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@Novica It has certainly been interesting. My first hurricane and, yeah, from what I hear, maybe not the last this year. Most of the fences around here that had serious damage were all privacy fences like mine. I haven't seen any of the slatted ones here. They don't seem to be that popular around my town. Everyone seems to like being closed off, I think. There are fences mostly just partially down, not completely, everywhere around here. Some areas seem to escape with very little damage, others got quite a bit. What amazed me was the traffic lights that came up missing. Makes me wonder how far they ended up traveling. The neighboring apartment complex has these huge banyan trees and they took a lot of damage. I have a few pictures I took from the car, but I still want to walk around over there and take some more pictures. Most of the trees around here seem to have really shallow roots and didn't do that great staying rooted.
Oh, found out what the tree in my backyard is. According to the landscaper, it's a ficus. I looked it up and that's a type of fig tree. Only I don't ever remember seeing any figs on this tree so I'm going to have to take a closer look at it. Luckily, the lime tree in the backyard survived, but it lost a lot of its fruits too early this year. There aren't too many left to mature as they are now all over the ground.
I'll probably get back to that image when I'm done with my current animation project. I did another animation yesterday using Lennox. I'm finding that most of my G3 and G8 guys are either from @DarwinsMishap or @Gypsyangel. I did pick up Dylan from @Raiya. I haven't had a chance to finish setting up my render with Dylan and Jackson yet. I really need to get back to that one, too. Then, I have this terrific idea for Jeroyn. So, many renders, so little time!
On another note, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief for me. I do in fact have my computer plugged into a battery backup which I got this past week. I should be good the next time the power flickers. :)
Another animation test. This one uses Lennox by @DarwinsMishap. I did manage to adjust my settings in Iray so that it didn't take as long to render so not too bad. I tried out OpenShot, a free video editing program available for both Linux and Windows platforms. So far, I like OpenShot. It uses Blender for for cool animated titles and I tried one out. I couldn't quite figure out how to get the audio tracks to work the way I wanted. I'll have to work on that skill a bit. Next I need to work on adding some credits at the end.
edit: added link
That looks really good and smooth! I like your intro too :)
That was really good. :)
Very cool!
Thanks everyone. I know it's really basic, but I have to start somewhere. I have a really cute idea floating in my head for a slightly longer animation with the the Precious characters. That might take a little while longer to set up. I'd have to hand key in all of the poses for their animations. I guess I'll see how long that takes.
I started thinking about Halloween renders today. I love Halloween, but I haven't done very many Halloween themed renders since I started using DS. I think I've only managed to do one render each Halloween as of yet. So, I've decided to try doing several in the few weeks. I went digging into my vast library and I was actually shocked at how few pieces of Halloween candy I have that I could possibly use in a render. Since I don't want to suddenly start buying more stuff. I have more than enough as it is. I really need to cut back on spending.
In an effort to use what I have in my library, I did find a possible piece of candy corn in Hoppy Easter Treats. It has a candy corn shaped piece of candy. Only it comes in nice pastel colors.
Luckily, it the product does come with templates so I took the one for the candy corn shape into Gimp and made a candy corn colored material for it using Gimps color picker and a picture of an actual candy corn. I did try adding in something detail that looks like the ridges that you usually see on real candy corn. I think it still needs some work so I'm not posting any finished textures yet. When I'm done with the finished textures, I'll post them here in case anyone else has the same products I'm using for my Halloween candy and wants them. When I'm completely done, I'll package them all up and post them in the Freebies section. I need to figure out how to get a texture associated with the product that it goes with so I have some research to do.
Going through the rest of my library, I came up with quite a few things that can be turned into something kind of Halloweeny with just some changes in textures so I'll be doing more of this for the rest of the month to gear up for one of my favorite holidays. I'm seriously thinking of doing a gingerbread house for Halloween. I have a Gingerbread House, but I'm not sure I want to use this one, yet. I'll have to think about it. There are a few candies that I'd like to have, but I can't find anything in my library or on any of the free sites so I'll probably try model the ones that I would like to have, but can't find.
Anyway, I'm gearing up. I want to try and do at least 4 or 5 Halloween type renders this year, maybe more. I share the textures for what I come up with in case anyone wants to use them as I finish them.
Candy corn!!!!!
I Love Candycorn and I don't care who knows it.
(Note: author of page loves candycorn so much has hard time avoiding 4-letter words)
Looking forward to your holiday renders.
I love the candy corn pumpkins, and now I'm craving them - not sure I can find any in stores yet . . . doh!
Looking forward to seeing your house.
- Greg
@Diomede Lol! I'd have to agree with the author of that post. Candy corn, and those little pumpkins, are my favorite candies this time of year. I even like the harvest ones with the brown on the bottom instead of the yellow. They are all good. Those little pumpkins are one of the candies I couldn't find and want to try modeling. It's a fairly simple shape so I don't think it will be that difficult. I'll try modeling that tomorrow and see how I do.
@algovincian I haven't seen them here where I am yet. Some stores had just started stocking for Halloween when the hurricane hit and I hadn't seen them yet. It might be a while before I see them in stores here now. Store shelves are still massively empty and I'm not sure when they will start stocking up again. It's actually kind of strange walking through a store with so little on the shelves. Things are starting to get back to normal although they still have major clean up to do. Every neighborhood you drive through has a ton of landscape debris piled at the curb waiting for the city to come pick it up.
Unfortunately, I've given up sugar so I can't have any even if I find them. So far, I haven't found any recipes for sugar free candy corn and I don't think Brachs makes them anymore. Halloween is going to be kind of sad this year unless I can find some good sugar free alternatives.
I snickered with Lennox's animation- well done, KM.......and I like the blue candy corn, and the normal candy corn! Nice shaders.
Thanks, @DarwinsMishap. I'm glad you like the animation. As for the candy corn, the blue one is what came with the Hoppy Easter Treats. I just rendered the blue to show what I had to work with. Mine is just the regular candy corn, but thank you. :)
I'm not really sure I like how the 'wrinkles' show up. I'm actually thinking of trying to make a morph for the candy prop so it isn't so smooth and then just have the colors in the shader instead. We'll see. I'll work on it.
I think I have some halloween stuff also some where, but not sure on the candy. :) Your candy corn is pretty nice. The is so much candy I ate as kid I don't even touch anymore. I should be skinny, but I bake sooo. LOL
I couldn't resist getting VYK Dolly. I had to play with her today. I think I can do better. So, I might set up another shot tomorrow. Not tonight. It's getting late. While I kind of like how everything is dark except her face and skin, I'm thinking an extra hair light might add a little something to the it. I'm not sure, but I'll try it out. I do like how mysterious this kind of turned out, though, so I'm not sure about the extra light. It might just kill the moodiness of it. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Dolly's Dark Side

Gallery Link
love the animations, something I just do not have the patience for but totally enjoy seeing what others do with them. The candy corn shaders are so realistic that they are making me hungry. Your Dolly is fantastic, I sort of considered her, then passed her over, but now she's going in my wish list. Great render!
@Deathbycanon I've been learning about animation since starting DS. It's a little more complicated than I thought when I first wondered about it, but I'm having fun. One of the reasons I got into DS was the idea of possibly doing my own book trailers at some point. I don't know if that will ever happen and definitely not anytime soon, but I'll keep learning. One never knows about these things.
As for Dolly, I think she's a fabulous character and I'm going to have to try rendering all of her makeup options. I like the variety. She definitely needs to be on your wishlist. :)
I dabble in animation from time to time. This is my Channel on Youtube.
@Fishtales I loved the Santa Dance! That was really nicely done. I haven't managed anything that complicated yet. I haven't done a dance video with music and everything, but it is on my list of things to do someday soon.
I do like your Dolly render quite a bit. Not enough to break down and buy her but close lol. I've got to go an check out Fishtales you tube now, I am very intrigued by a Santa Dance lol.
Thanks, Sonja. I'm always intrigued by characters with such unusal makeup options. I just can't help myself.
I see you already went to dark and hallowheenish renders;) nothing that floats my boat to make myself but the Dolly render looks awesome! and Wow for your animations! this is turning out great and I admire your energy going for it!
Awesome lighting - very dramatic, and her skin looks fantastic. I especially like how her jewel catches some light, too (and matches her eyes).
- Greg
Thanks, @Linwelly. I get that it isn't for everyone. I'm not even sure why I like that type of character makeup, but I do. :)
Thank you, @Algovincian. It took a little bit to find a shader that was just right for that gem so I'm glad it worked out and someone noticed. Trying to match her eyes was intentional. I loved the necklace as soon as I saw it, but it only had 3DL shaders as it's an older necklace for G2F from the Clara Collection. It fits on G8F pretty well with autofit. I actually ended up borrowing the shader from a different jewelry set that had a lot of great shader options for its jewelry. That shader is from Day Dream Cuffs which is an earpiece that's really cute. I keep meaning to do a piece to show them off, but I haven't quite figured out what I want to do with them yet. It has a ton of gemstone shaders for Iray in it, though, and is actually worth the price for that alone. I also used Mec4D's PBS Shaders volume 2 for the metal. I think everyone should have Mec4D shaders in their arsenal. I use them all of the time.
@Algovincian Oh, forgot the lighting was with BOSS lights. It took a bit of fiddling and turning lights off and on to get the look I wanted, but I think it worked out well.
I am too which is one of the reasons I really like this! I really have to plot out a relatively decent amount of time and pick a character and do a series of make ups for them. Maybe I will throw the base G8Female into photoshop and see what I can do.
I would never of recignized that necklace without the link, it doesn't even look like the same thing. In the promos I thought it layed flatter, but I like how it thick it is and sort of stands up off her chest, that with the shaders really gives it a gothic feal
@IceDragonArt I think that would be a great idea. Doing makeup isn't something I've played with yet. Well, not exactly. I have taken one character into Gimp and smeared the makeup and made it look like it had gotten wet. Does that count? :) I really should take a skin into Gimp sometime and give it a try. I have a Pinterest board where I have all of these makeup ideas saved, but I haven't done anything with them yet.
@Deathbycanon I think it is amazing how a change in shaders can make something look totally different. I've noticed that same thing with clothing. Change a few shaders, maybe play with the opacity, and you can practically have a whole new outfit.
It does count lol. I did the lips in the last image I posted on my thread last night. It was a fun experiment and not as difficult as I had built up in my head lol.
I have found that a lot of things are like that. You build up these unrealistic expectations of how hard something is and then, when you finally figure it out, it usually isn't as difficult as you thought it would be.