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I'm new to both DAZ3D and Poser 11. I bought Poser 11, and later discovered DAZ3D. My intent is to use them to create images for reference for paintings.
By profession, I am a professional portrait artist/photographer. My studio has been in operation for 18 years, and I'm located in Western New York (Finger Lakes Region).
Hello, my name is Allen Grippin. I'm an advanced CG artist with several years of experience in a variety of 3D packages.
I have always considered DAZ and Poser to be ungratifying hacks compared to real 3D work, but recently have thought about the possibility of DAZ being a fabulous source of basemeshes for posed sculptable figures in Zbrush. On this note I'd be very interested to know what i can get away with here for commercial purposes. If I use a model as a sculpting armature to make something completely different, is that ok?
There are a variety of other tools for this (Zbuilder, MakeHuman). But I thought I'd broaden my horizons a little and explore some other options. I downloaded DAZ last night to have a look at how it works. I haven't been able to find much yet on how I can implement it as an actual 3D creation resource in a pipeline.
So making 3D prints? I'm afraid that isn't permitted, for commercial use, under the basic EULA (or the Interactive License). You could open a sales Support ticket to discuss licensing if you wish
Hello everyone! My name's Dimansio. I've been using daz since 4.4 free release if I remember correctly. I wanted a free software to make 3D animations. Daz isn't the best, but now I'm used to it, I can't change! ^^"
I learned all by myself, so now I want to do more specific stuff, like rigging or morphing, I'm having trouble understanding all the technical terms and tools, so I ask bunch of questions here, and even sometimes, asking another question before having solved the first one...
Hello I'm Jackie and I've been using DS for about a year now on my Mac, no option to add graphics cards, and since the latest version I haven't managed to get DForce working at all. Even the demo scenes. Also after the last update I get horrendous crashes. I always 'send to Apple' but as you would expect get no reply.
Am I going to have to buy a new windows machine to fix this or is Daz aware of the incompatibilty and working on a fix. Or am I stupid and just not doing something correctly.
Are other Mac users experiencing this?
Hi everybody.
I have been doing 2D art, both traditional and digital, for many years now and thought I would try my hand at 3D modelling. I wish to use Daz Studio in conjunction with Blender, Bryce and Gimp. I'm a big fan of surrealism and pre-Raphaelite art and various forms of fantasy art, particularly Brian Froud, Daniel Merriam and Patrick Woodroffe. It's taking me time to learn the basics but it's coming.
my nam is kelis and i love cartonns and drawing to
I'm an older member from like 10-15 years ago.. Used Poser, and hated DAZ. Now I'm a Daz user as of 10 months ago.
Hi Daz creative people, I’m fairly new on here so I only have 10 images in my gallery at the moment. I made my first image at the start of the year 2018 using DazStudio with purchased assets. I’ve brought a tone of assets & figures already (mainly Gen8 female), its quite addictive! I’m looking for ways to improve my 3d art images and was hoping to get some feedback ( I’m not getting great feedback from my wife lol). Please can you let me know your constructive thoughts. I’ve seen some great work on here from a range of talent. thanks for you time :)
Hello firends, i am new here too, how u doing today ?! My name is Nick
How u doing i am nick and i am new here, hope will enjoy my stay here ! Btw do u know any ideas where i can find tire size specifications for my Honda Civic 2011 ? found some info here , but to make sure want to double check!
Hello, my name is Koutaru and I am sort of just getting started with Daz Studio. I sort of want to use it to make comics. Please take care of me.
EU TENHO A NOTA DO PEDIDO E TUDO (Você pode ver os detalhes do seu pedido em )MAS NÃO CONSIGO ACESSAR.
If you mean it should still be available in your product library, as should all of your previous purchases from Daz.
Hey my name is Andy, and I've actually been using Daz for a long while now. And I've finally reached a point where I need some help with Daz & Hexagon.
Hello everyone.
My name is Chigozie. I've checked into DAZ 3D from time to time over the last few years and I am now interested to see what I can do with it. My problem is that there's so much available that I think the likelihood of overwhelming myself is high. I have some ambitious ideas and I'm anticipating, at least, a 3 year learning curve with DAZ 3D. I don't know how much money I need to invest. I'm guessing about $300 US, but I'm not sure. I want to find out what I'm going need so that my learning is as seamless and unimpeded as possible. I want to develop the skills necessary to achieve what I envision and I want to have fun realizing the ideas I ahve. I already have DAZ Studio 4.10 and a DAZ tutorial playlist as a favorite on youtube so I can get going.
I want to do animation. I've looked into iClone 7 and while I see the potential, I think I might do better working with DAZ before I jump onto that train. Maybe I need to learn to pose before I start trying to have my characters somersault off walls.
Can anyone steer me in the right direction? And please let me know if this is the wrong place to ask for help of this nature. Thank you.
Hi, I am Craig Colby, I downloaded the free version of Daz 3D, and I like it a lot, keep up the good work, but one thing, I was doing the starters guide, and when I get to the hair preset part, I could not get it to work.
Good question. There isn't an easy way to find where to edit your settings. I have found it twice but I have forgotten. There ought to be a direct way in the Dropdown, top right but instead, you have to find a long way around somehow.
EDIT: Click on your user name in any post and you will be taken to a page that has some of your details. There is a gear icon - click on that and you should be able to navigate from there.
hi! i am new to daz. till now i exported a genesis 3 figure to mixamo and worked in c4d afterwards....
i want to use 200 plus face morphs, i bought it and the presets work, but i cant find the dials....
can anyone help?
Oh Hi. Sorry I didn't see your remark. Thanks. There are customers HERE! Aaaaagh!
I'm Dannis Cole, AKA DanniStories. I write science fiction for young adults on Amazon Kindle, focusing on social issues and recovery from abuse. I do my own book covers, I've been around on this forum since 2009 but never formally introduced myself. Since I'm not a heavy poster, lol, I decided to do a formal intro. I just now uploaded some stuff to my Gallery after all these years :D
I'm 59, been a single mom of 2 girls now grown, disabled, and have been drawing since kidhood, painting in oils and later acrylics since my teens, and turned to 3D art in 2009 when I started being an indie publisher of my stuff.
Yes, I have a famous sister who writes romance and sci fi, but I am the non-famous sister LOL. My writing is mainly a labor of love since I am physically unable to get out there and do the marketing. For those of you who don't know about the writing biz, no marketing = unknown = starving. Most new writers with publishers are in this same boat because they only spend marketing dollars on the famous or proven authors. And even famous authors rarely make a million, it's not at all like movie stars.
So, here I am with a snail-like workflow and struggling to learn DAZ after using Poser for years, because both softwares have their strong points. I plan to continue to use both. I also use VUE 2016, Blender, Hexagon, Clip Studio, and GIMP. I plan to play with Bryce a little since VUE's website is STILL down.
My advice to newbies is, CHECK THE LICENSING ON EVERYTHING YOU GOT FROM A SITE OTHER THAN DAZ if you are doing book covers or anything where you expect to get paid [eventually]. Especially beware of fan art, because if you try to sell something and you have inadvertently used a product based on a movie, comic strip, etc, you will have trouble. I always read the ReadMe's to make sure I am in compliance with the licensing. I even check it on DAZ items, because there have been some Star Wars-like items on here. If it even looks like Star Wars, I won't use it.
I purposefully have a lot of WIP work in my Gallery. I'm not pretending to be a great modeler in Blender, lol. I'm still learning about lighting in Poser and DAZ. My forte' is VUE, but that's only part of a good book cover. I watch some vids, learn some stuff, get sick and can't work, then I start all over again. But I have a lot of fun while I'm working on stuff. Now if I could just convince Windows 10 to quit hiding my files, I'd be really happy! It ate two of my DAZ renders yesterday!
Y'all take care!
PS I am female, just so you know. They try to change my name to Dennis all the time, but it is Dannis. Dad named me for the decibel but Mama put her foot down when he wanted to name me Deci Belle. So, I'm Dannis Belle. His name wasn't Dennis. It was Will. So I way, where there's a Will there's a way, and Dad's name was Will LOL
Hi, I've been using DazStudio now for a month and loving it and hating it all at the same time. I used Bryce back in the early 00's so wasn't afraid to get going with Daz Studio, sad to hear Bryce won't run on the new MacOS, but, I wasn't quite prepared for the enority of the whole app and how steep the larning curve was going to be. I've been using Photoshop continuously for the same time and still learn new things there every week so I cant image how long it is going to take me to feel like I know what I'm doing with DS. Thankfully there are loads of great tutorials on YT for PS but not so much for DS but I'm still have great fun along the way. My profile pic is my first character creation, Dimi, which has taken me about three days to get a render anything close to what I want, not to mention getting the scalp on the Matthew Hair to disapear. :-D As you can see I've got a lot of work yet to do with Dimi, then on to his brother. :-) Any tips are greatly appreciated. I've read lots of threads and picked up a lot so far. I hope that continues.
Greetings from Northern Michigan! My name is Paul and I'm new to the whole 3D thing! I bought Poser Pro earlier this year and I'm just now trying to figure it out and then I found Daz Studio! Now I'm trying to use both! It's a task but I've got plenty of time on my hands! What inspires me? Lots of things! I try to draw on my life experiences to inspifre me! Lately I've been working with a friend of mine, who moved away in high school, helping him get his web comic squared away! Since picking up the software, I've also picked up my pencil and started drawing after a 30 year break! I'm hoping to learn from all of you and thanks for being so weloming!
Hey, render nation i'm NLP HELLO to everyone first time on here I've been using DAZ since about maybe 2015 and i'm still learning I learn something new each day but lately i've been having problems with login in or slow load time is it just ME or are their other's who are having this same problem?
It's a known problem It has been reported.
Hello, my name is Tony. I have been a user of Daz products since 2001. I have used Poser for creating and using Daz products to import into Vue software. I have found that I really like Daz Studio renderings for the realism in lighting and rendering of surface maps. I downloaded Daz studio many times in earlier versions, but never really learned the UI much. I have tried the tutorials and watched YouTube videos, but I still do not get it. Is there anyone in Denver, Colorado that is willing to tutor me on how this software works? I seem to learn better with hands on teaching. I am very willing to reimburse you for your time. When I was in college, I seemed to learn better when someone is at hand to show me directly. I have so many questions that I feel can be answered faster that way. I hope to hear from someone. Thanks
My gallery of images are at this site to see that I am legit
Hello, my name is Marc. And I'm just playing around with Daz. It's a beautiful tool although a bit complex. Watch more of my questions on other topics around this forum.
Hi, I'm Giampiero from Rome (Italy) and I'm studying Daz3D because I'm a painter (airbrush tecnique) and this software help me to build up scenes for my paintings. Very useful and smart!
Thank you!
Hello everyone
I am new in here
I dont know anything about that
Please help me figure out how i can start