Knittingmommy's Laboratory



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    isidorn said:

     They will get done.  I just don't have a timetable for them.

    "You will have time for an almost unlimited number of things, as long as you're in no hurry to get them done" (freely translated from a plaque I have hanging on my wall)

    @Isidorn  How is it said in Swedish?  I like that quote!  I might have to print that one up.  :)

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    It is a good one!  My s/o has one in Polish  at work "Not my circus, not my monkeys"

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    It is a good one!  My s/o has one in Polish  at work "Not my circus, not my monkeys"

    Been busy today!  My Saturdays are just too full!  

    @DarwinsMishap  I like that one, too.  Unfortunately, if I had that one here at home, it would be a lie cause they are my monkeys and they are my circus.  LOL.  Although, I'm ready to throw them all under the bus at the moment.  Not one wished me a happy birthday yet!  Teenagers!  I realize I don't really celebrate my birthday anymore because I refuse to get that much older, but it is nice to hear a happy birthday from your kids!  It's strange because I don't really feel like I'm 53.  I still feel fairly young most days.  Now, I'm off to go wish my sister a happy birthday since we kind of have to share the day.  :)  I haven't actually talked to her on the phone yet, just texted today so far.  

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Happy Birthday! :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Happy 33rd Birthday!   Are you serioulsy older than me?  I feel like we've had this conversation before but I could have sworn I was older than you.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I crochet far better than I knit.  I can do the two basic stitches in knitting and make a scarf but that's about it lol.  Although I would love to learn to knit socks.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    It's just a number . . . Happy Birthday!

    - Greg

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

     Happy Birthday! Teenagerism is natures way to insure we mothers are ready to let them grow up and move out of the house. I'm very excited for my oldest to start collage next year. lol 


    I crochet far better than I knit.  I can do the two basic stitches in knitting and make a scarf but that's about it lol.  Although I would love to learn to knit socks.

    I haven't even tried to knit yet, my kids ask me sometimes to learn to knit and make them stuff. I always tell them I haven't crocheted everything I want to crochet yet. (My ravelry queue is almost as long as my DS wish list lol)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @Liana  Thanks!  

    Sonja - I think we're really close in age.  Yeah, 53 today.  I still have a hard time believing it.  Thanks for the birthday wishes.  I love making socks.  Once you've done the first pair and get over the fear, they are really easy.  I'll have to hunt up my super easy sock pattern that I got somewhere.  The heel is the hardest part and it isn't even that difficult.  It just mostly the fear of doing something new that gets most people.  And, do it on circular needles!  No double pointed needles.  I have a tutorial I found online somewhere and I have some really good videos bookmarked for knitting in the round on circular needles.  By the way, we're definitely going to WV this summer for the family reunion so we have to see if we can hook up for lunch or something while I'm in your neck of the woods.

    @Algovincian  Thank you.  Yes, I agree.  It's just a number.  One I don't like, but I do my best not to think about it that much.

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    All these knitters! Yay :-)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I will be 51 in June so we are indeed very close.  I would love to get together with you when you get up this way!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Happy Birthday!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

     Happy Birthday! Teenagerism is natures way to insure we mothers are ready to let them grow up and move out of the house. I'm very excited for my oldest to start collage next year. lol 


    I crochet far better than I knit.  I can do the two basic stitches in knitting and make a scarf but that's about it lol.  Although I would love to learn to knit socks.

    I haven't even tried to knit yet, my kids ask me sometimes to learn to knit and make them stuff. I always tell them I haven't crocheted everything I want to crochet yet. (My ravelry queue is almost as long as my DS wish list lol)

    Thanks.  I have a Ravelry account, too.  Haven't been on there in forever, though.  


    Nath said:

    All these knitters! Yay :-)

    Yeah, I like it.  I didn't realize that Sonja knits some so I'm very happy to hear that!  :)


    I will be 51 in June so we are indeed very close.  I would love to get together with you when you get up this way!

    I'll PM you when it's closer to July which is when we are planning.  We'll see if we can arrange something.  I think it would be fun.  :)


    Happy Birthday!

    Thanks!  :)

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Welcome!  Just gonna post a render and hit the hay.  Long day!

  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923

    Happy Birthday, Knittingmommy! heart

  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865

    Happy Belated Birthday!    You're not that far ahead of me!

    Although it was a bit of a reality check when I got that AARP invitation a few months back.......



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    MN-150374 said:

    Happy Birthday, Knittingmommy! heart

    Thanks! :)


    Happy Belated Birthday!    You're not that far ahead of me!

    Although it was a bit of a reality check when I got that AARP invitation a few months back.......


    Thanks!  Yeah, I've been ignoring those AARP invitations for a couple of years now.  I try to pretend they haven't infiltrated my mailbox!  ;)


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Happy belated birthday, KM.  Age is realizing that the musicians of my youth grace the cover of AARP magazine.  Except they don't.  Apparently, AARP is trolling Dave Matthews.



    Although it was a bit of a reality check when I got that AARP invitation a few months back.......




  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Diomede said:

    Happy belated birthday, KM.  Age is realizing that the musicians of my youth grace the cover of AARP magazine.  Except they don't.  Apparently, AARP is trolling Dave Matthews.



    Although it was a bit of a reality check when I got that AARP invitation a few months back.......




    Thanks, Diomede.  :)  I think quite a few magazines are doing things like that.

    Playing with new stuff.  I was trying out Epic Skydomes: Clouds Haven HDRI by ThePhilosopher with my new hottie, Sawyer by Gypsyangel.  I don't think I quite did him justice but it isn't too bad.  I was also trying out the Feathered Wings for All by 3D Universe.  Awesome wings.  I still have to try out RawArt's wings which I also picked up.

    I had to postwork like crazy to remove a bunch of sparkles and fireflies that just would not render out.  I'll have to give the skydome another try at some point.  I'm not sure why I had so many fireflies.

    Sawyer Gets His Wings

    Gallery Link

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Very nice! Love the way that tat on his chest echoes the wings on his back, 

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    Diomede said:

    Happy belated birthday, KM.  Age is realizing that the musicians of my youth grace the cover of AARP magazine.  Except they don't.  Apparently, AARP is trolling Dave Matthews.



    Although it was a bit of a reality check when I got that AARP invitation a few months back.......




    Thanks, Diomede.  :)  I think quite a few magazines are doing things like that.

    Playing with new stuff.  I was trying out Epic Skydomes: Clouds Haven HDRI by ThePhilosopher with my new hottie, Sawyer by Gypsyangel.  I don't think I quite did him justice but it isn't too bad.  I was also trying out the Feathered Wings for All by 3D Universe.  Awesome wings.  I still have to try out RawArt's wings which I also picked up.

    I had to postwork like crazy to remove a bunch of sparkles and fireflies that just would not render out.  I'll have to give the skydome another try at some point.  I'm not sure why I had so many fireflies.

    Sawyer Gets His Wings

    Gallery Link

    Great job, Knittingmommy! Very dramatic lighting.

    - Greg

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @deathbycanon  Thank you.  Yeah, I got the idea when I first saw that tat! I was going to use my old wings but then new wings hit the store so it definitely worked out.  :)

    @algovincian  Thanks.  I had to play with the skydome and move Sawyer just right to get the lighting I wanted but I think it worked well.  :)

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    KM,  Happy [belated] Birthday.  Thanks for the new Gimp tutorial for selecting a part or parts of an image.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @wgdjohn  Thanks for the birthday wishes.  I have more Gimp tutorials coming soon.  I've just been super busy with other stuff.  Nice to know people are finding them useful.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited March 2017

    So, I got Inked 12 for G3M.  I'm a little disappointed and had to put in a ticket.  I don't know if the problems can be fixed or not.  I hope so because I really wanted to be able to use these.  However, in its current state, very little of the tattoos are useable for a render.  I did manage to set this one up which turned out very nicely.  I wish I could do a full body render but it would take some careful planning to make sure none of the lines show.  So no legs and one arm are out and no nudes as it looks ridiculous with anatomical elements added.  Sigh.  I really wanted to be able to use this set.

    Anyway, here is the one and only render I might get out of this as I'm seriously considering returning it.  I'm also including renders of the troublesome spots that I included with my ticket to CS about the product.  I can't show the complete mess with the anatomical elements but believe me when I say it isn't pretty.  See attachments to see if you want to see the lines.  I could almost live with the line on the leg as that one was clearly visible in the promos.  However, the lines on the forearm are just too blatant and difficult to get past.  The figure is Samanyo which is a G3M using the base male UV set so tattoos should work.

    1000 x 1300 - 786K
    1000 x 1300 - 636K
    1000 x 1300 - 460K
    1000 x 1300 - 583K
    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    That is too bad, but it is really blantantly obvious and weird no one caught it.  I have seen that kind of thing quit often on the 3D platform I have made stuff in the past for that's where seams are a pain inthe butt to get right in painting/coloring of stuff. I hope they can fix it and if not I guess you will get your money back.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Liana said:

    That is too bad, but it is really blantantly obvious and weird no one caught it.  I have seen that kind of thing quit often on the 3D platform I have made stuff in the past for that's where seams are a pain inthe butt to get right in painting/coloring of stuff. I hope they can fix it and if not I guess you will get your money back.

    I got an email from CS stating it is a know bug and they are working on the problem with the vendor so, hopefully, it will get fixed.  I hope so because I really like that tattoos, especially on the face and neck.  I would love to a more full length render of them.  If they fix it, I might try to see what I can do about putting the part of the tattoo on the anatomical bits.  I've never done anything like that but there's always a first time.  I don't know if I can blend the two parts together or not.  I'll wait to see what fixes they come up with first.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I do hope they can fix it, they are gorgeous tattoos.  And your render of Sawyer is lovely! I love the echo of the wings with the tattoo.  Nicely done!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I do hope they can fix it, they are gorgeous tattoos.  And your render of Sawyer is lovely! I love the echo of the wings with the tattoo.  Nicely done!

    Thanks.  I'm really pleased with how he turned out.  My skills still aren't where I want them but they are definitely getting better.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    New quick render that wasn't all that quick.  I started out with a different character in the front and after it was almost finished, I decided I didn't like him so, of course, I had to change it.  I'm so glad I did because this second version is SO much better.

    Fun Between Boys

    Gallery Link

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