Octane Render for Carrara (OR4C) Public Beta now released..



  • It happens to me too if I use the same version but 2  & 3 are OK

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    I have an odd thing I cannot solve, gave up and used Carrara render instead

    a scene I have will not do an animated Background.

    the same image series (110 spherical renders 10 000 x 5 000 pixels each) works fine testing with a mirror sphere

    I have rendered big scenes with dynamic hair imported cloth animations from DAZ and Poser and all with animated 360 backgrounds before but this scene, a tent with two sleepers that are obj not figures some exported unanimated static dynamic cloth obj and a carrara cloth drape also saved as an obj and a lamp with an emitter it sticks on whatever frame it loads reloading

    tried removing the emitter lamp

    tried adding the grouped props to a scene that works and it stops doing BG too.

    so is something in my props, tried removing one at a time stays broken all gone.

    it is not a big scene, the memory on my 980Ti under 2GB out of 6 GB and renders fast

    baffled as to what on earth in it breaks animated bg and possibly animated textures, not tested that.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    the same Background works fine with Star who I bought and tried out today so it has to be something in the mesh or shaders from the other prop stopping it.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    It has a hypnotic effect!

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    we have a new toy. in the.3 beta .. VDB files ?


    Volume point cloud data files ..  can apparently handle animated data (explosions etc.),. but i'm not seeing that (so far) from the sample VDB files i've found online.



    In Carrarra,. Sighman has added support for VDB files to be loaded into the "effects" panel of the "Fire and Fog" primitives

    Add a fire or fog primitive,. go to the effects tab (at the bottom) and load the VDB file,. then add an octane volume shader to it .

    I'm still figuring out the shader options,. but there's a wide range of possibilities available from different values in the three channels,. absorbtion scattering, and emittion. which can control density and colour and obviously light in different ways within the volume depending on the settings in the main channels of the shader, and in the new "Volume Ramp" which controls how that channel is applied in the volume.

    some quick pics.

    VBD files can handle effects stuff like fluid or other simulated volumetric effects,. so next step I think I need to find a way to create my own VDB files

    1280 x 720 - 118K
    flame cube test1.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 231K
    flame cube test2.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 144K
    959 x 636 - 163K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    oh wow could have used that in video I am finishing off

    I did use volumetric cloud fog

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    Some great examples - I'm without a computer again, as my new one had some hardware issues, so it's with the manufacrurer's repair centre at the moment, but I look forward to trying this new facility out soon.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    I had the same thoughts :)

    Looking around for programs which export VDB point data,.

    Blender has a new version available,.. which features " OpenVDB caching for smoke/volumetric simulations."


    I wonder what the chances are of Daz3D adding OpenVDB support to Carrara,. ?

    It would seem like an obvious solution to the problem of carrara's particle (data cache)  and perhaps this format could also be applied to metaballs and metaparticles.since the VDB format seems to be capable of exporting solid shapes as well as volumes.

    guess I better go look at blender :(

    1280 x 720 - 144K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    I saw on that link iray supported, so if DAZ going to develop it for anything, their cash cow DAZ studio would get priority.

  • EddyMI3DEddyMI3D Posts: 365
    edited March 2016
    3DAGE said:

    HI Eddy :)

    Just a quick question about your render,.

    I'm curious,. why so many samples,. ?

    If I'm working on an image,.I can normally get something good within a few hundred samples 200 -500, but i'll sometimes let it go to a couple of thousand for better quality

    Normally,. If I see "issues" with the image,. then it's either a shader issue, or a lighting issue.and i'll stop and fix those.

    Although many carrara shaders work well with octane,. there are some instances where it's best to create octane shaders,.

    If fact,.. to be honest,. we should only be using octane physically based shaders,..if your rendering with octane,.. to take advantage of the physical based renderer.

    the same applies to Luxrender,. or Iray, or whatever else.

    Also,. are you using Pathtracing or PMC

    At first, sorry for my late response.

    I choosed that high sample count for some reasons:

    • There is no additional light source in the image - The flames are the only light sources
    • It has (already was) printed at a size of 1m x 2m on cloth and got a backlight

    The clothing materials have been optimized for Octane Render

    I did this one with PMC. I attached the final image (resized)
    The final image got no postwork

    2000 x 1500 - 525K
    750 x 1500 - 143K
    Post edited by EddyMI3D on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    that's really nice Eddy :)

    it must freak some people out,. turning the corner and seeing that figure.

    thanks for posting :)

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    Is there  a  way to include or exclude objects from a spotlight or a bulb light in Octane, like you can in Carrara's native renderer? I find this feature very useful in  Carrara, but I can seem to replicate it in Octane. Thanks.

    249 x 221 - 14K
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    Argus - in a word, no. Octane is a physically based renderer, and just like in the real world, you can't have a light that will light some objects but not others. If they are physically separated, you could use some form of shielding on the light so that it illuminates what you want, for example you can put the light in a long tube to give the effect of a spotlight. But you can't tick a box to exclude objects. 

    An alternative would be to render twice with and without the light, and composite the results?

  • EddyMI3DEddyMI3D Posts: 365

    The thing Argus likes to approach may be possible by the use of the Octane Object Layer concept.

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited April 2016
    EddyMI3D said:

    The thing Argus likes to approach may be possible by the use of the Octane Object Layer concept.

    The "Object layer" tool manages whether an object is visible or not for the Octane camera; what I need is not that an object is visible or not (I want it to remain visible) , but whether an object is lit by a specific Octane light or not. And I'm not sure if the "Object layer" tool is capable of that.



    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799

    Has anyone gotten displacment to work on a human figure? Right now every time I try to add any at all it seems to alter the behavior of the skin drastically, either lightening it or darkening it and I cannot find a way to avoid it. Is this happening to anyone else?

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited April 2016

    I don't understand what you mean. I'm used to do my displacement in Carrara, BEFORE I render with Octane.

    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Hi Rashad :)

    Displacement is technically "working" for me in the octane shaders,. it does start at a very low level (0.001), and (until now) i've not used it on human figures.

    Bump and Normals work fine for me for skin detail.

    I don't see any major tonal change in the skin using diaplacement,. ,  there are some darker areas (spots), but i'm assuming that is the nasty texture map i used to test this quickly.

    I'll need to do some more testing and use some proper displacement maps,. 

    oct disp.jpg
    1317 x 786 - 191K
  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    I did some testing . In Carrara, I put some displacement maps for this character's face. I rendered the image both in Carrara native renderer and in Octane.

    No disp Carrara renderer.png
    1280 x 720 - 1M
    Disp Carrara renderer.png
    1280 x 720 - 1M
    1280 x 720 - 872K
    1280 x 720 - 886K
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799

    Argus, and 3DAge,

    Thanks to both of your for testing this. I failed to explain that in order to see the problem you need to have Transmission and some sort of settings for Medium. Something about the displacement is scewing with the way the transmission or the medium itself behaves, resulting in odd looking colors. Both of the examples above seem to avoid SSS altogether.

    I'm going to render out an example. Thanks again guys!!

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799

    Here's an example of the problem. I just drew a randdom line across his forehead and around his face. I think the displacement is affecting the way the medium behaves, probably altering the perceived scale setting. Not sure. Any help is appreciated. Thanks again.

    Displacement Test 1.jpg
    831 x 895 - 605K
    Displacement Test 2.jpg
    831 x 895 - 654K
  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    My Asus nVidia GTX 780 has quit on me. It had 6GB of VRAM. Now I'm only  left with a Asus nVidia GTX 970 with 4 GB of VRAM. Now Octane won't process half on my scenes. Not enough memory.  They're big sci-fi scenes with loads of replicators. I'm thinking of buying (my bank account is not gonna be happy) a nVidia GTX 980TI with 6GB of VRAM. Should I choose an Asus or with any other brand do?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    Argus are they too big mesh wise or with textures?

    if out of core not cutting it you could try saving all the maps smaller, easy to do if you save the Carrara scene externally then run irfanview batch convert on them, I did this for the entire Dreamhome fully furnished with fittings and it is now quite a small scene that even fit on my old 2GB 760.

    an obj version uses less memory than a figure too, many big DAZ studio scenes work better this way and you have iClone, a 3DX export can reduce maps and make it an obj in one go, if I want to replicate things sticking them through 3DX first is an easy way to simplify it, 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    I have a MSI gaming 980Ti BTW

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    Thanks, forsaken. I don't know if my scenes are too big mesh wise or with textures. I have to study this.  I also have to try the methods you mention to reduce the size.

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    forsaken said:

    if out of core not cutting it

    Yes, I didn't think of that right away but, when I apply "Out of core", Octane works (renders), although slowly. I don't need slow.  I need a bigger video card, therefore I'm going to get a bigger card.

  • aspinaspin Posts: 219

    The beta ends in one week... 50$ off while beta lasts.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Argus :)

    Have you thought about reducing your scene,. break it down and use compositing ,. then you're rendering less,. which is faster

    Create a spherical camera and render the scene environment,. then use that as an HDRI to replace the scene models,. big time saver.

    render models on their own (alpha background),. Using hdr from you're scene,.  big time saver

    composite both together,.


  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited May 2016
    3DAGE said:

    composite both together,

    That's what I've been doing all along, 3dage, I've been compositing like crazy. Otherwise it would take too loing.  Foreground scenes constisting of only the characters and rendered with  Octane in alpha mode. And the background scenery, mostly stills, rendered with Carrara native renderer. Except I didn't use HDRI. Just regular maps. Thanks for the tip.

    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited May 2016

    Hi all Octaners,

    I have a big problem with Octane. I have two video cards, one Asus nVidia GeForce GTX 970 and one Asus nVidia GeForce 980Ti.  I tested them with Octane benchmark. With the GTX 970 alone, the score was 47.50; with the GTX980Ti alone, the score was: 129.60; and with both cards together, he score was: 177.06. See pics.

    Which makes sense, the GTX 980Ti having more Cuda cores and memory. Everyting cool, so far.


    Then I processed a samll scene (4 seconds, one figure, alpha, no background). I did it three times, one time with the GTX 970 alone; one time with the GTX 980Ti alone, and one time with both cards together. It took the same time! One hour and 20 minutes! What gives? See pics.

    I am desperate. Because my new GTX 980Ti cost me a fortune and it doesn't make a difference. Octane support tells me that maybe I haven't optimized my scene...

    GTX 970 alone.PNG
    961 x 642 - 479K
    GTX 980Ti alone.PNG
    982 x 635 - 480K
    GTX 970 and GTX 980Ti together.PNG
    971 x 642 - 438K
    GTX 970 alone (2).PNG
    552 x 422 - 20K
    GTX 980Ti alone (2).PNG
    549 x 439 - 21K
    Both cards together.PNG
    546 x 448 - 25K
    Post edited by argus1000 on
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