Old Dog New Tricks



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Wow you've been busy, you works just blow my mind. I haven't come in for a while. I love how you made that book cover from Bryce and a daz figure,  lots to learn!

    Congrats on the DD ( even if a bit late)

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Sonja and Linwelly

    Here's another portrait I was going for the softer illustrative, sort of smudge painting look, only without the smudge painting because I'm lazy. lol I don't want to do realism in the book covers, and want them to look more like digital airbrush paintings, but I don't want to do all the work of over painting. 



    653 x 980 - 194K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    That looks really wonderful!  The hair and skin definitely have that painted look.  Very pretty character as well.

  • Thanks @worlds_edge here's another where I tried to remember the steps of that last one, I should write them down.... lol 

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    I really don't need Calyphlox Codex for anything, but it's incredible work. Badkitteh is in the same category as Aeon Soul (both of their design aesthetics are amazing and really appeal to me). It looks fantastic here against her skin - great work, deathbycanon!

    - Greg

  • Her skin looks gorgeous and it looks like you painted her hair so it went well with the Calphlox Codex.

  • Beautiful render, and I agree with the hair painting.  Well done.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Greg, I saw that head piece and just had to have it! There are so many options for the outfit, it's really a great piece.

    Thanks somefunok & Darwin

    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Gorgeous!  That outfit is on my wishlist, everytime I see I want it lol. 

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    I say I need to write the steps down all the time too.  I wish photoshop or whatever program is being used would have a "notes" function.

    Render looks great.  Shows what a bit of imagination and the right background and color combos can produce.  I would never have given the headdress a second look until I saw this eye catching pic you've made.

  • You always do such great work. I love coming in here to see what you are up to now. Looks like I've missed quite a few outstanding images while I've been busy. That was a great dragon image, btw. And, I love your Monique 8 image. Great work!

  • Thanks Sonja, it had been in my wishlist forever also, I picked it up during the premier artist sales.

    Thanks Worlds-Edge, the headdress was my reason for wanting the outfit. lol 

    Thanks KM 

    Today I decided to play with realism. I wanted to do a realistic portrait of a fantasy dwarf. So I used Ivan in HD and some fantasy morphs. If you click on it it will take you to the gallery where you can click again if you want to see a larger version. 


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Thanks Sonja, it had been in my wishlist forever also, I picked it up during the premier artist sales.

    Thanks Worlds-Edge, the headdress was my reason for wanting the outfit. lol 

    Thanks KM 

    Today I decided to play with realism. I wanted to do a realistic portrait of a fantasy dwarf. So I used Ivan in HD and some fantasy morphs. If you click on it it will take you to the gallery where you can click again if you want to see a larger version. 


    Wow, what a great face! Love it!

  • Thanks Sven, I have been wanting to do a fantasy styled realistic dwarf for a long time. I wanted a heavy brow ridge and a large over sized nose and was able to do that with Ivan and the morphs. I would have also really liked super bushy crazy old man eyebrows  - but I haven't found them yet.  

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Sven, I have been wanting to do a fantasy styled realistic dwarf for a long time. I wanted a heavy brow ridge and a large over sized nose and was able to do that with Ivan and the morphs. I would have also really liked super bushy crazy old man eyebrows  - but I haven't found them yet.  

    MEC4D made a great G2M set that'll get you some bushy eyebrows and a big nose. Definitely worth the money, IMHO, as it comes with not only a great morph but some excellent clothes, hair and beard, too (though the eyebrows are mapped IIRC):


    Great deal on it now, too.

    - Greg

    ETA: Should have mentioned that since it's older, there's no Iray mats.

    Post edited by algovincian on
  • Thanks Greg! I actually already have that set. I don't think I have as many morphs for G2 but I'll have to play with it and see what I can do. 

  • He looks great! I love that fierce expression. His skin looks good, too.

  • Thanks KM

    Here's a new one. I don't know why I have been so mean to the fairies lately. ;) 

    The Fairy Collector

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I like the elepehnat with the red baloon. Super cute render there. 

  • Oh, someone's collecting fairies! Watch out, girls.  Great looking image.

  • Thanks Serene Night and KM

  • Posting this here because I am somehow always getting a dark view port preview and having to google search how to turn them on again because I can never remember how. lol 

    Window > Preview Lights (Ctl-L)

  • My super slow renders, I fianlly finsihed all the Monique girls, here's Laverne

  • Originally I was going to scratch this render, because I got a little carried away with my DOF. I wanted the alien a bit more in focus and I didn't do a test render. At the last minute I decided to post work it anyway. Also my pieces are generally composites put together in photoshop, as I like the freedom of post working each element individually only this one was rendered as a full scene. Now that the postwork is done it doesn't bother me as much that the alien is so blurred out.... Renders are taking so long on my machine that I do not want to render it again, so I guess this will do. lol

  • The alien bokeh looks great; I like not being able to see details of what she's worried about.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    They are both lovely!  I like the alien the way it is as well.

  • The lack of focus on the alien gives that last one a very real sense of dread and mystery- great renders, both of them.

  • Great images. I agree about that alien in the last one. I think it turned out great and the fact we can't exactly see what she is facing adds to the sense of fear in the image.

  • Thanks everyone, I guess I'm glad I didn't scrap it then. lol 

    Here's todays work. Darian VS Reptilian 

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    I love your newest render.  Great action scene.  I also like how you blurred everything but the main character - works really well.

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