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Hi Zig Zag, Richard and Katie. Welcome to the DAZ 3D Forums, and your latest addiction. I love saying that. ~grin~
I you have any questions, be sure to join us in the New Users Forum. We have a great many friendly and informative folks there willing to help.
Hi, my name is Megan, and I would like to know were can I post a little cuestion about Daz Studio ,Thank you in advance :)
You could try the Daz Studio Forum
And welcome.
Thank you very much :cheese:
Welcome. You can also join us in the New Users Forum for any questions you may have.
Thank you very much, I wrote my question, I hope somebody can help me :P
Hi All,
My name is Morrah, I love long walks in the woods, food, horror movies, music, fireplaces with a flickering fire, intelligent conversations where I learn something new, cabins in the woods ... and many many more things that do not technically go together in a logical sense.
I thought I would take this time to introduce myself as a Newbie to this type of art, in one of many former professions I used to do concert photography and was in awe by the photos I could capture of musicians running around on stage and all the props/fire flashes that would also be happening at the same time. But sadly that profession came to an end. So here I am to fill the void with another form of Art that seems like it could fill that void.
On to the Newbie Questions:
Who are you? See above :)
What inspires your artistic aspirations? What inspires me is people, music, and fantasy art such as Online Role-playing Games. Pin up models are also another form of inspiration of mine ... Just the human body is an inspiration to me.
Is Meatloaf your favorite food or favorite musician? I like them both ... :)
What makes you the unique and lovable individual you are? My ability to see the good in everyone no matter how screwed up they may seem to be makes me lovable... I'm drawn to the dangerous types of people because there nature and thoughts often intrigue me. As far as unique ... that is running out with the population. So I would have to same my way of thinking makes me unique ... :)
Lastly, I'm a open book read me .. or fill me full of knowledge i'm here to learn how to do this form of art the best way possible for me .. and everyone has something to share I would imagine.
Welcome to the forums Morrah. If you have any question come and join us in the New Users Start Here forum.
Thanks Frank :)
Hello Megan and Morrah. Welcome to the DAZ 3D Forums. :coolsmile:
I guess better late than never, this is where I say Hello Everyone and then you all say Hello....oh wait, lets try that again, first I say Hello I'm Jason, then I say Hello Everyone and then you all say hello person who likes orange shaders a little too much.
Anyway, I've got no art background, (and apparently no grammar background either), but I like to play, and and kinda sorta but not really getting a hang of things in Daz Studio. Aside from that I like long walks on the beach, slow romantic dinners....wait...wrong profile. I meant I like long hair props and slow renders and dresses with sitting morphs.
Well, time to go and check out how the upgrade to my orange shader, the lemon is doing.
Saying hello here in the Introduce Yourself thread is never too late, whether you do it the first day you get here, or 6 months later. :coolsmirk:
That said, Welcome to the DAZ 3D forums, and judging from your sense of humor, you'll fit right in here in the "nut house". ~LOL~
Seriously though, we have a lot of good helpful folks in the New Users Help Form, so do drop in and ask any questions you might have, as I'm sure someone will be along to answer them.
I'm just another noob got hooked on Daz studio :-P
I have very limited experience with 3d art. Mostly from modding Bethesda games (Fallout 3, FNV, Skyrim).
But 3d art is something I keep coming back to. I tend to switch focus pretty fast otherwise.
Picked up DAZ studio for a quick posing model for painting, but ended up playing around with 3D art instead...
Hmm... I like the human body in general. That's for aspirations, not for favorite food.
Aside from that, I like to come up with worlds and stories, then try to express them visually. Hard to define really...
...Doesn't everyone?
Favorite food tho? Don't know. It changes every week or so. Most things about me do, except maybe appearance.
What makes me unique? Chocolate flavored flower badgers. Yup.
Actually, no. They don't. Scratch that~
Welcome to the DAZ3D forums Dolbomir, and welcome to your latest addiction. If you have any questions, be sure to visit the New Users Help Forum, as there are a lot of knowledgeable folks there who can answer them for you.
Thanx ^^
Hello, this is "Whorfin" (my handle in other places on the net, but apparently already taken here?), AKA ToBoldlyGo. Feel free to call me either.
I'm primarily interested in using Daz products to make animations (if you google "Star Trek Aurora" you will get an idea of what I'm aiming at). Preferably I hope to do this through GPU rendering (Reality+Luxrender on Radeon, or Octane on Nvidia: I'm trying to decide which would be "best" in terms of ease of use, quality, and above all, speed), with visuals (and perhaps motion capture) assisted by Blender (hopefully GPU assisted either through Cycles or Octane on Nvidia), and a terrain generator yet to be decided upon. I'll be making some threads to answer questions I haven't found completely answered elsewhere, posting some here and at, Would it be a good idea to cross post at Renderosity or is the membership more or less redundant with (if there is somewhere else I should try please let me know)?
I'm still a neophyte when it comes to most 3D products, and woefully ignorant, but it is important to me to try to accomplish something along these lines. I've had more than a few setbacks, including issues with troublesome installs of Daz Products. I will be installing again on new hardware with a fresh OS hopefully soon.
So, ideally my workflow would be something like this:
Script->Live Actors->Video/Audio Capture->Facial & Body Motion Capture SW->BVH files->Daz Studio (/Blender/etc.)+3rd Party Models->GPU Render SW->Local and/or Internet Render Farm->Raw Frames+Captured Audio+Sound FX+(3rd Party?) Music->Video Editing SW->Digital Video
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Especially in the areas I've designated "3rd Party". I've been working hard on acquiring the hardware for the render farm and hope to start (sooner than later) integrating the PCs, GPUs, the Network, and the software. Assuming the electrical wiring doesn't melt and the whole project doesn't go up in smoke. If anybody has a multi-kilowatt solar power system they no longer need, please feel free to pass it on! 8)
I hope that what I learn along the way (even though its been trail-blazed by many others, can be passed on and help others with their aspirations. After much effort I think I've come up with a few ways to approach old problems, assuming the ideas survive "trial by fire".
My best regards to the forum and its members,
Hello everyone! my name is Neftis3D! And NO this is not what I usually look like! It was taken on Halloween this year! Nice to meet you all!
Hello hello!
My name is Michael, I'm pretty new to DAZ Studio. I joined about a month or so ago, at first I was a little overwhelmed by DAZ.
But just recently I started using it. And now I'm addicted to it! %-P
I'm a really easy person to get along with, I luv helping people!
I got a strong sense of JUSTICE! I'm really good-looking and I -- I know, I know! I'm just making this up as I go! ;-)
I thought the DAZ community seemed really nice, so I figured I'd introduce myself here. Sooo, Hi!
Hello, Really Good-Looking Michael. I'm happy you joined us in our madness.
Thank you!
It feels great to join you in your madness! :coolgrin:
Welcome. Nail you credit card down. As things go you will soon find it trying to run away and hide in a safe place.
Right! Good idea! Oh wait a sec-- I'm outta nails!
Do you think glue would work? ;-)
I have been away for a time. You might remember some of my previous freebies or my one sold to DAZ - The emotiguy sportspack. I am still trying to salvage from a crashed computer and get some more stuff out.
Welcome (sort of?) Back.
Hello again everyone. I've been gone for a while, life still sucks but I'm not going to let it impair my ability to be creative. I've had the greatest fun around here and hopefully I'll have some more - much more - in the future :-D I just been too busy with school, work, and well life in general :)
But in my absent I realized just how important it is to keep on creating, making something you feel good about and share it with others. To challenge yourself to do better each time and continue learning. No job is that important that I have to starve myself of that.
Welcome back. Hope you have as much fun as you want when you want.
Thanks :-D
You mentioned credit card, but eh ... Pay Pal is also becoming quite the convienently, I mean dangerous, route to buy :-) Well, all I have to do is not look at the shop ohhhh look at that furry kitty ... what? what was I saying? anyway, thanks :-)
hello, my name is Anthony! I don't have a fancy cool avatar yet but give me time.. I'm pretty new and mostly use Bryce in my free time. I'm in the fire academy and have one semester left and will be hired on in the summer as a full time Firefighter living my dream! I usually get on here to help forget all the stress and madness life throws at me.. I'm not good with Bryce but hope to get a lot better and then start using some of the other programs more so we will see!
Wow, I've missed a few posts here the past few months. Welcome to Whorfin, Neftis3D, Michael, FranR and Anthony, and welcome to your latest addiction. :coolsmile:
[email protected]
I am a novice aspiring multimedia artist, a former engineer. I am learning DAZStudio and Carrara/MIMIC.
Unfortunately, I ran into a little problem requiring some advice and help. DAZSudio 4.6 v 108 seemed to work
just fine when installed with the DAZ installer 108. However, now we have DAZStudio 109 which crashes on my
Mac OS 9 platform when installed with the currently available DAZ installer 108.
Is my experience unique? Should I wait for DAZ to develop a v 109 installer?
Should I consider a Bitrock installer and start over from scratch? It is unclear how a Bitrock installer
work work with a DAZ Studio download.
Alternately, should I pursue another route, perhaps starting with Poser and a Smith Micro installer?