Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12



  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    adbc, looks almost like trees in your cityscape. Very cool!

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    NGartplay : thank you.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited June 2023

    The spider-like roboter is from HDRI Scene Files 2 and was modelled by David Brinnen. It was instanced five times. They are within the HDRI from the Hyper Texture Expansion set, like the shadow capture faces, on which they stand.

    Mech Bot Invasion

    1200 x 780 - 122K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Superb setup and lighting, Horo, beautifully done

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : superb render, beautiful lighting, love those spider like robots.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Oh Horo, that is too creepy.  They look too much like spiders...shiver.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    Horo: A very creepy scene with cool lighting! -- Could you please render some raid insect spray cans too? ;)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you mermaid, adbc and NGartplay.

    Thank you hubert. Insect spray won't help, these creatures do not breath.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    It has been some time since I checked the forum, being away for a couple of weeks. I saw very interesting works, but won't comment on each one, sorry. I'll start Brycing myself soon again, I think.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited June 2023

    Looking with what you are comming up when you have got the time, Hansmar.

    Post edited by Horo on

  • "Puzzling Tides"
    hey, i finally finished that render i was talking about :)! I hope you all like it. Modeled the corals and fish in maya. Trees are from the onyx palm generator (modus interactive on twitter has a link to it). materials are all modified from the presets (which ones, i can't remember. this scene is so large I couldn't use opengl preview without crashing it @_@)
    (Also, Horo, i like that render! reminds me of the promotional art for half-life.)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    nvllcasting - thank you. You came up with a very elaborate scene. A lot to see, amazing.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Nvllcasting - wow a truly fantastic scene, renders like these show how versatile Bryce is.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited June 2023

    I experimented with transparency, hyper texture reflection and HDRI. I got inspired from a video by David Brinnen just about 10 years ago. I spent over a day just playing around with different HDRIs and settings. The image below shows on top left using the WhiteSphere HDRI, the one at top right uses the same HDRI as the main image but rotated. At lower left an HDRI from HDRI 4 Fun making the render low contrast and at right the same but with higher contrast, playing with HDRI Intensity, HDRI Effect and HDRI Specular (which is negative here). Render times lower than 10 seconds, absolutely no shadows. All objects, including the ground plane use the same material.


    1200 x 840 - 232K
    800 x 560 - 130K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    nvllcasting :  impressive render, very well made.

    Horo : Outstanding images, the effect of different HDRI's is awesome.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Horo beautiful effects, superb renders

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you adbc and mermaid.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    nvllcasting: That's an impressive scene. Great modeling too!

    Horo: Very cool variants and mats!!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you hubert.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    Mermaid - the water looks amazing. Beautiful work.

    adbc - your City is beautiful too.

    Horo - the spiders looks great, and the Light is really wonderful. And your experiments are beautiful too.

    Hansmar - welcome back!

    nvll casting - nice colorful work. Well done.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    Thank you Yellow Pen.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Thanks Yellow Pen

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    nvllcasting, your work is so colorful and charming...pretty.

    Horo, I love your analytical approach to your work.  you show us all aspects of your creation.  It makes it so interesting to see how you did it.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited July 2023

    NGartplay - thank you.

    Double stacked self made terrain with materials from Grand Mountains. Sky and ambient light by an HDRI from Gritstone Hills and the key light by the sun.

    Mountainous Spot

    1200 x 825 - 314K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Wow an outstanding winter scene Horo, perfect materials and lighting 

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Yellow Pen : thanks.

    Horo : Impressive render, love the materials and the sky.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    As always Horo, you are the master with landscapes.  So realistic.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited July 2023

    I used the setup from this tutorial:    and changed the material on the sphere.  More variants on my Pinterest Board

    Uploading in the morning works. Thanks Horo for the tip.



    960 x 720 - 340K
    960 x 720 - 489K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : two fantastic abstracts, well chosen colours, really beeautiful.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414

    Horo: Fantastic terrain work. I love the level of fine details and the terrain's granularity.

    Mermaid: Trippy and beautiful! (The second image reminds me of Tutankhamen's mask.)

This discussion has been closed.