself toying with the idea of writing/illustrating a Visual Novel. The practicalities of having to setup and render hunders or even thousands of images in Daz however, seem daunting. I really don't want to have to script a better render queue thing and a 3rd party asset manager gizmo.
Well, I guess that's more than enough of me prattling on and on - in the end the tool is irrelevant and all that matters are the images. I hope y'all have fun making them!
ttfn and please continue staying out of COVID's way!
Hello! My name is Bill, though I go by the handle of Mythocentric, which was originally the name of a small group of fellow artists whose work all centred around Mythology (Simple!) I have been an artist all my life, trained at the RCA and Liverpool, working in traditional media, mainly oils, until I retired due to ill health. Of course, I couldn't give up art altogether, so I started messing around with 3D art as a (very pleasant) pastime and have loved every minute to date. I am 72 years old, which I guess qualifies me as a grumpy old man. That means I don't suffer fools lightly. OK! To be honest I don't suffer them at all given that the world we currently live in is not a very nice place and its time the terminally stupid learned not to lead with their ego's rather than the innate intelligence they were born with. Like most people, I prefer civilised debate to confrontation so if you have something to say or discuss, please make contact. If you prefer to argue the toss, shut up and go away. Life just isn't long enough for aggro! So, rant apart, I look forward to meeting you in due course and have fun in the meantime. My deepest held belief? Visual art, like music, is the window on your life. How you, or others, view that life is entirely up to you! Respect!
hi all this is ananth i am new for DAZ3d
Hello; user of previous versions, but new to the latest. Right now, I'm mainly using DAZ to model some of my original characters.
Hi i am creative, primary in music but i can draw very well i was a bit focussed on human anatomy and was searching for more adult nudes to learn muscles or bones trough the skin, also pose...different shadows, and so on..
But after downloading stuff i was a bit frustrated that i dont have a 360 degree of one i crying and finally trying DAZ-3d to have a Statue i can bend how i like and view from all angles...and it was a nice experience to bend a human body to a extrem skinny zombi with a horror face and long nails...sucubus and that has me tied up.
Now i will more control over a Model, because there some things i dont like...but i post not here....
Hello guys :)
Hello there, after some time off, I wanted to come back to see the new changes on Daz :)
Hello, I have been playing around with DAZ3d for a bit now, but I'm using it to learn how to draw.
I'm Ken and I'm a graphic designers and recent installed Daz 3D. I've seen it for years but never tried it out. Really powerful.
Greetings, I'm Andy. New to 3dArt in general - been working with Daz3d for about a month, purely as a hobby. My interests are science fiction and cyberpunk style art - looking forward to learning a lot.
~ Andy
Hello World, I'm Eric.
I'm somewhat new to Daz, but not new to 3D as I've been using Blender for a couple years. I was attracted to Daz for its simple character creation, and will probably end up using it just for that then exporting the assets over to Blender for animation. I might also try my hand at creating assets for Daz at some point, starting with some nice easy custom morphs.
I'm also an amateur photographer, going back far enough that my earliest shots were done on film. Professionally, I'm a coder, mostly of business solutions, but looking to learn game dev.
Hi all,. sort of new here.
My name is Anestis, and I originally picked up DAZ Studio 11 years ago, but it's kind of sat idle. and I never got intop it. I'm looking to startup again as I start running more Tabletop RPGs, so need soemthing to create character and NPC portraits.
I was born in Australia, my parents are form Greece. I like SF, Fantasy, and Noir. I have various health issues, chronic headaches amongst them, but manage to get by.
See for the meaning of my Avatar/Icon.
Not sure what much else I can say. Want to know anything more feelf ree to ask.
Hai everyone, my friend call me koben
i an new on 3d, and found something FANTASIC in DAZ3D and i love this
and now i love makingc ustom character...
this is my first Practice thank you
Hello everyone!
I have no experiance in 3D art but I would love to be able to create simple and realistic stories.
So far I managed to render one of the characters and I am quite happpy to get that far.
Hope you have a great day :)
Hi everyone, my name is Lolita and I come from the Netherlands.
I've been using Daz3d for a couple of years (before Iray) but haven't used for the last few years.
I decided to try and pick up Daz again and it's running but having a little problems with the best settings for my renders in Iray so I hoped
to learn something about on this forum. The language in Daz is sometimes a bit of a problem for me 'cause it's not my native language.
Other than Daz3d I like to take pictures with my camera's (animal, fantasy/steampunk events, nature), listen to heavy metal and progressive rock music and
spent time with my dog, 2 cats and husband.
Hello everyone! My name is John Caruso, and even though I've dabble in DAZ Studio since about a year after it came out, I've never gotten really serious at learning it until after I retired in 2013.Anyway, i recently purchased the UltraScenery Landscape system and I am totally lost as to what to do. I tried to follow the directions in the included .pdf file, but still can't make anything. Is there another person who has also purchased this and could help me? Anything would be appreciated.
Thanks to all for reading this.
John Caruso
Mod edit to remove email address.
We don't recommend that people post their email addresses in the forum, they can be picked up by scammers and spammers.
As regards Ultra Scenery there is a long thread here,
Hey guys. I am new here and have been playing around with Daz and blender for a few months. After being very frustrated with DAZ I finally had a breakthrough. The first thing I did was built myself a really nice DAZ box with a 2070 super to handle the iray. My Mac just could not render at a decent speed without nvidia. So anyway I am delving into the forums and hooning my skills.
Hi to all, my name is Harlock1969, new daz user.
Greetings from Italy
Hi to all, my name is harlock and i am a new daz user.
Greetings from Italy
Hi all - Had Daz downloaded for a few years now. Just started using it very heavily on Saturday the 15 and accomplished a lot with animation. A little shocked actually what I achieved. Still learning a lot about the program and really love it now. Have a background in traditional illustration and cartooning as well which helps with figure posing. Can't wait to learn more about this program.
Hi, I am the Water Baron. I only just got this software and I think I already broke it,,,,, Maybe something didn't download right or something... I am not really sure, I want to try making comics with this program and have some fun playing around with all of the settings and stuff. Its all really overwhelming right now but I hope I get the hang of it soon.
Hello everyone!
My name is Ram. I am animator and 3D designer. I am new to Daz. I am user of Blender3D, Cinema4D, Apple Motion, Affinity Designer, Ilustrator, Procreate, Photshop and Final Cut Pro. I want to build realistic face. Can I use Daz to create human face from images (like faceBuilder in blender)? Please guide me. And, does my machine is good for Daz? Here is detail:
Mackbook Pro 16 inch, i9, 16GB RAM, 4GB VRAM (AMD), 1TB HDD
Thank you very much!
Hey, everyone. I'm Midnight, cosplayer and designer by day, Dazzie by night (and day when I'm dreaming about Daz). I'm a motion graphic designer and creative designer, and Daz really helps me a LOT with inspo. I do believe the art communities Im in look down on me for using Daz instead of hand-sculpting every single bit of the model from clay, lol, but it's my art and I am very proud of it. I've been dabbling for a month now, burned a loooot of cash, and created some super beautiful things. My PC isn't quite a beast, but it gets the job done (except for when it crashes my PC at 5am in the middle of an urgent order...), so I am definitely looking to upgrade soon.
I'm Zillinger. I now do a lot of online teaching and I have had an interest for visual designs for quite some time. I write a lot of literature and using Daz helps me develop some great visuals for my stories.
Daz is a great system to work with and in my short time of experience I have put together a few images. I build PC's as another hobby and have pieced together a wonderful system that renders quite quickly and looks awesome.
I hope to create some new sources for Daz as well as several visual novels and quality pics. I also have a 3d printer and have some project ideas for that too.
I had a good look through some of the work produced here on Daz and it is excellent. Some of the pics are mind bogglingly realistic.