Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • Hi, I'm Michael Jay. I've been using Poser for some years now but I thought I'd try Daz3D simply because there is so much activity in the Daz community. Where I may go months before seeing anything like action over with Poser, I'll see it on a daily basis over here.


    That said, so far I've been a bit flumoxed by the Daz. I've just downloaded and I can't seem to make heads or tails of it. The interactive tutorials seem to freeze up in the middle of play, for one thing. For another, nothing on my screen looks quite like what it is supposed to look like according to the user guide. So I'll be looking for lots of help from all the sages here :-)




    The screen diffrence is probably partly down to Darkside being the current default style, but the guide was made with Mainstreet. You can chnage to match by going to Window>Style>Select Style. The default layout has also changed to accomodate changes in DS itself - however the Render Settings pane itself has changed a lot (the guide was written before Iray was added).

  • Thanks again!

  • EC3DEC3D Posts: 131

    Hello and happy new year!

    It's the first of 2018 and I decided to pop in briefly introduce myself.  I'm somewhat beginner level creator who has recently found an interest for 3d that has exploded into a driving passion to improve. I work a full time 9-5 type job during the day so it's quite hard to produce in the way that I would like, yet that doesn't stop me from trying. I'm 30, and I've always been heavily into most things involving computers and games or otherwise digitally created. My earliest memories of this are sitting on the floor with my family playing Rad Racer for the original Nintendo.  The interest has only increased with the advancement of the technology we have over the years.

    What's different now is that I've discovered it is possible for me to create in this medium as well. I'd always said "Wow, that's cool, I wonder how they did that," and then assumed it must be way too complicated without some kind of "formal training." Thanks to communities much like this one some of the bad illusions have been dispelled and I can finally start shape things the way I imagine.

    Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and efforts, hopefully I can repay it someday!


    Here is a little more on where I'm at:

    Programs/Learning paths implemented:

    Blender:  This is where the process actively began. It started with modding a game asset, and in my obsessive way I had to know every step of the method in-depth. It turned into an entire hobby instead of a means to an end, and I've been building models for various things since, trying to improve, learning where I can based on a current project. There's still a mountain of knowlege to learn before I even consider myself proficient.

    Substance Painter/Designer: This is usually where I have the most fun with 3d. I find that after I've created even simple models that the most satisfying part is texturing them. About 6 months into Blender I looked into Substance, and it caught my interest enough to invest in a subscription and try it out. Of course there are a lot of alternatives, but this one just happens to be the one that grabbed my attention and was affordable to me. I've always  liked looking at the texture of things both in 3d and real life, but there is usually something I'd like a little different. Although I've only scratched the surface of Designer,  I've been amazed at the results in exploring PBR rendering, especially in conjunction with Blender Cycles, and IRay.

    ZBrush: I was absolutely stunned by the artwork I've seen created with this program, both professionally and otherwise. I'm not even sure what to say because I've not had the time to give Zbrush the attention it deserves to my workflows. I've honestly barely used it, and it wasn't until someone asked me to make something that required me to get out of my comfort zone, which is hard-surface models in blender. I cant wait to learn and use this more.

    DazStudio:  Daz first appeared to me when while browsing DeviantArt, and googling 3d characters, with no real purpose other than that I enjoy seeing what people create. Many of the artists mentioned IRay rendering, and that led me here. At first I just wanted to give DS a try as a rendering solution for my models. Prior to daz the only programs I've come across for excellent rendering have been beyond my range at this point, like Cinema 4d which almost gave me a heart attack when saw the price. Marmoset looked promising, but I'm glad I stuck with Daz. It's become a lot more to me than an alternative to Cycles. Mostly because of the community support, and the content creators.

    So, I'm looking forward to bringing you some useful content in the hopefully not too distant future, once I've completed my first project to personal satisfaction, and community standards.


  • I'm Peter, I'm 34 from NY: I'm mostly interested in the idea of creating 3D charaters, and it's great to have a program that's specifically designed for this purpose (and one that's free).

  • Hi friends. By profession, I'm a writer and composer/producer. My next personal project is an epic (aren't they all?) science fiction graphic novel entitled "Gynaetopia," set many thousands of years in the future. Right now, I intend to learn the software by making images and short animations demonstrating the setup and correct use of a suite of electronic health products.

    Kind of jumping in at the deep end here, because I think I'll have to build models of each item.

    I bought Poser 11 first, but didn't fall in love with the results very much because I felt the real people I was trying to create looked like they were made out of wood. Most likely doing something wrong, but I decided to move on to Daz3D, bought more stuff than I should have as a learner, and I'm still at the WTF stage with it.

    Hey ho!

  • My name is Emilio.

    I'm writing from Brazil.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,020

    Welcome to all you new folks this new year. 

  • Hello, my name is Paul.

    (everybody around shouting like in a support-group for DAZ addicted: Hi Paul)

    Yeah with the new year i thought it's time to introduce myself, after I've read so much in this forum in recent months, been using DAZ since late 2016, played around with any stuff I could find to get into it.

    I always render pics in DAZ for myself, maybe as desktop wallpaper. I never start with "today I wanna render that exact scene I imagine". And even if I do, i mix stuff as I play around in the scene and a bunch of totally different render come out during the day. Always done that for fun like others like to draw real drawings or such.

    Really got into G3F back then and later what G8 might offer as it came out. In fact I was so into it, felt that must be it, never bought stuff before and then I had to get the V8 Pro Bundle.

    So what can I say, here I am, I looked into my render library and picked out an old one from these days to say hello.

    The fun thing about this one was that I wanted to place two planes 90deg to each other to simulate a studio and play with lights, but I manually rotated the second plane and stopped for a second and did something else: just rotated 5deg by Z axis and 10deg by X, added one distant light from a few meters away, poing from above in direction over knees and head into the distant, camera no head lamp. I just added the dome and saw it's texture, so I applied that texture as diffuse color of the two planes cuz they looked boring otherwise.

    I don't know how that rippled shadow hapened out of a sudden and could never replicate it, but I was happy with it. Rest was adjusting the pose to the plane. Oh and she had to have red hair cuz somehow I though of the human Kerrigan in Starcraft 2.

    So yeah, hello. :)


    v8 liz red-hair aka sarah.png
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • IngridIngrid Posts: 30

    My name is Ingrid and I am from Germany. I have DAZ quite a time but did not work much with it. I will start now but I have a question. I saw that we can link another PC to the installed DAZ connect content/cloud. Would be awful I had to install all that stuff to the laptop or when I get a new PC.

    How can I link to the desktop to use as server for the other PC and better ... how can I get all my content which is installed on the desktop via DAZ connect to a new PC?

    I know there had been a tutorial how to put a PC or NAS as server to access the DAZ connect offline content.
    As I would like to take the laptop with me to hospital I would need al my content on there. Any hints and links for me how to do it?

  • cybelleandreacybelleandrea Posts: 3
    edited January 2018

    Hi, I'm Cybelle and I want to learn how to create amazing (porn) CGI characters. I am a noob to this tools so I will appreciate any sort of help and/or guidance from experts/more advanced users. Thanks.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Hello!  My name is Carrie, just downloaded Daz about two or three weeks ago?  Never done anything like this before though I am a photographer so I'm familiar with PS. Getting the hang of it, slowly but surely.  Lighting is driving me crazy already.  :p  Just gonna keep hackin' away at it until I figure it all out!  :)

  • Hey gang!  Pretty new here.  I've played around a very small amount with DAZ Studio so far.  I've done photo manipulation type of work for a long time in various Paint Shop type programs but want to get more into what DAZ can do.  Just joined the Platinum Club.  I'm looking for some guides on some of the basic stuff I should get/buy (mainly interested in female models, various clothing sets, settings, etc.).  I'll poke around more on the formums too looking for some helpful hints on what I should get and download.  Nice to be here!

  • RobertaGiantessRobertaGiantess Posts: 2
    edited January 2018

    Hello, the name's RobertaGiantess. I am new to Daz and 3D Modeling in general. Just came to say hi and learn how to make the best renders. Thanks. 

    Post edited by RobertaGiantess on
  • Hey my name is Odein Peart, but you just call me Deano i want to  learn how to backgrounds

  • Hello all,

    Myself Oacklando. Newbie here. I just signed up into this community. Please accept me guys.

    Thank you!

  • RobertaGiantessRobertaGiantess Posts: 2
    edited January 2018

    Oops sorry for the double post.

    Post edited by RobertaGiantess on
  • Hi my name is . . .Well, on 3D forums i go by Leather-Guy, (or leatherGuyver), as I make my living making and selling leather art.  I've been into Poser for many many moons (since version 1, and before - I read an announcement about a "virtual artists mannequin" program in a PC magazine back before 2000, and called kai's group every 2 months to find out if/when it was going to be released.)  I really got into it when Poser4Pro(?) came out, and I've updated every version since.  PoserPro 11 now,  But I actually haven't been using it much the past couple or 7 years due to time and health restraints.  I've been hearing and readng great things about DS, mainly the capabilities of the Genesis figures, and I've been buying DS/Genesis "assets" for a couple of years.  This year I had a couple weeks off in January, and I resolved to use it getting to know DS. 

  • Hello,

    My name is Larry Fuller and I am a long time Rosity, DAZ and most other related sites member - over 15 years in most cases - and I am intermittently active on some boards, mostly Rosity (Larry F), with intermittent being the operative word. Over time I have bought a whole bunch of stuff, much of which used sparingly, sometimes not at all. 

    By example, yesterday while pillaging through some old Zip drives I discovered I had a couple of characters I had bought that required Vittorio 4.2, which I must have had at some point, but have yet to find, but still might. I don't see it on Daz or Rosity, so thinking it might be defunct and/or perhaps a set of morphs. Whatever, I'd like to find (buy) it, as the 2 characters for it look promising.

    Does anyone know where Vittorio 4.2 can be found? Might I have it already as part of Victoria 4 and just don't realize it? Whatever guidance gratefully appreciated. Thanks!

  • Howdy,

    This is a test. This is only a test. If this were more than a test the message would contain more than blathering.

    Thank you,


  • I've messed around with Poser, Daz3D and Lightwave3D forever and I've never introduced myself.  Labyrinth's comment about test... ony a test... more than blathering, got me to laughing so hard I figured.... but what the hey.  I really have nothing to say other than I'm very cold and it's hailing outside.  Later.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,020

    It's always great to see new people joining the forums, so welcome to you all. @JMCarrigan - hope your weather improves soon! It is in the 70s, sunny and beautiful where I am. I'm lucky!

  • Hello,

    my name is Thomas. I worked a lot of years with professional industrial 3D CAD systems in chemical engineering. In my free time I also engaged me with 3D as private "artist". I started nearly 20 years ago with Cinema 4D and later with Poser 6. For financial reasons I stayed longer times with these versions, only updating the second or third next one. Now - as retiree - there's finally enough time to do my hobby more instensive.

    My actual software is Cinema 4D V15, Poser 11.0 and DAZ Studio 4.10. Additionally there are Blender and Hexagon somewhere on my hard drives, but I didn't work with it.

    I hope, I can learn by you to have fun with 3D-world.


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Welcome new users!

    @tom_wk2000, you'll find some pretty knowledgeable people on the forums who are fluent in both Blender and Hexagon. If you get stuck, just ask. :) Daz Studio is a great program. You'll find a lot of people ready to answer any questions concerning using both DS and Poser.

  • Hello Everyone, 

    My name is Mert and it is very nice to meet everyone.   I read quite a few post and your guys are amazing.  I am very new to Daz.  I want to learn how to use it.   I have ideas that I want to make real.


    Well as for the questins :

    Who are you? A single mom living in the south.   I want to create animations. 

    What inspires your artistic aspirations? 

    My artistic dont; know where to start....I mean I am so new to this I don't have any yet.  

    Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician?  Okay I Would do anything for love...eating meatloaf...I wont do that....


    What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are?

    I am unique and lovable because I enjoy life and happy for everyday.   I appeciate the randomness of life. I would welcome any tips starting out.   

    Thank You 


  • lrmmllclrmmllc Posts: 0

    The names  Lav Ree I'm an inspiring graphics designer new to 3D scene just here to learn and participate Thank Youyes

  • GnawsGnaws Posts: 44
    edited March 2018

    Hello - My name is "Arn Sweatman" aka "Gnaws".    I am a tastefully seasoned CG Generalist who works in flannel cowboy pajamas, quietly doing my tasks without thinking of Sailor Jerry tattoos, strawberry-scented mustache wax or sauerkraut balls.

    Post edited by Gnaws on
  • Hello my name is Deano I like to model alot so it practically like i live Bryce and graphics so i would  like to learn more animating techniques and learn for you guys as well


  • RasberriRasberri Posts: 305

    Hi folks, My name is Rita and I go by RasberriI or rasberripie..I am new to the forums but not to DAZ and Bryce.  I would say I spend most of my time in Bryce, but have Poser, Vue and Substance as well. I have spent a lot of my time as a texture artist - as a hobbiest.  I would like to learn more how to create figures and scenes in DAZ though. 

  • pinki3000pinki3000 Posts: 1
    edited March 2018

    Hello; I'm Julie and I'm super-brand-new at this DAZ stuff so forgive me if I'm a complete and utter noob.

    I'd love to learn how to use this to make all sorts of cool art.

    I do have a few questions as well;

    FIRST: Can someone use the figures as virtual artist manequins? Basically create a posed character or characters in rough shapes and print out to use as outlines for regular drawings? If so; How can I do this? That would make drawing the old-fashioned way a lot easier for me if I felt like doing that and using DAZ only partially.

    SECOND: When I first saw the figures for the first time, they had "Barbie & Ken" anatomy (if you get my drift). Are there things one can download to add....uh....certain organs of an intimate nature?

    FINALLY: When creating a figure; I prefer the manipulate things on the screen directly rather than using toggles and keyboard for everything. I'd like to make things really simplified so I don't get confused.

    Thank you so much and....yes....I'll watch the tutorials and such on YouTube.


    Post edited by pinki3000 on
  • patsmacpatsmac Posts: 0


    I'm new round here and I'm starting with the easiest question imaginable, but I just can't find the answer: where is the button for loading an avatar, or icon?

    I know that I'm probably staring at it and will kick myself when I find it.

    Is anyone able to help?


    A little bit about me, I’m English and my love (obsession?) is Association football.  We just call it football in England.



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