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Hello. Nice to meet you all.
I'm Jan Erik from Norway. A friend recommended DAZ Studio to me a while back, but I haven't really started seriously with the software until now. So I'm very much a beginner at the moment. I'm approaching DAZ Studio as a hobby photographer. It is encouraging that one still have to use methods such as compostition, focal lengths, lighting and gesture in order to get the most out of the renders. Granted, there are plenty of techincal stuff to master as well, but this is why I am here on these forums.
Other users have been able to produce nearly photo realistic results with this software, so hopefully, in time, I will be able to reach the same heights. I'm well versed in Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom, so I'm very much looking forward to the post processing part. I've enjoyed that part grealy in my photography, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it with my renders as well.
I think it's fantastic that software such as DAZ Studio even exists. Combined with the DAZ marketplace, it allows us mortals to play around with and have fun with somewhat realistic 3D rendering without breaking the bank.
A big thank you to the DAZ team, and a big appreciation to my fellow DAZers in here. I'll see you around. And happy rendering.
I'm Wolf, or go by gaming circles as WolfWraith. I can only say that what pushed and pushes me to attempt this journey to be a 3D Daz creator I guess I could say is, All of YOU. My gods, the creativity and thoughts and inpsirations you all have and share is just brilliant. It has pushed me to attempt this and see where it leads. I love good sushi, and have already gatthered a few props that were free to start trial and error with. But also trying out these new tools, to create with, is more to what feeds me. Currently I'm rendering my 3rd item, to try right now. I have watched a few tutorials and am getting (I think) better as I progress but damn you Shaper Mixer, I am banging my head into oblivion with that. :) Just call me Wolf, and if you see me on the forums or somewhere in a game as WolfWraith, hit me up I am always sure to help out.
Be well and enjoy your creations.
Hello, I'm Brint, I'm Been a comercial Artist, and a singer. I've done just about everything there is to do. Cause I had to try it out. A number of years ago, I bought me a hang glider and put it together. Read the book how the princapals of hang gliding. took it out. got a hight where I figured I wouldn't kill my self. Then I ran all the way down the hill without getting in the air. so I figured that I pulled down on hang glder and didn't let it catch the air under it's wings, Then I walked up the hill, and ran down again. this time I let the air get under the wings an all of a sudden my feet weren't touching the ground. At this point my mind went blank, I was thinging I"m in the air!,I"m in the air, and proceed to crash. No big din't damage my hang glider, nor did I get dameged, I did have a helmet which saved a bump on my head. then seen a guy giving Hang Gliker lessons. The rest was history. I just like so many things. When I saw Poser in about 1996 I saw the tool to That I had to. I use to work at a TV Startion as an Artist. The only way we could do an animation back then was on film. Which was to expencive back then. But back then Animation for TVs Poser couln't do the quality needed. and I moved on from TV into other areas. Well thats my story and I"m sticken to it. Things have came such a long way since those those early days with Poser The quality with the the Charactures are amazing DAZ has an ocean That I want to use when I get a powerful Computer that will let me animate it. hoping with real time in DAZ Iray, and hoping LIve Rendering in the near future. it's going to happen you can be on it.
Hi all, Names Bryan and im looking forward to incresing my skill set.
Hello, my (nick)name is pacificripper and I got it duringsurfing days and the name stuck. I am picky about meatloaf and I obviously enjoy the open water. Back in the early 2000's I learned how to do 3D modeling using 3DSMax but I haven't used my skills I learned then because I went somewhere else in life. I recently got into Daz 3D out of curiousity and I am enjoying it so far other than some UI issues I am experiencing lately. Overall, it's a great program and a vast improvement to the old version of Poser I used in college.
My name is Jacob, and I've been doing 3D art for about a year and a half now. I got into looking at some awesome renders on Tumblr, and stumbling across Daz when looking for 3D programs. I read the forums everyday, but this will be my first time posting! I'm excited to join and be a part of this wonderful community. You guys are all so very helpful, and I've learned a lot of stuff by reading your replies. I can't wait to add my voice to it!
Hi, I'm Ken, and I'm a returned 3Daholic. Somehow I managed to go dry for about 6 years....
Hi, I`m new here, DAZ is still pretty to me, luckily i have a dear friend who helps me with the many things you have to master. Oh yes my name is Inga Klein. Whom should i contact if i have a problem?
Hello, my name is Bud Rudesill. I'm an experienced artist (painting, sculpting, etc.) and fairly competent on a computer, though I started back when the IBM 1620 was the model T of computers (first mass produced transister computer) with punch cards and programed with Fortran. Keeping up with new inovations is hard for an old foggie. I loaded the free version of DAZ 4.12 Pro several days ago and I find it to be the most confusing and user unfriendly program since I purchased a Mac and tride to edit images in Photoshop. I presume most of the people who use this program are Apple users. Even this forum is confusing and/or primitive (no place that I can find to create a profile) and it took me several tries to get on the forum before I scrolled to the bottom of this page and found an invitation to join it (not at the top where it would be obvious). The tutorials don't deal with any significant details that can't easily be figured out by playing with the icons. The people who are answering questions have obviously been working with 3d programs for years and can't understand the simple questions being asked by newbies that aren't otherwise completely obvious. Like DIM won't accept my password, so I can't do anything with DIM.
So I'm here now. I have no Avatar or screen name, and I have a ton of questions. I hope the sky will open and a bright light will shine down and enlighten me on how to negotiate this touchy-feely, right-brained program.
OK to start with lets help you register a forum username. follow this link
On that first panel where it says Name and email, click the edit on the left. That brings you to this page
Screen shot to make sure you change the right part as it is a wee bit confusing.
Hope that helps.
The new User forum is designed to help new users and is manned by some very helpful people called Cummunity Volunteers (CVs) and others also pop in to help.
BTW you will actually find more people use PCs than Macs, but one of the dedicated CV is our Mac guru if you need help
No, that information is too basic. For startere, how do I get an avatar like everyone else on here has?
Next question while I'm at basics, how do I get notification when someone responds to something I post?
Click the little gear icon at top-right of this page, then from the menu that opens click your name - that will go to your profile. Then click the gear icon on the same line as your name and select Edit Profile
Click Change My Picture in the list of options down the right-hand side, click Browse to select the image, once you have it click the Upload button
Click Notification Settings at the top of the list on the right of the Edit Profile page.
Thank you.
Hi there,
Wonder if someone can help me! I have exported a model from CAD ( a dome) saved as a 2 sided OBJ file. When I put in carrara some of the 2 sided parts become 1, which means when I look from outside the wall is opaque as I wanted, but when I'm inside the dome looking out the wall is not there. Why?
Well i'm not actually new user here, but i have never being active in this site because i'm a dark NSFW artist, so most of my pics can't be displayed here. But i love to read this forums and learn so much from you, so... hello!
My name is FastestDogInTheDistrict! I have begun learning and tinkering with DAZ3D and Blender. I used to make armor & character mods for Skyrim on Nexus using 3dsMax a while back and had a lot of fun doing it. Making top-quality content for DAZ looks a lot harder, but just as fun! I'm aiming to make some good & useful things - which is going to take some trial and error and a lot of questions!
Hi..... my name is thedouf.
In the folder # 63513 Z Artists muse environment and poses..... what's the name of the clothing for Genesis 3 or 8 Females in the painting.
Thank's a lot.
Hello, i am Simone from Italy ^_^
I have started my passion for 3D thanks to Poser Pro/11 and DAZ Victoria4/Micheal 4 models which i have used for years. But i wasn't too much satisfied, because i was searching for realism... i have tried many characters (free and commercial), but none of them was good for me. So i have decided to try Daz studio and genesis models: at first i was doubtful, now i'm impressed and happy to render with these tools. In my opinion Daz Studio is very fast to render, i can achieve good results in a few time. Every rendering is great!
So i like to thank you for your work, keep it up :)
Ok, so I haven't been able to make any posts because I don't really know why? I've tried to make two- one gave something about needing to be approved by a mod, and the other didn't post at all for some reason. Maybe posting here will fix that?
I'm Seronita, and I've been using Daz Studio off and on since 2003 or so (I know it says 2004, but I'm pretty sure it was '03). Currently messing around doing pwToon renders. Currently in coastal Texas.
Hi I have been using Poser for over 20 years
However I want to give Daz3D a shot again.
There is just so much available for Gen 8 now, and I like the look of the Gforce clothing
However, I do find it takes for ever to render relative to Poser, but I assume it is my lack of Daz3D knowledge right?
I see there is a video course for about $40 avaialble right now. I am likely to take this course.
I am buying a new computer this one is on its way
""CyberPowerPC - Gaming Desktop - Intel Core i7-9700K - 32GB Memory - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super - 2TB Hard Drive + 512GB SSD - White""
i assume the SSD might help with program speed when it comes to rendering.
Anyhow if you have any suggestions for an animator using Dax3D please fill my boots.
I was told also that poses and expressions for Genesis 2 and 3 and any related pose products should work with Genesis 8?
like this pose package for G-2?
and effect sytem ?
thank you
Hello, I'm new to DAZ 3d and would like to use it to have some fun and see some of my fictional characters show some life.
Welcome!!! These forums are a great place to learn and to share your creations
I played some games which were created with DAZ and began to play myself. I am civil engineer so I know things about 3D modelling, maybe later I will also make contents for DAZ. But for now, I am still very beginner with DAZ.
I have a problem. Outdoor scenes work fine.
I began to try the lighting, indoor, and got stuck.
This is a simple interior:
It is dark rendered thats ok:
I add some lights, looks great in preview:
And see how it looks rendered:
Nothing happens!!! But why?
Thanks for the answers :)
Hello everyone. I am a fresh member of this community, a male from the Czech Republic (EU). I have been using the nickname "Watchdog" on the Internet since before the end of the last millenium. Yes, I am that ancient.
I am a roleplayer, a big fan of science fiction, fantasy, postapocalyptic settings and Steampunk. I love creating scenes in the videogames I play, and I love creating short stories about them. My most favourite "tools" so far have been staged screenshots from Fallout 4 (heavily modded) and ESO - Elder Scrolls Online. I love creating thematic settlements in Fallout 4 and thematic houses in ESO, and again, writing short stories about them. The clumsiness of the whole screenshots taking and editing had me thinking about finally putting my wits together and learning something about 3D art, and, well... here I am.
I made a few purchases since my registration yesterday and I created my first rendered scene in DAZ 3D a while ago. It took 20 minutes to render the scene, and I thought my new gaming PC was good. That render has 24 MB. Wow. I had to reduce it by saving it as JPG. The scene is nothing overly fancy, just a Genesis 8 female in an outfit, with some make-up and an angry facial expression, having just slashed a troll with her polearm in a forest. I know it is rough, and it cannot be compared to some masterpieces I have seen around here, but it is my first one. I think I have found a new hobby. There is so much to learn and there is so much room for improvement.
Here is a link to my first rendered scene:
Hello, I am Rob, New here and for all rendering 3D things, inspired by nice pictures which was created by other people, dont push hard and be ready for stupit questions, Thanks
Hello, I am known as Gryphon SeedDancer. I love to create art and so glad that I ran into Daz only 2 years ago. I am still learning and hoping to get into some of the video animation later. I think the artist/creators that contribute to this site are truly amazing. Most of the art that I create will have some mystical or magickal feel to it. I love fantasy and it always seems to creep along when I am creating.
Hi, I'm Olo. As my signature says, I'm a dabbler in 3D image creation. I hope to do some illustrated short stories once I become a bit better at this stuff. I am just now dipping my toe into the waters of content creation: Marvelous Designer and Sculptris and soon, Substance Painter. Cheers, all, and thanks to the creators and forum moderators that answer questions so patiently.
I've attached an example of the kind of portraits I'm striving to create. Hope you all like it !