Old Dog New Tricks



  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2017

    Title: Foundling

    BTW he's a sleeping newborn - not dead lol 


    1000 x 759 - 345K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484


  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227



  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Simply amazing renders all of them but especially liked the Sleeping Newborn Dragon one such a heartfelt render.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Title: Foundling

    BTW he's a sleeping newborn - not dead lol 



  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Thanks ladies, I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out... 

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    I love the sleeping dragon, he's adorable. I only discovered this thread this morning and have enjoyed going through it. I think all your work is pretty amazing and will definitely be back for future visits :)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I love the Foundling!  Nice job with that.  Looks great!

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Aww, that widdle baby dragon :D

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    that is adorable and very well done!

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Thanks everyone, he's sooo cute, I think I'm going to have to do a few more renders with him.  

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2017

    Just playing with the new skin builder. This character started some times ago in facegen, but I didn't compleatly like it so when I got skinbuilder I picked up Zev's aging morphs also. 

    833 x 1000 - 691K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2017

    my 1st attempt at rendering out multiple canvases for lighting and combining them in post.... not sure what went on with the renders though. They were set for max time and samples but still the main image was really pixelated. Worked with them anyway beings it was just a test play. 

    923 x 1000 - 379K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865

    Looks like it came out well!   Love the Foundling also!


  • StormlyghtStormlyght Posts: 666

    Here's one of my favorite mixed media dragon pieces I have done.


    Hi, I just "found" your thread. I love the images you are creating! This is one of my favorites.


  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2017

    I'm having trouble with doing canvases and processing the files. I have been processing the images though photomatrix because I can't figure out how to use photoshop CS5 to process them. The problem is photomatrix doesn't keep the image translucency. In some of the tone mapping presets it will turn everything transparent bright red so I couldn't use it for this..... Anyone else using CS5 know if there's a way to process the canvas images? 

    Anyway here's one where I rendered the light group canvases but I couldn't use them, so it's just a png image that I did post work on.

    1000 x 800 - 463K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    i haven't even figured out how to render the canvasses, I tried once and ended up with a black render, a very white render with a couple of blown out blotches of colour and the beauty canvass.  But in all fairness, I haven't really had much of a chance to really read through all the info more than once.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    i haven't even figured out how to render the canvasses, I tried once and ended up with a black render, a very white render with a couple of blown out blotches of colour and the beauty canvass.  But in all fairness, I haven't really had much of a chance to really read through all the info more than once.

    When I open them in photoshop that's pretty much what they look like on mine too, but if I open them in photomatrix pro there is more there, and I can tone map in that program. I'll try and post a comparison later.  

  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865

    What I do is load all the canvasses in a stack.  Put the beauty canvas on top of the stack, then set an exposure adjustment layer on the stack itself.   You're almost certainly going to be looking at something like -10 or more on the exposure.

    Depending on how you want to composite, you can set the blending modes on the canvasses to Linear Dodge (Add) and play with opacity on each layer.

    You can then tone map the image (it will flatten the layers at that point into a single layer).

    I suppose you could try tonemapping each individual canvas first.....


  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2017

    What I do is load all the canvasses in a stack.  Put the beauty canvas on top of the stack, then set an exposure adjustment layer on the stack itself.   You're almost certainly going to be looking at something like -10 or more on the exposure.

    Depending on how you want to composite, you can set the blending modes on the canvasses to Linear Dodge (Add) and play with opacity on each layer.

    You can then tone map the image (it will flatten the layers at that point into a single layer).

    I suppose you could try tonemapping each individual canvas first.....


    Thank you!!! That's perfect! Here's the above image, Dale & the Truck, no post work, just used the technique you recommended and then tone mapped. Exactlly the technique I was looking for! 


    1000 x 800 - 571K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2017

    If anyone is interested here is a comparison between images. Clicking image links on the bottom will bring them up bigger.

    1) Straight png render no post work

    2) Beauty canvas tone mapped

    3) Combined lighting canvases - no post work other then combining them


    4) is #3 with post work

    618 x 1000 - 340K
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    618 x 1000 - 347K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865

    Looks great!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Congrats on being in the PC Club newsletter as well for winning the contest!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    That's a nice little comparison of the various steps with the canvases and with and without postwork.  I really love your final version.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    congrat to the newsletter!, I really like what you did with that skin and the postwork surely adds up.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Thanks ladies, & Jack :) 

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2017

    Frankie's little brother Freddy


    702 x 1000 - 395K
    Post edited by deathbycanon on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Oh, he's a cutie!  Well done.  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh my he is adorable!


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