Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • dakwolf60dakwolf60 Posts: 12

    Hi, my name is David, I’m retired Army living in Florida, you know the golden years LOL. I joined DAZ in February and learned a new way of drawing and it keeps me busy when theres nothing to do, It took me a while to get use to rendering, but with the tutorials on YouTube and in DAZ I get by. Now if my stuff was as good as some of these other, I would be very happy. 

    Nice to meet you all

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  • Hey all,

    My name is Tim (key_framer on here). I recently stumbled upon Daz3D, but have been in the 3D world since the late 90's. I work in the video game industry as an animator and character TD. I've really only ever used Maya and/or Motionbuilder. Years ago (circa mid/late 90s) I played with Poser though. That was part of the reason why I ended up in Art School and wanting to learn how to animate/rig!

    My main purpose with Daz3d is to help me get fun models back to Maya for me to animate personal projects with. Modeling is something I've never really had a passion for. I've been looking for a way to get (clean/well made) models to play with outside of asking my coworkers :). Daz3d has some amazing tools for me to play with! I'm excited to see where this heads...


  • Hi!

  • AEgamesAEgames Posts: 13

    Hello my name is Alex and new to 3D character/model creation. Currently working on my 1st 3D game and it looks like Daz3D Studio is what I can use.

  • Hello my fellow DAZ'ers. I am JJ and I am so very much into 3-D and Animation. I am thoroughly excited about this new path. I can't wait to get started.

  • janemoodyjanemoody Posts: 0

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Jane, and I am a 30 year old (31 on July 5th). I am currently finishing my BA in Game Art and Development, in my senior year :). I have used Maya, 3ds Max, Blender, UE4, Mudbox, basically any free 3d modeling & game engine software. Hopefully, this software will be easy to get the hang of since I know how to use the ones I listed. I do not like the food meatloaf, and very seldom listen to Meatloaf, I would rather listen to hard rock and metal, not soft or alternative rock. 

  • hi there. Im new here and from the UK.  I always loved to draw when i was growing up and i spend many a hour on second life. Recently i discovered Daz and ive started to play about with it and ive really been enjoying creating things with it so far. Im a big geek so i like making sci-fi renders. Here \re some of my favs so far. You can follow me on instagram darth_punk_uk

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  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,911

    Hey everyone! Just starting out with DAZ and will probably have a whole bunch of noob questions :) I'm pretty proficient in Photoshop though, perhaps I can give a little back to the community that way. Cheers!

  • noprornopror Posts: 20

    Hi. My name is Max, But on the network, I usually use nickname Limfoman

    I do computer graphics (mostly for games). I like to mix 3D and 2D components. In my free time I write prose, screenplays and develop settings. I have my own game project, which I hope to bring to the end someday.

    Couch-based metaphysical, self-taught philosopher, master of procrastination.

    Nice to meet you.

    363 x 418 - 85K
  • Hi everyone, my name is Kristy. Many moons ago, I used to do textures for 3D models, I have been out of the game for so long, I feel kind of lost. ha ha  Excited to get back into it and play, nice to meet everyone!

  • commaitecommaite Posts: 3

    Bonjour, hello,

    I'm Greg

  • I'm only typing this because I need to see if I have an avatar and nickname :P

  • objreaderobjreader Posts: 0
    edited July 2018

    My name is Patrice Terrier, and i am the co-author of the freeware ObjReader64 3D viewer.

    I would like to have a clarification about the use of DAZ exported models into my viewer.
    For example i have exported the SuperGirl, and created a specific material file with specific textures to give it the look of an "Hajime Sorayama" model, as you can see below

    In the spirit of Hajime Sorayama


    My question is, for the purpose of tutorial, can i put this reworked model (.obj + .mtl + textures) on my private forum without breaking the DAZ copyright ?
    Of course the credit will be given to DAZ as the creator of the original model.

    Thank you for your time and a great piece of software.

    Patrice Terrier



    Post edited by Chohole on
  • objreader said:

    My name is Patrice Terrier, and i am the co-author of the freeware ObjReader64 3D viewer.

    I would like to have a clarification about the use of DAZ exported models into my viewer.
    For example i have exported the SuperGirl, and created a specific material file with specific textures to give it the look of an "Hajime Sorayama" model, as you can see below

    In the spirit of Hajime Sorayama


    My question is, for the purpose of tutorial, can i put this reworked model (.obj + .mtl + textures) on my private forum without breaking the DAZ copyright ?
    Of course the credit will be given to DAZ as the creator of the original model.

    Thank you for your time and a great piece of software.

    Patrice Terrier



    No, you may not put the OBJ up for others to access under the daz EULA. You could post instructions or write a DS script to export the OBJ so that your tool could access it and work on it, if that was possible (DS can launch other applications so you could even write a script to automate the whole process if your tool takes suitable command line options).

  • objreaderobjreader Posts: 0

    Ok, thank you for your answer.

    I asked because i thought the export function was meant to ease the import into another application, at least this is what i was accustomed to with other softwares.

    Patrice Terrier


  • objreader said:

    Ok, thank you for your answer.

    I asked because i thought the export function was meant to ease the import into another application, at least this is what i was accustomed to with other softwares.

    Patrice Terrier

    That is what the exporters are for, the issue here is the content license - the base license covers 2D output (images or animations), though you can use multiple applications (via Import/Export or bridges) in producing the 2D artwork.

  • objreaderobjreader Posts: 0
    edited July 2018

    What if i want to import a DAZ man or a woman character mesh, to put inside or aside of a 3D vehicle of my own (created with C4D), and render the resulting 3D composition within my own viewer, this is not allowed because the DAZ3D license allows me to create only 2D output (screen shot or video), is that right ?.
    Sorry to ask this again, because the eula is written in english that is not in my native language.


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • emanuela1emanuela1 Posts: 581

    Hello, I am Emanuela, I know daz Studio and love it since a long time, but I am a self learning and usually I do another job, really different from 3d cg world, so I have only a little bit of my free time to spend for my hobby. So despite the time spent, I remain at the amateur level, with more things to learn than I know, a type of "old new user".  For this reason often my works seems to me not good enough to share. Now I have changed mind and decided to try to send some renders. I'll try to partecipate to the New User's Challenge - July 2018. It's the first time I show, so I hope you don't judge them really awful.




  • objreader said:

    What if i want to import a DAZ man or a woman character mesh, to put inside or aside of a 3D vehicle of my own (created with C4D), and render the resulting 3D composition within my own viewer, this is not allowed because the DAZ3D license allows me to create only 2D output (screen shot or video), is that right ?.
    Sorry to ask this again, because the eula is written in english that is not in my native language.

    You can use anythign you like to render - and share the resultant 2D images or animations. What you can't sahre is the 3D data, in its original form or modified, which is what you initially seemed to be asking about.

  • xavieratorxavierator Posts: 146


    My name is Xavi

    I don't have knowlodge about DAZ 3D

    I just install Daz and follow the 1st tutorial.

    At this moment I prefer to buy products and compose my own scenes

    Kind regards, Xavi


  • dougd9dougd9 Posts: 0

    Hello.Peeps. i am fairly new to daz3di just recently got a new computer an loaded daz3d on it, but y'm unavle to look some of the items i had before..Vickoria4.4. amy of the basic stephanie mods. i know a lot of it is i prefer free. see i am a legally blind military vet an momer is tight,please help

  • eelfimeelfim Posts: 0


    My name is Elfim, I like to draw and do comics , Just a hobby. I know about Daz3D/Poser a some years but never to try use because never have a good Pc do do. Now i have and start use this. Creating my characters and thing do some animations. I'm learning all,the results ever are cool,but i know that can do much better. 

    One horizon of possibilys oper for me ,step by step when i learn about Daz.

    Greetings for alls

    *Sorry for english erros.



  • Hey all!  Newbie here!  Been playing with Daz a little over a month now.  Loving the capabilities of where technology and artistic freedom are allowing us to go now!  I’ve been a photographer and hobby artist my whole life!  I’ve always LOVED working in photoshop (20 years now) and decided to take a deep dive into Daz now.  I’m also planning on working in Blender as I start wrapping my head around the technologies.  I’m focused on photorealism and beauty shots from a “photographers” point of view. Maybe some sci-fi stuff later down the road.  For now, I’m trying to learn to tweak Daz and get as realistic as I can with each step.  I have a future interest in modeling my own props and clothing/accessories.  Looking forward to sharing and learning from everyone.  I’m a USAF Vet, working in my 3rd and final career (I hope), before I retire in about 18 years.  I’m 50 now!  Rendering on a Dell Precision M6700 Mobile workstation with 32gb Ram.  Renders average me about 3-4 hours with an acceptable level of detail.  I’ve played with 8 hour renders recently, but it seems like the longer a render goes, they start looking fake, or a little like shiny plastic.  Anyway, looking forward to sharing!!  

  • hi everybody!! Hola a todos!!

    Soy Alejandro y hace dos meses que estoy aprendiendo a usar este programa!! realmente es muy adictivo y cada vez esta mejor!! Saludos!!

  • handyman4545handyman4545 Posts: 408
    edited August 2018

    I'm a "zero" level, rendering beginner.

    I'm also an author with published material that I'm thinking about animating either as a video or as additional book graphics. 

    Any advice or assistance anyone is willing to provide is appreciated.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,957

    Hey all!  Newbie here!  Been playing with Daz a little over a month now.  Loving the capabilities of where technology and artistic freedom are allowing us to go now!  I’ve been a photographer and hobby artist my whole life!  I’ve always LOVED working in photoshop (20 years now) and decided to take a deep dive into Daz now.  I’m also planning on working in Blender as I start wrapping my head around the technologies.  I’m focused on photorealism and beauty shots from a “photographers” point of view. Maybe some sci-fi stuff later down the road.  For now, I’m trying to learn to tweak Daz and get as realistic as I can with each step.  I have a future interest in modeling my own props and clothing/accessories.  Looking forward to sharing and learning from everyone.  I’m a USAF Vet, working in my 3rd and final career (I hope), before I retire in about 18 years.  I’m 50 now!  Rendering on a Dell Precision M6700 Mobile workstation with 32gb Ram.  Renders average me about 3-4 hours with an acceptable level of detail.  I’ve played with 8 hour renders recently, but it seems like the longer a render goes, they start looking fake, or a little like shiny plastic.  Anyway, looking forward to sharing!!  

    Photographers are my heroes! They are an invaluable influence for my 3D rendering/composition!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,906
    edited August 2018

    Hiya, everyone. I'm a second-time noobie, who only started learning Daz Studio a couple of weeks ago. My first attempt at getting into it was years back, and I think the DS version I downloaded had Victoria 2. I downloaded some stuff at school, which I brought home on USB sticks. Then I graduated, and got stuck with the dial-up connection at my house, and pretty much... forgot about Daz. No new toys. :(

    I got my interest in 3d art back when one of my good online buddies (who used to be a member here, maybe still is) posted a render she did of some of her original characters. She's been helping me figuring things out, and explaining what's what. laugh

    I've been active in the Sims community since 2004, and I play Sims 2 and 3. My most common username is TigerAnne, and if I can figure out how to change it, that will be the name I'll be using here as well. I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple of familiar names, too. 

    Maybe I'm not so much an "artist" as a story-teller, in any medium. Making statements, and conveying important messages about the human condition, isn't really my game. If I do, I'm probably joking. I'm no well of wisdom. 

    Other relevant facts about me: I love cats, in all their weird glory. During my life, I've lived with four of them. I'm a huge fan of British police/detective dramas, both old and modern. When I'm bored, or can't sleep, I read horror stories on Reddit. I'm a very good slacker-chef, and possibly addicted to red onions. My favourite "science" is cryptozoology. I'm pretty ecclectic, and don't have any defining aesthetic style. 

    Yep, that's about it.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • hi i am user of 3ds max , blnder obj files  and developed and sold models on cg trader . ho do become a seller on daz 3d and do they allow environemnt models . what are the procedures 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    @512pixeldesigner    If you go to this help page and scroll down, there is a section for Published Artists. There is a section called How Do I Become A Published Artist?

  • Hi.

    I'm Tony and I have started trying to work with Daz for a particular project, but I think that what I need is beyond my capability. Does anyone offer services to make specific items of clothing? That way I might be able to do the rest.

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