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Which hairstyle?
Which hair(s)? Whata re your system specs?
Hi all,
I am a middle-aged lady who dabbles in Daz Studio to create my own elements for my Photomanipulation artwork in Photoshop. I normally do not participate in Forums but here I am, as two days ago I purchased another product and I used the Install Manager to download and install it. I have done this numerous times without issue but apparently Daz Studio developers decided to throw in an updated version 4.22 file which I failed to notice. I run only Windows 7 so now I cannot do anything in Daz and all the products I have purchased over the last few years are worthless. After coming to this forum for some advice and noticing a post about pink elements in the viewport I placed a ticket with support as soon as I realised what had happened but as yet I have not had a reply. To be able to continue on using Daz again I will need to get the earlier version as upgrading the operating system I am using is not an option for me. As I spend time each morning checking out the latest on the Daz Store page I wish there had been a banner on the top of the page to notify everyone that there was an updated version out and to check the version notes before installing so that I could have side stepped all this. I love Daz and I just shudder at how many useless products I now have sitting on my hard drive... I guess now I will be able to afford to have a slice of cake with my coffee as no further Daz purchases will be forthcoming for me.
Edit: It is now the 11th November here and I still do not have a reply from the Daz support team. I hope I can get at least get a temporary older version of Daz which will enable me to work through all the content I have and make a library of renders. That way the many many products I have purchased will at least get some use. I understand that Windows 7 is so old but when you are married to a Systems Network Engineer who will not let Windows 8 or 10 on our home computers I am stuck with the operating system I have.
Really wish there was a check box option to disable the new file window. It gets in the way of workflow by requiring the use to deal with a screen of information and distraction when a clean new scene is all that is needed. If I want to open a file I'll use Open thank you kindly. Templates? You mean scene files I can just as easily save and open from the scene folder. This "workflow feature" is just clutter that ruins the other wise plesent DAZ Studio experiance for me.
Couldn't DIM figure out what operating system it is installing into and stop and warn the user about the incompatibility when DIM detects an OS that is not supported? That would save a lot of good customers a lot of problems and save an already overburdened customer service from handling old version requests.
Even Microsoft doesn't support Windows 7 anymore, so I think it is certainly reasonable for NVIDIA and Daz to move on, also. It just caught customers off guard, because of the lack of in-your-face warning.
Edit to add: Remember that we are always told that most customers don't use the forums, so if the forum is the only place for a user to find information about OS compatibility, new features, known problems, driver requirements, etc., that's bad.
Well I reported the issue and it was fixed within one working day, another issue was confirmed and waiting fix, the third was unable to reproduce, so working through that. Credit where it's due.
Wow, I can't even get a response from a human CS person. My latest two requests have been sitting there for 16 days already.
The fixed issue within a day could just be a coincidence, i.e. they discovered and fixed it at the same time.
Maybe or maybe not a coincidence... Some PAs always quickly response to the request, but some don't... Some bugs in DS used to be just fixed within 1 - 2 days then a new PB was released, but some have been still "outstanding" there for quite a long time...
Ctrl N will open the dialogue, enter/return will close it and open a blank scene (or load the default scene set in Edit>Preferences>Scene, Daz Studio>Preferences>Scene on a Mac, if there is one).
I ran into some glitching yesterday. The wheelmouse blurry thingy came up again undoing would not work...Just closed down re open DS and all was good again.
I upgraded to 4.22, but I noticed that some of the icon images associated with various .duf files are missing. For example, when I use the Skin Manager utility, I can save my new skin dufs, but Daz doesn't show the icon image of the body with the skin, and instead, I get the default image of the picture frame with the exclamation point within the warning triangle. See attached. The images of previously stored skins are still there. There are various instances of these missing icons occurring somewhat randomly throughout the Daz environment.
I haven't gone through all the utility programs to see what other duf icons ares missing, but I just discovered that the Color Picker script utility won't display an image of my desktop in order for me to select colors. So that is now broken.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M and GeForce Game Ready Driver version 546.01.
That is a pretty old GPU, with "only" 4GB of RAM - it may simply be that the driver support is not working fully, though on the face of it it does meet the requirements for handling the Daz Studio display (I wouldn't, however, expect it to help with rendering).
removed the image as the icons were showing nide figuers. There is a known issue with thumbnails, though I am not certain it would be relevant here - still, keep an eye out for an update with a fix.
The important thing is not the hair, it is an example, when I put something dforce or something that makes the file heavier, the program closes and I get the bug window.
I'm sick and tired of the damn version 4.22.
Twice I have tried to render a scene and both times I got a blue screen, and I have had problems restarting windows.
And before, with 4.21 this didn't happen to me.
And could someone tell me why in the Daz Central tool it indicates version 4.20 of Daz Studio, when the one you install is the damn 4.22?
Is it just me or has anyone else been having the same issues.
Since updating to version 4.22 I am receiving multiple "File does not exist" errors when trying to load item into a scene. This happens regardless of whether the item has been downloaded/Installed through DIM or Daz Central and it happens whether I use the Smart Content Tab or the Content Library Tab. I have 500GB of Daz content and re-installing my entire Library is not an option. How Can I resolve this issue any help/suggestions would be appreciated. It happens on both my Windows 10 and My Windows 11 installations both of which have in excess of 32GB Ram and an RTX 3060 12GB GFX card onboard
Check the log file (Help>Tro8bleshooting>View Log file) to find exactly what it is trying to load - often that is down to the database showing that there is a Connect (through daz Studio) instal when there isn't.
Perhaps related to
Blue screen isn't just an application issue, it is usually a driver or hardware issue (which may be triggered by the stress of what an application is doing).
To figure out what's causing the BSOD you run this app once you restart and it should tell you what caused it. It does work quite well. Richard suggested it to me in the past when my wife was having issues with her computer. WhoCrashed. You can also use the Windows memory dump. Here is a tutorial to do that. As Richard said, more time than not, BSOD is caused by a driver issue somewhere or a hardware failure. In the case of my wife's computer, it was a USB plug on her card reader.
So then we explain why this did not happen before with 4.21 and now it happens as soon as I start rendering with 4.22?
Perhaps because the new version of Iray is doing soemthing that triggers a crash - but the keyword would be triggers, DS isn't in itself crashing the system (because it can't, and even if it could it is not a widespread experience we can be fairly sure that there is a local issue involved).
So, it is not the fault of Daz 4.22, even if it only happens using that version, because it did not happen with 4.21 or 4.20, or 4.15 or 4.12. But if it happens, it is something else. Is an argument that does not hold water
Whenever a program gets an update, it may use newer versions of libraries, require newer drivers, use more resources etc.
One should never update anything without first making sure one can revert back and finding out, what is being updated and why.
You have not given any information on your system and environment, which makes it impossible for others to help.
It may also be that the new version uses just a little more resources, which your system can't handle anymore.
Daz is not here reading these forums, it's just us fellow users and if you want our help, you need to give us more information
I have come to that conclusion too, but apparently the DAZ team has not, and that is why they retire early the versions that work on equipment, like mine, that are only 10 months old, equipped with the most recent parts at the time.
But, the blue screen failures have been the least, most of the time I got the bug window. But si, I had both.
i feel regret now after updating to 4.22, i liiterally can't use my pc when rendering now
my pc is becoming much slower when daz is rendering an image, back when 4.21 i was still able to watch videos on youtube or watch movies and rendering at the same time
That sounds like dropping to CPU and running out of RAM
What are your system specs, how much RAM do you have and which GPU?
OOT hairs and Victoria 8 gentalia doesn't work for some reason.
I have victoria 8 yet her genetallia is not applied, and some characters demand it.