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Oh, Paisley is adorable! I love those cheeks!
Thanks Darwin, Sonja and KM
Here's my Goldmoon, with an active staff of Mishakal, also known as the Blue Crystal Staff. It's normally a plain quarter staff with only the gem in the center looking like blue crystal. When activated or seen through magic the intire staff is blue crystal.
I had a lot of fun working with Terry Buttler on this one, he made me the staff of Mishakal!!! Isn't it awesome! His sharecg name is 8115tito and I don't think he has anything up there yet but said there should be some stuff up soon. I'll also add his DA link to my DA upload of this image as soon as he opens his account. lol
Wow gorgeous staff and wonderful point of view!
I was feeling a little scifi yesterday
and in answer to @IceDragonArt 's question on Worlds_Edge 's thread, here's how I do my shadows in post. Click for video
Oh this is awesome thank you so much! I would definitely go for more videos, but only if/when you have a spare moment. Very easy to follow and understand! (some videos are either so fast, or so technical I can only manage to understand about half lol)
And I love the perspective on the sci fi render, very dramatic!
Great sci fi render. I agree with Sonja. That perspective just works. :)
Lovely rendition of Goldmoon- you've gotten really good at working those figments out of the books.
Thanks @icedragonart if I have some down time next week I'll see what I can do.
Thanks KM I had a lot of fun with that one in post, love those brushes. :)
Thanks Darwin, I'm still trying to decide who to do next....
Before I got too sick to work I made a lot of money photographing high school seniors, so I decided to give teen Josie a senior photo shoot, I'll probably do a few more tomorrow but it's getting late. It takes almost as long to render a single image as it does to do an intire shoot in real life. lol
And another, sometimes I miss doing senior portraits :)
Varis 17, 1298
I found the most wonderful specimen today! A rare blue skinned fairy, renowned for their magical properties! I will need to consult Lordis's book "Make the Most of your Ingredients" to decide on how best to divide the parts, and to be sure of the necessary preparations, I don't want to waist ingredients by not using the proper tools! I shall read the book before bed tonight and get an early start on dissection in the morning.
I have been working on this one off and on for the last week. I kept starting the render and walking away only to come back to it the next day and find that something needed changed, and it's still not quite what I was going for. I'm calling it done though because I'm soooo ready to move on. lol
BTW @DarwinsMishap that's poor Elosolus in the jar. :(
Those are lovely senior portait shots- well done! ............and poor Elosolus- but he looks fantastic, and at least he has a lovely lady wanting him out. XD Love the render, very very well done.
Thanks Darwin
So today I want and bought the rim lights I have been seeing so may cool renders with because I had a render I was working on that needed backlighting.... only I had no idea how to use them once I got them!!!! So I closed my render and opened something to practice on. So here's my rim light practice guy, the fog, the floor, the back wall were all from FSL Weathered Shaders for Iray. love that the fog picked up the rim light colors!
Love love love the fairy render and the minotaur turned out amazing!
Great idea with the photos shoot for Josie! She looks a lot better than the promos.
Thanks @IceDragonArt
I have been super busy learning Bryce today, I love it! To bad they don't keep updating it, it's so easy to use! the 1st image is straight out of Bryce and the seconded one is one I combine with a Daz render in Photoshop.
Bryce is a great program. Have you checked out the Bryce section of the forums? Tons of great tips and tricks and some contests as well.
I have a little, David Brinnen has so many great youtube videos though that it's keeping me pretty busy!
Nice start! Bryce is a great program. I like it and have done several renders in it. David's videos are a great resource! I used those, too, to learn how to use Bryce. Horo has some good videos on his channel, too. If you have a chance, check out estevez in the gallery. He has some really amazing Bryce renders and he actually sells them as stock photos. I wish he would do tutorials, but I haven't found any from him yet. I really should put a bug in his ear and see what he thinks. I think we could learn a lot from him. Oh, he has several great products for Bryce in the store, too. If you want a set to play around with to learn how to use cameras and figure out rendering, his sets are great for that. Plus you get to add all of those great textures of his into the you Bryce library.
Awesome! Thanks for the tips, I'll check them out!
Bryce Render
Daz Render
Photoshop - Finished Art
Book Cover
and a re edit already because I wanted more atmosphere. :)
Looked good before, but this is a definite improvement, IMHO. CGI is always so clean - the dust & flares you added help to muck it up a bit ;)
Great cover, btw.
- Greg
Thanks Greg. Yea, it was much to clean just took me a bit to figure out what was bugging me about it.
Here's todays piece.
Love that last one! I like the final on the book cover as well, it just has that extra something.
It's funny. I'm scrolling down through the progression of the of those wood images and I get to the photoshoped one and think that would make a great book cover then I scroll down a little more and that's what you did. It looked great, too. I do love the final one you ended up with. That is an amazing book cover.
I like that last one with the girl and the broken road and the truck behind her. That is one thing that I still have to learn. Adding that atmosphere that you seem to be so good at. You do amazing work.
Agreed on all counts-that's a great book cover, and the last installation is great. The broken road render is another really well executed piece. Well done on both.
Thanks @icedragonart @knittingmommy and @drawinsmishap Most the atmosphere is created in photoshop. Here's the last one broken down into it's parts.
There's not a lot of the background left showing but the top half of the Bryce render was the start of the background. In Daz each element was rendered using the same scene lights and camera angle, I would just delete each element out when I loaded and rendered a new one. Then everything was combined in photoshop with lots of Ron's brushes and some overlay textures. So this is exactly what it looked like when I started. :)
I woke up with this image stuck in my head, I also woke up super early because the dog on my floor was having a bad dream.... whatever the reason for the odd visual it was a fun challenge to create the image outside of my own mind. :)
I love that! It looks very nice all kind of greyscale with that pop of color in the balloon. Great visual effect.
Agreed-it'd be a great marketing base as well. Excellent work!