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If the viewport is in Iray mode (which is not anything you can work in unless you have a gazillion dollar GPU set so yes), always use textureshaded in viewport.
"If the viewport is in Iray mode (which is not anything you can work in unless you have a gazillion dollar GPU set so yes), always use textureshaded in viewport."
Dear Totte i didnt understand what you answered..
I asked you , if you want , 2 questions
What is using Studio when at viewport and when render as a file the will help a lot
i think you said that the viewport is using CPU unless the actual GPU is something exotic? :)and at render ?
I asking this because with my old imac with Snow Leopard and the Amd card with 512mb and with i7, 3d delight renders was going like thunder and viewport was good enough.
With Iray the last time i did with that imac (before 9 months i guess) it was ok! not so fast but ok .
Since i bought this new imac with nvidia inbuilt card 4gb vram and i7 CPU too ,IS MUCH MUCH LESS SLOWER!!
Most at viewport. i tested it with 3d delight too and again is slower than the old one.
SO WHY These 2 almost identical models have so much difference ( the new much worst even if it have better video card!)
The only difference between them is the video card which is much better on new one but no use, the studio version ( at the old one when i last use it i was running the 4.8) and the version of OSX.
So the result is that something is wrong with OSX version or studio version(that i dont think)
The other one question i believe you said yes...if not good Gpu...?
This thread is very good! Please keep it! :)
i read some lines from daz user for a long time and i didnt expected that such thread for Mac's could exist..
i saw somewhere before an utility for installing content but i cant download the manual to see what is doing. do you have any link for pdf?
Redo install 1.2.1
I have an updated version here:
The requested URL /wp-content/uploads/2015/03/RendoInstall-2.0-Manual.pdf was not found on this server.
Viewport uses OpenGL (which is using GPU), but there are many modes, Texture Shaded (OpenGL) and Iray (which is Iray, and GPU usage depends on Iray card capabilities and lots of things).
If you go to the Render Settings Tab -> Advanced and set Engine -> Iray, do you see your GPU listed or is that only showing CPU?
This is strange, but it can be so much, like RAM for example. I saw you used the nVidia WebDriver, but what CUDA version have you downloaded?
Thank you Totte ..
So as i thought...Something is wrong with versions of osx and cannot handle well as old versions the CPU and GPU recources...I strongly believe this and Yes , you are right ..there are so many involved...
"If you go to the Render Settings Tab -> Advanced and set Engine -> Iray, do you see your GPU listed or is that only showing CPU?"
Yes if i remember well the unbuilt GPU was appearing there..
"This is strange, but it can be so much, like RAM for example. I saw you used the nVidia WebDriver, but what CUDA version have you downloaded? "
The last time i did it..because now i dont have any Studio..was the latest for El Capitan...and no good...Also i was testing it with Yosemite was much better but i said lets try El capitan when public released till 10.11.6 and till now because of this OSX update i screwed everything :)
Anyway soon i will install studio again to both my macs...
Just an advice for people that using imac with Studio... It's very easy to do damage from temperature! The imacs does not have good airflow and must have a program to monitor the temps.
At my late 2013 imac when i first bought it i saw GPU and CPU reaching 100c and i had crashes because of this reason. Anyway i made a mod to run cooler and this problem solved.
Do you know any way how to make Studio viewport to work with external GPU via thundebolt?
the egpu appears at display and graphiks and to render settings to studio but it looks like studio not using it at viewport...
How to test this??
Opps, looks like those links didn't survive the servercrash a few months back, fixed now.
I know some people have done that - but most external GPU boxes is weak when it comes to powersupply. I know one guy who had an external cabinet and fried two GTX-980 when something broke...
But that "should work".
And yes, rendering on non-server built machines is risky.
"Opps, looks like those links didn't survive the servercrash a few months back, fixed now."
Ok the link for the pdf working i downloaded it.Thank you.
I downloaded also the 1.2.1 version to see how it works :)
Totte...the purpose of this is to install the zip files dowloaded manually from store? instead of IM?
Really no, if something can be installed with DIM, do it. It's for installing third party stuff and freebees and such that comes in zip files.
Version 2 is much much better, version 2 was more targeted to Poser content
Ok Thank you for all your answers Totte! Actually to run eGpu setup needs a very powerful Gpu because of the loss of not be connected directly to pci...i think...and for instance Titan X needs for sure 300w power supply itself... They selling many egpu boxes outhere but very few are capable to run high end GPU'S
i know one but i dont want to do advertise here..i dont know if allowed.
But Totte is there any way with such set up to make Studio working as with unbuilt GPU?
I tested it and i dont know why it looks like no difference...iewport work like cannot see it.. (: At render... ok is working.Big difference.
About the Redo install utility it will be useful to me because i have some content bought out of the store..
If the GPU is accessible by the system, Studio will find it, there is no magic for studio, just correct drivers and cuda.
Hello Dear Totte..i read everything at this discussion and is quite interesting at some points :)
I guess many people here find things that cannot found somewhere else even at Apple support :)
Ok as you last said GPU is assesible by the system studio finds it..but like black magic it looks that the egpu does not take part at viewport only at render
and this can be easily seen with istat pro watching the GPU prossecors and their memories.
Why this happening? Maybe because studio see the low unbuilt GPU and ignores the good one(titanx)?
Is there any trick to force this? any plist editing or i dont know...
Also if at render settings at iray disabling the unbuilt(dicrete?) and allow only the CPU and external then again viewport using only CPU which result to much lower performance because does not using at all any GPU....Why this??
Can be, but I I always avoid using the same card for render and viewport, and viewport (OpenGL) + windowmanager takes a lot of VRAM that you rather use for rendering.
Does the card show up in the list of Iray hardware?
Does the card show up in the list of Iray hardware?
How to do that with imac ? :) To choose?
In DAZ Studio, check the card in the advanced render settings for both preview and photoreal. (can screenshot when the render running is done)
If you read carefully my previous today comment i said that i ahve done this..but in some way it looks that not working and this can be seen with istat menu...
Studio viewport ignores the egpu completely even if it see it. But in render using it...!!!
OK, then it might be a video driver issue (I don't have any iMacs or EGPU so I cannot play). If you look under System information, what does it say for Video card?
Apple Menu -> About this Mac -> Video and Graphics?
Yes i understand...Ok when i will install again and have issues i will find you :) Maybe then we can find what's going wrong...
Can i get your advice on some things?
With Snow leopard is better to install Valentina or Postgre?
Which version of studio will work better? 4.7 4.8 or latest?
I had the 4.8 last time at my old mac and was good.
- Postres as one of the reasons Valentina was dropped was a bug I found when I evaluated Valentina that also effected DAZ Studio causing it to crash.
- DAZ Studio 4.9 if it works on 10.6 (don't rmember right now but snow leopard is very old) or 4.8. 4.7 doesn't have Iray. If you can't upgrade beyond snowleopard, does that mean you have a CoreDuo (32 bit) and not a Core2Duo (64bit) processor?
So this you saying is to install Postgre at SL? Not valentina?
I have 2 imacs... i dont want my old to upgrade.I Can but i dont want because i have many programs that work only with SL. It have i7 and amd(512mb).And it is 64bit. i was running studio at this and also the first iray and was good. If i remember well i had the 4.8... So this i asking you go same? or better to install the latest? with valentina.
i dont want to use daz have problems when you are offline...
I'm hoping that someone can help me, happy to open a new thread if that is more appropriate but it seems like this thread has the Mac expertise watching. :-)
I recently moved my (sizeable) library to an external drive to save on disk space. Everything worked before and now all hell has broken loose. Although my smart content is populated, doubling clicking anything there gives me a "file does not exist" error and no products or files have icons. Browsing the content library looks fine, until I try to add something to a scene and then I get not found errors for textures and other assets.
Things I have tried:
Notice that when I try to import an asset, I get the error shown in the third image. I don't know if this is relevant (probably not), but the missing asset paths are all lower case (although directories are not) and relative (don't include the content directory). I'm hoping that's normal.
The strangest part of this is that after I removed /Library/DAZ 3D, reinstalls (both 32-bit and 64-bit) have not restored the Content Management service. I have tried installing via both the installation manager and from the downloadable DAZ Studio installers themselves. Nothing I've tried has brought back /Library/DAZ 3D, or let me see a content management process running in the activity monitor. I can see the postgres processes, and they start and stop properly when I use the start/stop cms controls in DAZ.
Any theories as to where I went wrong? I'm pretty discouraged that even with as clean as an uninstall as I could manage, I still seem to have a broken asset library. I'm at a real loss as to what might be going on. Keep in mind that the problem is bigger than the smart content pane; even loading assets from the library yields path errors, which makes me think I've got several problems going on. It's like DAZ doesn't see paths the same was as the Mac operating system. Any guidance would be greaetly appreciated.
Good call, as I will get notified when someone posts here, otherwise some of the Mods will have to ping me.
This can be a multitude of problems, but there are a few that tend to stick out.
You did reset database, so that shouldn't be the problem, but you never know, is that the CMS that is running?
Does it work if you reboot the machine but breaks after a while (system sleep for example)? This would be due to the fact that when the machine goes to sleep or disk is lost for a while and the disk comes back it will be mounted at a new mountpoint under /Volumes. If the disk is named L1, after reboot you will have /Volumes/L1, but after a nap, it will be be seen in Finder still as L1, but the true path will be /Volumes/L1_1, while the config in DS points at /Volumes/L1. This is a long shot, but I solved this by having a crontab script running every minute touching a file on my remote disk, even though Thunderbolt (and firewire) handles this much better than USB or remote network devices just to prevent disk sleep.
When you have assigned a new destination in DIM, remove the old one (you cannot remove it until you create a new) just to be sure DIM installs to the correct location.
Start out there and tell us how it works!
Ok dear Totte.As i found at Daz site it looks that the first public release with Iray was at the version.
With this version also appears the PostgreSql
So i guess if i want to install an older version than this to my Snow Leopard i have to go Valentina.
BuT as i was reading the change log does not look good idea to go to older version than 4.8 public..
Daz tech amazing guys did many improvements...So PostgreSql will fit better..
Anyway thank you for all your help here..When problems solved with site and content i will start to install :)
Thank you Totte, those suggestions would seem the usual suspects. I should have dug a bit deeper, and the case of the names should have tipped me off. Once I started opening assets in the install manager and examining the installed file paths (they're nicely clickable there to open Finder), I realized something was off.
It turns out that I had configured the external drive in question as a case sensitive HFS+ filesystem. And somehow (probably when moving assets around manually, dunno) duplicate directories had gotten created, so I had a "Textures" and a "textures", a "data" and a "Data", and so on. A real mess! I reformatted the drive do not be case sensitive, merged these directories and moved them over. Everything is now peachy keen.
My advice if somebody encounters another headscratcher (tried everything else) is to just dig in to an asset with missing files via install manager. In my case, install manager was finding the right files, but DAZ was not, since it was defaulting to the lower case version of a directory. Moral of this story: Don't try and use case sensitive file systems! I ran into this problem once with Adobe products, too. Didn't learn a thing.
Yes, DAZ Studio requires case insensitive file-systems, as content may differ in case when it comes to paths inside files. That was a good catch, you get a cookie!
Question regarding Content Library:
I have upgraded from DS4.6 to 4.9 this week (embarrassed pause) to fing the Content Library mysteriously populated as follows: DAZ and Poser Formats all in order, Products appear fine, but the Categories which used to have multiple user-created sections, as well as a "default" categorization before, now has exactly two dragon mat files and nothing else.
Here's what I tried after searching forums:
1. Re-imported meta data from my previously exported Userdata files (working for 15+ minutes: no effect)
2. Reset database + above (same result)
3. Uninstalled Postgre, reinstalled, stopped, started, checked if running properly, etc. (same result)
4. Rechecked paths for librairies, reinstalled cms (same result)
I don't anyone with quite the same problem as I have. Is it that the Valentina db I exported under 4.6 cannot be reimported using Postgre? Am I missing something? The Categories I set up were very detailed and contained 5k+ products with all their separate items sorted. Recreating these is a deal breaker at this point.
Any advice appreciated.