Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12



  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    hubert : fantastic "deep dreams". I tried some, it was not a success.

    NGartplay : cute cat and I like the pencils.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Nancy doing the Hula :)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Hubert - when I heard about AI images I thought they referred to Adobe Illustrator laugh. that is the reason why after reading your earlier post I asked for the link. Although the images are awesome, very colorful: they have that artificial surrealism feel to them like you said "what you see is want you never wanted" .  Some of the landscapes especially the ones with trees are awesome, some very fun too like the old lady. laugh Have Fun.

    btw  my message folder also  shows" no messages" 


  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    Thanks! Even now, I don't know how that AI will interpret my text prompts or which parts of it it will ignore. I feel much more comfortable with Bryce, where I have full control about *my* works. ;)

    Ah, I hadn't thought of "AI" for "Adobe Illustrator", since I never used it. For me, "AI" was always "Artificial Impertinence" or so.... ;)

    PS: I totally agree about this usual artificial (hyperrealistic) look, esp. of AI created portraits. Btw, until now I got no "good" Hubisms from the AI. For these, I will cling to my Bryce. Definitely!

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Hubert I also don't use Illustrator I have an ancient version of Photoshop which suffices for height maps.

    I will cling to my Bryce Definitely yes

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    I was having trouble getting onto the forums when logged in.  I managed to get in today by using a link in Google.  Strange.

    Hubert, there are two of you at the link you provide.  Are they both you?

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    More abstracts - 3 cubes were used, the material and camera position were changed.




    960 x 720 - 472K
    960 x 720 - 719K
    960 x 720 - 833K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited July 2023

    mermaid - three great abstracts.

    The objects are from Fifty Funky Shapes & Fifty Funky Metals. Background and light by the Subway-Lights HDRI from the DVD to the book The HDRI Handbook 2.0 by Christian Bloch, modified to be usable with Bryce 6 & 7. As shadow capture, a flat parallel light with a surface material was used. This third shadow capture method was developed in December 2013 and used here for the first time.

    Parallel Light Shadow Capture Experiment PL-SC-Exp

    The terrain was self made and given a material from Vegetation. Sky and ambient light by an HDRI from HDRI Enhanced Skies and the key light by the sun.

    Towerlike Peaks

    1200 x 750 - 129K
    1200 x 800 - 181K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : three awesome abstracts, great colours.

    Horo : The funky shapes are beautiful and shiny, great background.. The terrain has a natural look, love the sky.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    > Hubert, there are two of you at the link you provide.  Are they both you?
    Two of me??  Imho, just one of me is already more than enough for this poor little planet. ;)

    When you replace the "(dot)" in my given link with a single dot, then you'll have the URL to view my "public" images there. There is no 2nd "HuSc" shown in this case.

    PS: I just logged in at DDG to search for "Dreamers" by name... and behold: DDG does list me *twice* indeed (with my sole account!)?! --- That's great! I must be darn famous there!! .... either that, or DDG uses similar site code than DAZ does, *g*.

    Three beautiful abstract images!
    I like the softness of the first one. Then the coloring and metallic appearance of the 2nd. And finally the grainy effect in the third image.

    - A nicely done exhibition, well put into scene and great lighting.
    - A cool landscape scene with gloomy mood. Great water and sky.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    PS: I am momentarily only "doodling" in Bryce. 

    E.g. like this here. (A big Shiny Sphere, 6 flattened cylinders, 3 stretched cubes and 3 globe lights) as a panorama render:

    Hubism 023-07-25-1333

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    adbc - thank you.

    hubert - thank you. Cool almost monochrome abstract.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Thanks Horo, Adbc and Hubert for your comments.

    Horo -  two outstanding renders; fantastic lighting and beautiful shiny funky objects. The Towerlike Peaks is yet another example of your skill at landscapes, awesome sky and materials.

    Hubert - cool doodling, very nice hubism

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you mermaid. By the way, the 3rd of your three abstracts above I like best - those noisy looking parts are exceptional. Noise is usually not liked but here it looks very interesting and is a fine contrast.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Thank you Horo

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    mermaid, I agree with Horo but I like them all.  The first looks like mountains and the second is very appealing too.

    Horo, your shapes look perfect with the background, like they are actually there.  Great job.

    Hubert, how did I know that is your design, lol.  Nicely done.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you NGartplay.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    hubert : cannot see the doodle image, I get forbidden access on chrome and edge.

    The terrain is from highres terrains1 with material from highres terrains3, self made hdri based on image by svstudioart on freepik.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    adbc - looks like a reservoir and in the far back the dam wall. Very nice and well done scene with a fitting sky.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    Thanks NGartplay

    Adbc beautiful scene awesome materials and lighting 

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    Horo, Mermaid, NGartplay: Thanks. Yep, just a quick doodle but I liked its flow. It started quite colorful, but looked much better with reduced coloring.

    >hubert : cannot see the doodle image, I get forbidden access on chrome and edge.
    Newer versions of those Browsers might try to access websites now by default via "HTTPS://" ("S = secure communication protocol" with web servers). In addition to this, said "modern browser" might now supress the leading "www", "http" or "https" part of an URL, to "not confuse the modern user". This is imho mere patronizing and a big annoyance, instead of a truly improved usability.

    FYI: I still use "HTTP" for my image access, because there is no need for a secure communication (e.g. necessary for a safe transfer of passwords or credentials). --> Please verify, that your Browser doesn't (automatically) alter my image's URL into "HTTPS://". If you use "HTTP://.....", said error should not occur.

    PS: Great terrain work, mat and sky! :)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo, mermaid : thank you.

    hubert : thanks for explaining, I used the http, but this only works in edge ! Really cool abstract, great colours, and thank you for your comment.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    adbc, your sky jumps out of the image and makes the scene come together.  Nicely done.

  • TeobaldoTeobaldo Posts: 35

    Congratulations to all for the renders shown. I'm a little off with other concerns, but I'm not forgetting about Bryce.


  • huberthubert Posts: 414
    edited July 2023

    adbc: Thanks for the feedback and the nice comment.

    Last week on an iPad with newest version of Chrome I got also "access forbidden" when I tried to browse my "http" cat web albums! This had worked fine some time ago. ---- After some confusion, I noticed that Chrome had altered my typed URL into "https" and "hidden" this detail in its address field. I edited the URL to "http" and could access my kitty pics again. 



    Post edited by hubert on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Ngartplay : thank you.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Aw, hubert, so cute.  Is this your kitty?  Mine likes boxes too.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited July 2023

    The terrain was self made and given a material from Vegetation. Sky by the Cloudsphere9 and the ambient light by the inherent SkySC9 HDRI from the Sky Toolbox.

    Vales and Hills

    The object is from Steven Ray with four materials from Fifty Funky Shapes & Fifty Funky Metals. Backdrop and ambient light by an HDRI from HDRI 4 Fun, additional light and specular by the sun.

    Coil Tower
    And here is the anaglyph of the same object.

    Coil Tower Anaglyph

    1200 x 800 - 274K
    1200 x 900 - 135K
    1200 x 900 - 185K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • huberthubert Posts: 414
    edited July 2023

    > Aw, hubert, so cute.  Is this your kitty?  Mine likes boxes too.
    Yes, though many years ago. Momentarily we have no cats at home. I really miss them.

    If you want to see more of my/our kitties from the Past (including boxes):
    Hint1: My web album uses only a simple table layout and basic navigation with the icons at the page top. No excessive scripting, no user tracking, no user profiling, no asocial media tracker pixels, nada! :)
    Hint2: The first time to load this album will take some time. It is one sole page and thus many thumbnails.
    Hint3: Before you would ask: Yes, our kitties often had "untypical" names, like Sushi, Pudding (for being so sweet), Six-Pack, Chili etc.! ..... Now guess, who usually named them! ;)

    - That's a very detailed terrain and the mat works well with it.
    - Cool display of that "object".

    Post edited by hubert on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : excellent landscape. The "object" looks great, so is the anaglyph.

    hubert : love the cute kitty pics.

    Self made terrain and material, added a sphere to represent a planet.

This discussion has been closed.