Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12



  • Hansmar said:

    Pixeltrope, wow, wow and another wow! That is an amazing compilation of great Bryce animations.

    Thank you so much!  It was certainly a labor of love by a few artists.  Many of the animations were created from 2000-2021 and then rendered in HD once the render farm was built. I'd be interested in complex Bryce scenes, that were never rendered due to the time it would have taken on a single CPU, or were rendered in very low resolution and so never published, being rendered in HD while the farm is still available.  I'm sure there are many Bryce scenes that were never rendered, or rendered in very low resolution, that would look amazing in HD.  I'm especially eager to get some 360° VR animations rendered, so anyone wanting to collaborate on Bryce VR, please message me.  Thanks!

  • Thank you all for the comments


    Horo - That is quite a collection of renders you have there.


    Conversation overheard at Falanders Inn on Daghout

    That red Farganger yours?
    Ah, going out today eh.
    Looking for Pomperols golden planet, no doubt.
    What.. you never heard of Pomperols planet?
    Well, I could tell you if it wasn't for that dry throat that I..  Oh, thanks, a Faluvian Fivestar please.
    Aahh, much better. Well, listen to this then.

    Pomperol Mercator was a very lucky man in some ways. He came from a well to do family and had studied ancient history at the prestigious university of Mogadishu.
    He was a bit of an expert on what is called the first dark ages.
    Also he had found a nice planet with an almost old earthlike appearance and an absolute abundance of precious metals and gems.
    To keep things in controll he never told anyone where his nice hideout was located but if you paid attention to old Earth newspapers you could go there.
    He advertised for adventurous young men and women to partake in a well paid life of danger and adventure.
    Requirements were that the applicants would shun modern technology, be of outstanding character and physique and not be afraid of taking risks.
    There was one snag, you had to board on old earth and the trip was done in a blinded cargoship.
    In a few decades he slowly built up a nice population on his planet, called himself king Pomperol and lived in a nice castle ruling an overall very content people, peasants, farmers, craftsmen, squires and knights, etcetera.
    Any technology beyond a plowshare was forbidden and funny enough, his people liked it, a lot.
    Now, he thought, it was time to go back to old earth to get a bride and make her his queen.
    To smooth things over he took with him a nice cargoload of diamonds which he sold for an enormous fortune once back on Earth.
    Then, he started his search in the city of Bern and fell head over heels in love with a nice blonde, daughter of a local cleric, who was blown off her feet by his enormous whealth.
    Being an outstanding member of the church of the Scholastic Brethren, the cleric, upon finding out his daughter had a love affair with an unbeliever, hid his daughter away as his doctrine proscribed.
    When Pomperol was told about the missing of his beloved would-be queen he went, as the story goes, completely bonkers.
    Grief-stricken he searched all over old Earth and finally returned to his planet and brooded over his loss for years and years.
    He never married and had no sons to follw him in his royal footsteps.
    Finally, feeling he was close to death and after a booze filled night he knew what he had to do.
    Speaking of booze... Faluvian Fivestar, thanks. You may leave the bottle, my dear.

    He decreed that the knight who would be winner of the greatest joust tournament ever held would be his successor and also gain access to his Flitterwing, the only spaceship on the planet.
    Joust tournament? O eh, two knights in full armour ride on mounts towards each other and try kill their opponent with a lance, sword or what-have-you.
    All the knights on his planet assembled on the field and -in an orderly fashion mind you- started beating each others brains in.
    The spectacle went on for days on end and at last the where only two knights left.
    Sir Verslav and sir Tasho.
    Pomperol, who handn't shown any interst in the whole affair so far, took his place on the stand and gave a signal to start the last joust.
    The two brave knights prodded their mounts and thundered towards each other over the field, each carrying a large lance.
    They met in the middle of the field with an enormous crash.
    At that exact moment Pomperol gave a loud cry and keeled backwards, dead as a doornail.
    To make matters worse, each knight had managed to kill the other.

    Soon a fight broke out over who would succeed Pomperol as new king.
    His former kingdom descended in war, famine and -at last- utter barbarism.
    His once happy kingdom gone, castle in ruins and people now no more than half sentient animals, Pomperols planet is awaiting discovery by some very, very lucky locator.
    That all happened ages ago ofcourse but it is said that on some nights, the ghosts of the last two knights still battle it out on the field below the ruins of the castle.
    But that is utter nonsense.
    Ooh, dont mind if I do, thanks eh, what is your name again?
    Alaric Mercator eh? Well...fancy that.

    The ruin is a spuddyfied terrain. i have been playing around with the grasses on this one, came out nice i think.

    Trees and bushes are standard. The mist is a squashed sphere.

    I don't know where the two ghosts came from. I never put them there...


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Rembrandt - Good story and nice scene. The fighting ghosts look great.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,648

    Horo said:


    mermaid - the one with the tree in it?

    Yes it's not a very good example but I liked the effect.

    Sorry I missed your beautiful colorful abstract, very nicely done.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Rembrandt : great story, beautiful scene, I like the mist effect and the ghosts.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,648

    Rembrandt - nice scene and story. the ghosts look great.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you mermaid.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited February 2022

    Spuddy. Good improvement on Rembrandt’s work. Never expected anyone could improve a real Rembrandt. The city render is OK, but I liked the earlier ones better. However, your work on the jungle scene is outstanding. The painting is also very nice and well integrated. I think I like the ones with the painting in the background best, although the last one is also very good. The lightest one is a bit too light for me.

    Rembrandt. Quite a story again on Waellandt and a nice render. So, what a pity that there is to be no public dancing on Sargoi. Would add some movement to a static looking environment. I think I have also done a broken glass (thanks to a tutorial once). But I also experimented with cracked mirror (inspired by experiments by Horo), see here: Castle Vania isdifferent, thanks to the ghost knights , very nice.

    Adbc. Great abstract, very nice in this greytone.

    Horo, Also a very good abstract with well chosen colours.

    Made two new renders. One (rider and bird) is a relatively easy modification of one by Robert & Jackson in which I added some elements, including a volumetric cloud slab to get the shadows on the ground that I like (based on one by David Brinnen) and changed POV. The other (bleeding ball) is starting from scratch trying to create a weird planet. It contains trees by Thandaluz A number of terrains. The party transparent layer on the lake is also a terrain with the same texture as around the moon, but then modified to my liking.

    old canyon_Hansmar.jpg
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Hansmar - thank you. Rider and Birth looks very nice - though it took me a while to disvover the rider. The Bleeding Ball is strange but looks charming.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : thank you. Rider and bird : wonderful image ; Bleeding ball : more like an alien landscape, very well done.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Horo, adbc, Thanks. Indeed, the rider was a bit small, but that was on purpose, to fit the size of the terrains. And I agree that the second landscape is quite alien.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,648

    Hansmar - two superb renders, I like both; after reading the comments I looked for the rider,  found him. laugh

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited February 2022


    Hansmar  Thanks .....nice interesting renders,,,good job

    not sure about this one struggled got fed up so settled for this

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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Mermaid, thanks.

    Spuddy, this one could do with a bit more focus. It is very busy for the eyes, because there is light and dark everywere, except a part on the right, so it is difficult to see what we are looking at. Maybe a darker sky behind the foliage would help a bit?

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    spuddy - nice jungle-like scene.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    spuddy : beautiful jungle close-up.

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited February 2022

    Hello everyone!
    Took me a while to get back to Bryce, and especially, to this thread.Very glad to see you all still keeping Bryce blooming. Though I would love to see more people return to it as well.

    Nice surreal scenes and experiments! Long live sci-fi.

    You remain as master of abstract art. And thank you for sharing example scenes.

    As usual, you don't chase a specific niche for renders (though one might say landscapes still get the most attention - perhaps due to places where you were born), instead trying everything here and there. That's inspirational.

    You stay true to artistic roots, and sometimes you go for "wrong" (but not really) choices that end up being pretty interesting and cool. Art is freedom and adventure, indeed.


    Happy to see you're always open to try new things, by following a newly found lesson, or by participating in new ideas. Also your compositions often are very calm and pleasant.

    Cute bugs that come from  a different nature, and a very surreal elevator destination. Any other wonders of life to see?

    Michael Callahan,
    Beautiful valley to visit. Would take a look at other places like that.


    Dan Whiteside,
    You always amaze with interesting storytelling and cinematic feel to your scenes.

    Amazing "100% Bryce" work, impressive and heartwarming. Hopefully, you and family are safe and in good health.

    Your panorama scenes have lovely composition and colours, and with plenty of imagination. Also story descriptions that go together with renders are nice and charming. Additionally, thank you for talking about your workflow.

    Would love to see more renders from you, when life will allow that. You always have a picturesque approach to both "still life" and "paysage" you do. Also I salute to your sense of perfectionism, and always happy to hear critique and advice from your side. It's a good idea to alway learn more, and sometimes one has to be strict with themselves to reach progress.

    You continue exploring and discovering interesting "worlds" through the lens of Bryce. Thirsty for more!

    Once again you continue to encourage as hard working brycer, always improving with your compositions. And thanks for sharing tips & tricks.

    It's a very cool thing that you and your team are doing. Helps with keeping Bryce alive. Best of luck to your projects!

    Sorry if I forgot someone. But very happy that Bryce still breathes. On a side note, I would like to remind you to not forget to post some works in DAZ Gallery, so those who only visit it, and not forums, see a bit of Bryce's presence as well. And if you'd like to get notifications on comments, there is also Bryce5(c)com website as another digital gallery space.

    From my side, I want to wish you all a healthy and productive 2022 year. Be together with your dear ones, and always have bright hope inside, no matter what.
    Please enjoy this simple postcard from me. Everything except text is Bryce.


    happy new 2022.png
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    akmerlow - thank you. Nice render and also keep your spirits and health up for this year - and all coming ones. I agree about your remarks about showing renders also at other places than here to remind folks that Bryce still exists and is very versatile to create most styles of art.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    akmerlow : thank you. That postcard is awesome, great Bryce modeling. 

    I wish you a happy and healthy 2022 and many years to come.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,648
    edited March 2022

    Spuddy - nice jungle scene

    Akmerlow - thanks. Cute card and awesome modeling. Wishing a happy and healthy year, to you and everyone, and the coming years too. Like you I hope to see more members participating in this forum.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • Thank you for all the comments

    Hansmar - A cracked mirror is a difficult thing to render. I like those two renders, the rider adds a lot of depth and perspective and the lightning around the planet is very impressive.
    Spuddy - As usual, your render looks very realistic. Stunning.
    Akmerlow - Welcome back and thanks for the postcard.


    An advert in "Cosmo" a monthly illustrated old Earth magazine -sept 1489 issue.

    Tired of regulations, laws and rules hindering your chances for happiness?
    Maybe it is time to take matters into your ow hands on a planet all of your own.

    For sale: Planet Summerfall
    Located on the edge of the Gaean reach, Summerfall is a stunningly beautifull planet.
    Beautifull vistas, a bracing climate, plenty of clean fresh water, it can all be yours.
    At no extra cost for you I have allready printed a completely automated Klopping Mark III settler base for you  and your loved ones to occupy upon your arrival on Summerfall.
    The base is a beautifull starting point for adventurous outings in the surroundings.
    The excelent brisk climate of Summerfall is never suffocating hot.
    With an atmosphere containing a 26% oxygen making a cosy warming fire will never be a problem.
    The landscape is ever changeing beautifull with no two days (24.2 hrs!) alike.
    The sun will shine on your base most days of the -near standard- year.
    Summerfall is an only planet around  the systems M-class sun and the van Allen belt is near empty of threatening comets and planetoids.
    No moons means no tides and Summerfalls seas are tranquill and friendly, storms are very rare indeed.
    Forget those pesky insects that can ruin an otherwise perfect picnic, Summerfall has no -yes, you read that correctly- no indiginous life.
    You are free to introduce any animal you wish to populate your very own planet with.

    I have the coordinates and registered deed to this beautifull planet of near Earth standard specifications.
    Ask for Hinga Ilbbert currently at Oaktree Inn, London, Britting federation.

    I decided to play around a bit with the polar landscape in DTE terrains.

    The settler base is a freebie and the sky I stole from a Bryce file I found called "Lost in the horizon" by Cris333.

    That sky went so well with the ice that I fell in love with it. So much so that I even forgot to put in my happy slab.

    Which was not a bad thing because this render hit me with a render time as large as a certain politician's ego.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Rembrandth - great render. I'm not enthusiastic to go to Planet Summerfall, looks "winterish" and I'm so happy our winter melts slowly away.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited March 2022

    Thanks everyone   

    Rembrandt  lovely terrain and sky

    another one

    at the waters edge3a.png
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    spuddy - very nice vegetation at a pond (or a slow moving creek).

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,648
    edited March 2022

    Rembrandt  - lovely scene but like Horo I will not visit there, I'll have arthritis all year round.

    Spuddy - wow that's another cool scene,

    A landscape using a terrain, material and lighting from the Grand Mountain Product.



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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    mermaid - impressive mountain scene.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited March 2022

    Rembrandt : Planet Summerfall : looks very cold but beautifully done, good story as well.

    spuddy : beautiful realistic image, lush vegetation.

    mermaid : wonderful mountain landscape.

    The trees are Bryce trees with own leaves, cell shading material for the terrains and tree trunk.



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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,648

    Thanks Horo and Adbc

    Adbc - a wonderful sci-fi render love the result.

  • Thank you all for the comments.

    Spuddy - Your beautifull render reminds me of the many ditches we have here in our polders. Very realistic as usual.

    Mermaid - What a nice renderr that is. I very much like the blue shadow effect.The llighting is very nicely done. And yes, I can see why you also wouldn't go to Summerfall.

    adbc - A spectaculair background on that render and I love those baobab-like trees.

    Well, since you all aren't in the market for Summerfall, here is another one. Very, very cheap, I might add...


    From the Galactic handbook, appendix III

    The planet Enkaoro features prominent in many taproom stories.
    Almost exactly Earth-like, circling an m-class sun called Signy, and not claimed -or indeed wanted- by anyone.

    In 1258 Crihdar Nervellig set out from old Earth with 107 settlers for the planet Enkaoro.
    He had gotten the deed for the planet from queen Behtizael from Britting with the mission to form a colony on the planet.
    After two months Nervellig himself returned to Earth on the same ship that brought the settlers to Enkaoro to report to the queen that a colony was established and that the Britting empire was one planet richer.
    The settlers were left to themselves for more than six years before Nervellig returned to Enkaoro to find out how the colony was doing.
    When he landed he found only a few ruins but couldn't find any sign of the settlers themselves or what had happened to them.
    Queen Behtizael was'not amused' with this news and ordered Nervellig to start the colony anew and give it a better start.
    With 69 men (of which 26 mercenaries), 17 women and 11 children, Nervellig set out again in 1265 for Enkaoro, sure in the knowledge that the mercenaries were more than capable of keeping the colony safe.
    After landing the settlers set up camp, began repairing the ruined buildings the first expedition had set up and got on with their life.
    A message was sent by courier drone to queen Behtizael that the colony was a huge succes and then, all went quiet.

    When at last a search party was sent by the navy, all they found were ruins and no sign or remains of the settlers or Nervellig himself.
    In later years, various small expeditions landed on Enkaoro but none of them survived for more than three months, the story always the same, landing, contact loss and no sign of any survivors or bodies.
    After the fall of the royal house of Britting, the deed to Enkaoro was declared void but by that time there were no new takers who wanted the planet.
    And so the situation remains to this day.
    Occasionally adventurours, scientific expeditions or the mere curious will land on Enkaoro but none will stay longer than one or at most two weeks.
    So far none have been able to shed any light on the mysterious disappearance of the two groups of settlers.
    Despite it being a beautifull Earth-like  planet which can be had for little money, there are -as of yet- no takers.

    The story behind this render is based on the mystery of Roanoke island. Look it up on Google. I even used a few scrambled names for this one.

    The trees are all standard as are the terrains except for the foreground grass. The ruins are freebies and the sky is the same as on Summerfall.

    This render was based on the "lost on the horizon" render I wrote about earlier.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2022

    adbc - very interesting scene, what you made with the trees is fantastic

    Rembrandt - very nicely done scene, depressing story.

    The terrain is from High Resolution Terrains 1 with a material assembled from High Resolution Terrains 1 & 2 and Gritstone Hills, within a fading mirror box. Ambient light by the WhiteSpherB7 HDRI and the key light by the sun.

    Mesa Range

    And here is the anaglyph.

    Mesa Range Anaglyph

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This discussion has been closed.