Knittingmommy's Laboratory



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @Deathbycanon  Thanks.  Yeah, I've actually been doing that more lately, too.  Just render a tree or a landscape or something and save as a .png transparent.  Very cool having your own library of stock that you don't have to fiddle with removing the background.  I started doing that when I followed a tutorial earlier this year teaching how to combine stock images and renders.  I realized that I could render out quite a bit of my own 'stock' images using DS.  I've a folder just for those types of renders and it's growing everyday.  

    It actually isn't too bad converting something from Photoshop to Gimp for the most part.  Every once in a while, though, I come across something in PS that absolutely biwilders me and then I have to start doing research to figure out how to do it.  Most things are possible, but tricky to find.  This is especially true of PS actions.  You have to literally pick apart the action and figure out what each of the steps are doing before you can convert it and do the same thing in Gimp.  Unfortunately, not all actions give you a step by step explanation of what it is doing on each layer and step.

    @IceDragonArt  The more I learn how to do stuff, the more I appreciate being able to render out our own stock.  If you do most of it yourself, then there is very little you have to track down and possibly have to buy 'outside' stock.  Not that I'm opposed to buying stock when I need it, but I'd much rather buy the stuff that I like that I have no way of duplicating on my own.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    My first render with G8M.  I had lots of fun with this one!  I used the Simtenero Randomizer to get my own special guy.  I really like how he turned out.  It's a great morph.  I used G8M's skin which I happen to love.  It's a great skin for a base model.  I'm very pleased.  

    As for the render?  What can I say?  The blame is all on @Isidorn.  He sent me a link to a new song that has been on the radio in his part of the world the last month or so.  He thought it was a great idea to share it in honor of the debut of our own boys here at DAZ.  I was inspired.  ;)  Anyone interested, the song was Boys by Charli XCX.  I'll link the video below for anyone who wants to check it out.  I really like the singer and the song is great.

    After much frustration, this render did require the purchase of a product which I really try not to do when products are new.  However, the introductory price with special deals made for some great bargains and I really needed that new product for this render.  I just could not have done this without Easy Tongue for Genesis 8 Males.  Believe me, I tried.


    Gallery Link

    Boys by Charli XCX

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    ROFL! This is great! The video is hilarious and I love your guitar-licking guy! He looks like he's really getting into it, too!

    *falls on the floor laughing*

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @Llynara  So glad you liked him.  I had a blast letting go and creating him.  :)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Yep, that tongue is definitely different!  And I love your raccoon experiments. Very nicely done!

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    Not getting any renders of my own done, it's good to see I at least manage to inspire someone else to get renders done. blush

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @Novica  Thanks.  I was really surprised at the huge difference the Iray Catalyzer made in the fur.  It definitely looks more realistic in Iray now.

    @Isidorn  It takes a special talent to inspire others.  You really do need to render something soon, though.  :)

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Really great job with that tutorial inspired postwork.  I'm going to check the tutorial out - I have a render that I want to try some of Ron's magical brushes on, but I'll check this out for ideas as well.  Thank you for linking the source.

    I wondered what that easy tongue product was for/what it could be useful for.  You showed me!  Love it :)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Thanks.  I really learned a lot with the tutorial.  Yep, I couldn't have done that without the tongue product because I spent about 15 minutes trying before I finally broke down and bought it.  I don't usually renders like this, but when I do, you definitely need the extra morphs.  I think I did a render of someone licking an ice cream back with G2 generation which also made me get their generation's tongue controls.  It's one of those things that you don't really think about until you actually need it.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Your photoshop tutorial looks like a full success.. another can of worms opened, seems that never ends. The experession of the guitak licking g8 ist just hillarieous, could be someone is taking himself too serious there ? :D

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited August 2017

    @Linwelly  Thanks.  I really love learning new techniques for postworiking.  It is still going to take lots of practice to master those techniques so, yeah, lots of worms!  :)

    I've been playing playing around with Simtenero Randomizer and G8M, just the basic head morphs this time and G8M's built in morphs.  I got some really interesting heads.  Some were great right off the bat and some will need some fine tuning.  I had one head that looked really good and then looked phenomenal when I added in Michael 8's head about 70%.  I am fascinated by this script.  I don't know about anyone else, but I can't resist exporting the heads that look even halfway decent for fear I'll never see them again.  Very rarely are there morphs that are horrible and, when they are, it's usually because I've upped the percentage more than I should have.  However, it does pay to up those percentages because, occasionally,  you get a really fantastic morph.

    This is a character I've been working on.  I need to finalize what the hero in one of my stories looks like so I messed around with the Randomizer until I got a look that was really close to what I saw in my head.  This is the one that looked even better with M8 added into it.  I don't know if I'll keep the hair or the skin.  He's a work in progress, but his features are really close to what I want.  I may still fine tune the eyes a little more.  He's a slightly older character, roughly early 40s.  Right now he is using M8's skin.  I'm thinking I'll try making a skin in Skin Builder 3 and see if I can migrate it over to use on him.

    Straight out of Randomizer:

    With a little M8 added in:

    What a difference a little tweaking does.  I added in some M8, around 70% and then I tweaked the eyes, the lips, and a little bit around the brows.  I might still have to tweak him a little bit more and possibly change the hair.  The color is what I want, but I'm not sure about the style yet.  For now he has M8's skin.  I'll probably change that at some point.

    In all, I ended up with about 30 different head morphs that I decided to keep.  I did end up using another of the head morphs on my entry to Collective3d's contest.  It's the first morph I've done where that curly hair actually looked good on a guy!  I think it takes a certain type of facial features to pull that hair off.  Tell me what you think.  This morph was straight out of the Randomizer with just a little tiny bit of tweaking around the eyes.  The original morph had the eyes angled more than I liked so I adjusted those to an angle I liked more.  I think he looks pretty good.  Uses G8M's skin.


    edit:  Corrected text about skin used on the last image.  Last image uses G8M's skin, not M8's skin as I originally wrote.  I had to go back into my scene file and double check that.  

    1000 x 1300 - 211K
    1000 x 1300 - 220K
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Love that randomizer.  I think your new guy looks great.  That curly hair does look good on the second one, I have it but haven't found anyone I really like it on lol.Children maybe lol.

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    I agree, well done on him!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited August 2017


    Thanks, guys!  I appreciate it.  I don't know if I could ever do what DM does.  He's phenominal with skins and morphs.  I do like creating characters for me.  I've started experimenting with different ways of doing my own skins, but that's really hard stuff to do and get right!  I can't get anywhere near as good as a few of my favorite skins that DM has made.  Parker and Diesel are my all-time favorite skins so far.  

    Hmm, actually, I should see how Diesel's skin looks on my guy.  That is actually the skin tone I would like to see on him.  It's really a shame that the tattoos don't match what I have in mind for him.  He's a big cat shifter so the dragons won't really work.  I might have to see if I can find some feline tattoo overlays or something.  Alright, to be continued on that thought!

    In the meantime @DarwinsMishap needs to create a character skin with tattoos that would be great as a cat shifter!  Yep, that's something I'd love to see.  A tattoo of a black panther, snarling, maybe.  Or a cougar.  There is just something I love about panthers.  :)  Maybe some paw prints.  Claw slashes!  

    Obviously, I need to go get some sleep!  Night all.

    edit: I did not know that if you '@' two people on the same line, they don't both get pinged!  Good to know.  Keep people on their own separate lines!  Anyway, fixed that little snaffu!

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Big cat shifters. Yum!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Love that randomizer.  I think your new guy looks great.  That curly hair does look good on the second one, I have it but haven't found anyone I really like it on lol.Children maybe lol.

    Jonas Hair, right? I think it looks pretty good on the females. I used it on one for the SB3 competition, and used the morphs to make it shorter and less messy. But I actually like that style. I think I may be biased as I used to date a guy with hair like that...! (A few decades ago!)

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    He looks great, and that curly hair is fantastic, another thing going on my wish list! 

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Getting "hot pirate dude" vibes from your hero character.  He looks great!

  • @IceDragonArt  

    Thanks, guys!  I appreciate it.  I don't know if I could ever do what DM does.  He's phenominal with skins and morphs.  I do like creating characters for me.  I've started experimenting with different ways of doing my own skins, but that's really hard stuff to do and get right!  I can't get anywhere near as good as a few of my favorite skins that DM has made.  Parker and Diesel are my all-time favorite skins so far.  

    Hmm, actually, I should see how Diesel's skin looks on my guy.  That is actually the skin tone I would like to see on him.  It's really a shame that the tattoos don't match what I have in mind for him.  He's a big cat shifter so the dragons won't really work.  I might have to see if I can find some feline tattoo overlays or something.  Alright, to be continued on that thought!

    In the meantime @DarwinsMishap needs to create a character skin with tattoos that would be great as a cat shifter!  Yep, that's something I'd love to see.  A tattoo of a black panther, snarling, maybe.  Or a cougar.  There is just something I love about panthers.  :)  Maybe some paw prints.  Claw slashes!  

    Obviously, I need to go get some sleep!  Night all.

    edit: I did not know that if you '@' two people on the same line, they don't both get pinged!  Good to know.  Keep people on their own separate lines!  Anyway, fixed that little snaffu!

    Aw, thank you. :)

    Second- I'll see what I can come up with for you on the Tattoo idea.  Just give me a bit-I'm stuck with rendering icons/promos for Ren first. 

  • @IceDragonArt  

    Thanks, guys!  I appreciate it.  I don't know if I could ever do what DM does.  He's phenominal with skins and morphs.  I do like creating characters for me.  I've started experimenting with different ways of doing my own skins, but that's really hard stuff to do and get right!  I can't get anywhere near as good as a few of my favorite skins that DM has made.  Parker and Diesel are my all-time favorite skins so far.  

    Hmm, actually, I should see how Diesel's skin looks on my guy.  That is actually the skin tone I would like to see on him.  It's really a shame that the tattoos don't match what I have in mind for him.  He's a big cat shifter so the dragons won't really work.  I might have to see if I can find some feline tattoo overlays or something.  Alright, to be continued on that thought!

    In the meantime @DarwinsMishap needs to create a character skin with tattoos that would be great as a cat shifter!  Yep, that's something I'd love to see.  A tattoo of a black panther, snarling, maybe.  Or a cougar.  There is just something I love about panthers.  :)  Maybe some paw prints.  Claw slashes!  

    Obviously, I need to go get some sleep!  Night all.

    edit: I did not know that if you '@' two people on the same line, they don't both get pinged!  Good to know.  Keep people on their own separate lines!  Anyway, fixed that little snaffu!

    Aw, thank you. :)

    Second- I'll see what I can come up with for you on the Tattoo idea.  Just give me a bit-I'm stuck with rendering icons/promos for Ren first.  

    No problem, @DarwinsMishap.  I would love to see what you could create.  I'm sure it would help to make an awesome book cover if you did something I could use to enhance my cat shifter.  :)

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    KM,  What is the purpose of having the "@" symbol along with users forum name... other than to display their About page where you can do more like send messege or view thier threads etc.?  I just tested it out on myself via my icon and that's all I got... didn't feel pinged at all. cheeky

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    wgdjohn said:

    KM,  What is the purpose of having the "@" symbol along with users forum name... other than to display their About page where you can do more like send messege or view thier threads etc.?  I just tested it out on myself via my icon and that's all I got... didn't feel pinged at all. cheeky

    Under Notification Preferences you can set it to get a popup or email when someone mentions you this way.

  • @wgdjohn  What he said.  :)  

    I just looked at my notifications preferences because I couldn't remember what I have mine set to do.  I knew I get a pop up when I come online of certain events down in the lower left corner of my screen when I'm on the forums and I get an email for others.  It looks like I have all of mine set to popups and then I have PMs and When people mention me set to an email alert.  Just click on your username>edit profile>notification preferences to set your preferences.  It's the first option in the list.

    The '@' symbol doesn't work with all names.  Those names with dashes and underscores in the name don't ping.  There might be others, but those are the ones I've notice.  I haven't found a way to get around that yet.  That is one of the reasons why @IceDragonArt modified her username.  No one could ping her.  I'm not sure if she regrets that move yet.  wink

    I don't know if @Fixmypcmike knows a way around that or not.  He seem to know a lot about a lot of stuff here on the forums which I suppose is good for a Forum Moderator.  yes


  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Thanks @Fixmypcmike
    Thanks @Knittingmommy

    It's been awhile since I set my prefs up... I likely have it turned off... will have to check.


  • It's time to start thinking about the It's Raining Men Again contest.  I've posted in the Michael and Friends thread to see what kind of interest there is in trying to repeat the success of last year.  Anyone have any opinions or thoughts about whether we should run it again?  I'm actually thinking of opening the voting up to the forum this time around.  I'm researching doing something on Survey Monkey.  No firm decisions quite yet, but that would mean we would have a discussion thread and an entry thread this year if we did it this way. 

    Thoughts?  Opinions?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited September 2017

    I just posted in the Commons, but I'll repeat here if you don't mind.  I support the Raining Men event.  In addition to the main event, I'd be willing to chip in for a subcategory for family role models, such as father-son, grandfather-grandson, etc.  I had included uncle-nephew in the Commons, but then I remembered that a lot of classic stories seem to have an uncle who kills the father and usurps the throne.  surprise  Then again, maybe it would be fun to include intra-familial conflict. 


    Bottom line - I am for the Raining Men event.


    525 x 751 - 368K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • @Diomede  I just answered your post in the Michael and Friends thread.  I heard you and noted.  :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    KM,   if you check in the Bryce forum we are experimenting with doing the voting in Survey Planet.

  • @Chohole  Thanks!  I'll look into that.  I hadn't heard of Survey Planet.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited September 2017

    I've been fighting with this Centaur render for about four days now.  I had a slightly different version of this render which I thought was perfect and yet it took about three days to render and there was some pixelation on her face that I just couldn't get rid of despite rendering for another day.  It was very frustrating.  I ended up changing the camera angle slightly and trying again.... and again... and again... Well, you get the picture.  If it wasn't one thing causing issues, it was another.  Finally after I don't know how many camera angle changes, I got something I love and everything worked.  I think she turned out pretty good.


    Gallery Link

    Oops, I rendered this at 2000x2600 and had intended on scaling it down after doing postwork on it.  I forgot to scale it down so anyone clicking on it gets a super large image.  I has so many problems with getting this the way I wanted that I am not going back now to fix that one small issue.  I do really like how she finally turned out.

    edit: added gallery link

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
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