Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12
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Another one I'm afraid still experimenting and practicing esp placement of objects hence the object overload
Another one I'm afraid still experimenting and practicing esp placement of objects hence the object overload
had gateway error trying to but large view in other post
Horo : superb abstract, beautiful colours and lighting.
spuddy : thank you. Your experiments with terrains are very good, the beach is very well done.
mermaid - thank you.
spuddy - thank you. Your 'sitting on the beach' is very nice. The mountain and the water look good as the sky and the beach do.
adbc - thank you.
Amazing works I see by those much more active than me. Too much to comment on all, but keep it up!
Thanks Spuddy, your experiment is awesome, very nice beach
The base object was generated with Structure Synth and exported. It was given a material and instanced nine times. The moon is a sphere, the stars from the Space Construction Kit. Clouds and ambient light by the Gasclouds_A1 HDRI from Exotic HDRI for Fantasy Skies and Sci-Fi 1. The challenge was to make the moon and stars appear behind the clouds in the HDRI which is at "infinite" distance.
Wow Horo, beautiful render, the moon looks great behind the clouds, it must have been a challenge, nice work.
Thank you all for the comments.
Horo - Your abstracts are a delight and proof once more of what can be done with a combination of Bryce, inspiration and fantasy.
Your 'moody' city has a wonderfull feel to it. That rip in the sky is a masterstroke!
Spuddy - Your beachscenes are a true delight to behold. The breaking of waves on the beach is extremely realistic.
From "The galactic Handbook"
The planet Adalbert was first populated by a group of Swiss anarchists who founded 17 settlements during the first exodus wave.
Goal of the settlement was to found a society with no laws or rules.
Against all expectations, this worked out well.
To guard oneself agains the wrongdoings of others, citizens made their own form of justice in the form of a so called "rache-gemeinschaft".
A rache-gemeinschaft (usually shortened to R.G.) was a company or gathering of private citizens offering protection or armed escort to any individual who could pay.
This had an overall effect of offering the most protection to those with enough wealth to afford it, resulting in a simple truth: Earning money equals safety.
Within a few generations, the RG's also became specialised in banking and -in somewhat lesser form- merchandising.
Adalbert is now the banking hub of the entire Gaean Reach.
There are 26 mayor RG-banks on Adalbert of which the Adaliges Riksbank is the most famous, they can all be found in the large city of Neubasel, with branches on most planets.
Each RG-bank is represented by a specific colour or colour combination.
Tradition dictates that the wealthier the bank, the higher it hangs its colour on the main branch building.
Employees are always dressed tradionally with high hat** and coat in AG-bank colours with black ankle shoes, kneelength trousers and white socks and shirt.
Assassination, corporate espionage, extortion, hostile takeover -in the most literal sense of the words- and betrayal are an everyday part of RG corporate life.
Hiring the services of an RG-bank is an absolute must for anyone visiting Adalbert as there are still no laws on the planet.
AG-banks offer different packages with a choice of protection deals.
The customer should always visibly wear a jacket with the colour of the AG-bank hired.
Beware: Wearing a colour without being customer will most surely result in a violent death.
Although crimes -as regarded on other planets- occcur seldom, carrying a personal weapon is recommended.
**Wearing a sturdy hat is a requirement when leaving for the country surrrounding Neubasel.
Adalbert has a very simple native ecology of 2 species: The ever present Teppichgrass, an ankle-high reddish coloured grass and its single occupant, the Rasierbiene, a small insect that lives off the grasstems.
The Rasierbiene is interesting in sofar that it is very partial to hair and hairfollicles. A small swarm of Rasierbienen can make a person permanently bald in under 20 seconds. The insect is harmless in all other aspects.
The city, bankers and ship are freebies, the sky is standard.
I overlayed the city with one of the installed citymaps to give a hint of colour to the -somewhat drab-buildings.
This was not my favorite piece of rendering but I do like the pulp-comic feel of it.
edit: added some comment.
Rembrandt - another nice render and story to go with it.
Another simple scene from the Deep Space Hdri 2.
Horo, very nice render of the Moon peeking 'behind' it.
I can only agree with Hansmar's statement. Amazing works! Unfortunately too many to write a comment for each one.
At first I just wanted to see if I could do a scene with a hovering planet over an ocean, but then it turned into a little sci-fi scene.
mermaid - thank you. Your sci-fi scene came out great.
Rembrandt - thank you. Very nicely done detailed city. Great story as usual, a pleasure to read.
Jamahoney - thank you, nice to see you.
Electro-Elvis - very nicely done sci-fi scene. It looks as if one had a bit bad luck.
Horo : beautiful city, the moon behind the clouds is a great idea.
Rembrandt : wonderful story and render.
mermaid : well done scifi scene, nice colours and atmosphere.
Electro-Elvis : cool idea, well done render.
A strange planet, the shuttle and robots are free objects, the trunks in the back is a terrain.
adbc - thank you. Beautiful place on this strange planet, very nice render.
Thank you all for the comments
Mermaid - Those domed steampunk cities are very nice. The render is beautifull and the colours of the yellow fog and soft blue background are just right!
Electro-Elvis - Your render reminds me of the work of Chris Foss. You should look him up. Very nice render with that moody moonlight.
adbc - Well, there's a render begging for a story
Using terrain as trees is a very clever idea.Hmm... inspiring.
From "The galactic Handbook"
With the discovery of Faltercrystals -a key element of the Jarnell-intersplit motor- on a small protoplanet around Lalande 21185 -later renamed Lalan- spacetravel became extremely fast and spacecraft became available and relatively affordable to many, starting the first exodus wave from old Earth.
Dissatisfied social, political, religious and ideological groups could -and did- leave for a chance to live life as they saw fit on any number of freely available planets in the Gaean Reach and the Beyonder region.
The strange characteristics of Faltercrystals to be able to manipulate gravitic force and fold space meant that almost any planet in the Gaean Reach could be reached in a matter of days or weeks, spreading humanity ever further.
Although humanity never met other intelligent life, it became apparent that the universe is a wondrous place full of life in many forms.
Many times settlers changed a planet and also many times the planet changed the settlers.
The Faltercrystals come in 6 varieties, each with specific properties.
1. Vaalser: Exclusively used in police and navy vessels. Extremely fast and accurate intersplit and in-system speed. Falling in and out of intersplit however is very painfull.
2. Tynk: Yachts and luxury liners, soft, inaccurate and medium speed intersplit and medium in-system speed
3. Quernuille: Cargo vessels, slow but very accurate and medium painfull intersplit and in-system speed.
4. Grozce: Locator ships, slow and painful,l inaccurate intersplit but extremely fast in-system speed.
5. Verre: Utillity vessels, slow, inaccurate and painfull intersplit, medium in-system speed.
6. Frenting: This crystal is not in common use, the properties are as of yet unknown.
The crystals are mined exclusively by three guilds: The Prancing Lion, Golden Oak and Wind Of Abundance.
Mined crystals will grow back in a matter of a few years.
The guilds also manage the docks that build spacecraft like the Farganger yachts, the Flitterwing cargo ships, the locator one man explorerships, several navy and police spacecrafts and all kinds of other ships
Attempts to break the monopoly of Lalan have never been succesfull.
Buying a new spaceship can never be done on Lalan itself.
Dealerships are available on many planets in the Gaean Reach with medium to high technological societies.
Entrance to the system of Lalan is strictly supervised. A permit must be requested at the Lalan embasy in Paris on old Earth.
Not much to tell about this one. I liked the terrain from ibl v ta landsscapes and shuffled it around a bit untill I had a moon.
Further the inevitable cloudslab -I am fond of that thing- and the crystals were freebies.
Horo, Rembrandt : thank you.
Rembrandt : fantastic render and story.
super renders from everyone I esp like your dome one mermaid010... lovely levels
still stuck on the beach ...the seaweed is by sterlingcrispin
playing with lighting and composition with this one
Rembrandt - great scene, entertaining story.
spuddy - nicely done scene.
spuddy : beautiful scene, good work.
Electro-Elvis - lovely sci-fi scene, well done.
Horo - thanks
Adbc - thanks, superb sci-fi render, very nice mix of colors.
Rembrandt - another outstanding render and story, love them
Spuddy - thanks, beautiful scene
horo...adbc..mermaid010... thank you usual set up two terrains plus objects the sky is a self made drawing as is the material for the back terrain
mermaid : thank you.
spuddy : thanks for explaining.
adbc thanks no problem
the tide has gone out now added an extra terrain plus a water plane plus a ground plane with a water texture
spuddy - great work. It is interesting how others set up a scene. There are so many ways ...
Horo Thank you...yes very true I can only work with what I know and understand
spuddy: impressive image, interesting setup.
Cheers adbc
Spuddy - I agree very impressive work, although I know you use a mix of 2D and 3D, I'm intrigued by your setups, but still can't get my head around as to how you do it. Keep them coming.
Lovely work! Too many to comment on individually, but a joy to watch!