Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • I'm DA and Daz is the backbone of my digitaladiposity niche art hobby. Daz really facilitates my creative output, allowing me to create characters and scenes with excellent impact and detail. I'm hopefully awaiting further evolution of the animation features.

  • pelupelu Posts: 3

    Hi all, you can call me Pelu, I have started using Daz a month ago more or less. It's really a nice software so far so I have positive expectations and I can't wait to make something nice with it.


  • MilanauticaMilanautica Posts: 5
    edited October 2020

    Hello Daz-Community!

    I'm Mila, living in beautiful Austria and I originally joined Renderosity back in 2007.
    There I set my first steps into the 3D world with Poser - which I REALLY enjoyed.
    I also tried Daz, Vue Xstream and Blender back then. But sticked with Poser and also made a few characters which I sold there. I loved to do promo renderings for products.
    Also remembering doing an awesome corporation with a 3D modeller and together we made a Leeloo character & clothing inspired by the movie "The fifth element"!

    While working as a full time graphic designer I tried to find time in the evenings to dive deeper into 3D.
    I always imagend how the digital characters have their own digital life and are experiencing their own stories.
    After a few years I made a break from working in the 3D area to focus more on my graphic design education.

    4 years ago I made a one year training for 3D game design & animation and again found my passion for the 3D world.
    There I learned much about the right and important material and light settings.

    I tried Daz for the first time a few months ago and was super happy with the intuitive user interface.
    So now - if I find time in the evenings after work - I enjoy working with all kinds of characters and environments, thinking about what adventures they could have in their digital world.

    Stay safe everybody and have fun creating!
    Mila ツ


    Post edited by Milanautica on
  • caihae9ohcaihae9oh Posts: 1
    edited October 2020

    hi everyone 
    my name is Cristina Murillo , I live in Durban, SA
    I would like to get new skills and some experience: I've some in illustration for online stores and online catalogues with deals and flyers

    Post edited by caihae9oh on
  • Hey all.  My name is Christopher Lauber.  I very recently started putting both Metal Earth models and paper models together in order to keep myself from going crazy.  What I plan on doing is utilizing both Daz 3D and Hexagon to develop some, then export them to a PDF file.

    What makes me who I am is the fact that I'm a very quiet person, to a point.  I served in the U.S. Marine Corps from May 2002 to May 2006, then in the U.S. Army from June 2006 to December 2015.

    Should anyone want to give me any ideas as to where I can find pictures to convert into models, please message me.

    Thank you all.

  • Hi, I'm Sam. I discovered daz on Saturday and haven't been able to stop since. Doing my first proper render now and praying my laptop doesn't melt! I do all kinds of creative things, but this is my first foray into digital art and I have to say, I'm loving it! Still loads to learn, I'm sure you'll see me asking plenty of questions around the forums!
  • Hi, 


    Does anyone know where I can get this outfit?



  • Hello everyone my name is Yanis Rabael and i am 19 years old, i was born on 3112.2000 and i am coming from Germany(Frankfurt am Main)

    I am in a professional school which is very different and i am here because i like to chat about the 3d renders.

  • How long does approval for comments last or is there something I need to do to stop it? I feel like I can't use the forum because everything I write goes into a void and I just have to hope it eventually shows up.

  • clcny20clcny20 Posts: 176

    Come on in and tell us about yourself!

    Who are you? What inspires your artistic aspirations? Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

    So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!

    Hello everyone!

    I'm Cee--in my early forties, live on Long Island, NY.  I'm a Graphic Designer, and a novelist.  Working a humdrum 9-5 doing admin work (for now).

    My artistic aspirations lean toward realistic depictions using 3D modeling; I definitely respect all genres of art, but realism always makes me pause and contemplate far longer.  I plan to learn how to use the program enough to recreate scenes from my novels, so I can have a gallery, of sorts, to send my readers to, to see their favorite scenes come to life.

    My favorite artists include Amy Lee/Evanescence, Billie Eilish--but I love all types of music.  Favorite food is definitely steak (of any kind) with potato salad.

    I think what makes me unique is that I am pretty accepting and encouraging while also being judgemental enough to nudge you in the right direction without trying to change you.  That's not easy, lol.

    I'm also trying to learn (relearn, after many years) Blender, and am bummed that they totally changed the interface so I not only have to relearn the old versions but learn a totally new one.

    Well, that's me in a nutshell.  Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk :)

  • Hi, I'm Liisa

    I'm from Estonia and English is not my first language (it shouldn't be a problem though). I do draw a lot, both digitally and traditionally and enjoy writing (novels and short stories) as much as my full work schedule allows. I'm pretty much one of the squirrels high on coffee, who can't be allowed to get bored or mistakes are made. I like to keep myself entertained and that involves great deal of curiosity on history, creative writing, science, anything art related and pretty much on anything that quirks my interest. 

    I'm sort of back to DazStudio after a decade of pause. Back then it crashed my PC in major way, so yeah, I learned what a simple strand of hair can do a PC and there went the fun. Got it again couple months ago, but only got back into it the past few weeks. Good news - it hasn't killed my PC yet. Good news nr 2 - I can vaguely recall stuff, and that's nice. I really don't know what I'm doing - it's vaguely familiar and yet not. 

    So here I am, to show off a bit and to find out the odds and ends to the weird problems, that is if I can manage to figure out the questions first. 

  • Hi Guys and fellow 3d artists, 

    I'm new to DAZ3D and am absoultely loving this software but can someone help me with this seeting seen in the pic?? why is there a block on my screen preventing me from seeing the stage? Help would be greatly appricated from you guys!!!

    4032 x 3024 - 3M
  • Hi my name is Greg.  Im very new to this   I just spent 2000 dollars on a compuer to run this software  Im having trouble getting the clothing to fit the defalt models  ie.  the child model in particular  Im willing to spend money for clothing  models and enviroments if i can just learn to use this    any help????

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited November 2020

    Hi my name is Greg.  Im very new to this   I just spent 2000 dollars on a compuer to run this software  Im having trouble getting the clothing to fit the defalt models  ie.  the child model in particular  Im willing to spend money for clothing  models and enviroments if i can just learn to use this    any help????

    All sorts of help awaits you if you post questions in the New users forums

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Hi Guys and fellow 3d artists, 

    I'm new to DAZ3D and am absoultely loving this software but can someone help me with this seeting seen in the pic?? why is there a block on my screen preventing me from seeing the stage? Help would be greatly appricated from you guys!!!

    That's a combination of things:

    You are in Iray Drawstyle, so it is pre-rendering the image area - that's the block itsellf, the grid doesn't show in the Iray drawstyle. Drawstyle is selected by clicking the icon just to the left of the button for picking the camera/view (it's labelled Perspective View in your screen shot).

    You have the thirds guide, a tool to help with compostion, enabled - that's the noughts-and-crosses grid over the Iray render. This is cotnrolled through the Viewport option menu - the lined button in the top-right corner of the Viewport, or right-click the Viewport tab at the top.

    Your render proportions don't match the screen proportions, so there's a rectangle at top and bottom which is showing the basic view rather than the itray preview and guides. If you want to render to set proportions I would advise turning on the Aspect Frame, also in the Viewport option menu. You set the render size and prioportions in the general group of Render Settings, in the Editor tab.

  • Hi, I'm LC.

    It's nice to be back. I first came in contact with DazStudio shortly way back when it had the amazing ability to kill my PC every time I moved a single patch of hair. Good news, it hasn't killed my current PC yet, so I guess there is hope this time will last. 

    I'm more interested in how clothes making works in 3d, so kinda hoping to learn about it while (at this point) relearning how it works now compared to the first round. I do have full time dayjob, so I'm slow at it. Just want to show off what I'm up to.

  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 882
    edited November 2020

    I introduced myself a while back, but wanted to throw this little tidbit from my past out here.  Mom hauled out some old photos and here's one that I don't remember dad taking during their visit to my home in Tampa, Florida circa 1996.  One of my hobbies was writing software for Apple's Newton Personal Digital Assistants, their first stylus based handheld computer.  I wrote the original movie player for those devices and it was one of the demos shown to Steve Jobs upon his return to Apple.  The folks at Apple were impressed that the Newton could do video playback and my player was the inspiration for the video players on the iPhones and iPads that followed years later.

    You can see the marker board I had in my home office area with notes on the Newton Movie Player and also some initial design work on a QuickTime VR style app (think Google Street View where you jump between 360 degree photos and look around.)  I loved writing software for the Newton.  So here's a little bit of Tech History in this photo.  And I look so young and tan back then (I was 37 years old at the time)!!


    1024 x 820 - 359K
    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • Jim....I could not figure out how to get DAZ....after 2 yrs still cant get a new password

  • hi im Rich been here for awhile first i noticed a forum so first off hello everyone and i love all of your amazing artworks second i can t see the gallery anymore what has happened to it

  • Saludos a todos, antes que nada disculparme por no usar el inglés y sinceramente, prefiero escribir en mi idioma que hacerlo mal en el vuestro. Aunque para eso está el traductor de Google. He empezado hace pocos días con Daz3d Studio y, bien, entiendo poco, lo poco que sé de inglés y más o menos lo voy sacando con intuición y probando de aquí y allá. Es algo así como querer manejar un avión cuando lo único que has aprendido hasta ahora es a montar en bicicleta.

    Ya tengo previamente otros dos programas de modelado en 3d que creo los conoceréis, Make Human y Blender. Del primero tengo la versión más actual o eso me parece y del segundo la versión 2.79, no es la actual, creo que se van ya por el Blender 2.90 o algo así, pero es que mi ordenador solo alcanza hasta la versión que tengo. Me gusta trabajar con figuras humanas en 3d aunque mi nivel es bastante básico, a ser sincero. MH lo manejo más o menos bien, aunque con Blender ando aún un poco a ciegas, sé hacer algunas cosas, pero ni un poquito de lo que la aplicación puede dar de sí.

    En cuanto a Daz3d Studio, la impresión que me he llevado ha sido un tanto agridulce. He visto cosas que me han gustado, tiene gran variedad de poses, animaciones, vestuarios, complementos, ambientes y los personajes se ven bastante realistas. Pero, aquí viene lo malo, ¿por qué me da error cada vez que quiero guardar un personaje o renderizarlo?, ¿en qué fallo?. ¿Se podrían combinar de alguna forma Make Human, Blender y Daz3d Studio como por ejemplo, exportando e importando de uno a otro?. He intentado importar de MH a Daz, con relativo éxito, relativo porque se importa el personaje, cuando es un archivo .obj, pero luego no hay manera de hacer nada con él. Si alguien pudiera ayudarme, por favor. Muchas gracias.

  • DP WESDP WES Posts: 37
    edited April 2021


    To introduce myself, I've been a programmer and sysadmin for almost 20 years combined. I've done some Photoshop and blender, but I don't consider myself a designer, just something that helped out on the odd freelance project, I pick up skills easily, nature of IT, it moves fast and it's easier to do it yourself sometimes, if it's a simple change.

    I've jumped to into Daz3d with 2 feet, I was not expecting it to be this easy to use, to be this fun. I've done a fair amount, having game, web development, and AI work. Not many compare to this yet.

    It's a while of, but I'm looking forward to doing a few interesting projects with Daz3d.

    Post edited by DP WES on
  • atenciomikeatenciomike Posts: 0
    edited December 2020

    Hey All. I have a question. I want to buy a knight jousting 3D model and print it. Is it possible to do this? 

    Secondly, I'd like to contact the artist Design_Anvil to see if he/she can sell me a printable model of knights jousting. I teach history and cannot find suitable models to print. I have a resin printer so I don't want to buy minis from companies. Can anyone tell me how to contact Design Anvil  the artist? Or does anyone have a printable file?

    Thanks, Mike

    DAZ_ann0314 said:

    Come on in and tell us about yourself!

    Who are you? What inspires your artistic aspirations? Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

    So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • atenciomike said:

    Hey All. I have a question. I want to buy a knight jousting 3D model and print it. Is it possible to do this? 

    For personal, non-commercial use yes - anything beyond that you need to open a Sales support ticket I'm afraid.

    Secondly, I'd like to contact the artist Design_Anvil to see if he/she can sell me a printable model of knights jousting. I teach history and cannot find suitable models to print. I have a resin printer so I don't want to buy minis from companies. Can anyone tell me how to contact Design Anvil  the artist? Or does anyone have a printable file?

    Thanks, Mike

    DAZ_ann0314 said:

    Come on in and tell us about yourself!

    Who are you? What inspires your artistic aspirations? Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

    So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!

  • Can you guess who this is?

  • Greetings and salutations. My name is Rod, and although I've dabbled in 3-d for many, many years, I didn't really have the time to get serious with it till recently, when I decided that I had a graphic novel inside me that just had to come out. It started as a joke over something Chuck Norris said and slowly evolved into a plot line, and then went from there. The title of the graphic novel will be "One Thousand Years of Darkness". It takes place in Innsmouth (of HP Lovecraft fame), and the main character is a female professor of Advanced Conjuring, and also teaches a few other classes such as Advanced Axe work for Fun and Profit at the Innsmouth branch of Miskatonic University. Her name is Dyan T'Meechu, not her real name but when she accidentally triggered the portal that took her to this dimension, she made a lame joke that stuck. Yes, it's gonna be dark, and corny, and strange.

    So, here I am, slowly figuring out how to use the software, and full of story lines and ideas and a hyperactive imagination, and I've got my mind set to do this, and writing a book was always on my bucket list, so here we go.

    foot odor.jpg
    1620 x 2160 - 4M
    by the power of ba-re mah-nil-o i bind thee.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • coralyncoralyn Posts: 47
    edited January 2021

    Hello, my name is Lynn. Work in industrial control in USA. Been tinckering with 3D since 2007, when I wanted to create a sample cover page for a Sci Fi novel I wrote. Ran across web sites with fantasy images - including Aiko3! Did NOT have success with the DS back then, so ended up investing in Poser6. Moved through all releases until Poser11-Pro, and then (screetch angry) P11-Pro stopped working with my Callie-6 (G2F) content, so rolled back to P10/2014 for last few years.

    Now I figure it's time to bite-the-bullet and abandon my old ways! I'm learning DS 4.14, but what to do with the 142GB of old DS content I've bought (or weekly freebies) over 15 yearsfrown . So far I'm doing it with a CLEAN BREAK. New account (& user) at, which keeps DIM from trying to download the old stuff, and I am slowly cherry-picking old stuff as-desired (& as it works!). Not much of it works very well! Makes my 'clean break' idea an easier necessary evil.

    I am having a heck-of-a-time trying to figure out modern DS lighting! (See the test with DAZ Lara and DM's Art Unlimited props below)

    (FYI - I have a 6TB drive, which holds my content, so 142GB of old A3/A4/A5/A6 content is a drop in the bucket!)


    _wow base 00b sample.jpg
    400 x 400 - 44K
    Post edited by coralyn on
  • skyeshotsskyeshots Posts: 150

    Hi, I am a photographer and corprate exec, and part time student. Most of my time is business stuff but when I have extra time I love to work in programs like Daz. Some of my work is for professional purposes, but 90% of the time I am just experimenting and learning new tricks. Glad to be here on Daz with all of you!

  • kerrykerry Posts: 74
    edited January 2021

    Hi everyone I'm Kerry, I'm a digital marketer and student (of digital marketing)

    I've been a Daz user for less than a week now and I've already made a truly terrible first hair morph, become addicted to the store and expereinced the first heartbreak of seeing a purchase reduced to 50%. Noooooo
    But the Zev0 products I prchased were well worth full price at least. I'm all about morphs so have body shape, face shape, expressions and aging.  

    It's all for my webcomic since absolute character consistency and unique looking characters is the one thing I don't want to comprimise on which is a bit wierd since I don't really care abou it in  other peoples work but the heart wants what the heart wants I guess.

    Also I'm not about to do the entire thing in Daz which is just as well as I don't think my iMac could handle it.
    More of a draw over to savetime.


    Post edited by kerry on
  • kerrykerry Posts: 74

    rodwbigelow said:

    Greetings and salutations. My name is Rod, and although I've dabbled in 3-d for many, many years, I didn't really have the time to get serious with it till recently, when I decided that I had a graphic novel inside me that just had to come out. 

    Ah, that feeling when you're just trying to go about your day and your graphic novel won't let you think about anything else.


  • rkeehnrkeehn Posts: 3

    Hello all. My name is Robert and I was  a mechanical designer with a strong background in 3D Solid Modeling. Needless to say I am burnt out and have always had an interest in graphic work. So I am here to have a try at it.

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