Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12



  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid, Rembrandt, Horo : thank you.

    Rembrandt : excellent render, beautiful sky and lighting.

    Horo : Superb terrain and material, great anaglyph.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited March 2022

    Rembrandt - thanks, superb render awesome sky and lighting, but a very sad story.

    Horo - excellent landscape and anaglyph, I like the depth of the anaglyph, it's awesome.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Akmerlow, Happy 2022 too. Thanks also and what a nice card.

    Rembrandt, Summerfall looks cool. Too cool for me, I guess, but great render. Beautiful sky indeed. Planet Enkaoro looks more attractive. However, with that story in mind, I will pass and go for a more promising spot.

    Spuddy, looks like you will be our close-up vegetation expert! Looks wonderful.

    Mermaid, that is one majestic mountain range, well done.

    adbc, Wonderful painterly render, with very impressive background

    Horo, your terrain renders never disappoint. This one is wonderful again.

  • Thank youu all for the comments.

    Horo - You always turn out with a nice surprise with your renders. The lighting is especially well done with this one, I think.

    Allright, we've just had two not-that-likeable planets, time for something else. Let's take a break and go fishin'!!


    From the Galactic handbook

    The planet Lantis is considered by most travelers and tourists as one of the strangest places humanity has made itself a home.
    When Dolbin Lagerfeld discovered Lantis in 1386 she initially wrote off the planet as uninhabitable due to two facts:
    The entire planet is covered in water and the very close moon makes for tidal waves that take the form of a tsunami every 8 hours.
    However when one of her reconaissance drones alerted her of large rings of rocklike structures sticking out above the waterlevel she decided to land and investigate the place.
    Lantis became known as one of the finest and most spactaculair fishing locations in the entire Gaean reach.
    From the humble 1.5 meter Rubberfin Jumper up to the 1200 meter long Splatterghost, no fisherman can call himself a true master untill he or she has cought a fair number of the fishlike species that Lantis has to offer.

    Furthermore, the spectaculair vieuws and the strange coral rings have an appeal all of their own.
    The rings are formed by secretions of a plankton like animal and they have the very peculiair characteristic that because of their semi-porous surface, they make soft and delicate musical noises when there is a wind.
    Between fifteen to ten minutes before a tidal wave comes in, the musical notes are replaced by a ululating siren noise.
    How this "warning siren" is produced is currently under investigation by a team of natural scientific philosophers from the phenomonology department of Hedonia univerrsity.

    Lantis is classified as having a high technological culture level and repairs or upgrading of various spacecraft should pose no problems.
    On approach of the planet any ship will be directed to a safe coral ring for landing.
    Every ship will be stored in a tidalwave proof container for the duration of the visit.
    Even though the landig fees can be steep, storing of the ship is free of charge.
    Good accommodations can be found on any coral ring on the planet.
    Many stores can cater to any and all need for fishing equipment from live bait to a portable .20 megaparticle cannon.

    The coral ring is made from symmetrical lattices, the sea is a desert landscape from Gaea, the swimming Splatterghost is a freebie.

    For the sky I used a fiddled-with version of the last two renders.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you adbc, mermaid and Hansmar.

    Rembrandt - thank you. Interesting place and well represented.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : thank you.

    Rembrandt : superb image of Lantis, I like the story as well.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Rembrandt: Another interesting story and well made scene.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Thanks Hansmar

    Rembrandt - wow I love the rock "coral ring" formation beautiful render and storyline.

  • Rembrandt_2647480Rembrandt_2647480 Posts: 113
    edited March 2022

    Thank you all for the comments.


    From the Galactic handbook

    Cordel is a high tecchnology planet with a mild climate on the southern half of the planet and a somewhat harsher climate in the northern hemisphere.
    Its largest city, Misspell is home to all the great law guilds of the Gaean Reach.
    Settled in 1136 by a group of natural farmers who agreed to abide by a few simple rules and leave the rest to common sense, the community of farmers soon ran into a number of disputes, quarrels, arguments and disagreements.
    Over the generations a list of written rules and laws became quite extensive untill at last its interpretation needed judges and representatives for the accused and the state.

    All great lawguilds are located at Cordel, jokingly nicknamed Corpus Delicti for obvious reasons.
    Not only specialized in Cordel laws, but also very well versed in -sometimes far more exotic- laws of other planets, the Cordel lawyers and solicitors (yes, there is a difference between the two) are renowned for their cunning handling of all different kinds of lawsuits.
    Cordel representatives seldom lose a case but that expertise comes at a price.
    Now, the lawguilds form by far the main income of the planet.

    Cordel has an automated landing protocol for those ships that have the right equipment.
    Five very large spaceports are located around the planet and traffic can sometimes be quite hectic.
    Lodging can be found in large very comfortable inns with an excelent kitchen all around the planet and is free for any customer of a lawguild.
    Handweapons are forbidden on the planet and should be locked in a ship vault which will be sealed on arrival.

    The buildings are brushed-up exports from Vue 2015 I still had an old export module stored on my harddrive which works fine with the unregistered version.

    The fog cloud is just a cloud and the sky is plain and quite frankly a bit boring.

    Post edited by Rembrandt_2647480 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2022

    Rembrandt - a very nice winter resort with a (here around well known) boring sky (including jet trails at times). Lawyers and solicitors came probably from Earth, judging from their behaviors.

    Not exactly fitting for the Peaceful challenge. An inverted self made terrain with a material from High Resolution Terrains 1 and a sky from the Sunless HDRI Skies set. The lightning flash is a photograph I took some years ago on a 2D-Face.

    Castle Mountain

    1200 x 810 - 175K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited March 2022

    Rembrandt – Cordel looks like an interesting place to visit, very nice render.

    Horo – another outstanding, beautiful landscape,

    I came across this model – Moon Gate in my libraries, I think it was a Freebie from Daz some time ago, the moon Dave Savage share with us, lighting from Landscapes under Fantastic Skies


    900 x 675 - 566K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    mermaid - thank you. Beautiful render with the Moon gate. The stones at right, are they made from a Bryce tree?

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Rembrandt : Cordell is beautiful city, worth a visit.

    Horo : wonderful landscape, beautiful sky and lightning.

    mermaid : Excellent render with the Moongate.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Thanks Horo and Adbc

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you adbc.

  • Thank you all for the comments

    Horo - I do like that lightning strike effect and that threatening sky.

    Mermaid - Rising fog, gate and moon. All the exact right ingredients for a stunning and very well balanced  render.


    From the Galactic handbook

    The planet J'Bahl is the exclusive property of the J'Bahl Institute of Physiological and Psychological Studies (IPPS), run by magister Archibald Corsair III.
    Despite its somewhat questionable reputation regarding medical ethics and performance of the IPPS, the institute draws many patients willing to undergo treatment.
    The unique vegetation of J'Bahl is the source of many potations, tinctures, elixirs, pomades and ointments, each with their own unique effect on the human physique or psyche.
    In one of his rare published papers, magister Corsair describes that the different colours of the vegetation are in close corellation to different effects.
    Caution should be taken however before submitting oneself for treatment to a specific ailment.
    Before submitting for treatment, explicitly specify in written contract the ailment to be treated and the desired effect of any and all treatments received, excluding all other side effects.
    For example, when Gilbert Dunlopp Dearhart the famous violin player let himself be treated for carpal tunnel syndrome, the treatment resulted in him losing both arms, being replaced by a mint-coloured tentacles.
    Needless to say that Dearhart never suffered from pain in his hands anymore but that his career as a brilliant musician was over and that his social life suffered likewise.
    Treatment by the IPPS is free of charge if the patient is willing to undergo one or even more 'experiments'.
    Sometimes the experimental treatments are beneficial, sometimes not.
    This route is often taken by those in a desperate state with little or no money to their name.

    J'Bahl is uninhabited and the only spaceport is located very near the institute.
    A permit is needed before landing on the planet.
    The only accomodation on the planet is offered by the institute.
    Still, the beauty of the planet is in itself reason enough for a visit to J'Bahl.
    Closely guided tours are given to the forests surrounding the institute.
    Taking samples of the vegetation is punishable by volunteering for experimentation.
    Do not touch any vegetation and be sure to scrape off your boots and even blow your nose before entering the institute after the tour.

    The institute buildings are from vue 2015 as are the mushrooms. All materials are just standard installed.


  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited March 2022

    Horo said:

    mermaid - thank you. Beautiful render with the Moon gate. The stones at right, are they made from a Bryce tree?

    Sorry Horo I missed your question, yes it's a Bryce tree, following your TreeStones pdf.

    Rembrandt - thanks, amazing render and story, planet J'Bahl is not a nice place for treatment though.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Rembrandt - thank you. Nice mushrooms and distant buildings. Dangerous mushrooms, I don't think I'll submit to any IPPS treatment anytime.

    mermaid - thank you for the reminder. I didn't remember doing that PDF 5 years ago but obviously that was the time I also made the tree grass and tree foliage PDFs.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Rembrandt : beautiful scene, awesome mushrooms and buildings. I like the story as well.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Rembrandt, Great mushroom render!

    mermaid, Wonderful moongate render. Love the colours.

  • Thank you all for the comments.


    Well, what can I say.. sun is shining, still cold nights but birds are flying around with small branches in their beaks, looking for the best place to raise their young.

    Yup, I think it must be:


    Terrain material is from tilable terrains, the trees are standard, bird, butterflies and flowers are freebies.

    I had lots of fun rendering this one.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2022

    Rembrandt - lots of fun rendering it for you, lots of fun for me to look at it.

    Double stacked terrain and materials from the from the High Resolution Terrains sets. The sail ship is the HMS Victory, the sun rays from Environments - Inclement Weather; sky and ambient light by the ErmClouds07_SD HDRI from Gritstone Hills and the key light by the sun. The beacon tower is self made.

    Into Sunrise

    1200 x 750 - 179K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    Wow - it's amazing what you all are doing here. So many wonderful Artwork. smiley

    And that you show us what is possible with this wonderful programm....

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Rembrandt : "spring" is very beautiful, a very nice place to be outside and enjoy.

    Horo : wonderful scene, awesome clouds and sun rays.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you adbc.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Rembrandt - a superb, very photorealistic "Spring" render.

    Horo - wow another awesome landscape love the rays and the clouds

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you mermaid.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited March 2022

    Lovely renders all...... my fav is moongate it evokes emotion

    this was going to be a comp entry until it got too complicated I got a bit carried away adding in objects so it's not lit properly but I have had enough of it it was very fiddly

    it didn't seem very peaceful in the end. so did the stag instead

    wild turkey15.png
    1754 x 875 - 3M
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Spuddy - a very nice scene

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited March 2022

    spuddy : I like that render, very realistic.

    A space scene.

    600 x 750 - 52K
    Post edited by adbc on
This discussion has been closed.