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More informatoin would be invaluable to those of us planning *our* future projects, but to be fair, they have officially announced "NVIDIA OMNIVERSECOMING SOON TO DAZ 5" recently, so we can no longer say there's been no official communication... just very, very limited officilial communication.
-- Walt Sterdan
Look, I understand that part of your job as a moderator appears to be to defend DAZ no matter what but to attack the customers who keep DAZ in business is not helpful either. To suggest that subscription schemes are consiracy theories is an argumentative device intended to associate a concern with extreme and outrageous - or, to use your word - "dangerous" fantasies presented as facts. Nobody has said that DAZ have indicated the direction they intend to take their products, all they (we) are expressing is the objection to a particular direction. DAZ could, as many have pointed out, show a little respect for their customer base by keeping us informed.
Ultrascernery generates so many instances that you have to have the intancing optimisation render setting set to memory. If it is set to speed DS will very rapidly run out of system memory and crash.
I'm with Richard in this, throwing speculations for something that doesn't make any sense, just gets people panicking over nothing.
So, in the stone ages DS had a price, but they made it free and clearly that has been working for them, why would they move to subscription model?
Considering the sizes of the content library some have and the fact that not everybody has unlimited 1000TB connection to the net, any cloud based concept is just stupid.
...with old hardware, I always have instancing optimisation set to memory.
I just hope DAZ see it that way too. Again, panicking is a bit of an exaggeration. I doubt anyone is panicking - just expressing concerns.
Daz already has a subscription service, it's called a Daz+ membership. It's not required, but has a few benefits and provides a consistent source of income to the company.
Anyway, my question for this thread is what the beta 5 has vs stable version 4.21 and if it's worth it to install. I was trying to pull the feature list from this thread, but it's so huge and the early posts seem out of date. Is there an up to date list of features available in the beta that I missed?
There is no beta 5. It would seem that they scrapped the idea years ago.
Wish they would at least share what can we expect regarding some of the new features? (Besides Omniverse)... It's been years waiting and we don't even know what we are waiting for... Other softwares share their roadmaps and tease new developments.
Just to throw more speculation re the subscription route can anyone tell me why there are of references to assets and HTTP/ URL in the change log
Source maintenance
Fixed issues with the “Info Page” of the “Information Panel”
An asset that provides a relative URL in its authorship data would be treated as a keyword instead of a URL when clicked (i.e., filter by keyword vs open URL)
Selecting a different category in an associated navigation view would not clear displayed asset information
Clearing selection in an associated container/asset view would not clear displayed asset information
Clearing selection in an associated container/asset view, raising a different pane in the pane group, then raising the original pane caused information for the first container/asset in the view to be displayed
The “No Selection” text could end up being presented as a hyperlink
Fixed issues with the “Tags Page” of the “Information Panel”
The “Apply Changes” button is now enabled only when an asset is selected
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
Source maintenance
Fixed an issue with the User Parameters brick, in Shader Mixer, that prevented connections involved in dynamic hiding of enum parameters
Fixed an issue where display of the New Scene dialog was not immediate when triggering the New (Scene) action
In-app notification areas now display a busy indicator until/unless responses to asynchronous HTTP requests for in-app notification data/resources are received
The New Scene dialog now utilizes a persistent cache for all online in-app notification resources, regardless of type
In-app notification data is fetched each time the New Scene dialog is displayed
In-app notification resources (images) are fetched if/when the cache is stale
Updated SDK version to; SDK min is
Added an “Update Metadata” option to the login frame/dialog
When checked, previous behaviors are maintained
When unchecked, automatic synchronization of metadata upon login is disabled
When unchecked and logged in, the Connect > Update Metadata… action will prompt
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
An asset is a file with metadata, it will have an Author (assuming that the author had set the info) and that author may have a URL assigned (e.g. their store or website) - see Edit>Preferencse for the fields.
Thank you Richard Me thinks I must still have had my tinfoil hat on
I asked;
will daz 5.0 include ai features?
it replied;
Yes, Daz Studio 5.0 will include AI features. In a recent forum post, Daz 3D stated that they are working on a number of AI features for Daz Studio 5.0, including:
AI denoiser: To reduce noise and improve the quality of rendered images.
AI upscaler: To increase the resolution of rendered images without sacrificing quality.
AI face enhancer: To improve the realism of rendered faces.
AI background enhancer: To improve the realism of rendered backgrounds.
Daz 3D has not yet released any specific details about these features, but they have stated that they are still under development and that more information will be released closer to the release date of Daz Studio 5.0.
In addition to the above features, there is also the possibility of other AI features being added to Daz Studio 5.0 in the future. For example, Daz 3D has previously expressed interest in developing AI-powered tools for posing and animating figures, as well as for generating new content.
Is this reply from here? I've tried to get the message but found none. Anyone knows about this please tell me where to read it. Thank you!
AI is not a reliable or useful source of information - it makes stuff up. Some of that 9the denoiser) is an existing Iray feature, and the Daz has also expressed bit at the end is soemthing they did post - the rest, to the ebst of my knowledge, is wholly fictitious. I would strongly suggest not to use any kind of AI chat engine as a means of getting information unless it can provide actual libnks to its supposed sources.
It is becoming less and less possible to trust any information we are being fed. In the last decade, lying to the public has become the norm so the public just believe whatever lie suits their particular prejudice. Now we have AI chat engines feeding us half-truths and nonsense. I mean, the AI states "in a recent forum post" - where is that post? On the other hand, where DAZ is concerned, the answer is obvious - clear, regular and accurate announcements. Of course, that's too much to expect, right?
there are third party tools that do a lot of those things though already but I certainly haven't heard any hint of DAZ incorporating any on the forum or elsewhere.
Openpose for example would be awesome and I have no doubt someone will build a plugin eventually.
You can already enhance faces, remove, enhance or alter backgrounds in third party software on any image, even phone apps.
So the AIs mimicking human behavior, eh? They're spreading my statements.
That would be great, but maybe the grant UE gave them would mean they are working more diligently on features that ease the UE pipeline.
Thank you guys. When I heard about AI face and background enhancer, I was very excited and thought this was plausible. When it said "In a recent forum post" I thought about this thread cuz it is the closest one.
Well, if you insist on using the AI-generated image as is, then -- at this point in the legal process -- it isn't recognized as being copyrightable.
But, if you modify the image, I would imagine it becomes copyrightable. In this case, you would have a base creation that is public domain (the non-copyrightable Ai-generated pict), which you modify (you, not a computer, nor an algo) in order to claim it as your own. A collage of some sort might meet the criteria. Perhaps even just minor changes, like colors or something different. Not sure how far one would have to take it, but any modification is a modification and new (derivative) work that is no longer the original.
Sidenote 1: That said, in my opinion, the entire precedent-setting IP ruling is based on highly spurious legal reasoning. It doesn't hold -- in my mind -- for very obvious reasons. I think that if this ruling gets appealed (and argued properly with convincing examples), it will be over turned.
Why am I of that opinion? Because -- for example -- if you have a machine with lots of nozzels through which paint can be shot, and you adjust the nozzels and colors as you wish, set up a canvas of the size you like, make some other adjustments (perhaps adding some glittering material to the paint), and then shoot the paint out on the canvas through a preset shape or form (like the shapes used for making christmas cookies, or whatever), that would be copyrightable.
What the heck is difference with AI-generated stuff? In both cases you (a human behind the machines) are using mechanical devices that you manipulate and control in analogous ways in order to achive desired reults. You adjust the nozzles (promps) and whatever else (pict size, perhaps specific input pictures to be blended, weight adjustments, etc) .... and out comes something according to all the parameters you chose (with a certain element of randomness and unpredictabilty involved in BOTH cases).
The work-around for now would appear to be: modify the AI-generated image, and then argue it has become copyrightable.
At the very least, somebody would have to challenge that legal theory (the modified public domain picture theory) and prevail against it for ones work to loose copyright status.
Anyway, clearly, the judge in the precedant-setting case only had a limited conceptual idea of the technology and processes involved and how those relate -- by analogy -- to other, more traditional (or other semi-random) approaches, so he came to a completely flawed conclusion. The fact that the judge didn't get his eyes opened also means that the defendant's side argued the case in a p-poor way, so they lost.
I have a hard time imagining this case will stand ..... but there has been no appeal (as far as I know), so the wheels of justice (as they say) turn slowly.
Sidenote 2: whether or not your Ai-generated stuff can be copyrighted involves yet another -- in terms of established law, non-controversial -- issue; namely, the matter regarding whose input images you are using to generate AI art.
Just like in the analog world you can't use other people's images (however small the portion thereof may be, unless -- in some cases -- it is used under Fair Use doctrine) when making a collage, you can't use materials that have been copyrighted when generating your AI stuff. In other words, if the AI-generator isn't using public domain (or CC0) pictures to generate your creation, then there would presumably be legal hazard. I don't know of any Ai-generator that 100% guarantees it is using only PD or CC0 images. In fact, in every case, the fine print probably says you are legally responsible for copyright issues related to the images used for generating "your" Ai images.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer, nor am I giving legal advice. I am only sharing what I have read and impressions I have based on that. If you need actual legal advice, ask somebody who is qualified to give it (which I am not): a lawyer.
This is not the thread for debating copyright issues relating to AI.
I don't know why I bother dropping into this thread, expecting some actual news on DAZ Studio 5 development.
Optimism, that thing that gets us out of bed every morning and helps us put one foot in front of the other on even the gloomiest days.
There has been very minor news listed here (e.g. "Omniverse is coming soon to DAZ Studio 5") but other than that the only actual importance of this thread in particular is that it was started by a DAZ employee, so when we're told that DAZ employees don't watch the forums, we hope that maybe they do if the post belongs to them.
If there actually *is* an update regarding the release of DAZ Studio 5, it will no doubt be announced in a new forum post rather than this one.
-- Walt Sterdan
The release of Daz Studio 5 will probably happen the same way G9 was released - Out of the blue.
With G9 there were a few accidental hints before the release, but as nobody was even expecting a new generation, there was little interest in the hints.
There has been hints as well about the DS5, the Omniverse announcement is just one of them, but when will it be released... We just have to wait and see. and me both, however, my case it is pretty much a moot oint anyway as I'm sure it will require an Nvidia driver that no longer supports Windows 7 (actually the latest beta for 4.21 already requires such for GPU rendering).
kyoto kid, I can only imagine what you go through trying to make Windows 7 work for you. I imagine you're faced with financial concerns. In my case, I've benefited from family generosity for the most part. Oh, a couple years I l blew about $3,000 of my own money to build a PC that made me happy.
And I guess we will have to invest less and less in the future. We are truly in the Ai era to make pictures and videos happen. If DAZ 5.0 doesn't involve with Ai at all, I guess I won't have to buy Gift Card any more. My $422 left in store credit will be the last to spend. My heart is broken by the Genesis 9 products. I now can create what my job requires with prompts almost instantly, not hours after hours of my labor. But I hope I can stay around here a little longer with DAZ 5.0's Ai power because I have invested more than $35,000 here and my membership will end in the next April.
Well, we're all here for different reasons. I personally love the problem-solving and all the other various aspects of setting up a scene. I don't want that MakeArt Button. But if DAZ is going that direction, and I'm sure they will, I'll still be able to play with my DS4.20
Also, I'm in the lucky position that I don't get paid for my 3D jobs, so can afford spending as much time as I want on this thing...
I guess Ai will provide us both auto and manual mode. I don't think DAZ Ai will give us away everything like Midjourney and the others do cuz they have to keep selling poses, animations, scenes, and so on. Wild guess is they will provide us several ways to make life easier and get exactly what we want. In short, I hope we both will have better lives. :)
One thought that might be worth considering is that both natural language AIs and generative image AIs are resource intensive. Unless this changes, it's hard to imagine one running on the same machine simultaneously with DS (especially at the same time Iray is rendering). Even switching back/forth would likely be far from ideal.
One potential solution to this problem that might make some sense would be for the AI part (whatever that might end up being) to not run locally, but instead run as a serv- . . . nevermind ;)
- Greg