Old Dog New Tricks



  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Really great job with retexturing/shading the clothing.  Your textures make the outfit finer/classier somehow.  Love the how you made the material in front so sheer, didn't even know that was possible.  Really appreciate the fact that you showed the before and afters.  Now I know just how much modification is possible.  I've bought some shaders but haven't really tried my hand at using them yet.  

    Thanks, this outfit was really easy to change because it has a ton of material zones. To make the front material sheer I just lowered the cutout opacity.  

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    I don't have a title for this one, any sugestions?


    800 x 1000 - 105K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh he is really cool.  Looks like a ghost dragon. I'm terrible at naming things.  I really struggle with my own stuff lol.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    Oh he is really cool.  Looks like a ghost dragon. I'm terrible at naming things.  I really struggle with my own stuff lol.

    Thanks, ghost dragon was what I was going for. I named the book cover I did with it "Wraith of the Ruins" but I don't know if I like that or not.... 

    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    It's beautiful.  I like "Ghost Dragon" actually.  Draconius Ghostus?  I'm kidding, and I also suck at coming up with titles.

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Wow, you've been busy- awesome renders, by the way.  

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Nice one!

    Solid Mist?

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    Thank you @Worlds_Edge

    Thanks @DarwinsMishap

    Thanks @ mori_mann

    Here's a new one. A Character study of Tanis Half-Elven modeled by @DarwinsMishap 's Parker




    800 x 1000 - 160K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • This is my take on dragons, they are sort of like dogs. The smaller they are the more vicious they act. :) 

    Verrrrry nice work. I really like the "spotty" background. And your personality interpretation on dragons is very amusing. I walk my 20-lb dog every day and take her to the off-lead dog park 4-5 times a week, and have spent a lot of time observing the differences between the breeds. One general rule of thumb is that most small dogs bark at the parimeter/fence as the big dogs walk by, and most of the adult big dogs look at them with a kind-of amused look. Sort of like, "Awwww, aren't you little guys soooo cute?") In other words, little dogs like to talk big (especially when there's a fence between them and the big dogs), and most big dogs don't bother to bark back. There are definite differences in temperments that can be generalized by size. I like that you're capturing that with your take on the dragons.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Thank you @Worlds_Edge

    Thanks @DarwinsMishap

    Thanks @ mori_mann

    Here's a new one. A Character study of Tanis Half-Elven modeled by @DarwinsMishap 's Parker




    Really great use of DOF with this. Really like the whole feel of it.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I really like the ghostly dragon.  That's a nice effect.  One look at my gallery will clue you in that I'm terrible at names, too.  I do kind of like the simplicity of Ghost Dragon, though.  :)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thank you @Worlds_Edge

    Thanks @DarwinsMishap

    Thanks @ mori_mann

    Here's a new one. A Character study of Tanis Half-Elven modeled by @DarwinsMishap 's Parker




    Hooot Tanis! That wakes some memories, yes that works for him, I imagined him differently but this works. Nice greenery hes surrounded by!

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227



    Verrrrry nice work. I really like the "spotty" background. And your personality interpretation on dragons is very amusing. I walk my 20-lb dog every day and take her to the off-lead dog park 4-5 times a week, and have spent a lot of time observing the differences between the breeds. One general rule of thumb is that most small dogs bark at the parimeter/fence as the big dogs walk by, and most of the adult big dogs look at them with a kind-of amused look. Sort of like, "Awwww, aren't you little guys soooo cute?") In other words, little dogs like to talk big (especially when there's a fence between them and the big dogs), and most big dogs don't bother to bark back. There are definite differences in temperments that can be generalized by size. I like that you're capturing that with your take on the dragons.

    Thanks, I had 5 pound Yourkshire Terrier when I was growing up. It used to chase the neighbors Doberman home if it got to close to our yard. He would also go after my mother if she was threatening to slap me. He really thought he was bigger and could do much more damage then he actually could. lol 

    Thanks IceDragon & KM 

    Thanks @Linwelly, in the book it said he could pass for human if he kept his ears covered. I picked Parker because he looked a little more mature, and Tanis is old and only 1/2 elven so I don't picture him as a young guy, maybe more like late 20's, early 30's? Parker has fantastic muscle build, but it still thin and has cheek bones that could cut like a knife, which I think lend to a half elven heritage. :)  I think I'm going to do Sturm and Goldmoon next week. I did Kit, but she keeps crashing my system while she's rendering so I need to wait and do her on my new build. Here's Riverwind from a few pages back:

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    Teaching a young dragon to play hide and seek, not an easy task.


    916 x 1000 - 529K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Teaching a young dragon to play hide and seek, not an easy task.


    This is gorgeous!

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Teaching a young dragon to play hide and seek, not an easy task.


    This is gorgeous!

    Totally agree! My dog (dalmatian) looks like that when she gets me exactly where she wants me!

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Another great render.  Somehow your compositions often feel like "story prompts," if you know what I mean.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Thank you @IceDragonArt

    Thanks @Sven Dullah I had a dog in mind when I was doing this, a puppy actually. The way they follow you around when they are little. My kids would go play hide and seek and the puppy would follow someone, then when the "seeker" got to close the puppy would run to them giving away the locating of the one hiding. I sort of imagine this dragon bouncing out and pouncing on someone. Like right now he is resisting every urge. He's got the "puppy play bow" or the kitty "stalk" down, tail starting to sway, then POUNCE! 

    @Worlds_Edge Thank you, I hope they inspire people so that's nice to hear! 



  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    Here is a VERY rough draft of a character I started to build today. 

    1000 x 1000 - 118K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    Another practice on the character I'm working on. I actually changed her a lot since this one. I used a facegen of my mother and my daughter walked by and told me I had to change the face because it looked too much like my mom and it was freeking her out. lol 


    1000 x 1000 - 121K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh she looks very interesting!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Thank you @Worlds_Edge

    Thanks @DarwinsMishap

    Thanks @ mori_mann

    Here's a new one. A Character study of Tanis Half-Elven modeled by @DarwinsMishap 's Parker




    I loved Tanis- well done!  Thank you for using Parker for him- he actually works.  Pretty close to how my mind saw him.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Teaching a dragon to play hide and seek!  I love that one.  Amazing piece, that!  :)

    The one with Facegen looks good.  And, you get extra points for freaking out your daughter.  I actually love freaking out my kids with my art.  Unfortunately, they are getting used to and rarely react anymore.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Another practice on the character I'm working on. I actually changed her a lot since this one. I used a facegen of my mother and my daughter walked by and told me I had to change the face because it looked too much like my mom and it was freeking her out. lol 


    I can understand that freaking out thing I feel the same about that, that is why I would not use facegen and not try lookalikes from my family or friends, they got fantasy versions where they could decide what they would want to look like.

    But this character turned out very nice and interesting it all fits together very nice!

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Thanks @IceDragonArt

    Thanks @DarwinsMishap I LOVE Parker, I think he's my favorite male character right now, those washboard abs. *swoon*

    @Knittingmommy Thank you, I used facegen on the dragon one too, but I didn't have my body morphs loaded on this system yet so I'm still tweeking the little girl to look like my minecraft buddy. I like to do fun crazy art work with her in it, although I usually use her actual photos. ;) 

    @Linwelly Thanks, my mom saw it and she really liked it, her comment was "oh good, you took my double chin out." and I said "whoops, I'll have to add that in" lol I do like that facegen adds the face from the actual photo as a texture map. I can't make wrinkles as well as life does! 

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Great work using facegen to create the little girl.  I'm having good luck with adults, but when I used a ten year old (my neph), it looked fine in facegen.  However in Daz, I had issues with proportions.  The face was too big, I couldn't get it to look right w/ a child body etc.  However that was months ago, and perhaps I'll give it another try.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Great work using facegen to create the little girl.  I'm having good luck with adults, but when I used a ten year old (my neph), it looked fine in facegen.  However in Daz, I had issues with proportions.  The face was too big, I couldn't get it to look right w/ a child body etc.  However that was months ago, and perhaps I'll give it another try.

    Thank you, I used the Growing Up products to morph it farther, there's a slider that says something like "use youth head proportions"  It's still REALLY hard to fit hair, the head is so round! I'm working on a piece now that has her standing, and some body morphs applied. She's a cute little chunky monkey and I didn't like how the 3D body looked so thin and her cheeks were so full. Anyway hopefully I will have it posited later today or tomorrow. You'll be able to see proportions better on that one. 

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2017

    Ok here's my minecraft buddy, Paisley, isn't that the cutest name! This is with the G3 body morphs added so she's not so stick thin. :) 

    742 x 1000 - 105K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • She's adorable, DbC and the older lady is quite well done.

  • Oh my she is totally adorable!

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