Growing Up Skin Merchant Resource for Genesis 3 Female and Male [Commercial]



  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2017

    @Zev0 I checked the readmes for these and they say to not create characters for any figure other than G3F/G3M. With the release of G8F now (and G8M in the future), and G8's ability to use G3 textures just fine, does that G3 restriction still stick?

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited June 2017

    G3 restriction sticks for selling purpose, the Merchant resource aspect. For personal use you can still use them on Genesis 8. As it stands the G3 version is not G8 ready in terms of a merchant resource and I do not want to be held liable for any issues on products submitted for G8. Hope that clarifies things.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • I've noticed a major issue with the iray version of Growing Up Skin. When I apply it to the Genesis 3 male, it messes up the eyes. I would image that it also happens with the Genesis 3 female. The images below illustrate what happens. In the first set of images, I'm using the blue iray eyes included in the Growing Up Skin package. In the top image, I've loaded the eyes but not the skin. The render looks fine. When I apply the skin, however, the blue eyes turn dark brown, all details in the eye whites are lost, and there is a lot of render noise in the irises. This is shown in the second image down. The third image down shows what happens when I reload the eyes. Though the blue color is restored, the noise is still there, and the details in the eye whites are still gone. The fourth image is a closeup taken with lower light to show more clearly all the noise in the irises. This same issue happens with the default Genesis 3 male eyes. It also happens when I load the skin first and the Growing Up Skin eyes second.

    The degradations to the eyes is even more apparent when using the high quality Macro Eyes for Iray, as shown in the second set of images. In the top image, I've loaded one of the green eyes. You can see the great details in the eye whites and the realistic lacrimals. When I load the Growing Up Skin, however, all of that disappears, and the eyes look exactly the same as they do when loaded on top of the Growing Up Skin eyes. Thankfully, unlike with the Growing Up Skin eyes, when I reload the Macro Eyes, they "overwrite" whatever it is that the skin is doing, and the eyes go back to the way they should be.

    This problem does not happen with the 3Delight version of Growing Up Skin.

    I've tried to figure out what is causing this, but I've had no luck. Growing Up Skin is replacing the Macro Eyes settings with its own, which is one of the reasons why it's eliminating all of the details and realism, but what particular settings are causing the change in iris color and the render noise, is something that I don't know.

    In my opinion, Growing Up Skin should leave the eyes alone. It should affect just the skin and things growing out of the skin, like eyelashes and facial hair. Either that or there should be an option for the user to exclude the eyes.

    I am apparently not the only person with this problem. There was a post back in December from someone who, judging by the attached image, was having the same problem. Hopefully, there will be some sort of resolution. I'm just glad that reloading the Macro Eyes undoes what Growing Up Skin is doing to them, but people not using that product don't have that option.

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  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited July 2017

    Try clicking on the Cornea in surfaces and setting that to 0 cutout opacity to eliminate the noise. This is a merchant resource so I included all options in the shader. You as a user are meant to adjust to your liking. Most other Skin Merchant Resources don't even offer a shader preset that auto loads the skins and texture maps. As a merchant resource it cannot leave the eyes alone and it has to assigns the shader and all maps from Growing Up skins, and the brown eyes are set as default color.

    The reason for the skin including eyes is because some people would load the skins and forget to assign eyes and when they use as a resource for their characters, calls for maps not from Growing Up. The eye shader and textures were preloaded apon loading skin to avoid this issue so there would be no missing external texture call ups. After loading the skin you can adjust the eyes, but at least the correct maps from the package are present. The different eye colour options are meant to be used after the skin is loaded, not before, as they rely on the eye shader and maps from the skin presets, which defines how the eye shader should be set up. Also the noise is also subject to your lighing setup.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2017

    @Zev0 Yes, I know I'm a pain in the butt. lol :P I just read this in the SB3 thread, and I'm curious if this stands for this as well. I'd be using bits of it mostly in combination with traditional projection painting from other texture references.

    ----You can use Skin Builder 3 for personal use on Genesis 8. The skins work fine. However, selling characters on Genesis 8 using SkinBuilder 3 is NOT permitted. I have already removed 9 products from stores that violated the MR agreement. However, if you release a character for sale that contains both a G3F and G8F version of the character in one package, where the G8F version will just use the G3 skins, then that is fine. But a G8F character for sale on it's own using Skin Builder 3 is NOT permitted. Just thought I would clarify on the selling aspect

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    Same rules apply to this set.
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116

    Excellent. Thank you!

  • hyteckithyteckit Posts: 167

    I bought the skin by accident. Thought I bought the Grow Up utility. Must be late.

    Anyway, I notice there are some issues with the left eye in the Makeup.psd file. A bunch of gray edge artifacts.

    Screenshot 2017-12-08 01.15.17.png
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  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    I'll have a look. Thanks.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 2017

    Ah. What you can do is drag the facemap from the Textures\Ryze\Growing Up MR and replace it in the psd in the meantime. I will send an official Update where the facemap layer is updated.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • hyteckithyteckit Posts: 167

    I know you are tire of answering the same questions, but I've read through the thread and just want to make sure what I just bought. I'm new to DAZ and new to Merchant Resource.

    Merchant Resourse basically means I can use it as the "base" and include it with characters I sell on Daz as long as I made some changes. Like added a few moles to the face texture. Do I have to make changes to all the textures like the arms, eyes, torso, or is it sufficient to just make changes to the face and makeup? Do I need to make any changes to the bump maps or shaders?

    So once I made those necessary changes, I can include those texture, bump maps, shaders with the character I sell? Yes, I know it's limited to Genesis 3 characters.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 2017

    You can edit the face if need be. No need to edit the bump maps. As long as the diffuse\color texture files are not 100% from source then you are fine.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • hyteckithyteckit Posts: 167

    So do you need to edit every diffuse\color texture file such as the eyes, arms, and torso, or is editing just the face sufficient? 

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 2017
    Just face is ok. But remember if your skin is too similar to the skins provided then customers won't really feel the need to buy your character if it basically includes what is already in this package. That is why sellers who use resources change things up a bit to make their character and skins their own.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • hyteckithyteckit Posts: 167


    Thanks for all the quick responses. I just bought over $300 worth of stuff last few days and I don't know half the stuff I bought. Different generations, morphs, skins, etc.

    Bought a bunch of genesis 3 stuff like fit control, face morphs, body morphs, but now I think I should should focus on Genesis 8 stuff for one importance difference. The bones in the face. Might skip Growing Up for Genesis 3 and just get it for Genesis 8 as it is on sale right now.

    Anyway. Someone mention skin builder 3. And you said you remove a few items being sold from exports from SB3. Can textures created from SB3 be used for the same purpose of including it with the character you sell as long as you make changes to the texture?

    PS: The forum search functions sucks, so hard for me to find info.


  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    Yes. But for genesis 3 female only. The official Genesis 8 one is still being finalzied.
  • ArboRealArboReal Posts: 7

    Will there be a Growing Up Skin MR for G8 male/female?

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