The Mac FAQ



  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    I didn't open DIM yesterday but today I found for the Public Build Beta. After it was installed, D|S held up after UltraSceneryXT showed up in the bottom and then it crashed. I did get a crash report. The second try moved past that point and built the screen and I have had no issues with it at all. Nice.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    So does anyone agree with my idea that Rosetta is tweaked each time the OS is tweaked? And further, that this might account for some of the problems with DAZStudio? Perhaps if the app we're running natively, and not in emulation, users would have a better experience. Or am I wrong in thinking this?

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    inquire said:

    So does anyone agree with my idea that Rosetta is tweaked each time the OS is tweaked? And further, that this might account for some of the problems with DAZStudio? Perhaps if the app we're running natively, and not in emulation, users would have a better experience. Or am I wrong in thinking this?

    Rosetta is supposed to be updated each time the OS is updated. Does this account for some of the problems with DAZ Studio? Possibly, but then, how many times does a new DAZ Studio cause issues when the OS hasn't changed? Most of them still occur, I think.
    Would the experience if running native be better than in emulation? 10-15% faster, probably, but that also means it would just crash 10-15% sooner. wink

    They had a bare bones DAZ Studio 5 running almost four years ago; by now, they no doubt have a bare bones native version running, but when we will see it is anyone's guess. Richard has stopped calling it by the officially-announced name DAZ Studio 5, instead going for "whatever it will be called". This suggests that internally they've also stopped calling it that.

    The naming issue may simply be caused by the growing divergence between different versions of DAZ Studio, free and the subscription-based "Premier".

    A native version would probably have the same issues with OS upgrades that the PC version has with Nvidia updates in that with every new release;  DAZ Whatever It Will Be Called, whenever it is updated, will need to deal with new NVidia problems as well as OS problems (be they Mac or PC OSs) but when it happens, as now, priority will be given to getting NVidia updates done first, then PC, then Mac. It's simple economics, based on where the majority of their profits come from, and in my opinion -- as a Mac-only user -- totally fair. Keep as many customers as happy as you can to survive.

    For me, my DAZ Studio Experience Heydays have passed. I stil enjoy using DAZ Studio semi-regularly, but the dreams and plans I had for it in my then-faroff retirement years are dashed and it's no longer my main focus.

    If I needed DAZ renders for profit-based projects where photorealism was key, I wouldn't hesitate to get a high-end PC system, but luckily I don't have to.

  • aaráribel caađoaaráribel caađo Posts: 690
    edited February 5

    The lack of Daz response to the software crashing on launch is starting to get annoying. Part of the implied contract of buying all the products post V4 when they stopped working with Poser is that they'd provide software to use it with. And now I can't use it with any software because it crashes on opening. 

    Is there a support channel that's more responsive?

    Edit: after more than 5 minutes of spinning clock, it finally openned. Very bizarre. Hopefully this is just some kind of resort that won't happen more than once.

    Post edited by aaráribel caađo on
  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012

    Launching any script can lead to Daz crashing on MacOS, more than it will on Windows, but some PAs have scripts more likely to crash than others.

    I tried to open MacOS console to look at the crash reports, but I can't make sense of them and as a consequence, have no idea what I can do to improve the situation.

  • YacomoYacomo Posts: 40
    edited February 5

    Elor said:

    Launching any script can lead to Daz crashing on MacOS, more than it will on Windows, but some PAs have scripts more likely to crash than others.

    I tried to open MacOS console to look at the crash reports, but I can't make sense of them and as a consequence, have no idea what I can do to improve the situation.

    It's a 'random' crash and the trace looks pretty much the same in all cases:

    Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
    0   <translation info unavailable>           0x104b77b28 ???
    1   QtCore                                   0x108a37c65 QMetaType::construct(int, void const*) + 1953
    2   QtCore                                   0x108a4d242 construct(QVariant::Private*, void const*) + 1762
    3   QtGui                                    0x109c95678 construct(QVariant::Private*, void const*) + 2088
    4   QtCore                                   0x108a50591 QVariant::QVariant(int, void const*) + 49
    5   QtScript                                 0x111f8de75 QScript::callQtMethod(QTJSC::ExecState*, QMetaMethod::MethodType, QObject*, QTJSC::ArgList const&, QMetaObject const*, int, bool) + 4165
    6   QtScript                                 0x111f91848 QScript::QtFunction::execute(QTJSC::ExecState*, QTJSC::JSValue, QTJSC::ArgList const&) + 408
    7   QtScript                                 0x111f85526 QScript::QtFunction::call(QTJSC::ExecState*, QTJSC::JSObject*, QTJSC::JSValue, QTJSC::ArgList const&) + 186
    8   QtScript                                 0x111ee4de1 QTJSC::NativeFuncWrapper::operator()(QTJSC::ExecState*, QTJSC::JSObject*, QTJSC::JSValue, QTJSC::ArgList const&) const + 113
    9   QtScript                                 0x111ecd32d cti_op_call_NotJSFunction + 221
    10  ???                                   0x5c968b23c279 ???
    11  QtScript                                 0x111e8e5f9 QTJSC::Interpreter::execute(QTJSC::EvalExecutable*, QTJSC::ExecState*, QTJSC::JSObject*, int, QTJSC::ScopeChainNode*, QTJSC::JSValue*) + 975
    12  QtScript                                 0x111e8e77c QTJSC::Interpreter::execute(QTJSC::EvalExecutable*, QTJSC::ExecState*, QTJSC::JSObject*, QTJSC::ScopeChainNode*, QTJSC::JSValue*) + 114
    13  QtScript                                 0x111f68a80 QScriptEnginePrivate::evaluateHelper(QTJSC::ExecState*, long, QTJSC::EvalExecutable*, bool&) + 754
    14  QtScript                                 0x111f68c36 QScriptEngine::evaluate(QScriptProgram const&) + 140

    What I could figure out so far is that the crash is random and that in about one of five attempts, Studio will not crash. And if Studio does not crash when trying to run the first script, subsequent script executions will also work!

    So, what I am doing now is launch Studio, then start Totte's 'Santas Normal Helper' which is awesome but unfortunately one of the scripts most likely to crash. If it crashes I click 'Reopen' in the crash report and repeat this procedure until I reach a stable state. Once I am there, I keep Studio open until I absolutely have to quit it for some reason.

    That way I am now mostly safe from script-related crashes while I work within Studio.

    Post edited by Yacomo on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Over on the community blog, there's a lot of talk about the latest public build of Our favorite app. My question: How well does it run on Macs? Which OSs? How is it on an Intel Mac? How is it on a silicon Mac?

  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012
    edited February 6

    I don't know: I would like to test it, but I don't want to jump through various hoops to keep the current Public Beta I'm using (Daz which is in essence Daz with Manfriday's plugins working on Mac, including one I'm using almost daily) and have the newest beta alongside.

    It's a strange decision to no push the PB as the new general release, at least for MacOS where, the current General Release, has such a major bug as plugins not loading at all while in my experience, is working fine (at least on MacOS Ventura, I can't comment on newer version because I'm waiting for a new general release with both the fix for the UI crash and the plugin crash before finally upgrading to a newest version of MacOS).

    Yacomo said:

    What I could figure out so far is that the crash is random and that in about one of five attempts, Studio will not crash. And if Studio does not crash when trying to run the first script, subsequent script executions will also work!

    Same experience: if a script doesn't crash Daz the first time I'm launching it, it'll not crash Daz as long as I'm keeping it open. But getting that magical stable experience can be a pain when Daz needs to be restarted a couple of times before a crash finally don't happen.

    Post edited by Elor on
  • I don't push DS very hard with what I do.

    I'm using a 2021 24" iMac M1, 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD, macOS 11.7.10 (Big Sur), and DS Public Build (Beta). It runs without crashing so far. Still has the inconveniences/performance issues of all versions since the arrival of Apple Silicon powered Macs. But it does run.

    Haven't updated DS on my Macbook Air M1 running the latest macOS. Don't have time to fool around with that. :)



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    So glad you're posting again, Lee. I've experienced similar episodes with the same sort of conditions you've experienced.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    After reading about the scripts crashing I decided to try one of my favorites, Content Wizard, that worked on my MacBookPro on my new MacMini M4 with Sequoia 15.3 and D|S Public Build BETA. Unfortunately all I have to do is double-click the icon for 'Content Wizard.dse' and D|S crashed. As I wrote this I did it and wouldn't you know, the Content Wizard panel opened up just fine after 6 or 7 tries!

    Everything worked fine until the end of installation when I got the following messages:

    11:58:56 GMT-0700 (MST): Unable to open file for writing: /Volumes/Spawns Work/Users/Public/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_Rendo_151861_dForce_Chemise_a_la_Reine_G8F.dsx

    11:58:56 GMT-0700 (MST): Error creating metadata for Daz Studio import: /Volumes/Spawns Work/Users/Public/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Support/Renderosity_Rendo_151861_dForce_Chemise_a_la_Reine_G8F.dsx

    11:58:56 GMT-0700 (MST): There were errors during installation.

    I checked Daz Studio access in Files and Folders and it is showing 'Full Disk Access'. I don't remember having this feedback when I installed the outfit on my Windows 11 laptop.

    Does anyone have any ideas what be the issue?



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Does this new release version of DAZStudio Run well on the Macintosh? The blog talks about several new features, such as a persona preset. I usually just save a character as a scene subset. Doesn't that accomplish the same thing? Is it worth trying the new 4.23.something version?

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252 -- that's the number of the DAZStudio App that's described in the community blog.  Supposedly it has many new features, some of them only for premier members, but supposedly these features will eventually be rolled out to everyone. Is this really a stable update for Macintosh users? Has anyone updated to this new version? If so, what OS is it working well on? Does it work on an Intel Mac? Does it work on an M chip Mac?

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    I have it on my MacMini M4. Sometimes it opens right away, mostly, I get the normal crash but then it reopens in a stable manner. I can use the CMD and C/V keys without thinking about it, where I before I had to crash once at least before it became stable. As for 'new' options, no clue. I am focused on still installing the over 20K products into my computer and assigning metadata, fixing missing or wrong thumbnails in small increments every day. I have done a couple of renders without issue and haven't ran into issue.

    Only one problem I have had I noted above was with Content Wizard and that maybe due to how long it has been since I have used the script. And it is one of my favorite and most relied on ones that I have used on my MacBook Pro M1 and Win 10/Win 11 computers. I was hoping someone here might have an idea.

  • YacomoYacomo Posts: 40
    edited February 9

    memcneil70 said:

    I have it on my MacMini M4. Sometimes it opens right away, mostly, I get the normal crash but then it reopens in a stable manner. I can use the CMD and C/V keys without thinking about it, where I before I had to crash once at least before it became stable. As for 'new' options, no clue. I am focused on still installing the over 20K products into my computer and assigning metadata, fixing missing or wrong thumbnails in small increments every day. I have done a couple of renders without issue and haven't ran into issue.

    Only one problem I have had I noted above was with Content Wizard and that maybe due to how long it has been since I have used the script. And it is one of my favorite and most relied on ones that I have used on my MacBook Pro M1 and Win 10/Win 11 computers. I was hoping someone here might have an idea.

    Content Wizard crashes for the same reason, most other scripts crash: A random crash in the QMetaType constructor (see my post above). That was actually my first experience with this type of crash after I came back to Studio a couple weeks ago.

    The 'good' news is, that the crash is random and if you try often enough, you will eventually succeed. And once you are in that stable state, scripts seem to work just fine.

    My suggestion is to try a problematic script immediately after starting Studio, retry if it crashes, until you reach the 'stable' state - then just leave it open in the background.

    Post edited by Yacomo on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    inquire said: -- that's the number of the DAZStudio App that's described in the community blog.  Supposedly it has many new features, some of them only for premier members, but supposedly these features will eventually be rolled out to everyone. Is this really a stable update for Macintosh users? Has anyone updated to this new version? If so, what OS is it working well on? Does it work on an Intel Mac? Does it work on an M chip Mac?

    I'm running it on a Macbook Pro M4 Pro, 48 gb RAM; for me, it's as stable as It opens without issue, it renders without issue, the only plug-in I'm using a lot is Thickener and it works brilliantly (I use ti for prepping characters for 3D printing). 

    The scripts I *used* to use were Look at Me, versions I and II. I don't use them anymore because they crash pretty close to 100% of the time. It used to be my biggest timesaver when posing multiple characters in a scene, now it's just a quick way to close DAZ Studio.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848, there isn't yet a 4.24.1.x (or, indeed, a 4.24.0.x).

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    Richard Haseltine said:, there isn't yet a 4.24.1.x (or, indeed, a 4.24.0.x).

    Right you are! Hmmm... if my 3rd party scripts are already crashing all the time, I might as well be using the Next version... at least it would probably crash faster! laugh 

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    Yacomo said:

    memcneil70 said:

    I have it on my MacMini M4. Sometimes it opens right away, mostly, I get the normal crash but then it reopens in a stable manner. I can use the CMD and C/V keys without thinking about it, where I before I had to crash once at least before it became stable. As for 'new' options, no clue. I am focused on still installing the over 20K products into my computer and assigning metadata, fixing missing or wrong thumbnails in small increments every day. I have done a couple of renders without issue and haven't ran into issue.

    Only one problem I have had I noted above was with Content Wizard and that maybe due to how long it has been since I have used the script. And it is one of my favorite and most relied on ones that I have used on my MacBook Pro M1 and Win 10/Win 11 computers. I was hoping someone here might have an idea.

    Content Wizard crashes for the same reason, most other scripts crash: A random crash in the QMetaType constructor (see my post above). That was actually my first experience with this type of crash after I came back to Studio a couple weeks ago.

    The 'good' news is, that the crash is random and if you try often enough, you will eventually succeed. And once you are in that stable state, scripts seem to work just fine.

    My suggestion is to try a problematic script immediately after starting Studio, retry if it crashes, until you reach the 'stable' state - then just leave it open in the background.

    I have a Code 66 product named Santa's Normal Maker, which didn't crash but only gave me an error code that I do not have a bridge to two other programs. Which is correct, I don't have them. I did try all the other Code 66 scripts/utilities I have and not one crashed. I also tried a sampling of others and no reaction. I am thinking I did something wrong in Content Wizard but I did make sure my storage locations were correct as recommended. I may have to delete the files and try again. As it stands I have an empty folder with a thumbnail in Smart Content/Products and the files in My DAZ 3D Library. 

    But I will have to wait till tomorrow as today I have a vendor coming (I hope) to replace two windows in my home. Just ahead of a polar vortex/snow storm. We will below zero degrees for the next 70 hours this afternoon.

    Thank you Yacomo for trying to guide me to a solution.


  • memcneil70 said:

    Yacomo said:

    memcneil70 said:

    I have it on my MacMini M4. Sometimes it opens right away, mostly, I get the normal crash but then it reopens in a stable manner. I can use the CMD and C/V keys without thinking about it, where I before I had to crash once at least before it became stable. As for 'new' options, no clue. I am focused on still installing the over 20K products into my computer and assigning metadata, fixing missing or wrong thumbnails in small increments every day. I have done a couple of renders without issue and haven't ran into issue.

    Only one problem I have had I noted above was with Content Wizard and that maybe due to how long it has been since I have used the script. And it is one of my favorite and most relied on ones that I have used on my MacBook Pro M1 and Win 10/Win 11 computers. I was hoping someone here might have an idea.

    Content Wizard crashes for the same reason, most other scripts crash: A random crash in the QMetaType constructor (see my post above). That was actually my first experience with this type of crash after I came back to Studio a couple weeks ago.

    The 'good' news is, that the crash is random and if you try often enough, you will eventually succeed. And once you are in that stable state, scripts seem to work just fine.

    My suggestion is to try a problematic script immediately after starting Studio, retry if it crashes, until you reach the 'stable' state - then just leave it open in the background.

    I have a Code 66 product named Santa's Normal Maker, which didn't crash but only gave me an error code that I do not have a bridge to two other programs. Which is correct, I don't have them. I did try all the other Code 66 scripts/utilities I have and not one crashed. I also tried a sampling of others and no reaction. I am thinking I did something wrong in Content Wizard but I did make sure my storage locations were correct as recommended. I may have to delete the files and try again. As it stands I have an empty folder with a thumbnail in Smart Content/Products and the files in My DAZ 3D Library. 

    But I will have to wait till tomorrow as today I have a vendor coming (I hope) to replace two windows in my home. Just ahead of a polar vortex/snow storm. We will below zero degrees for the next 70 hours this afternoon.

    Thank you Yacomo for trying to guide me to a solution.


    It could also be an issue in Content Wizard that required particular circumstances to trigger, and so was missed in the past.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    Richard Haseltine said:

    memcneil70 said:

    Yacomo said:

    memcneil70 said:

    I have it on my MacMini M4. Sometimes it opens right away, mostly, I get the normal crash but then it reopens in a stable manner. I can use the CMD and C/V keys without thinking about it, where I before I had to crash once at least before it became stable. As for 'new' options, no clue. I am focused on still installing the over 20K products into my computer and assigning metadata, fixing missing or wrong thumbnails in small increments every day. I have done a couple of renders without issue and haven't ran into issue.

    Only one problem I have had I noted above was with Content Wizard and that maybe due to how long it has been since I have used the script. And it is one of my favorite and most relied on ones that I have used on my MacBook Pro M1 and Win 10/Win 11 computers. I was hoping someone here might have an idea.

    Content Wizard crashes for the same reason, most other scripts crash: A random crash in the QMetaType constructor (see my post above). That was actually my first experience with this type of crash after I came back to Studio a couple weeks ago.

    The 'good' news is, that the crash is random and if you try often enough, you will eventually succeed. And once you are in that stable state, scripts seem to work just fine.

    My suggestion is to try a problematic script immediately after starting Studio, retry if it crashes, until you reach the 'stable' state - then just leave it open in the background.

    I have a Code 66 product named Santa's Normal Maker, which didn't crash but only gave me an error code that I do not have a bridge to two other programs. Which is correct, I don't have them. I did try all the other Code 66 scripts/utilities I have and not one crashed. I also tried a sampling of others and no reaction. I am thinking I did something wrong in Content Wizard but I did make sure my storage locations were correct as recommended. I may have to delete the files and try again. As it stands I have an empty folder with a thumbnail in Smart Content/Products and the files in My DAZ 3D Library. 

    But I will have to wait till tomorrow as today I have a vendor coming (I hope) to replace two windows in my home. Just ahead of a polar vortex/snow storm. We will below zero degrees for the next 70 hours this afternoon.

    Thank you Yacomo for trying to guide me to a solution.


    It could also be an issue in Content Wizard that required particular circumstances to trigger, and so was missed in the past.

    It is possible Richard, except I have successfully installed this outfit on my Win 10s, Win 11 and MBPM1 D|S databases with Content Wizard. Since this was the first one I tried on the new Mac Mini and it has been months, I may have become lazy/forgetful of the process. When I get a quiet moment I will take the time to read up on the CW thread, the documentation, and try another product and watch my steps carefully. I never rule out my ability to mess up on my own. I excel at that.

    But the newest D|S versions I have been working with have been remarkably stable compared to what I ran into when I first used the MacBookPro M1. I just wish Apple OS had Filament.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    All my Apple devices had an update this morning. For the first time, DIM crashed while I was preparing a batch to be downloaded. I had been making a selection of items and just went to change the 'Ready to Download' tab to 'Selcetion : Selected First' when it went poof. I restarted DIM to rebuild again and stepped away for laundry. When I returned for the first time I had a problem report from Apple to send out. The only thing that was retained, was my change in sort order from A - Z to Selected First. All the items I had ticked are blank, including an update.

    So be prepared for some issues if you upgrade. The macOS is for security and bug fixes. 

    I have attached a plain text file of the report here.

    Problem Report for DAZ3DIM.txt
  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501

    I have been sloppy about coming to this forum but is there a succinct summary of what us Daz Premier Mac users get that actually works on current machines?  I know we get the sales prices, exclusive models, coupons, but is there anything on the application side that works in the Daz Studio Public Build?

  • Apologies for not digging too deep into this thread but has anyone posted benchmarks or experiences using an M4 Max with Daz yet? I check youtube for content creators that would do that pretty often but no luck. I guess Daz is kind of niche now a days.

  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012
    edited February 28

    Does someone know if there is a way to have DIM Download folder outside of the Shared folder ? I tried to put in on an external drive, but DIM failed to install Daz Studio itself (it worked for products).

    The main difference is the presence of a wheel group in the properties of the Shared folder, but I don't know how to add that group to the Download directory on the external SSD I want to use.

    nemesis10 said:

    I know we get the sales prices, exclusive models, coupons, but is there anything on the application side that works in the Daz Studio Public Build?

    Here the plugins visibles on DIM with a Premier membership active:

    All bonus shapes will also likely work but they need to be downloaded from within Daz Studio.

    1400 x 1018 - 228K
    Post edited by Elor on
  • While waiting to see what new Macs are coming out this year, I decided to get a new M4 iMac 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD.  Just to hold me over for a bit.  Especially since DS 4 is still what it is. :)

    I'm replacing my M1 iMac 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD and have migrated it to the M4 iMac (day before yesterday).  Connected the 2 Macs via Thunderbolt 4 and used Migration Assistant to do its thing. 

    After the migration, everything was running except for Photoshop Elements 2020 on the M4.  It's no longer supported on macOS 15.3.1 Sequoia.  Uninstalled it just fine.  Discovered another issue.  Spotlight was indexing and consuming all the remaining storage on the M4 SSD. I shut off Spotlight temporarily and will start it up again after telling it not to index the Shared folder containing my DAZ content and saved DAZ files.  That's 1.33TB of data and should make indexing move along faster and save a huge amount of space for the index file(s).  I also noticed that DS (Beta) no longer has the DAZ Studio menues up in the Apple menu bar.  It has reverted to being in the DAZ window.  Not a biggie, but I had gotten used to (and liked) the menus in the Apple menu bar.

    Have done some modest testing and everything else seems to be working the same as on the M1 iMac.  Everything's quicker, maybe not quite twice as fast on the M4 as the M1, but very noticeable speed up.  I keep toying with getting a fully loaded M4(5?) Mac mini or Mac Studio, but will see what any updates of significance come to DAZ Studio to keep me enjoying this hobby.

    In brief, Migration Assistant via Thunderbolt cable between the 2 iMacs was awesome, Spotlight indexing with macOS Sequoia (15.3.1) is buggy so you might want to tell Spotlight not to index any large DAZ content folders.  Minor regression with respect to DS beta regarding menu bars.  Old version of Photoshop Elements no longer supported on Sequoia (and I'm not paying a subscription for the new version of Elements).  Performance boost on M4 is noticeable, sometimes approaching twice the speed of M1.  Going up the M4 series (Pro, Max, Ultra(?)) should definitely yield much better performance.

    I'm happy with the M4 iMac and that DS still runs on it with a bit better performance.  Just rendered one of my portrait scenes in 3 minutes 43 seconds on the M4, the M1 did it in 5 minutes 53 seconds.  I'm sure that will vary wildly with different scenes/assets in play.

    Just thought someone might be interested in my experience thus far.



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    I'm very interested. Sounds great.

  • inquire said:

    I'm very interested. Sounds great.


    I'll try to drop in with some updates as I have time. :)

    I did forget to mention that I have two 4TB Samsung T9 SSDs.  Before migrating everything, I used one of the T9s to copy all my DAZ content files from the M1 iMac  onto it, as well as my general documents and other items of interest.  Had also updated my last M1 iMac Time Machine backup on another hard drive.  My plan is to use one of the T9s as an always connected SSD and point DS to it for my content library and user content.  That way I can move about 1.3TB of DAZ stuff off the internal SSD and onto the T9.  It would have been helpful if Apple would give the iMac more than 2TB of storage, LOL!  At this point, I'm not holding my breath for an Apple Silicon iMac Pro. :)

    My primary Mac for storing my music, photos, iPhone & iPad backups, documents, etc. is a 16" MacBook Pro.  I keep that backed up frequently since it's a superset of what's on the other Macs except for DAZ stuff. I struggle with the smaller screen and don't like using an external monitor with it.


  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    I also noticed that DS (Beta) no longer has the DAZ Studio menues up in the Apple menu bar.  It has reverted to being in the DAZ window.  Not a biggie, but I had gotten used to (and liked) the menus in the Apple menu bar.

    It's @Totte's 'fault' laugh

    Totte helped Daz to understand why using menus lead to crash on MacOS 14 and later, and the fix was moving the menus inside Daz Studio's window to avoid DS and MacOS fighting each other over the menus, leading to DS crashing.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    While waiting to see what new Macs are coming out this year, I decided to get a new M4 iMac 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD.  Just to hold me over for a bit.  Especially since DS 4 is still what it is. :)

    I'm replacing my M1 iMac 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD and have migrated it to the M4 iMac (day before yesterday).  Connected the 2 Macs via Thunderbolt 4 and used Migration Assistant to do its thing. 

    After the migration, everything was running except for Photoshop Elements 2020 on the M4.  It's no longer supported on macOS 15.3.1 Sequoia.  Uninstalled it just fine.  Discovered another issue.  Spotlight was indexing and consuming all the remaining storage on the M4 SSD. I shut off Spotlight temporarily and will start it up again after telling it not to index the Shared folder containing my DAZ content and saved DAZ files.  That's 1.33TB of data and should make indexing move along faster and save a huge amount of space for the index file(s).  I also noticed that DS (Beta) no longer has the DAZ Studio menues up in the Apple menu bar.  It has reverted to being in the DAZ window.  Not a biggie, but I had gotten used to (and liked) the menus in the Apple menu bar.

    Have done some modest testing and everything else seems to be working the same as on the M1 iMac.  Everything's quicker, maybe not quite twice as fast on the M4 as the M1, but very noticeable speed up.  I keep toying with getting a fully loaded M4(5?) Mac mini or Mac Studio, but will see what any updates of significance come to DAZ Studio to keep me enjoying this hobby.

    In brief, Migration Assistant via Thunderbolt cable between the 2 iMacs was awesome, Spotlight indexing with macOS Sequoia (15.3.1) is buggy so you might want to tell Spotlight not to index any large DAZ content folders.  Minor regression with respect to DS beta regarding menu bars.  Old version of Photoshop Elements no longer supported on Sequoia (and I'm not paying a subscription for the new version of Elements).  Performance boost on M4 is noticeable, sometimes approaching twice the speed of M1.  Going up the M4 series (Pro, Max, Ultra(?)) should definitely yield much better performance.

    I'm happy with the M4 iMac and that DS still runs on it with a bit better performance.  Just rendered one of my portrait scenes in 3 minutes 43 seconds on the M4, the M1 did it in 5 minutes 53 seconds.  I'm sure that will vary wildly with different scenes/assets in play.

    Just thought someone might be interested in my experience thus far.



    Thanks for the heads-up regarding Photoshop Elements. I went from an M1 iMac to a 14" MacBook Pro M4 Pro and I'm happily running Photoshop Element 2022 with Sequoia 13.1; I haven't done the most recent update and now I might hold off a bit longer, just in case it breaks Elements. I just assumed that when the time came I'd upgrade Elements if needed, I had no idea they've swtiched to a "3-year lease" model. Jerks.

    I have the Affinity bundles for Mac and iPad and they're great programs, but for quick and dirty image work I still prefer Photoshop; I've been using it since version 1.0 and it'll take a while to be as comforable with Affinity but it looks like it'll need to happen eventually.


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