Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12



  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    mermaid010 said:

    Wow, a beautiful collection of Abstracts Hansmar, it's a bit we can't view them here.

    I'll keep trying to upload them in the forum.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    Hansmar said:

    mermaid010 said:

    Wow, a beautiful collection of Abstracts Hansmar, it's a pity we can't view them here.

    I'll keep trying to upload them in the forum.

    Most of us are having problems to upload here and sometimes the gallery links don't work. 

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    adbc, lovely boat scene.  Feels tranquil.

    Horo, really wonderful landscape.

    Hansmar, all of your images are beautiful.  They feel like broken kaleidoscope views.  Love the greens and reds.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    NGartplay - thank you.

    Hansmar - nice abstracts I've seen in the gallery. Uploading here in the forum works for a few hours each day. In our time zone in the morning. If you look at other forum threads and check the upload time of comments with an image with the thumbnail below. The upload time you see is adjusted to your computer time. If you want to upload at a time when it does not work, copy the link of where you published it (Daz gallery, renderosity gallery, any cloud, ...), edit your post, open the image button and copy the link (Image Info tab). Remember that the width must not exceed 800 pixels, adjust it and the height is automatically adjusted. If the picture is wider than 800, open the Link tab and copy the link again there. When someone clicks on the image, the another window opens with the original size.


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : fantastic abstracts, great colours.

    NGartplay : thank you.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    - I had noticed that AI-Gallery at R'sity around two months ago and then googled for according sites.
    - Great terrain work. The starry sky fits nicely to it.

    AI-generated images are often very fascinating and they inspire me too. Yet to achieve comparable, which I would like to do.... is too "high level" for my skills. So, I'll keep on doing "easier stuff" with Bryce, esp. my Hubisms. AI-Artworks can be intimidating and might imo even stop people creating art "the hard way" by themselves. But AI won't make me stop using Bryce! Nope. "Bryce forever!!" ;)

    Sure. I'll send you the link to my "public" images" there. Meanhwile, I created far too many imho good images to show them all (in public). --> Done. :)

    Imo better now with the larger raft. (Nitpicking alert: Personally, I would position the raft slightly offcenter. So that one could also see its captain much better.)

    Some very cool "crystalline" impressions/images!

    @ all:
    Honestly, I am glad that I grew up with Bryce (and other 3D softwares) and that I learned to create 3D scenes/images myself. -- Now, with that "IA by AI" ("Instant Art by Artificial Impertinence") and these imho "nearly effortless one-click artworks".... sigh! Oh, I am proud about some of my AI-generated images. But making such images doesn't feel and never will be the same like brycing. I'll keep on brycing. Promised! :)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    hubert : thanks.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you hubert.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Thanks Hubert, waiting for the link wink

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited July 2023

    The table was self made, the globe is by Steven Ray. Originator of the spherical global Venus map with lands and oceans is uncertain, possibly "Venus-Oceans" was published first by Alexis Huet in 2014. Ambient light by an HDRI and the key light by the sun. Maybe Venus looked like this in the past -- or will in the far future.

    Venus on Globes

    1200 x 780 - 258K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Nice render Horo.  I love the globes but I'm partial to them.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    You should have already received my PM. If this failed, I'll send it again.

    A nice elegant table. Great presentation of those globes. A cool (or rather "hot" regarding Venus) idea with that map! :)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Horo beautifully lit render, nice modeling and Idea

    Hubert no pm yet

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you NGartplay, hubert and mermaid.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : Love the image with the globes, beautiful light and nice modeling.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you adbc.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Mermaid, NGartplay, Horo, adbc, hubert: thanks. Special thanks to Horo for his clever advice; now the pictures are visible on the previous page.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    S Ray’s Knot Stand 2 was used for this Still and Anaglyph, lighting and setup based on a tutorial from Horo’s site, minitut08







    720 x 720 - 140K
    720 x 720 - 225K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : beautiful render, excellent lighting, love the anaglyph popping out of the screen.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    mermaid - the Knot Stand 2 is very nicely presented and the anaglyph is just perfect.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Thanks Adbc and Horo

  • huberthubert Posts: 414
    edited July 2023


    Cool render and lighting of that "Knot Stand"!

    Sorry to read about the missing PM. I sent it already twice! Seemingly, Daz's message system is as buggy as their Gallery?!

    Since I don't want to post an active link, here is my workaround: Please visit "deepdreamgenerator(dot)com/u/husc"   <-- copy it and replace the "(dot)" with a real dot. Enjoy this "artificial" tour. --- I wish that I could create such images with my Bryce/Studio/Poser/C4D/whatever and not with an "AI Generator" with its imho mostly arbitrary and random results. Though... I do like "my" creations there. ;)


    Post edited by hubert on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Thanks Hubert for comment and "link". There is something wrong with the pms too, I sent you a pm too. laugh 

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    mermaid, the knot looks very cool.  I'll have to try an anaglyph one of these days.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166
    edited July 2023

    Also, girl looking her cat in a chair.  I wanted the cat in the chair, lol.

    Hubert, that is cool.  I did 10 pencils dancing

    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    NGartplay - The doll with the cat is a very cute scene. The dancing pencils also look great and I like how you rendered them with DOF.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    Hubert - WOWI viewed all 39 pages, love the vivid colors of the images and the lighting is fantastic, really out of this world stuff, awesome for children books. Thanks for sharing. 

    NGartplay very cool images, I think you played with dream generator, if they are Bryce images they are fantastic. Thanks for the comment

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    mermaid, I did play with dream generator through Hubert's link.  I've seen something similar to this before but it was fun just to try it.  I'd love it if Bryce could do different render styles.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    I enjoyed viewing Hubert's images - very beautiful, but I don't think I'll try it.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • huberthubert Posts: 414


    > Thanks Hubert for comment and "link". There is something wrong with the pms too, I sent you a pm too.
    There is definitely wrong. The status in my messages folder is still "No messages".

    > Hubert - WOWI viewed all 39 pages,
    All pages?! Your patience and endurance are endless! (BTW, I post only around 25% of my generated results as "public". I have a backlog of many "cool/funny" images and am constantly creating new images there. Whereas I am using only their "free" service.)

    I agree that many of these images are awesome.... but: Personally, it doesn't *feel* like *I* have created these images. Rather like asking a photographer via phone to take specifi snapshots (giving him detailed instructions) and then getting the prints delivered to me. That process lacks much control and "s.b. else" did most of the work for me. --- Well, I like what I create there... but it won't keep me from "my" brycing!  :)

    > I enjoyed viewing Hubert's images - very beautiful, but I don't think I'll try it.
    No problem, I won't urge anybody to do this. ;)
    AI-generated images are imo too random, very arbitrary and not reproducible even if using the very same text prompt twice. But deliever often amazing and totally unexpected stunning images. Whereas I got/get also many "WYSIWYNW" results ("what you see is what you never wanted"). --- Thus, I really appreciate that *I* am in full control of a scene when using Bryce ("Hubisms" excluded here)!

    - Your image with the cat is lovely, it has a magical mood.

    - Your dancing pencils (AI-generated) got nice shirts. Are they possibly from Hawaii? ;)

    > I'd love it if Bryce could do different render styles.
    I remember seeing Bryce images in Galleries with sorta cel-shading effect or a cartoonish look. Am not sure if I saved accordign tutorials. Maybe Horo knows more about this tpoic? --- PS: To achieve a special look/style, I don't object to do this with postwork in another software. I am not a "Bryce Purist"! ;)

    Always be nice to Bryce!

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