Growing Up Skin Merchant Resource for Genesis 3 Female and Male [Commercial]



  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2016

    When I get to Skin Builder, All those added elements will be compatible with this skin set

    marble said:

    I'm looking forward to this product although I'm a little worried that it might appear at Merchant Resource prices (usually too rich for my pocket until they appear in sales a year later). Having said that, I also want to appeal for something else I would like to see and purchase and can think of no better candidates than Zev0 and Raiya to produce them. 

    Please can we have some realistic and detailed older skins. Most of the young ladies in the store are glamour model clones with almost flawless, wrinkle-free skins and most of the people I see in real life are far from that ideal. Middle age and older characters are needed, please. I'm sure the Growing Up set will be wonderful and I'm sure that you can come up with a just as wonderful Growing Old set?

    Well there is two ways I plan to approach this. 1. will be aging details for the new skinbuilder whenever that gets done, and 2. A new dynamic wrinkle system that activates and react to skin movement which is part of aging morph 3 which will be morph based.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Zev0 said:

    When I get to Skin Builder, All those added elements will be compatible with this skin set

    marble said:

    I'm looking forward to this product although I'm a little worried that it might appear at Merchant Resource prices (usually too rich for my pocket until they appear in sales a year later). Having said that, I also want to appeal for something else I would like to see and purchase and can think of no better candidates than Zev0 and Raiya to produce them. 

    Please can we have some realistic and detailed older skins. Most of the young ladies in the store are glamour model clones with almost flawless, wrinkle-free skins and most of the people I see in real life are far from that ideal. Middle age and older characters are needed, please. I'm sure the Growing Up set will be wonderful and I'm sure that you can come up with a just as wonderful Growing Old set?


    Well there is two ways I plan to approach this. 1. will be aging details for the new skinbuilder whenever that gets done, and 2. A new dynamic wrinkle system that activates and react to skin movement which is part of aging morph 3 which will be morph based.

    Seriously, get back to the salt mines and get busy. :p

  • nicstt said:
    Zev0 said:

    When I get to Skin Builder, All those added elements will be compatible with this skin set

    marble said:

    I'm looking forward to this product although I'm a little worried that it might appear at Merchant Resource prices (usually too rich for my pocket until they appear in sales a year later). Having said that, I also want to appeal for something else I would like to see and purchase and can think of no better candidates than Zev0 and Raiya to produce them. 

    Please can we have some realistic and detailed older skins. Most of the young ladies in the store are glamour model clones with almost flawless, wrinkle-free skins and most of the people I see in real life are far from that ideal. Middle age and older characters are needed, please. I'm sure the Growing Up set will be wonderful and I'm sure that you can come up with a just as wonderful Growing Old set?


    Well there is two ways I plan to approach this. 1. will be aging details for the new skinbuilder whenever that gets done, and 2. A new dynamic wrinkle system that activates and react to skin movement which is part of aging morph 3 which will be morph based.

    Seriously, get back to the salt mines and get busy. :p

    He is; can't you hear him working hard in the background as he uses DragonDictate to post the messages on the forum?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    All the attempts at older skins I've seen have been way, way over the top and don't look realistic at all. Same with the dirty skins, wounded skins, and so on. I mean to look at those attempts and you get the impression that they smoked heavily their entire lives while working in the hot sun picking goosberries during exhausting 16 hour days and never having taken a bath. In some cases a little says a lot and choice of hair color and a few places wrinkles is more effective and realistic.

    Depending on the time period, much of what you say may actually have been true, not to mention that regular bathing (including over doing it by bathing or showering daily) is a fairly recent concept. Also, I suspect that unless you're doing a lot of closeup renders, most folks wouldn't notice the lack of wrinkles. I'm not saying that a PA shouldn't attempt to do a more realistic set of skins for older characters; I'm just saying that the lower levels of detail that you're asking for may not end up being noticeable in many cases.

    People have been bathing instinctly since they evolved, just as animals without hands and soap make do what they can to bath. It takes some type of abnormal disturbance or complete lack of facilities to keep from bathing. 

    I've know bald 17 year olds, extremely wrinkled 35 year olds, and white headed 25 year olds. I will admit if you have a photographic resource it's much harder to apply the mind's eye to edit the photographic resource to create a model more like as a person would see them in real life especially with regard to things like wrinkles. The wrinkles are invariably are given too much dept in the examples I've seen and the shallow ones are better off ignored if you want to portray the character of the face.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    It isn't just wrinkles although they are an important part of aging. There are moles and blemishes, scars and cellulite. Some could be HD features, others morphs. I'd just like to see some realistic older characters with all those natural imperfections - even better if they could be switched on and off individually. One such character would be so versatile.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    marble said:

    It isn't just wrinkles although they are an important part of aging. There are moles and blemishes, scars and cellulite. Some could be HD features, others morphs. I'd just like to see some realistic older characters with all those natural imperfections - even better if they could be switched on and off individually. One such character would be so versatile.

    Well those are better done with a product like Skin Creator I think but maybe they have some overlays to generally guide us how to make our own if needed, otherwise all the old character you create with have what most of them don't have and were they don't have it. Cellutite is more of a weight issue then age.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to this product but it seems it is more difficult to do it well than the authors originally thought. I see they originally intented it to be released in February.

  • I think it has been submitted to DAZ; we're just waiting on them now, I believe.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    This week it will be available.

  • Thanks Zev0.

  • Josh P.Josh P. Posts: 49
    Zev0 said:

    This week it will be available.

    Great news, Zev, thanks!  Prepare to take my money!

  • FobokFobok Posts: 96

    Nice to see it released! Now to see what kind of scene I can come up with. :) 

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    In  the cart, will try it out tonight!

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Thanks for the support guys. Glad I managed to get this out lol.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Can I just check I'm purchasing the correct product.... :)

    I simply want skin for my Growing Up for Genesis 3 Females - I don't have the male version, and I'm not really concerned about the adult version, and I don't want to use it as a merchant resource (only for my own art - not making freebies or for sale characters or anything like that)

    I can get this one: and that will cover me? It will give me a good skin suitable for kids/young teens etc and I can apply it like a character skin that I normally apply:?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Yes that will cover you. It has presets for one click application.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    fabulous, thank you!!!!! laugh

    checking out now :) 

    Zev0 said:

    Yes that will cover you. It has presets for one click application.


  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    I too don't use G3 Males so I didn't go for the bundle. I got the GU Female plus the Adult add-on which, of course, counts as two Madness items and therefore qualifies for 50% discount.


  • Zev0 said:

    Skin Builder will cater for the older figures. It will be merged with Skin Overlay to make one product, which contained elements to age skin.

    I'm disappointed to hear that.  I like the Skin Overlay product but my old computer couldn't handle Skin Builder Pro (took ages to load anything) so I returned it.  I have a new faster computer so it might be ok now but I would only want the Skin Overlay.  May have to get off my lazy ... and do some actual work myself. :)  

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2016

    Skin Overlay will be part of the new SkinBuilder, plus the new script we tested works and loads the files much much faster. If you apply just the overlays it will work the same spead as the old overlay product. The main calculaton time in SkinBuilder only really happened when the script had to build the skin base itself.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839

    The product descriptions say

    Please view product Tutorial for Merchant Resource agreement and product usage tips.

    Are these things somewhere that can be seen before buying the product? If so, where?

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
  • At 2:10 am...ish eastern time I came here just to see what was new.  Not expecting this until the weekend I was pleasantly shocked that it was there AND that it was the Mind Blower.  Mind...blown. lol.  Instantly it went into the cart.  So far this is looking great!  The skin renders very well, they've got a little bit of fairness to them so they aren't too tanned or ghostly white and just look awesome.  Great job and thank you!  One question I have though is that the adults don't seem to have the eyebrow option so you have to use the eyebrow option from one of the younglings.  Was this meant to be like this or just an overlook?  Since I got the bundle, it's really no issue for me but if someone were to get just the adult versions they wouldn't have that option.  Or maybe it's just me that they didn't show up for lol.  Quite possible also haha.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Oh dang, I figured that there must be the 3 G3 sets and another set of G2 sets from when G2 was released but I looked, no G2 sets. G3 only then.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    HI Zev/Raiya

    I am having trouble finding the Eye Brow layer in LIE. I don't render with IRay so I've loaded the 3DL version - but there's no Brow layer in LIE.

    Screen Shot 2016-03-11 at 15.44.28.png
    1301 x 914 - 560K
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Hmm let me check that out.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited March 2016
    Zev0 said:

    Hmm let me check that out.

    Sorry - my bad. I didn't realise I had to apply the brow overlay first. I found the icons in the Materials folder. 

    EDIT: By the way, it would have been nice to have a Zero brow option. It seems to me that clicking each option adds it to the existing layers insterad of replacing the previous one.

    Post edited by marble on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Was goint so say now lol. It is working on my side.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    At 2:10 am...ish eastern time I came here just to see what was new.  Not expecting this until the weekend I was pleasantly shocked that it was there AND that it was the Mind Blower.  Mind...blown. lol.  Instantly it went into the cart.  So far this is looking great!  The skin renders very well, they've got a little bit of fairness to them so they aren't too tanned or ghostly white and just look awesome.  Great job and thank you!  One question I have though is that the adults don't seem to have the eyebrow option so you have to use the eyebrow option from one of the younglings.  Was this meant to be like this or just an overlook?  Since I got the bundle, it's really no issue for me but if someone were to get just the adult versions they wouldn't have that option.  Or maybe it's just me that they didn't show up for lol.  Quite possible also haha.

    The adult product is only an add on. It requires the child version, according to the product page.
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2016

    The Adult and Young Skin share certain options such as Eyebrows, Eye colour, Face and other certain body textures etc. That is why those options are outside the adult and youth folders because they are universal.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Ah, I found the Brothers & Sisters for Genesis 2 so I'll just add them in...

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