The Mac FAQ



  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    So I went ahead and did clean install of everything.  DIM finally installed.  It just sat there for a really long time before the BitRock installer would load.  Took all night to download all of my content (nearly 4000 items).  I just tried opening DAZ and went ahead and connected using my email and account info.

    Ok, so I am really troubled by the way 4.9 works compared to what I remember in the previous versions.  First of all, in order to save space on my SSD, I have installed all of my content to an External drive.  I also have tons of content that is outside of My Library for Daz/Poser compatible items that I bought from Rendo and RTDNA over the years.  I have them all well organized and there used to be an option to setup custom Runtime Paths to access these items.  Where the heck did that feature go???

    In the Content Library tab, everything is pointing to an empty folder in my user/documents folder.  I do not want anything from DAZ installed into my User profile on my Mac.  With this much content my SSD would fill up in a heartbeat.


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    You need to tell Studio using the Content Directory Manager where the content is located. 
    Second, if the external drive is connected through USB, you might experience some rather stupid things when it sleeps and comes back, depending on drive, but many drives will be mounted at a new mount point.

    If your drive was named "DAZDisk", it will at boot (or first mount) be located at /Volumes/DAZDisk, which is what you tell Studio in the config. Then when the drive sleeps (OS X sleeps and comes back from sleep), the drive will now be DAZDisk-1, and mounted at /Volumes/DAZDisk-1, while /Volume/DAZDisk will just be an empty mount point. Finder will "solve this" by showing the disk in finder as DAZDisk, but if you use the terminal and cd /Volumes and then do ls you will see it's real name.


  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Dang.  I totally forgot how to do this. This is what happens when you go on hiatus for over a year.  hahaha

    Ok, so I was able to figure out where to go to start moving things.  I mistakenly was looking in preferences.

    So, I copied the My DAZ Connect folders onto my External HDD to where I want it to reside.  I then tried to point DAZ to it, but it gave me an alert that it needed to create this path under DAZ studio formats.  I said ok and it created a second path under that which once again pointed to my user directory so I deleted it.  I can't remember how to clean the Content Manager DB.  I remember going into Content DB Maintenance and choosing Re-Import Metadata.  Is that all I need to do? 

    Here is my current Directory paths:

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099


    (1) Save userdata

    (2) Clear database

    (3) Reimport metadata

    (4) Hopefully good to go!


  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Ok, I think I've got everything setup now.  Reset the DB and Re-Import Meta.  All my purchase content showing up correctly now.  Thanks!

    So here is one last question.  When I load a character into scene, I noticed that it tries to pre-render things on the fly as I move the scene around.  I don't remember that happening in the past.  Is this a feature of 4.9 or iRay?  Can it be turned off?

    I currently have a single Nvidia GTX 760 4Gb GPU (plan on installing a second one this week) and latest Cuda installed.  So everything checks out in the Hardware Features as Supported.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    Geminii23 said:


    So here is one last question.  When I load a character into scene, I noticed that it tries to pre-render things on the fly as I move the scene around.  I don't remember that happening in the past.  Is this a feature of 4.9 or iRay?  Can it be turned off?

    Just Switch Preview Mode from NVIDA Iray to Texture Shaded (the control widget beside the Camera popup in the Viewport.

    You need a rather expensive Nvidia Setup to be able to work in nVidia mode.


  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Yeah, I tried all of those modes originally and thought I was doing something wrong because this was my result:


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    What is your settings for your video (in preferences) optimisations and such, usually the issues are there, try best (DS is smart and a chicken to prevent crashes it starts with none.


  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2017

    Hmm...ok, so I went there as well and checked everything out.  I still don't see anything that would cause this.

    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    That is weird - you screenshot (from viewport) looks like toon shading or something. Is that set to Texture Shaded there?

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Sorry, I re-uploaded the image of my Prefs cause that first screen grab was rubbish.  Couldn't read anything.

    So I tried Toon as well, which didn't look much better.  Could it be something to do with Reality 4 being installed?


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    I dont think so , I have reality installed (never use it though).

    Settings looks OK, Card too. Must be something trivial, I never seen that before. Does that happen with any loaded figure? Is that perspective Camera or another camera?


  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2017

    Yeah just perspective view.  Never had problems before.  I believe the last version I was using successfully was 4.7 or 4.8.  What ever version would have been out 1+ year ago.  So only other variables I can think of is something to do with 4.9 and that this is running on OS Sierra.

    *** Edit:

    Here are my System Specs: 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5, 32Gb Ram, GTX 760 4 Gb GPU, Solid State Drive

    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    I have had no difference regardning that with 4.8 or 4.9 or 4.7 btw so it's somethibg else, some old setting that bugs you. Have you tried to Select "Workspace Layout", sometimes doing that causes old and bad settings to be replaced by new and good ones.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    I tried changing the Workspace Layout and no difference.  There shouldn't be any old or bad settings cause this was a clean install of everything.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    OK, good. Then it's weird!

    @Richard: Do you have any good ideas about this (Viewport issues)?

  • I wonder if it's an attempt to match the shader used, resulting in too much ambient in the preview.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Ok.  So I tried hooking up my old SSD that had Yosemite installed.  I opened DAZ 4.9.  Reset DB, Re-import Metadata and the preview texture worked correctly.  

    Does anyone else have Daz 4.9 installed on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.2?  That is now the only thing I can think of as the problem.  

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Could it be video drivers that is the problem?

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    I don't think so.  I ran several tests on the system including Cinebench, Heaven and LuxMark:

    I am planning on putting a second GPU in my system this week, so scores should increase.  But AFAIK there is no reason that this texture problem should be happening.  This might be related but I spoke with a Dev about an App I downloaded from Apple store.  Their logo transparency got messed up with Sierra new update to 10.12.2. and he told me "macOS 10.12.2 doesn’t play quite as nicely with the JPEG-2000 data in our application and document icons" 



  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    I don't have 12.2 on my machine where I have DS but I can boot it up on another drive and test.

    What if you just start DS and add a default G3 or G2 figure (without and Reality compatible Materials)

    Does it render in DS in 3DL and IRay? Does it look OK in DS Viewport? 

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Ok, so interesting thing just happened.  I decided to install all the Public Beta options through DIM.  I launched the 4.9 Beta and decided to see what would happen.  First thing I did was setup my Directory to point to my External path for installed content.  Then tried to reset DB and import Meta.  After about 10 mins of no activity, progress said 100%.  My whole system froze.  Mouse would move on screen but nothing else worked.  I couldn't even adjust volume on my keyboard.

    So I decided to do a hard reset on my computer.  I logged back in and launched DAZ 4.9 Beta again.  Loaded up a character and voila!

    Looking at this second image from the normal 4.9 release, I happened to notice that the Drawstyle Options menu icon itself was not even showing up correctly:

    Next, I compared the log files and aside from lots of warnings and errors with Metadata on many items, a few things jumped out at me.  First was lots of these warnings:

    - WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

    Then I noticed that the date stamps were all messed up and DAZ didn't even know what my OS was.

    Here is the log file output in ver

    2017-59-02 00:59:14.774 +++++++++++++++ DAZ Studio starting +++++++++++++++++
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.774 Platform bits: 64
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.774 Qt Version: 4.8.7
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.774 OpenSubdiv Version: 3.0.0
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.774 Running on Macintosh OS Unknown
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.774 Current DateTime:
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775     Loc: Mon Jan 2 00:59:14 2017
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775     UTC: Mon Jan 2 05:59:14 2017
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775 Temp Data:
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775     Location = /Users/brandon/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775     Disk Total: 476.1 GB (511250432000)
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775     Disk Avail: 296.5 GB (318395535360)
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775 Locale: en_US
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.775     No translator found.
    2017-59-02 00:59:14.785 Creating Plugin Manager...

    And here is the output in ver

    2017-01-02 01:17:55.193 +++++++++++++++ DAZ Studio starting +++++++++++++++++
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.193 Platform bits: 64
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.193 Qt Version: 4.8.7
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.194 OpenSubdiv Version: 3.0.0
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.194 Running on Macintosh OS 10.12 Sierra
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.194 Current DateTime:
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.194     Loc: Mon Jan 2 01:17:55 2017
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.194     UTC: Mon Jan 2 06:17:55 2017
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195 Temp Data:
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195     Location = /Users/brandon/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4 Public Build/temp
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195     Disk Total: 476.1 GB (511250432000)
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195     Disk Avail: 296.6 GB (318488014848)
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195 Locale: en_US
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195     No translator found.
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.195 Error reading application data!
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.212 WARNING: /src/sdksource/basictypes/dzsettings.cpp(835): Index out of range in DzSettings::getKey()
    2017-01-02 01:17:55.214 Creating Plugin Manager...

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    A freeze like that would most probably be looged in the /var/logs (found from but it really sounds like a driver crash (I've had a few of those when using Iray rendering or Substance Painter, the panic.log usually points at nVidia Driver.



  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    1.  The Libpng 'warning' is informational and nothing to be concerned with.

    2.  The timestamp problem is corrected in most of the betas (not sure which one did fix it, but it is now fixed)...yes, it was a mistake in the release build and nothing to do with anything on your end.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2017

    Well, hopefully they will push out a new corrected release build soon.  I still don't know what caused the freeze up.  I check the var/logs and don't even see a panic.log


    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited January 2017

    I was thinking it might be beneficial to try and uninstall all apps and reinstall to see if I can replicate the freezing issue.  Not sure if I uninstalled everything though.  Is there anything else that might have gotten installed (not content related just application related) that I should search for?  Or should things be installed in any particular order?

    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Might be useful, if something was trashed duting install, but freezes can be lot of things. Did you get a SpinLock.log when it froze (did you have the beachball/Spinning pizza of death)? In that case you might have a spinlock log under system diagnostic reports in


  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    No spinlock.  I did a complete reinstall of all items.  No difference.  Looks like I won't be able to use DAZ until the fixes they are doing with Public Beta are sorted out and official release.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    Geminii23 said:

    No spinlock.  I did a complete reinstall of all items.  No difference.  Looks like I won't be able to use DAZ until the fixes they are doing with Public Beta are sorted out and official release.

    No spinlock log, hmm, nothing else in system.log when this happens?

  • Geminii23 said:

    No spinlock.  I did a complete reinstall of all items.  No difference.  Looks like I won't be able to use DAZ until the fixes they are doing with Public Beta are sorted out and official release.

    Hello Gemini23 .Go again to the interface settings and change the the prepixel shading to off.

    Allyour settings are wrong also.

    disable the pixel buffer but before put it at the middle at 1k x1k

    try this and see how it goes


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