Octane Render for Carrara (OR4C) Public Beta now released..



  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    I have now downloaded it, seems to be working OK so far - except that I have been able to duplicate your "End of File" error on the first little scene that I saved. Just a terrain and a volumetric cloud. I'll report it to Sighman on the thread.

    Clouds Test1.png
    640 x 480 - 512K
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Thanks Phil :)

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    Argus, I just want to make sure that you know that I didn't mean to upset you. I apologize if I did. I think the videos are really cool, original and have some nice stories. It is also refreshing that you use characters that don't look like super-models or cartoons. I was only commenting on a technical aspect.

    Don't worry about it, Evil. Ther discussion that I had with you and Rashad had a positivr ending. My native Carrara render was flat. You were right. So I decided to emulate Global Illumination. First, I installed the sun (yelloiwsh). Then I installed two bluish light above to emulate the shylight. Finally, i positioned an indirect light (greenish) at ground level to emulate the reflections from the grass.


    Liz (Octane).png
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    Liz (Native).png
    1280 x 720 - 1M
  • Argus,

    Much better.


    Phil, 3DAge,

    Which password is it asking for when installing OR4C V3?

  • Argus,

    Much better.


    Phil, 3DAge,

    Which password is it asking for when installing OR4C V3?

    Nevermind. Solved. I don't know why lately I tend to need to ask for help the moment before finding the solution on my own.

  • Is anyone having any luck with the Environment Medium?

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    Yes, it is pretty straightforward.  You need to enable it under the Scene tab and set an Octane Medium.  Try setting the scattering option to a medium grey, perhaps with a little sky blue tint, and then play with either the scale under the shader or the Medium Radius under the Scene tab (or both) to get the depth of effect you want.  It can get very dense quite easily, so lower settings / bigger scales tend to work best, depending on the scale of your scene.  You probably as a rule don't want any absorption or emission with the environment medium.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    I get that i/o error loading scenes saved with the OR4C V3

    I also found clouds do not replicate and too many take too long

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    Sighman has posted a new version that I think solves the file error, but the environment medium was not now working as it should - may be that is what Tashad found earlier?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604


    Much better.


    Phil, 3DAge,

    Which password is it asking for when installing OR4C V3?

    Nevermind. Solved. I don't know why lately I tend to need to ask for help the moment before finding the solution on my own.

    The imnformation is stored behind the "post comment" button, so is only released when you press that button 

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    edited January 2016
    Chohole said:


    Much better.


    Phil, 3DAge,

    Which password is it asking for when installing OR4C V3?

    Nevermind. Solved. I don't know why lately I tend to need to ask for help the moment before finding the solution on my own.

    The imnformation is stored behind the "post comment" button, so is only released when you press that button 

    This is so true. After the button is pressed the lightbulb kicks in and you now know how to do it.

    Post edited by chickenman on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    I also found clouds do not replicate and too many take too long

    HI Wendy :)

    I'm using a cloud with a low density,.(patchy) to make it seem like more clouds, (See pic)

    rather than lots of big thick clouds in a replicator ..I tried that too,. too crunchy :0

    once the cloud is in the scene,. you can scale it to fit your view,. and duplicate it if you need to

    I've got three duplicates of a single patchy cloud in this scene, all scaled differently. (see pic)


    I'm finding an issue with intersecting , it shows as an empty chunk of sky (no atmosphere) and looks like the corner/side,edge of one of the intersecting bounding box

    This version seems to work ok for me now,  and the scenes save and load, ...which is handy :)


    cloud settings.jpg
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    1650 x 1031 - 299K
  • PhilW said:

    Sighman has posted a new version that I think solves the file error, but the environment medium was not now working as it should - may be that is what Tashad found earlier?

    The uniform fog effect is exactly what I was wondering about. Seems as if the z-depth aspect of the Environment Medium has been ignored. Hopefully Sighman will have a quick fix available for this issue as well. Overall I really like this version. The GPU usage is much smarter now so the Prioroty settings no longer are needed. In my case the priority settings never worked anyhow, so anytime I was rendering n Octane the computer more or less became useless. Now I can watch movies and other things while rendering. Once we can get the environment medium working perfectly I will be a smiley guy for sure.

  • Chohole said:


    Much better.


    Phil, 3DAge,

    Which password is it asking for when installing OR4C V3?

    Nevermind. Solved. I don't know why lately I tend to need to ask for help the moment before finding the solution on my own.

    The imnformation is stored behind the "post comment" button, so is only released when you press that button 

    Best explanation I've read so far. Just need a Post Comment button for my darned taxes!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited January 2016

    As posted in an Otoy Forum thread, I had the same issue until Sighman explained the setting better.  For the attached image, I set the Radius in the Environment Medium to encompass your scene (in this case 1000 m), and set the scattering medium to mid to dark grey with a slight blue tint with a scale of 0.01. Adjust from there to get the effect you want.

    P.S.  Andy - very nice looking clouds!

    Distance Haze.jpg
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    Post edited by PhilW on
  • I have a question:

    I thought it would be a clever move to construct my own spotlights with morphing areas to easily adjust half angle and angular falloff. Instead of having a tube and a lightball inside I constructed one single object using a shading domain for emission and morphing targets for adjustment. Worked fine.....until I put other octane lighs in the scene, lets say a simple lightspere. My wonderful spotlight eliminated all the other lights...conflict! It even crashed Carrara once.....I have to say I put several different lights in that scene, just to see what will happen. Now I know ;-)

    Is there a known problem with lightemitting shading domains? Can it be solved?

    lightsphere with spotlight.jpg
    1600 x 657 - 187K
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited January 2016

    I am not aware of any issues like this and have use several light sources in a scene without noticing anything odd like this. I might have a play and see if I can duplicate what you are seeing.

    Edit:  Tried it now and not seeing any issues. I tried a set-up very similar to yours.  I seem to recall that emissions work best for whole objects rather than sub-domains on an object. Try putting a separate light-emitting surface at the bottom of your tube and see if that works.

    Post edited by PhilW on
  • I'm on it. Strange stuff or.......stupid user. Tested again (crashed again) and got to this point: it seems to matter of which form the spot is made of from start on... Cylinder=other lights are dimmed a lot; Sphere=other lights are dimmed a bit. Beats me!

    spotlight test 0.jpg
    1571 x 1030 - 163K
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    No issues with modelled lights for me (see pic)

    I think the issue may be geometry based,. but before looking at that,.

    I'd suggest using Carrara's own Spotlights,. which can now be enabled as an Octane light emitter, and you can add IES profiles to those spots.

    In your screncap,. you're using objects from the Primitives menu,. nothing really wrong with that,. but the geometry of the two objects is very different,. that could explain the difference in light emitted,.

    Ideally you'd model objects to create the lighting,. you may have done that olready, but while object lights are useful to replicate photo studio lightboxes, Windows, and other real world light sources,.., being able to use carrera's own lights is like a breath of fresh air, easier to create, setup, and adjust

    I'm not sure if Octane uses vertices or polys to emit light from,. I suspect verts,.

    I've also built scenes where i created a "low energy" (twisty tube) Light bulb model,. and threw it into a replicator,. I think i had 200 replicated on a surface,. all emitting light. no errors,

    As for Carrara crashing,. try elimination to find out what the cause is,. Also "Really Important" after any crashing,. Go to your "DazTemp" folder and clear out any temp files left there by carrara.

    Carrara is a good dog,. but a dirty dog..

    studio lightsXXL.jpg
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    Studio lights.jpg
    1479 x 843 - 204K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087

    Replicated mesh lights with emission textures work very well

    I did fireworks for New Years eve that way



  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Nice lights :)

    and a Happy new year to all :)

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    Ooh, pretty!

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    Why is it that I can only use spotlights and sunlight in Octane (and the spotlights only work if I click the "enable" button in "effects"). Any other light doesn't seem to produce any difference.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    You should be able to use Bulb lights,. and add IES light profiles to those,.

    You can make your own Lighting objects,. from vertex models,. just add an Octane shader, set to emit light,. either blackbody with real world values,. or texture,. with whatever colours or values you like.

    you can also add that same type of light emitting shader to any other object in your scene,. such as street lighting, etc.


    You need to enable the Octane light,. since Carrara lights don't transfer to octane,. and octane doesn't have any Spotlights or Bulbs.

    It has it's own realistic Daylight system which Sighman has linked to Carrara's "Sunlight" position, to make it much easier to use in Carrara,

    rather than setting the numbers for latitude, longitude etc., unfortunately carrara doesn;t send the position data until you exit the RSE. (Realistic Sky Editor) in carrara.

    When you enable the "Octane light" option,. in the Effects panel,. it creates a small mesh object,. with an emitter shader,.which creates the light in octane.

    there are also some options to make the Light source object invisible

    it also allows you to adjust the light settings within Carrara,.

    For Tube lights, and shape lights,. you need to make your own model,. and give it an emittion shader.


  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    Thank you very much for your answer, 3dage. However, I made a vertex object but I can't seem to make it "emit light". I can't find the "Octane light" button in the "effects" panel.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Argus :)

    when you make your own model,. it won't show up in the carrara / octane light effects panel options,. (those are only for Carrara's own lights)

    you need to create an octane shader which emit's light,.,. and apply that shader to your object,. then it emit's light,.

    for example,. a neon sign,. would be a model you made,. with an octane shader applied to it


  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited January 2016

    All is fine now, 3dage. The bulb lights work too, which I didn't know. And I found some light emitting shaders to apply to the vertex objects. I don't seem to have the same nomenclature than you though. Nevertheless, I am in Octane heaven and I don't want to wake up.

    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    I'm missing rendering in Octane - I had a catastrophic crash 8 days ago, been trying to get it fixed but it's looking like a write-off.  Hopefully I'll be able to sort out a replacement soon. In the meantime, Im missing my rendering!

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    I feel for you Phil :)    floods and crashed systems.  I hope things get better quickly for you.


    Argus ,. I keep forgetting you've only recently got octane,. my bad.

    In the shader room,.

    if you change the top level shader (Multichannel shader) to Octane Material,. then the Multichannel is ignored by octane and a new "Material" level is created below that.

    If you click the "none" button and select Octane materials / Diffuse,.. then you can go down the channels for the diffiuse material to the Emission channel

    You can click to select Octane emission / Blackbody or Texture.

    Either of those will create light in octane.


    I think there are some options which are getting kind of hidden slightly because the render target settings is in it's own panel,.

    I love the Imager settings where you can select different film stock, and the Post production options, and even adjusting saturation  to make black and white photo looks.

    they use to be more obvious, when they were part of the main settings

  • Hi to All, this is my second post on the Carrara forum today, I purchased Octane Render for Carrara a couple of week ago and must say it has given Cararra new life, I call it my Carrara 9 (hahaha). I purchased the Carrara 8 Training series, (Basic and Advance) from PhilW and I use it as my go-to reference literature. My question... is there a simple but indepth tutorial of Octane for Carrara? I have seen free tutorials for Cinema 4D and they have help me, but Carrara is Carrara.

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