Growing Up Skin Merchant Resource for Genesis 3 Female and Male [Commercial]



  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    True, but it needs to be fixed officially lol. Busy sending Daz an update now.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Zev0 said:

    True, but it needs to be fixed officially lol. Busy sending Daz an update now.

    Oh yes, of course. I just thought if someone was in a hurry, they could patch it like I did and move forward with their project.

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    DAZ should Hire barbult for QA. He finds everything

    And I also get the feeling the DAZ QA is not very good. Normaly I seldom by New releases, but I bought quite a few during March Madness and a lot of them had very obvious Bugs that everyon that just quickly test-used them should have found....

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    I deal with Q\A. They are actually very good. I test my products myself and even this small issue slipped my grasp. It's not always as easy finding every issue, specially when you have to test every single aspect from the ground up, and in this case, on multiple products submitted at the same time. It is easy for something to slip by. We are only human lol.

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    Working in Software Development I'm aware of that. Especially how hard it is to spot issues in your own work. But recently I had a few issues with new Products (other PAs not yours) that where so so obvious that the immediate question in my head was: Dds someone from QA did even look at this product at all?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2016

    I understand, but March Madness is insane lol. The amount of products submitted and that has to go out nearly tripples. I know some Q\A Testers that haven't slept for a full day. So I guess I am a bit more sympathetic because I speak to them lol. Not making any excuses, but they are also under pressure, specially in big sales like this. Every PA wants a product released and they have to get them out to try and make us happy. Eg say for example they had to spend extra time going through the skins making sure everything was 100% bug free and I missed this months sale. Not only would that upset me, but all those who were waiting for it. Minor Bugs can always be fixed afterwards. But if products are delayed, it throws out entire schedules.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • And it probably doesn't help that they not only have the normal March Madness load, but also the RDNA stuff to quality check before it's added.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2016

    Yes, at the moment Q\A is really stretched with RDNA merging content. It is indeed a month of madness lol.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • And that reminds me: what exactly does it mean when the merchant resources say to "make them your own" before using them in a character? I am assuming it's stuff like changing the base file names for the texture resources and fine tuning the other materials, but it would be nice to have a straight answer from the Published Artist on this.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2016

    Well renaming is one, but also they have to edit the skins in some way, eg add a moles or some other skin change so that it doesn't match the source texture.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • PatroklosPatroklos Posts: 533
    Nath said:

    Nice... will it also have an option for various skin colours? Both realistic and fantasy?


    I consider myself pretty much a novice, however I find changing skin colours very straightforward.


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Renomista said:

    DAZ should Hire barbult for QA. He finds everything

    And I also get the feeling the DAZ QA is not very good. Normally I seldom by New releases, but I bought quite a few during March Madness and a lot of them had very obvious Bugs that everyone that just quickly test-used them should have found....

    Yep, She is amazing at finding things like that! I'm not sure how she gets her wonderful renders done with all the bugs she finds!  I might have been known to post stalk her a time or two when a new product has come out. blush

    I was looking at the front page of the Commercial Products page and I'm noticing that Zev0 has not one, not two, but six threads all on relatively new products!  I don't know how he does that, but I'm glad that he does!  I asked in an earlier post, but it might have been overlooked as it was at the end of a paragraph. 

    @Zev0 So, I have to ask, though, if there will possibly be a MR for the G2 Growing Up kids?  At the very least, it would be nice to have it for the males.  I can sort of deal with the eyebrow on the Teen Josie one I have to make it suitable for younger kids, but it is much more difficult dealing with trying to get the male resource that I have to look right for younger kids.  My Gimp skills are improving, but I'm not there yet when it comes to making huge changes like that.  After playing with the new MR skin for G3, it would be so nice to have that type of blank canvas to play with.  I find adding moles and other blemishes easier than actually doing the skin changes like getting rid of a lot of hair and deal with the pores sizes on the shaved versions of the MR skins.  And, if not, can you point me to a couple of kid friendly MR skins that are suitable for kids?  But only if you don't plan to make one.  I would much rather buy from you.  I know the work. I know that quality.  And, I like supporting PAs like you.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    I honestly don't go looking for bugs (except when I am beta testing for a PA before release). I just try to use the products I purchase. I somehow have a knack for trying the one thing that doesn't work right. I agree though, that some products, especially PC+ products, get released with errors so blatant that you question whether they were tested at all. Metadata errors are the most frequent things I see. But I have no inside knowledge of what goes on in Daz QA, so I'll rely on Zev0's analysis that they are doing their best.
  • FobokFobok Posts: 96

    Speaking of bugs, I've noticed one with the update with the female skins. Specifically, in the install manager. Instead of showing up as updates, they show up as new products. It doesn't auto install after downloading, like everything else, and when I manually click the install button for them they seem to install successfully, but the next time I refresh the install manager, they show up as new products again.

    This is both the female skin and the adult add-on. The updated male skins were marked as updates and installed fine.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I got the update already! That was really fast. Thanks.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Yep, same here. Showing as new product instead of in the updates. Strange. I know that it occasionally happens with PC item updates, and I THINK there's a fairly simple reason for it, but DAZ will have to fix it.  

    Fobok said:

    Speaking of bugs, I've noticed one with the update with the female skins. Specifically, in the install manager. Instead of showing up as updates, they show up as new products. It doesn't auto install after downloading, like everything else, and when I manually click the install button for them they seem to install successfully, but the next time I refresh the install manager, they show up as new products again.

    This is both the female skin and the adult add-on. The updated male skins were marked as updates and installed fine.


  • em53em53 Posts: 32

    Unfortunately, this is not a product update. Like Fobok, I've been seeing this for three days straight. And after I download them, they're back the next day. And there is no difference in the enclosed files, they all have the same February dates as the originals. According to the useless readme, this was only a metadata update.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    There were two updates for me - one to fix metadata and a second one the next day to fix the missing surface map. I got my updates through Daz Connect, and they worked fine, so it must be a DIM-only problem.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    First render, used extreme closeup freckles

    800 x 800 - 2M
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    barbult said:

    There were two updates for me - one to fix metadata and a second one the next day to fix the missing surface map. I got my updates through Daz Connect, and they worked fine, so it must be a DIM-only problem.

    I got updates 4 times and it seems like both times was for Male & Male Adult Add-on products, but they were updates, not new products.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited March 2016

    Getting ready to head off to Tokyo for a week, but I had time to pop another quick test off this evening.  3DL using AoA lights, again.

    GUP Skin test scout.jpg
    900 x 1273 - 565K
    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited March 2016

    Aaaaahhh! Where on earth did you find a scout uniform?  I NEED that!

    Edit: And are the patches moveable?  The world crest emblem is in the wrong place for the US uniform which this looks like it is supposed to be.  And, can the patch on the pocket be changed out for other ranks?

    Have a safe trip!

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited March 2016

    The scout uniform is by kang1hyun over at Rendo (he sells as IH Kang here at DAZ)  It's made for Genesis, but fits to the G3s quite nicely if you fit it to the full sized figure and then adjust the size with the GU morphs.  All the patches can be hidden (they're all on the same surface setting, but to move them would probably require some serious work.

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Thanks for the info.  I'll go take a look today. yes

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Ok, a work in progress; now to do mum for her.

    Who Meeee.jpg
    1273 x 1800 - 416K
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited March 2016

    I had something rendering when these came out, but the bundle went into my cart immediately. I swear, it was the only purchase I've made this month that I didn't argue with myself about whether or not I needed it/could afford it right now!

    Now all I need is to make the time to use it! (After taxes are filed... in fact, I should be working on that right now, instead of playing in here... Oops.)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Thank you for the support. Hope you like it:)

  • Here is a render in Iray that I just finished showing the skins on the two kids I'm working on.

    Second Iray Render.jpg
    1000 x 769 - 369K
  • wizard1200wizard1200 Posts: 239

    The product library contains two versions of the merchant resource:

    - GrowingUpSkinMerchantResourceforGenesis3Females

    - GrowingUpSkinMRGenesis3Females

    Is there a difference between the two versions?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2016
    There is no difference..MR stands for merchant resource. Should all be named the same. Can you send a screenshot of where you see the differences?
    Post edited by Zev0 on
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