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I generally export all characters, wardrobe, and hair items out of DS via FBX. Exported a hair item out last night but upon importing into Lightwave, immediate crash.
After reading several pages here, then many hours of testing & crashing this morning, I remembered I still had 4.21 installed on my HP laptop. I d/led the same models, did an FBX export, then copied those files to the Boxx system.
No importing issues into Lightwave.
That pretty well cinches it that the problem is with 4.22 itself in my mind. Draw your own conclusions if you like.
Character Converter G2M to G8M
I just upgraded from 4.21 and suddenly I can't render anything. It just crashes. I've got a 4090 with the last drivers and scenes I could easily render last week automatically crash now. Most of them, if not all, are multi-character scenes. I'm actually running some quick tests with just one character and they work ok, but it can't possibly be a memory issue. What's going on?
Do they have hair from Out of touch, or using the out of Touch hair shader (which I think is from Renderosity)? There is an issue with the sahder, updated in some but not all products, where it has a map assigned to the Transmitted Colour property. Try reinstalling a recent hair of theirs that uses their custom shader and, if you use DIM, Daz Central, or manually install, that should update the shared file that has the problem (as long as there isn't a nother, older version in a different content directory). You can also select the hairs and in the Surfaces pane's Editor tab do the same, then find Transmitted Colour (most easily by typing transm in the filter box), click the icon to the left of the colour picker to get the image menu, and click None.
Yes, I'm getting this as well. I did finally manage to get an export with clothing to finish - but looking at the FBX the actual skin mesh is being exported as a bone in the hierarchy. So it's all the clothes, but no skin. The same exact thing is happening with DazToMaya as well, so I'll be rolling back to the old version.
I'd like 4.21 again please! Every time I update DAZ, I have to reinstall nVidia drivers that include OpenGL. Now, 4.22 crashes and it wants 547 but that is WINDOWS 10 only. I can't run my RTX 3060s with DAZ as DAZ is on my CAD Machine which is offline Windows 7 64-bit. I still have 32-bit DAZ 4.21 (because I never updated that), but it doesn't have iRAY support, and that is all I render with it iRAY. I thought DIM allowed previous version installs, but it looks like that was taken away?
I had to roll back to 4.21 because 4.22 was having export problems. If I send characters to unreal with anything on all that gets sent across is the mouth and eyes. I tried sending a character by them self that works okay. But as soon as I add grafts or other items it messes up and only sends the mouth and eyes.
Daz has never provided previous versions through DIM. Given that your OS prevents you from using your GPU with Iray it may well be worth opening a support ticket to request the previous version; no one else may do so.
First rule of content purchases from 3d marketplaces:
Always download anything you buy there, manualy.
Second rule of content purchases from 3d marketplaces:
Always download anything you buy there, manualy.
Third rule of content purchases from 3d marketplaces:
Always download anything you buy there, manualy.
Fourth rule -
Always make at least one copy of anything you've payed money for and downloaded.
Fifth rule -
Don't talk about plat club...
Thanks! It worked!
Is it me or does rendering takes longer now that before the update? In the past I had the Max Samples set at 200 and turned off Rendering Quality. But now it seems to take 2-4 times longer than normal. Another thing I noticed was an improvement, I don't need the Max Samples set that high. It seems to finish improving with a setting of 50, after that time I see no changes while it's rendering past that setting, but it still takes longer. Even rendering with a HDRI scene is longer.
Another problem I've been having whenever DAZ 'updates' the program is I lose items I've bought. For instance I have barrels that now only appear as grey squares. I usually get a message saying Daz can't find files. Don't know what's going on there.
Just updated to 4.22 and updated my Nvidia drivers to 546.01 and I'm recieving an instant crash on startup. The splash screen shows "Building Interface" and then crashes with the following error:
This doesn't occur with the latest Beta release. Any fixes reccomended? Full crash report attached.
Can you recall if the Shader Mixer pane is open in that version of DS?
pleas for help, I upgarde DAZ on 4.22, but it does not work and error (attached pics).
So, it crashed during render? Was there a hair by Out Of Touch, or using the Out Of Touch hair shader, in the scene?
Yes. What can I do for repair it?
See this post
It wasn't open as a default UI element in my layout. I've tried reinstalling, and also tried deleting the layout.dsx file in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4
Removing the layout file would have been my next suggestion. It may also be worth reinstalling the Default resources, though I don't think any of that is referenced by Shader Mixer. Shader Mixer does have an MDL Directory folder, which is used for external MDL files to be accessed by bricks. I can't recall the default, if there is one, but it is possible there is damage or a bad file there.
Forgive me if it's been mentioned already, but I'm having trouble rotating the camera around an object now. I have to parent the camera to a null to do it now. Anyone else?
Does framing or aiming at the object you wish to rotate around not set the centre? Or is it triggering the ebhaviour in the first place, regardless of centre, that is the issue?
Nope, and it always used to. :( It's acting like a dolly camera, no matter what I do. If I select a figure and frame it, then try to rotate around, the figure goes out of frame like a dolly cam.
Are you sure it is Orbiting, not Rotating the camera in place?
Sorry, I was getting my Builders and my Mixers mixed up - Shader Builder is the module referenced.
I used to be able to frame the figure/object and orbit it by rotating the camera on the y axis. Now I can't. When I frame the figure/object and do it now, it rotates the camera around. The only way I can work around it is to parent the camera to a null and then rotate the null.
That has never worked that way in my experience, or by my understanding - frame/aim are not live. I initially thought Point At might do it, but that just locks the rotation.
Having a lot of random "not rsponding" crashes recently with 4.22.
Not that happy with this recent build.
"Not responding" is not crashing, it just means that DS is too busy to answer mom (Windows) when she's constantly asking "Are you busy?"
If you just wait, it will come back when it's ready.