Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12



  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited February 2022

    mermaid010 ....thanks  yes the only 2D picture object as a flat plane is the sky that I drew . The self drawn terrains have adjusted or self drawn or a mixture of both; picture materials, this makes it easier to add conventional 3D objects into the you are adding them onto a horizontal plane  as opposed to a vertical plane which is what you get with a 2D picture object...I came into 3d from being a lazy digital artist looking for an easier way to make pictures. and have been experimenting with adding my own pictures as 3D objects to make up scenes 

    example below

    draw a terrain

    add material

    add a rock

    you can see it is now easy to add that rock to the scene as it will sit "IN" the terrain not be agauinst a flat 2D plane

    I hope this makes it a bit easier to see what is going on I left the terrain undersized to make it clearer





    ScreenHunter_2300 Feb. 12 10.56.jpg
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    ScreenHunter_2301 Feb. 12 11.01.jpg
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    ScreenHunter_2298 Feb. 12 10.56.jpg
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    ScreenHunter_2302 Feb. 12 11.04.jpg
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    Post edited by spuddy on
  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited February 2022

    first light  self drawn terrain with hdri lighting

    big tree6.png
    1754 x 875 - 2M
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • Thank you all for the comments.

    Spuddy - That tutorial is a real eyeopener. Absolutely brilliant! A whole new set of possibilities, I can't wait to dive into this.


    From "The galactic Handbook"

    Most famous for two things, the Lollipoptrees and the reign of mad king Frederick, the planet Lassy has a very mild and even climate.
    The rolling hills of the main continent, Eche, are mostly covered in ironbased red Bloodgrass with patches of Lollipoptrees the roots of which taste -according to connaisseurs- as a mix of nuts,berries, chocolate, sweet cream and vanilla.
    The merchanthouse of Klath-Eche had a monopoly on the export of lollipop treeroots and its director, Frederick Bute made a bold move when he took reign of the planet in 1123 as king Frederick I and killed or exciled the other members of the board of directors.
    Under his reign, trade flourished, king Frederick invested in education, infrastructure and social welfare and the planet -and its inhabitants- became very whealthy.

    In later years however king Fredericks behaviour became more and more eratic.
    The king introduced a number of animals imported from old Earth onto the steppes of Eche and built a hundred elaborate palaces in remote corners of the continent.
    Every palace was unique, built with the best and most expensive imported materials available at the time.
    To finance his palaces, king Frederick introduced a number of increasingly bizarre taxes.
    Vat tax of 22% on sales of all products or services.
    Wellnes tax, for the use of oxygene, sunshine and water.
    Slowtax, for going faster than 15 kilometers per hour.
    Noise tax, for bothering the king with loud heartbeats.
    And many more.
    This almost ruined the Lassy economy and his subjects became increasingly annoyed with his eratic behaviour.

    In april of 1138, mad king Frederick -as he was known ate the time- appointed his favorite budgie, Sir Haggis, as treasurer of the crown, declared a month of absolute and total silence so he could better confer with the wind and made it a law that all his subjects should from that day on only wear a loincloth, curled shoes and a cravat.
    His courtiers had had enough and quietly deported king Frederick to one of his palaces where he spent his days continuing to issue ever stranger laws that were patently ignored and going about his favorite pasttime, birdwatching untill his death in 1146. He was buried with millitary honours by his personal guard dressed in loincloths, curly toed shoes and a large black cravat.

    The economy improved rapidly after the coup and the governing of the planet was left to this day to a committee whose members are elected every 5 years.
    The palaces were kept and form a nice side income as tourist attractions, theaters and museums.

    I have been playing around with the grass from Davids bit of Vegetation set. I think I've got the hang of it now.

    The lollipop trees are symmetrical lattices (thank you, adbc)

    Animals and palace are some freebies.

  • No story on this one, which should come as a relief for some smiley


    I was playing around, placing the foreground and accidentaly sank it a bit beneath the horizon.

    That gave me the idea of a swamp or marsh land kind of render.

    I also wanted some more realistic looking grass so I fiddled around with Davids grassmaterial until it had the right clolour.

    Must say I am very satisfied with this one.

  • Spuddy - I went right to work with your tutorial and here is a first result. Must say I felt like I had -finally- mastered a very good magicians trick I that had cracked my brain about for a while, a genuine aha-erlebnis. Thanks!

    I couldn't do a beach without the Erasmus and its crew now could I?

  • Here is a funny application of putting a photo material on a terrain.

    While playing with this I came across an old black, grey and white photo which gave me an idea that it could be used both as a material and as a hight map.

    With a lot of scaling down on the height, it came out half decent and I could even put the top bit of the photo more to the background by editting the hightmap in Bryce itself.

    This idea still needs a lot of fiddling but I thought you all might like to play around with it too.

    I just wonder, does this still count as a purely Bryce project?

    What are your thoughts?

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Wow Spuddy - that's awesome and you are getting beautiful results, thanks a ton for the explanation. The big tree is also an amazing render.

    Rembrandt - I'm speechless, your renders and stories are so cool, the other experiments are lovely especially trying out Spuddy's method. Love the effect of the last one. Bryce is so versatile and flexible, so much fun to use, a good question then what is "purely Bryce".

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited February 2022

    spuddy : I did already try you method, still need a bit of refining. Your first light landscape is wonderful.

    Rembrandt : 3 excellent renders and story, great result on spuddy's method. I agree with mermaid : "what is purely Bryce".

    A simple sea landscape with vegetation, self made materials on the terrains and a free HDRI for the sky.

    beach landscape.jpg
    600 x 800 - 90K
    Post edited by adbc on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    spuddy - interesting approach to create a scene in Bryce and the results look very nice.

    Rembrandt - entertaining story and a nice render. The palace looks like the Desert Temply from Dave Savage.
    The swamp scene came out excellent, the beach scene with the Erasmus as well.
    Ah yes, creating a hight map from an image is also a great idea. I used cloud photos for terrains, even HDRIs, and once a scan from my head for a horror island scene.
    Whatever you can assemble and render in Bryce is a Bryce project. Bryce is very versatile and that is the real fun of using it.

    adbc - your "simple" landscape with vegetation is very beautiful.


  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    Thanks everyone ...glad it made you think and experiment...nice results Rembrandt.  Lovely scene adbc

    I started to play with this way inspired by dracenlords and the desire to make art that wasn't just an endless series of mountains and as Horo states and I agree anything made and rendered in Bryce is "Bryce"

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Adbc - a beautiful 'simple' scene.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo, spuddy, mermaid : thank you.

  • Rembrandt_2647480Rembrandt_2647480 Posts: 113
    edited February 2022

    Thank you all for the comments

    adbc - That is a marvelous render with real depth and an extremely realistic background.


    EDIT: picture deleted: I found out it had some copyrighted material




    Post edited by Rembrandt_2647480 on
  • PixelTropePixelTrope Posts: 17
    edited February 2022

    I would like to show you many of the Bryce renders my friends and I have created since we first started Bryce, animated here in the beautiful 4K ray tracing Bryce Pro is so good at.  We hope you enjoy these Bryce animations as much as we enjoyed creating them. 

    Please watch this 4K video at maximum available streaming quality.

    Description / Credits from the video:

    PixelTrope is a collaborative group of artists creating CGI and music, which currently also has video games in development. Since early in the group's history, Bryce 3D has been its tool of choice to create ray traced CGI animations, such as the ones in this demonstration reel.

    Most of the scenes in this video were commissioned by other YouTube creators for their science fiction and fantasy episodes on the Smokytopia YouTube channel.

    PixelTrope is available to produce custom CGI sequences for content creators.  Contact us through our website, and remember to please Like, Subscribe, Comment, Ring the Notification Bell, and share the link far and wide to your contacts, followers and subscribers.  Check out our Patreon to support the channel and artistic creation from the group.  Thank you!

    The longevity of the Bryce 3D application is due to its ability to render over the standard 4K resolutions of today, even for 360° VR/AR animations, with in depth, high quality reflections, ray tracing and anti-aliasing. With the recent advent of real time ray tracing technologies and 8K standards, it's time to retire even the best 32 bit applications of the past, which require multiple CPU cores on large render farms to allow reasonable production times.

    The PixelTrope group is also now looking for new members with experience in DAZ 3D, and game development.

    PixelTrope CGI

    This CGI Demo Reel is Copyright © 2022
    P.G. Lane and R.K. Barnes of the
    PixelTrope art collaborative
    all rights reserved

    Produced, Written, Directed, and Edited  by Gregory Lane

    -= Voice talent =-
    David Gordon Osley of Taliesin Designs

    -= 3D Modelling =-
    M. Blekkenk
    Ray Barnes
    P. Gregory Lane

    -= Texturing =-
    Ray Barnes
    Patrick Lane

    Bryce 3D HDRI Starfield created from
    the NASA SVS Deep Star Map (2012)

    -= Animation =-
    Ray Barnes
    Patrick Gregory Lane

    -= Associate Hardware Producers   =-
    Ryan Taylor
    JMayes Engineering: 
    & Sports Bar TV:

    -= Special thanks =-
    Pamela Fisher of PGF Designs:

    Shout outs to Milija Jakic, Hugh Fathers,
    Sed Mcgarrett, Wesley Snipes, Gyuri Negulescu,
    Mario Zorzi and the other brilliant CGI artists
    in the "Bryce 3D" Facebook Group.

    Bryce 3D credits:  Dave Parker, Justin Anderson,
    Zviadi Varshanidze, Vasily Levin, Alexey Sidorov,
    Liana Manukyan, Zura Abelashvilli, Dima Konobritskiy,
    Richard Thomson, Tyson Ratliff, Jarom Schow,
    Ervin Hearn, Paul Dalfonso, Chris Jones,
    Rob Whisenant, Josh Darling, Steve Mahlum, Tim Burr,
    Blaine Furner, Davin Brinnen, Brian Foley, Ken Musgrave,
    Eric Wenger, Kai Krause, and others.

    "UnkaRay on Ice" variation of the "UnkaRay Theme"
    from the Smokytopia Soundtrack Copyright © 2022 Bruce
    Baker, all rights reserved; used with permission.
    Available now on psychotropic neural implants
    throughout the multiverses.

    Rendered on "Voxeltini," a 40 CPU, 100 core
    Bryce 3D Lightning render farm engineered and
    operated by P.G. Lane

    In memory of John "Kaladon" Turner

    No voxels were harmed during the encoding of this video.

    [email protected]

    In association with
    Fishhook Through My Nose Emoticon

    Bryce 3D artists, animators, and enthusiasts, the PixelTrope CGI group has opened memberships for those interested in having their Bryce work produced in 4K 360° VR / AR animations.  This means you'll have access to up to 110 CPU cores on 42 PCs to realize your past Bryce 3D visions, as were not before possible without world record setting Bryce Lightning networking.  Check the website for contact information, or join us on our Discord server,

    Post edited by PixelTrope on
  • Horo -  Yup, you got it again. This is indeed the Desert Temply from Dave Savage.

    Pixeltrope - That is some serious computing power you guys use! I think the website could do with a bit of an update. All clips are very well done and it is a bit of fun when I recognize some of the materials used. Bryce is -very- seriously underestimated as a rendering/animation tool. It really is a crying shame that it is no longer developed. Maybe someday some codewizard from Daz Studio could do something in his/her spare time?


    When I look out of my window I can just see a few windmills from Kinderdijk. I live very nearby but you can all have a look yourself:

    The windmills are a terrain/material of which the sky and water were edited out. This can be done quite simple but an explanation will have to wait for another time, it is very late and tomorrow is monday...

    Now just add water and any sky you want, et voila.

    The blimp just happened to be in one of my collections.

  • Rembrandt said:

    Pixeltrope - That is some serious computing power you guys use! I think the website could do with a bit of an update. All clips are very well done and it is a bit of fun when I recognize some of the materials used. Bryce is -very- seriously underestimated as a rendering/animation tool. It really is a crying shame that it is no longer developed. Maybe someday some codewizard from Daz Studio could do something in his/her spare time?


    Thank you!  Rendering in the winter time means hardly any expense for heating the room!  Having 40 CPUs churning out frames creates enough heat to keep the room hot, and sometimes I have to even open the door to keep the room temperature below 80° F.  4096 frames at 4K, anti-aliased, can sometimes take 3 or 4 days with 100 cores, so you can imagine how long that would take a single PC.  Whoever coded the Lightning application and the Network Render Manager deserves a lot of praise for making these 4K 30fps animations possible. I believe I have set the record for most CPUs and cores running Bryce Lighting simultaneously.  If there are other people operating Lightning at this scale, please get in touch with the PixelTrope CGI group!  If other people have many PCs available to run Lightning, there is nothing to prevent the two or more render farms from being linked together via simple VPN software and all working on the same Bryce animation at the same time, which would set a new world record for Bryce Lightning and make more animations, especially 360° VR/AR animations possible.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Pixeltrope - Wow that fantastic work, I loved watching it, thanks for sharing.

    Rembrandt - very nice render, love the blimp.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    PixelTrope - impressive animation work. I'm not in animation (experimented with it many years ago) but prefer stills. Indeed, Lightning is a great addition to Bryce which I use from time to time.

    Rembrandt - very nice windmill scene. I'm not fully convinced with the quality. The plants in the foreground at right look a bit "funny".


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Rembrandt : thank you.

    PixelTrope : awesome work.

    Rembrandt : wonderful scene.

  • Rembrandt_2647480Rembrandt_2647480 Posts: 113
    edited February 2022

    Thank you all for the comments

    Horo -  You are right about the quality. It was a bit of a trade-off on the lighting versus clarity. With less direct lighting the white edges will disappear but I wanted the mills to be a bit clearer.  Also, this was a bit of a rough first try. We'll do better next time.

    Pixeltrope - I'd hate to get your energy bill. smiley But seriously, those rendered animations are truly a stunning work of art. Hats off to you!

    As for VR, I have made a few renders on steam for the "virtual desktop" application. It is easily do-able if you know how but  was a bit of a puzzle at first to get it right. I never did manage true 3d however.


    From "The galactic Handbook"

    Proxima Centauri was one of the first colonies, settled even before the invention of the Jarnell intersplits and its settlement was funded by an industrial conglomerate.
    The trip took up 7 years and was made in 3 so-called slowboats, the Hope, the Faith and the Love.
    The crew and passengers on the three ships found one orbiting planet on which settlement was possible.
    They called it Haven.  
    Haven has thousands of small islands and no main continents and has a harsh climate with hot and dry summers and fierce winters.
    The best solution for permanent residence was to house the settlers in underground dwellings.
    Haven -though larger than Earth- has a relatively light gravity of .83 standard due to the fact that the planet contains little or no heavy metals.
    Fortunately Havens moon, Dionis is extremely metal rich and delving the mineral and metal riches of Dionis soon started and gave the settlers a head start on heavy industry.

    Haven government is based on old industrial hierarchy with at its head a board of directors.
    The planet is known for the exceptional work ethics of its population, the excelent quality of the produced wares and the almost virginal landscape since all activities are still mainly conducted underground.
    Most people of Haven will never have seen the outdoors or the sky and are very reluctant to do so.
    Tourists, travelers and those whose job necessarily takes them above ground are considered to be slightly mad by most inhabitants.

    The moon in the foreground is a Spuddyfied* terrain from "an artist impression of a planet at Proxima Centauri",

    All the rest is homemade or are freebies.

    No happy slab this time, I gave it a bit of a rest.

    * Yes that is an official term.

    edit: added some comment.

    Post edited by Rembrandt_2647480 on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Rembrandt - another nice render and story. Like the term Spuddyfiedsmiley

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Rembrandt : beautiful image and story, and ... I like spuddyfied as well.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited February 2022

    Rembrandt - very nicely done scene and interesting story. I am not sure I would like to live there but visiting would be cool.

    In front of the camera is the GWL. The object was made in Wings3D by David Binnen and is transparent with Refraction 25. Around the object a reflecting additive sphere. Colour by an HDRI. No light, no shadows. Reminds me of the Tortellini I had on my plate recently (except the colour).


    1200 x 870 - 288K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Wow Horo, that's absolutely beautiful so colorful

  • I LOVE Bryce!

  • Thank you all for the comments

    Horo - Are you sure that Tortelini was made acoording to the description on the packaging? wink It reminds me of a bunch of roses in foil. Very beautifully done this one!


    From "The galactic Handbook"

    The icy wastes of Zanzel, the fourth planet of the sun Magreel, have but small and far between villages, hamlets, enclaves and settlements.
    The only spaceport on the planet is located on the rim of the small town of Valence on the northern continent.
    Landing fees are non-existent as is a custom or a repair service.
    The local economy is very simpel and barter is common among locals.
    The inhabitants of the planet lead a simple and bleak existence and have little or no contact with other worlds.
    Main form of entertainment for the locals are the taverns where a pale bitter beer is the only beverage on the tap.

    Traveling entertainers called Faloi provide the only other form of entertainment.
    The Faloi form small traveling troupes of entertainers who travel, as they say themselves, "as the windghosts tell us to"
    A Faloi troupe uusually travels in windsleighs which are very ornately decorated and painted.
    No two sleighs are the same and any Faloi will instantly recognize another sleigh from a long distance and can tell by the colours who the occupants are and what form of entertainment they can provide.
    The entertainment they offer is wideranged from games to fortune telling, showing of mythical illusions, slightly erotical dance perfomances, stageplay and lotteries.
    Eventhough the Faloi are welcome everywhere, they are notorious for leaving the places they visit a lot poorer than they were before.
    If one asks a Faloi man if he can tell who leads the troupe or who is in charge, he will stare blankly into the distance because the concept of leadership is to strange for him to contemplate.
    For a fee, any tourist may travel as passenger with a troupe for a pre-arranged time.
    The tourist is expected by the Faloi to make his or her own arrangements concerning food, drink and bedding.

    I stumbled upon a Bryce render somewhere and 'borrowed' the ice material from it. I just love the way how some reflections in it seem to go on for ever

    The sleighs are 'elven ships', a freebie from

  • In the words of the great Monty Python: "...And now for something completely different."


    The temple complex is a spuddyfied terrain, the rest is...well, all standard.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : stunning bright colours, cool abstract.

    Rembrandt : impressive icy scene and temple complex.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    mermaid - thank you.

    Rembrandt - thank you. Nice depiction of Zanzel and Faloi windsleighs and another nice render of the Temple.

    adbc - thank you.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Bazzfoo - Welcome to the forum, hope to see your work soon.

    Rembrandt  - I loved the story with each graphic, just curious - are you going to publish this or is it all "Bryce Fun".  The spuddyfied temple render is very nicely done, I'm not successful yet, still need some fine tuning. sad


This discussion has been closed.