Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • brvsnbrvsn Posts: 213
    edited March 2020

    hi there guys, my name is leonardo and I'm from Italy.

    I just started using DAZ 3D and I have very little experience in 3d modelling, since I only used Blender to make some basic stuff needed with an android game I was working with other members of a team.

    I love design in general and I'm quite experienced with vectors and Illustrator. I wake up every day and go to sleep at night, most of the times..


    Post edited by brvsn on
  • kostenann1kostenann1 Posts: 8
    edited March 2020


    My name is Anna and I am new to Daz. I had used it once before a few years ago but gave up before I really got started. This time a good friend got me started again and I have gotten addicted and I am starting slow from the beginning. I am slowly making my way around the forum and finding tutorials and whatnot.

    Cheers, onplanners

    Post edited by kostenann1 on
  • I'm a over the 50 mark bored aries , what with this virus tragedy going on outside ALL over this world ! STAY HOME :) So, I thought I'd start a new adventure eh :) While , I still have the time ! I'll likely be off line most times as this is like re-learning who to doodle with drafting markers again ! SO HELLO , all wish me luck and for today my favorite tune is "Don't you wish it were true" by John yup FOGERTY :) steacy783 (YTube):) :) Gott'a go and see what I can do !!! I was a GRIMMs Fan way back in 1975 btw. Light a candle !!!  

    Come on in and tell us about yourself!

    Who are you? What inspires your artistic aspirations? Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

    So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!


  • cyclops08cyclops08 Posts: 15

    Hello. I am Cyclops. I am a 100% newbie to Daz. As of this minute I am downloading the basic program. I have never done anything like this before. So I will have losts of dumb questions. please be patient with me.

    I'm guessing a video tutorial is the place to start. any good links on YouTube? I'm looking at the store and I cannot find WWII costumes.

    Question 1) are there other stores available than just this site?

  • cyclops08cyclops08 Posts: 15

    2nd question...two programs did not install: Interactive lessons for DDaz Studios 4.10 and PostgreSQL CMS (Win64 bit). it stopped and does not appear to have completed. I still have the loading ICON and not a Daz shortcut. I reinstalled those two and nothing changed...Am I in trouble?

  • cyclops08cyclops08 Posts: 15

    Never mins the 2nd question. I got it installed correctly.

  • Jimmboh2Jimmboh2 Posts: 0
    edited March 2020

    Hi All,

     I just wanted to say thank you to all the people at DAZ.This is a wonderful program. i have been a 2D artist of sorts for many years with photography, painting and drawing. Always wanted to get going on 3D art and now i can :). I use DAZ studio in combination with Photoshop. Unfortunately i can't afford to buy as much as I would to. I'm retired and have a modest pension. So I have to be a little careful. But I have found a way of combining premade faces with my originals to get a new look. Bodies are easy but faces take some time. Thanks again and I'll keep up with what's going on here as i come to the site almost everyday to see what's new.

    Yours Truly


    Mod Edit :- Image attachment removed due to Nudity.   Please read the Daz 3d Forum ToS

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Hi All,

    I am Jon from Manchester in the UK.

    Very new to all this. I studied graphics many years ago now and fell out of it. I recently started to dabble again and decided to research opensource programs and came across this package and the more I looked through the types of creations you can complete the more hooked I became.

    I am currently going through the tutorials to get to grips with the features and hope to learn lots and hopefully create some really amazing work.

    Cheers, Jon

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited March 2020

    Hi All,

    I am Jon from Manchester in the UK.

    Very new to all this. I studied graphics many years ago now and fell out of it. I recently started to dabble again and decided to research opensource programs and came across this package and the more I looked through the types of creations you can complete the more hooked I became.

    I am currently going through the tutorials to get to grips with the features and hope to learn lots and hopefully create some really amazing work.

    Cheers, Jon

    Please note -  Daz Studio is Not,  repeat NOT  open source
    Daz Studio is Daz 3d's Flagship program and is currently provided free of charge, governed by the Daz EULA

    Please read the EULA before continuing using the Program

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • cejuan_pcejuan_p Posts: 4

    Hello. I'm Cejuan25. I've been using Daz Studio for about a year now.Of course I'm no pro, but i'm learning as I go along. 

    I'm looking forward to my time here, but now I've got to get back to work.C-ya in a bit!

  • Names Steven been using for a couple of years now and having fun making picture

  • icehawkicehawk Posts: 2

    Hi... i'm Dre'... I'm finally taking some time to use Daz and see what I can dream up... Haivng a problem right now... Purchased the 'UltruMarine Ocean' package ... and created someting cool... I think.. as a  begininer... but when I render it... all I see is a black page... Sort of confused ... sense when I render an object by itself.. it cam out great... Can anyone offer some suggestion on  how to solve my delima... 

  • Hi, I'm Emma and I love to draw. I'm a violinist  but I have been wanting to learn graphic design for

    about for years now so I'm pretty excited to start using daz 3d 


  • icehawk said:

    Hi... i'm Dre'... I'm finally taking some time to use Daz and see what I can dream up... Haivng a problem right now... Purchased the 'UltruMarine Ocean' package ... and created someting cool... I think.. as a  begininer... but when I render it... all I see is a black page... Sort of confused ... sense when I render an object by itself.. it cam out great... Can anyone offer some suggestion on  how to solve my delima... 

    Check Your render settings it looks like that product is ment for 3delight, the black screen could be because you are Iray rendering. Would have to see your render settings to be sure, specifaclly the enviroment tab.

  • Hello! My name is Paula! I'm an illustrator from Spain. I started using Daz few days ago. I wanted to use it to make references for comics and maybe little animations. Didn't expected it to be so addictive laugh

  • Hello Daz world. I don't post in forms much but here we go. I'm a lapsed artist but I happen upon some work done with Daz3D and was blown away. I'm disabled now days and can't use my paints or pencils very well anymore But I really miss sculpting. I find the software is kinda a mix of all those mediums. I have wanted to get this app for a long time but was pc less. Now I got one again. I'm hoping I can do things even close to what I've seen. I must admit my 1st renders looked like crap. I can't use the Iray do to my GPU and I'm having to get used to a mouse again before o had a mouse in one hand and a G-13 in other kicking orc but I'm more interested in making the monster and maiden now days.
  • Hey.. I'm new here too!! Hope i can learn a lot in this community:)


    Hello everyone! My name is Leatrice, Pronounce "Lee-Tris".  I'm a 55 year old mother, veteran and twin. I live in the bayarea. I love writing songs, making and editing film and movie time with my daughter.   hate getting up early on the weekends but I love drinking the tea my daughter makes for me. God has a sense of humor because my daughter who is a musician is 12 years old.  

    What inspires this veteran artistic aspirations is the ablility to express myself openly without apologizing. Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician?  I use to love meatloaf and it's probably good if I don't have to make it.  I gave birth to my daughter so she can cook for me, LOL.  But all jokes aside, I don't think I like meatloaf anymore.  and I didn't know that a musician such as meatloaf exist. 

     I really don't know what makes me unique other than I have a smile that would knock your soaks off.  However, this has laways been a hard question  for me to answer because I don't think any of us are unique.  I think there are levels we can achieve in life that others can't. If that makes us unique, than it means you are the only one who can do it.  Maybe unique to me would be that we are called to do something that no one else can do. Since, I don't know what that is, I will stick with my answer that I don't know what makes me unique.  Maybe after learning this software, I will find where I am most unque.  Thanks for asking. 

    So drop on by, pull up a chair, and fill us in. We'd be very pleased to meet you!


  • SoldatoSoldato Posts: 7

    Hello, new here from Italy!

    Literally started using Daz Studio yesterday. smiley 

    I would like to create photorealistic renders, and I hope to achieve that with the help of this great community.

  • how yall doing




  • Hello, my name is Joshua Okonkwo. 

    I am from Abia, Nigeria. 


    My inspiration with modelling is that I have a really busy imagination and so, I like to create my own world. I wanted to learn using Blender in the past, but stopped, now I'm back to 3D modeling and in my search I found this wonderful site, a lot better with a really good learning curve for beginners. 


    So, today is my first day creating with Daz 3D, here's my work. 



    first render.png
    458 x 532 - 212K
  • rafidewrafidew Posts: 180

    Hi everybody, 

    I'm Rafi, I'm a student from Germany. Been using DAZ Studio for about two months now, and really am enjoying my time.
    I really dig digital art in all its forms and varieties, have dabbled in everything from game programming to digital audio workstations.
    I hope everyone's doing great, be careful and stay safe. But most importantly, keep up the Good Vibes.

    Thanks for your inspiration, and we'll meet again.

    1200 x 800 - 329K
  • Hallo my Name Indra Setia From Bandung Indonesia , 



    edited April 2020

    Hello, my name is Steelmythos. I have always wanted to create a universe.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • xavalonxavalon Posts: 5

    Hello. My name is Mert.

  • I came here because I am bored and want to start animating for youtube. Do you think I could make 2-d animations here?


  • brettpvbrettpv Posts: 0

    Hello everyone!  My name is Brett.  A lot of my friends call me Trig after a character I used to play and the web comic I made about her.

    I like science documentaries, alternative music, and a good cup of coffee.  I'm very good at Adobe Photoshop but have no experience with 3D art. 

    Jumping into Daz 3D is a HUGE transition for me and I'm excited and nervous.  I'm going to need a lot of help and patience.  LOL

    Anyways, it promises to be an adventure!


  • Greetings, 

    My name is Robie. I am kind of new to Daz. Been playing with it for years, but just now really starting to get into it. Using it to create an online fantasy comic called Sapphire's Dream. So far having a lot of fun with it and enjoying th community. 

  • JameRussell2010JameRussell2010 Posts: 1
    edited April 2020

    Hi, I am James, got the basic DAZ 3D and downloaded it a year ago, but my computer went south and I lost all of it and I just started now with DAZ 3D again, and have been having some problems with the installation. I have never been involved with it in my life, spent most of my life working on roads, cutting trees and driving big rigs and doubles. Have an awesome day!

    Post edited by JameRussell2010 on
  • hello my name is vicky i just found out about daz


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