Knittingmommy's Laboratory



  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    It looks like she has a purple light bouncing off her skin it is a great effect for her!!!!

    She is just curious, always roaming around looking for adventures!!!!

  • Well, I've put my Solange on the Streets in my gallery since I don't think I can do anything postwork-wise to make it better.  I'd probably just muck it up.  The link goes to the gallery page for her.  

    So far, I like the original version of Solange at Anderson Hall better than any of my postwork attempts on that one so she'll stay here for the moment until I can decide if she goes in the gallery as is or if I can make some adjustments.  I think she's lovely, but I think it could be just a little bit better with some postwork.  I just don't know if I can do her justice or not.

    I've been working on my homework for Esha's Shader webinar and it hasn't been going exactly as I would like.  We have props she gave us in a practice scene where we are supposed to create and apply our own shaders.  One of those props is a bowl and I had an idea for a black lacquered bowl with a red glossy inside.  Well, I have the inside sort of the way I want, but the glossy black I wanted on the outside of the bowl isn't quite so easy.  Hopefully, I'll manage to work it out or make a different shader.  Homework is due tomorrow by 3 pm my time which is when the bonus class is scheduled.  

    I'll post a render when I'm done with my scene with all my own shaders applied to everything.  :)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    Ah, what do you know?  I step away from DS for a minute to go to the forums for a quick break and then when I go back to DS, I figure out what I was doing wrong.  Well, what setting I was actually forgetting about!  Really, who knew that a metallicity setting could go into more than just metals!  Not me when I started and I keep forgetting about that little slider!  So important to a lot of materials. Aargh!  Anyway, here is the first prototype for my surfaces on the practice bowl.  It's actually close to what I was thinking.  Now, I just have to get some type of gold metallic design on the side of the bowl.  I'm thinking Japanese kanji or something as the look I was going for was kind of inspired by some Japanese noodle bowls I've seen.  

    I actually have a set of bowls and spoons that my husband brought me back from a business trip to Japan when we were first dating some 20 odd years ago.  They aren't black and red, but the shape is similar to this bowl. 

    Here is my test render of my shaders for the bowl:

    800 x 800 - 235K
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  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Nice bowl and colors! Will be fun to see it completely finished. :)

  • Thanks, I'm working on it.  I need to get out of the forums and do that!  :)  I'm doing a google search trying to find the right type of image for the bowl.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Here are two more with the NIK Filters.

    High Key Filter:

    Levels and Curves second try:

    The second try has nice full colors.  I like this one.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    Okay, I think I've got the bowl all set.  Made some slight modifications and added some kanji.  It means happiness.  Now to create some Japanese inspired fabric to go with it.  :)

    800 x 800 - 187K
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  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    I had this idea for a render with Sol yesterday, but I couldn't find the outfit or boots that I wanted.  I thought maybe I didn't have anything to use for the look I wanted.  I finally found what I wanted when I was searching through the store today and found out that, yes, I actually did own it already and it was kind of perfect.  I just had to make some textural adjustments to the dress to match the boots.  So, I set it up and ran with it.  I'm afraid, Sol might have fallen on hard times and is working in the wrong part of town.  Either that or she's working undercover.  The original was a little bit dark so I did a small amount of lighting just around the head with the levels.  I finally figured out how to only adjust part of an image with the NIK filters!  Yay me!  I might play with some more in depth postwork if I can figure out what I'm doing.


    Levels and Curves Adjustment:

    So, I'm working in Gimp and I'm talking to Isidorn in a chat window at the same time.  I'm in the middle of moving the Levels slider thing and the chat window pops up and interrupts the mouse movement.  I ended up with this rather cool, kind of psychedelic look to my render.  I thought I'd post it.  I also thought I'd name after him.  ;)

    Isidorn's Levels and Curves Mistake:

    The second one looks best to me.  I can see more of her face.  It's hard to adjust for dark skin without overexposure of other elements. 

  • dracorn said:

    Here are two more with the NIK Filters.

    High Key Filter:

    Levels and Curves second try:

    The second try has nice full colors.  I like this one.

    Thanks.  I'm kind of leaning toward that one myself if I don't go with the original.  I keep changing my mind!!!  I don't know if I'll give it another try or not in Gimp.  If not, I'll probably put this one in my gallery.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Ah, what do you know?  I step away from DS for a minute to go to the forums for a quick break and then when I go back to DS, I figure out what I was doing wrong.  Well, what setting I was actually forgetting about!  Really, who knew that a metallicity setting could go into more than just metals!  Not me when I started and I keep forgetting about that little slider!  So important to a lot of materials. Aargh!  Anyway, here is the first prototype for my surfaces on the practice bowl.  It's actually close to what I was thinking.  Now, I just have to get some type of gold metallic design on the side of the bowl.  I'm thinking Japanese kanji or something as the look I was going for was kind of inspired by some Japanese noodle bowls I've seen.  

    I actually have a set of bowls and spoons that my husband brought me back from a business trip to Japan when we were first dating some 20 odd years ago.  They aren't black and red, but the shape is similar to this bowl. 

    Here is my test render of my shaders for the bowl:

    Oooh!  That looks nice!  If it weren't for the edges, I wouldn't be able to tell that this was 3D.

  • dracorn said:

    Ah, what do you know?  I step away from DS for a minute to go to the forums for a quick break and then when I go back to DS, I figure out what I was doing wrong.  Well, what setting I was actually forgetting about!  Really, who knew that a metallicity setting could go into more than just metals!  Not me when I started and I keep forgetting about that little slider!  So important to a lot of materials. Aargh!  Anyway, here is the first prototype for my surfaces on the practice bowl.  It's actually close to what I was thinking.  Now, I just have to get some type of gold metallic design on the side of the bowl.  I'm thinking Japanese kanji or something as the look I was going for was kind of inspired by some Japanese noodle bowls I've seen.  

    I actually have a set of bowls and spoons that my husband brought me back from a business trip to Japan when we were first dating some 20 odd years ago.  They aren't black and red, but the shape is similar to this bowl. 

    Here is my test render of my shaders for the bowl:

    Oooh!  That looks nice!  If it weren't for the edges, I wouldn't be able to tell that this was 3D.

    Yeah, I tried to find smoothing for this bowl, but so far I haven't had any luck.  The final homework image won't be quite so close up.  It was one of the props provided for the homework.  The important part was learning how to create a shader preset from scratch.  I'm happy, so far, with my results in that regard.  :)

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Looks great to me! Good job on the shaders. Were those for iray by chance?

  • Liana said:

    Looks great to me! Good job on the shaders. Were those for iray by chance?

    Yep, all Iray shaders.  I'm having fun with them.  Right now, I'm rendering out the Eastern Dragon to use as an overly to tile over the fabric prop.  I'm kind of picturing something in a silky blue background fabric right now.  I'll post how it turns out when I get it finished.

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    I am working most of my stuff in 3DL at this point. That is a very good idea. I have thought of some other ways to create background images using the same type of idea. It will be fun to see how it all turns out. :)

  • I do go into 3Delight once in awhile.  I keep trying to get better at it.  Iray is my favorite rendering engine, though.  I love the results I can get with it that I can't get with 3Delight because I'm just horrible with that engine right now.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    My Eastern Dragon finished rendering and I played with my shader for the cloth on my Shader Workshop homework.  I was trying for some blue silk.  I think I got really close.  I like how it looks so far.  Right now I have the dragon on a transparent square by itself and tiled in the surfaces tab.  I might go into Gimp tomorrow and play with arranging him on a transparency with more than one dragon on the square and see if I get any better results.  Here is my test render of the Japanese silk shader that I created tonight, though.

    Now, it's way past bedtime for this girl!  :)

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  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    So, I took my dragon transparency into Gimp and made a couple of different versions to see how it affects the tiling.

    5 Dragons on the transparency (like on a dice).  Played with the tiling and offset until I got something I liked:

     2 Dragons on the transparency (on opposite corners).  Played with the tiling and offset until I got something I liked:

    I think I like the one with the 2 dragons better.  I don't have a bump map for the weave.  Most of the images I found of silk have a barely there weave that is practically invisible.  Silk has practically no grain making it very, well silky, which is probably why most silk is cut pinned to paper to help stabilize it.  Otherwise, you end up with all of these ragged edges on torn silk as the weave simply falls apart when trying to rip across a grainline.  It just becomes a shredded mess!  I might have to make a trip to the fabric store sometime in the future and see if I can get a good picture of what the texture of silk really looks like.  My homework is due today so no time for that.  What I have will have to do.

    Time to move on to the next prop.  To be cont'd....

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    800 x 800 - 388K
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  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Looks great KM! :) I like the 2 dragons also. I think the silk looks pretty close myself and would have said it was silk. :)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    Thanks, Liana!

    Okay, next prop.  I wanted to keep with the Japanese theme, but I need to work on my plastic.  So, I did a kind of molded plastic look with the same dragon rendered with different lighting for a completely different look to it.  I'm not completely sure I managed to get that plasticky look that I wanted but it will do for class.  I have a couple of questions to ask Esha when I get into the webinar this afternoon.  

    Last prop soon.  I have to do some kind of material for the floor prop.  I'm not sure what I'm planning yet, but it might have something to do with bamboo.  Not sure yet.


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  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    Here is the floor by itself.  Just used the default hdr lighting this time as what I was using before was too bright.

    Thinking of making some changes to my pot based on a suggestion from Isidorn.  I think I have time.



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  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    I'm not real happy with my floor, but I've run out of time.  I'll have to play with the settings or find texture I image I like better and redo the maps for the new image later after the webinar.  It will have to do for now.  I ran into a glitch trying to do white porcelain, too, so I'm sticking with my black pot for now.  Webinar starts in a few minutes and I have to get set for it.  Here's my final homework image.

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  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Looks great! Have fun at your class! :)

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Good luck with the rest of the seminar the shaders look good. Unfortunately your items look as if they are floating above the floor :)

  • Thanks, guys! @Liana  Yeah, the webinar was great.  I had loads of fun with this class.  

    Since I render most things in Linux these days, all of my files are in my Linux build.  The webinar uses a program that I wasn't sure I could get working in Linux so I ended up just doing the webinar on the Windows drive.  I realized after I went into Windows for the webinar that I forgot to turn my bowl so that the kanji would show, too.  Luckily, I was able to grab the picture from the forum.  

    @Fishtales Floating items like that happen when you run out of time and have to rush to get a final render of your project done!  Not exactly recommended for really good renders.  I want to work on the floor a little more and get that looking better.  I am not happy with it anyway.  So, next time no floating objects hopefully.  I will try to see if I can get the white porcelain look I wanted to get figured out for the pot, too.  

    @Esha was great and I learned a lot!  It was fun seeing what everyone else ended up doing with the same practice scene. 

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Glad to hear you had fun. :)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    I worked on my floor some more and incorporated some of the suggestions that @Esha gave in our session today.  I did some major tweaking.  I totally redid the lighting as I just had some hdr lighting in all of the other test renders.  Overall, I'm quite pleased it.  I'm rendering a full sized version to put in my gallery as I type this.  I do still plan to figure out how to do the white porcelain look.  However, that might take me a little bit of time.  For now, I'm a happy girl.  I'm SO proud of myself for being able to make all of these materials totally from scratch!  


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  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Looking good! The last one shows that the earlier tests didn't do your hard work justice. 

    Deadlines are called that for a reason: they are killers ;)

  • mori_mann said:

    Looking good! The last one shows that the earlier tests didn't do your hard work justice. 

    Deadlines are called that for a reason: they are killers ;)

    Thank you.  I can't even tell you, though, how much fun I had doing this.  As frustrating as it was at times, I really loved creating a whole new shader preset completely from scratch.  Just watching it evolve while I fiddled with the settings was amazing and very rewarding.  I like that I'm not bound to just using the products that I've gotten in the store and there are a lot of them.  I've sort of become a shader junky with how many shaders I have in my product library.  Now, I can make my own.  :)

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    The end result looks fabulous!  I think it's cool when a person can make their own things too. I know I can't not always find what I want in the store. The plus of it all you had fun and learned something new. :)

  • Liana said:

    The end result looks fabulous!  I think it's cool when a person can make their own things too. I know I can't not always find what I want in the store. The plus of it all you had fun and learned something new. :)

    Yes, I did.  Oh, and I'm sharing a link.  One of the folks in the class made up a whole collection of fabrics shaders.  He uploaded the collection to his ShareCG account.  So, anyone who wants some new fabric shaders, go download them!  He did a really good job with them.  Texture Shaders by RenderGuyNY.

    I'm thinking of doing up a few different colorways of my dragon silk fabric shader and uploading that to my ShareCG account so anyone who wants to try them out can have them.  I have no idea if I did all of my mixing of settings correctly, but I liked the final look that I achieved so it couldn't have been that bad.  Hopefully, someone can use them when I'm done with them.  I'll post the different color options here as I finish them.

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