Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152
    edited December 1969

    *peeks in shyly*

    I'm mostly known as Mori. Let's keep it that way for consitency's sake. Not that I am very consistent in anything but that, mind you!

    I am one of those people who was never stopped by a complete lack of artistic talent. I dabble in the customizing of My Little Ponies, I write horrid stories (and when the mood grabs me, poetry, too - gods have mercy) and I always loved drawing, even if nothing ever even remotely resembles the subject I was going for. Apart from that, I look for new stuff to try out from time to time and I've always been highly curious about 3D art stuffs. Not in the last place because a good friend of mine does amazing things with that.

    So, that's why I'm here. Mostly curiosity and couldn't resist trying DAZ for free. I even put some stuff on my wishlist for later purchase once I get the hang of it :) Hope you people don't mind me hanging around!

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Hey Mori, don't be shy, we won't take a bite out of you. :-)

    We're basically a friendly (and helpful) bunch here on the DAZ forums, so join all the other "newbies" in the New Users Help Forum  -->

    Just post any questions you have, and I'm sure there will be someone who will be able to answer your question. ;-)

  • CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Hi folks.
    I'm not exactly new here. Been around since before Daz was here. I used to buy my models from Zygote. Anyway for many reasons I have been out of touch for several years. I am getting back into things and might as well be a newbie considering how much has changed.
    I used to post in the old forum but lost all my info during the change over. Since my post count is gone, I thought I would say hello (again) for my first message count.
    I would say I am a Poser junky but I am now really enjoying Daz Studio. I am finding Carrara pretty cool too. The price for the software was pretty cool too. ;-)


    Post edited by CyberDog on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,922
    edited December 1969

    Welcome back. If you have any questions be sure to join us in the New Users Forum

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Welcome back Roger. Looks like you joined about a year before I did, and yes a lot has changed. As Frank said, come post in the New Users Forum  --> with any questions you have. Look forward to seeing some of your artwork. :-)

  • venus-starvenus-star Posts: 1
    edited March 2013

    Hello, my name is Yulle (Julia). Im from Russia.
    I am a film editor, working on films and TV-shows.

    But now I want to try something new. 3D modelling, why not! :)
    I'm beginner in this art and I plane to ask maaany questions. And I hope, that my not so well english help me to understand your answers.
    First of it: what is the average time do you spent on one of these works that I saw in your beautiful gallery?
    Thanks for answers or links

    Post edited by venus-star on
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Welcome to the DAZ forums Yulle, and welcome to your latest addiction. :-)

    Don't be shy if you have any questions to ask, and your English isn't that bad at all. Those new to 3D and these forums usually spend time in the New Users Help Forum  --> where there are a number of friendly folks able and willing to help.

    As far as how long a project can take, that depends on the project, how involved it is, and to tell the truth it also depends on how long you've been doing this. As you get more practice at working with 3D software, the easier some things will be for you, and therefore will take less time. I've been at it for over 10 years, and there are times when I still get stumped if I'm trying to do something I've not done before, or have done a long time ago so I have to "refresh" my memory on how to get it done.

  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2013

    Hello everyone, it's good to meet you. I've been wanting to say hi for a while. Richard kindly fixed my username in-between doing all the other things that come his way, so here I am. :)

    I got my hands on DAZ and Hexagon at the beginning of the year and was immediately hooked. This is my first real experience of 3D software and I've been sharing my adventures over on my blog (links allowed? I guess someone will remove it if not).

    "Unique and lovable?" Now you've made me blush. As for what inspires me, I love dance and this is a theme that is emerging in my renders. Creating poses is so much fun, I think I could spend all day every day on it. I also love the idea of making my own outfits for my new Genesis family and made a start with Fugazi's excellent tutorials.

    The more I learn, the more I discover I have to learn. I have a lot of respect for those of you making professional content as I glimpse how much art and knowledge is involved. I have even more respect for the people sharing tutorials and advice in the forums. I'm sure there are many of us who would have given up without your patient and helpful words.

    Oh and special thanks to Miss B, Frank and others here for making us newbies feel welcome. :)

    Post edited by IndigoJanson on
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Well I'm gad you feel welcome, as that's what these forums are all about.

    I took a look through your blog, and it looks like you've getting a handle on working in 3D. I look forward to seeing your 3D work here on the forums. ;-)

  • MjetzerMjetzer Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thought I'd drop in a hello. Been a lurker for a long time, was a Poser user going all the way back to version 1.0. I work in Prepress, workflows, color management, offset and flexo printing. I spent a long time as the photoshop retoucher (yup, used version 1.0 of Photoshop all the way up to the current.) I'm the guy that knows what all those fashion models really look like.

    Stopped doing the retouching thing a few year ago to concentrate on workflows, but I needed a creative outlet. Thank you Daz Studio. Just recently started posting up some images in the Facebook page. Nothing special, just ideas that needed an outlet.

    So, in short Hello, and I'll still be lurking about.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Welcome to the DAZ forums, and to your latest addiction. Don't be shy about posting some of your renders in the New User Contests and Events Forum, and if you have questions, do visit the New Users Help Forum as there are a lot of friendly helpful folks who hang out there. ;-)

  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited December 1969

    Miss B said:
    Well I'm gad you feel welcome, as that's what these forums are all about.

    I took a look through your blog, and it looks like you've getting a handle on working in 3D. I look forward to seeing your 3D work here on the forums. ;-)

    Thanks Miss B, both for the welcome and the blog visit. As you see, I really did start from square 1 and still haven't gone very far from it. However, progress is slow but steady, I think. Not sure I feel brave (or skilled) enough to post my work here yet but the challenges look fun and might tempt me.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    You shouldn't feel that way. There are WIP threads for each of the New User challenges, and you can get good critique and suggestions on how to improve, so it will be beneficial. :-)

  • edited December 1969

    Hrmmm, I am tardy or unobservant and only just found this thread. My name is Kataryna or Sue or Snoo I will answer to any. I'm strictly a hobbyist in regards to the whole 3D scene. I'd like to say thanks to everyone (to many to count) who'd been such a help around her since I started posting to the forums in January. You guys are a surprisingly affirming and supportive community.

    I have some renders up on my deviant art account (amidst my other art)
    I have perpetual problems with lighting but have gotten some good hints and tips here for correcting them, thanks Scott and others... I haven't done corrections to any of the previous pictures yet.... I'm having much too much fun learning to make things in Hexagon.

    I'm mostly using Daz in regards to the table-top role playing games I run, in order to give my players pictures of the characters in question. Most of what I do is fantasy or near future-magical based type things. This leads to an eclectic set of interests and a real bad addiction to shopping at the store here.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm mostly using Daz in regards to the table-top role playing games I run, in order to give my players pictures of the characters in question. Most of what I do is fantasy or near future-magical based type things. This leads to an eclectic set of interests and a real bad addiction to shopping at the store here.
    Forgive my Snip of your Post, Snoo. I too started DS for role playing but found myself in the other types of renders very fast. I peeked at your gallery on DA. Let me know when you go back and do Family with the lighting you have learned.
  • susibikersusibiker Posts: 31
    edited December 1969

    Hi. I'm Susi.

    I have all the drawing skills of a rock.
    I try hard, produce rubbish, but am slowly improving.
    The question is - Do I have enough life left to actually produce something I'm proud of?
    I doubt it, but I'll keep trying. :cheese:

    I hope I don't cause too much trouble with extra-dumb questions, so feel free to kick me in the rear should this happen!

    Hope to talk to you folks later. xxx

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,922
    edited December 1969

    Welcome Susi, for all your questions please join us in the New Users forums to get them answered.

  • PraeyPraey Posts: 5
    edited March 2013

    Hi, I'm Ryan. I've been messing around with 3DS Max since around 2006 or so. I ignored quite a bit of suggestions for modeling early on and went for one of the toughest things to model....the human body haha! As a result I got quite good at it over the years. Now I need to move on to everything else.

    My first intro to Daz Studio (back in 2009) ended quickly (much to my regret) due to impatience. I forget which version but it doesn't matter, I'm back on track and this latest version is great and really helps with my modeling, especially after moving away from it for quite a while.

    Happy rendering to all! :D

    Post edited by Praey on
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Welcome to the DAZ forums Ryan. I have to give you credit for learning to model human bodies. I haven't progressed past props, though over the years I've learned to add more and more detail, so I'm progressing I guess.

    I also rejected early versions of DS as I was used to Poser and DS seemed alien to me. After adding a laptop to my computing repertoire about 6 or so years ago, I decided to try DS again, and found it had "matured" enough for me to get around in it easily.

    Anyway, if you have any questions, please join other newbies in the New Users Help forum, and be sure to join in on the fun in the New Users Contests and Events forum. :-)

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,123
    edited December 1969

    Susi, I have the drawing skill of a rock that's falling apart; the great thing about this as a hobby is that it lets people like me produce pleasing images (avoiding the 'is it art?' endless debate) using other skills like composition (and learned skills like lighting) and just imagination. What would it be like having a Troll walking down a city street? How do people react? Is the troll rampaging or reading a newspaper? Will a superhero come in to confront it? This hobby lets you explore the possibilities!

  • edited December 1969

    I've been lurking around (and using Daz Studio) for about 3 years, so hi everyone :)
    I enjoy drawing, and use Daz studio to rapidly come up with character concepts and use as reference.
    I've been making 3d models for about 8 years, starting when my Dad asked me how to make 3d models for Trainz 2004 using ye olde Gmax (free version of 3ds max with limited support). I haven't yet tried the Daz content creation suite, but ended up with the software when they were having that giveaway a while ago. I'm thinking about looking into it... as I could always make some froody stuff to sell.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Welcome to the DAZ forums. :-) I didn't realize Gmax was a free version of 3D Studio Max. I never tried it myself, but a site where I've taken some classes had a 3D graphics class a few years ago using Gmax.

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,225
    edited December 1969

    Welcome to the forums, new ones and lurkers :lol:

    This is a great place to be and the people are wonderful :cheese:

    Don't forget to check out the New Users Help Forum if you haven't done so :) It's also a good place to go to ask questions ;-)

  • edited December 1969

    Hello to all,

    I am George and am into storyboarding for feature films...mostly the old school way. Hand drawn and sketches.
    well times have changed and thought of updating myself with graphic design software's.

    I am leaning towards Pre viz design using a real time animation software. was impressed with videos of iclone5.
    was wondering if daz 3d is a good option to Pre viz action oriented films with lots of cameras and crowds etc...


  • IndigoJansonIndigoJanson Posts: 1,100
    edited December 1969

    Just stopping by to say hello and welcome to those who are even newer than me. :) What can I say, it seems daunting at first getting to grips with everything (at least it did to me) but the forum is a great place to learn.

    (George, I'll step politely aside and let someone who knows what they are talking about answer your question... but in any case welcome!)

  • edited December 1969

    Hello to all,

    I am George and am into storyboarding for feature films...mostly the old school way. Hand drawn and sketches.
    well times have changed and thought of updating myself with graphic design software's.

    I am leaning towards Pre viz design using a real time animation software. was impressed with videos of iclone5.
    was wondering if daz 3d is a good option to Pre viz action oriented films with lots of cameras and crowds etc...


    Well, it depends on the polycount of the characters you use. I know V4 has an ungodly amount, making more than a few of her take quite a bit of rendering time. Yet there's some great low poly stuff on sharecg you can get. The puppeteer tool in daz is a nice, quick way to get some animations: I've made walking animations just from a mirrored pose set.
    If you want motion capture you can buy a kinect on amazon for about $50, and get the dev kit for free floating around the internet. It has a .bvh exporter, which can be imported into daz studio.

  • brunojamesbrunojames Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi everyone I'm Bruno,

    What a great program DAZ Studio is, when I start using it time just disappears.
    I am not completely new to the 3D world having toyed with making models in SketchUp, tried to learn Blender about 5 times with no success and had an intro to 3dsMax when I did a digital arts course.
    This is my first render after working on it for 2 days, I love animals and nature and I am glad to see lots of them in the store. Was going to use this as an avatar but was so happy with the result thought I might show it off first.:-)
    I already want to thank all the forum members as I have learnt so much reading the posts, I couldn't have done the Depth of Field otherwise.


    1000 x 1000 - 324K
  • Gio BlackGio Black Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    Hi. My name is Gio.

    I work for a zoo, aquarium and insectarium and I am trying to build and manipulate characters for exhibits displays.

    I have been working with DS for about six months and I am having lots of fun with it. I am starting to use Bryce to create environments and I am enjoying it. I've had to upgrade my computer a couple of times, but it still is enjoyable.

    What I find difficult is getting tech info on the two products, as nothing is written.

    Is there anyone out there using the two programs to make animated backgrounds from Bryce work with animated characters from DS? I have been able to get characters from DS to Bryce, but I am unable to get the two animation programs to work together. I really think they would make a great environment to work in for animated shorts.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited April 2013

    Welcome to the DAZ forums Bruno and Gio!

    @Bruno - That's a great looking render. The POV is great. :-)

    @Gio - I started in 3D with Bryce 4 back in the day, but have only been back to using it this year after several years away from it. You might want to post your question in the Bryce Discussion forum as there are quite a few very knowledgeable Brycers there  -->

    Post edited by Miss B on
  • brunojamesbrunojames Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Miss B:)

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