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You certainly are getting a good grasp on Photoshop's beauty canvases!!!
Some stunning renders there Death!!!
Thanks ladies,
I haven't been getting much done lately. Working outside trying to get my flower beds mulched before they get too weedy, puppy sitting for a friend and have an extra teen staying with us while her mom is out of town. So I'm super busy!!! Only got two renders done. Mostly playing with posing, lighting and shader... Anyone know why my fingernails keep turning up grey?
Having problems getting the 2nd one to upload... Guess I'll try again.
These two look really good, you did a fantastic job with them.
As far as the fingernails, I want to say there is something in Novica's thread, I would check the first page list to see if its listed. I honestly can't remember what the fix is though.
Thanks I'll check it out!
Those look great! I'm not sure what the fix is for the nails. I haven't come across that yet, but I remember reading something about it. It might have been Novica's thread. I don't remember.
No renders this week, I did do a real photoshoot though. :)
and worked on book covers, before coming here I had been turning most my art into bookcovers, and I was WAY behind!
Wow gorgeous!
Thanks Sonja
Great work. The book cover has a real "action/adventure" feel to it and an immediancy that is often hard to capture.
you really have a nack for portraits Death!
Stunning renders!!
Thanks everyone. I actually got a new render done yesterday and ran it through photoshop today.
I love your latest render. There is a lot going on int he background and yet your character stands out and doesn't "melt into it" - not always an easy feat.
Thanks everyone. I actually got a new render done yesterday and ran it through photoshop today.
Thanks, I tried to use teh lighting and blur to minimize the background and pop the model.
This is my take on dragons, they are sort of like dogs. The smaller they are the more vicious they act. :)
Hahahaha its an ankle biter dagon! I love it!
Great scene/render, I love it. Maybe they are also like dogs in that sometimes they start looking like their owners, or their owners start looking like them (style-wise) lol. Really like your color choices.
Awesome render!
Exactly! lol
LOL Thanks, it's sort of a throw back to my portrait studio days. I always tried to color coordinate my sets to go with teh outfits people brought in.
Thank you
Sorry I haven't been around. I had a power serge that completely fried my system! So far I lost a power supply and a hard drive and my husband says he's pretty sure the motherboard is also fried...
I need to make some extra cash to put a new system together. I'm thinking of getting in some models for "skin texture" photo shoots if there's any merchants out there interested in this sort of thing drop me a line.
On the up side I was commissioned to do my first book cover. Lucky for me they wanted a real person as a model so I didn't need to do any 3D because all I have to work on is a very old hp right now and it takes DAYS to render anything! It only took 10 minutes to shoot the photos. :)
Beautiful dragon render! I love making the dragons smaller for some renders. It's unexpected and uses a whole new perspective.
That's rough about the power surge. Nice about the commission! Sweet! :)
Thanks @knittingmommy
Played with some high res photographs I took today. I started in facegen and have been correcting the bad areas. Fixing the skin around the eyes, trying to fix the lips - looks like they still need some work. Then I got distracted and made bump and normal maps to see if I could bring out the details in the skin. There are some weird artifacts in the eyes I haven't figured out yet, I'm not even using facegen eyes so I can't figure out where they are coming from.... Facegen also stretched out the detail on the sides of the nose so I'll probably go back and add it in from the original photos... Once I get all the texture mapping kinks worked out I'll go back in and play with the morphs some more.
It looks like a great start. Good luck! Looking forward to seeing your finished figure.
Thanks Knittingmommy,
the last image was a close up detail. Here's the png, and beauty dish images side by side with just minimal photoshop retouching. Just color tones and a vignette was done on each image - oh yea, and added the background in.
Yea, dragons. :)
I did this one a couple of days ago.
and this one because I couldn't pass up getting a new dragon. ;)
Wow, they're both great renders. I find myself unable to choose a favorite.
I agree they are both lovely!
Thanks Sonja!
So had the privallage of testing Darwin's Elosolus and now that he is out in the store I can share all the pretty boy renders I did of him here on my thread. :)