Daz Studio Pro BETA - version!
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I didn't ran a diff to compare per pixel values, but looking at the output, they are practically the same.
I figured with something that drastic in render time change, it would be "in your face" difference, like this, lol.
I thought ,untill I go to bed, delete my discribe, but I know you can . good night.
do not worry, I may not come here for a week.
Will I ? I do not know future. why you know? I hope to use "Will" as same as DAZ bad joke. then "will" DAZ really complete clean meta-data?
You will ? OK, I will check them after daz release prodcut version of ds 4.9. then hope to remove many problem which offered by usertest.
without it Christina or menbmer of daz support, may cry,,. And I suggest, DAZ need to choose support member more strictly. some guys are really un-useful.
some guys like "Chrstina Garroway" only can help user. I do not know she or he, but really helpful when I ask many question.
but some support member are simply kill my time to reply many,about same things again and again without test by themselfs.
今後苦情を言うときは日本語でサポートに送るからね。 日本語わかる人、一人ぐらい雇っといてよ。
You have 'buy' the beta through the store...
So Studio holds the key for unlocking?
There is nothing 'official' in these threads to reassure me that my workflow won't be majorly impacted. If not today, then tomorrow.
Does DAZ really think I'm going to categorize my over 12,000 products? I don't use Smart Content now and DAZ can attempt to reassure me that I will still be able to do things 'much as you do now'. That 'much as' is the tell.
You can count me out.
One thing I feel has not been sufficently explained is why DAZ connect encrypts all existing products, including the ones that are also available as unencrypted zips. What possible reason can there be for this?, since any pirate would post the zip. I would have thought that DAZ would want us to use DAZ Connect, for the improved user experience they claim it gives, plus the faster way products are updated. They say DRM products may come later, but due to this decision they are in a way put on us now, for little or no benefit for DAZ. Would it be that difficult to add an option before the beta goes live where we can install the existing products (ie the ones that are not DAZ Connect only) through DAZ Connect without encryption? I would like to try out DAZ Connect to see what benefits it give us, but I will be highly unlikely to try without this option. I would be happy if this will at least be considered. Thank you.
We really need an offline way to work with DAZ Connect. ANd I would like to see an independant downloader as I am only on a DSL connection (though a big spender here). The abiltiy to download on the side while still using DAZ Studio is huge. This would also alleviate fears about DRM. I can probably live with moving the installation intot he app. I am also leery of the encyption. I spend a ton of money here and this is a definite added negative. I know artists are worried about stolen content, but you risk alientating those of us that actually do spend money. Wow, Poser may have a chance at survival after all. I really cannot express how disapointed I am in this direction.
If the process worked, checking the encryption key would identify the original buyer, who would have his account immediately terminated, nipping warez at the bud.
The problem with is that Studio has exports, has DsScript and a C++ SDK. With those tools, you can write a pluging/series of scripts which traverse the information in memory (helpfully decrypted by Studio) export them into text files which, by pure coincence, are noting but the usual DUF/DSF/whatever which can then be reassembled into a totally un-watermarked product which can then be repackaged and uploaded. For this DRM scheme to work, DAZ has (no ifs, no buts) to embargo scripting and export capability to every non-authorized party (like it happens today for HD tools).
I leave to the readers the exercise to decide whether export/scripting will be removed (making in the process Studio unusable in a pipeline) or, all this story is just a ruse to force people to adopt something that stinks, a nautical mile away, of the first step to a fully "cloudy" architecture...
I have to agree with Rogerbee on this one. This beta fixes nothing for me. I just want to buy, use and download. I don't need Daz to hold my hand. I have no use for the Daz smart content system, no love for cloud anything, and I really don't need a bloody store inside my program. I have a browser for that. If you want my money, you can stay there in the browser or I won't buy here anymore. I don't need your store in my app. I open Daz to render, not to shop. If you really wanted to fix something, you could have worked on learning how to write a manual.
¨Wowie, here's an official permission for you to give my alpha kit links to the dev team or whoever from DAZ will need it. My actual scripts are licenced the same as the DAZ wiki: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
The way I understand 3Delight's official changelog, though, contradicts the last statement in the screenshot. The few "enhancements" that decreased performance have always been clearly marked in there.
"NVIDIA Iray related
I'm quite shocked at how much of an impact this change has made to shader/materials... Even following the suggested color change to the SSS reflective tint to the light yellow makes the skin look like a 2-day old corpse. Has anyone found a solution that will match what 4.8 had as a result?
I tried looking for the 11 changelong and couldn't find it...but it specifcally has which ones were for performance increases. So between the improvements listed in the 11 and 12 changelogs there should be a rather noticeable performance increase, not a decrease, with the enhancements.
I read somewhere, that the fix is being rolled out; my words as I don't remember exactly what was said. I seem to remember something along the lines of having to manually change products to reverse the the fix that had been put in place. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, or tell me I'm right... That would be a nice surprise /nod.
@those expressing trepedation at the changes.
I've been voluable; I've decided to watch what happens. I don't have to buy products from Daz, and have no intentions of buying encrypted only at this stage.
There seems to be an issue with the postgreSQL database connection on linux, related to the new cloud thingy.
It works for me for 4.8, but 4.9 throws cloud related errors in the log after reporting an established connection:
But further down I get lines like this:
WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(167): Unexpected exception in needMigrate: Unable to connect to the database, can not quote
WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(167): Unexpected exception in runNextTask-runTask: Unable to connect to the database
Migration failed.
WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(167): Unexpected exception in productGetAllFirstLetter: Unable to connect to the database
WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(167): Unexpected exception in categoryGetRoot: Unable to connect to the database
WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(167): Unexpected exception in contentGetByRelativePath: Unable to connect to the database
A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established. Several DAZ Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection, such as context aware content views and loading content installed using cloud services, will not be available. Check your network, anti-virus, and firewall settings for conflicts.
If I'd need to blindly guess I'd say it is not using the ConnectionURI defined in cmscfg.json.
Would be cool if someone could look into it. Thank you! :)
Edit: filed a bug report.
Edit2: Support closed my ticket and told me that linux is not supported...
Are advanced features of DIM like "order::" going to make it over to DAZ Connect?
What part of DAZ connect prevents you from working at the same time? I've been doing it since the thing was released. It has in no way affected my use of the software.
Frankly, for me the new Smart Content display (though it does seem a little wonky at times) is an enormous upgrade, not only over the original Smart Content but over the whole folder/tree structure.
For the first time I can see every piece of a product that I bought, all in the same place.
Now... on to the consistency of meta-data, please.
Hi namffuak
sorry, but your link only presents a white page.
And yes I know, it is some older.
Already with 4.7 I've had these issues. DIM automatically installed PostgrSQL. As a result DAZ took 10 minutes while starting up to state, that PostgrSQL crashed.
After completely banning PostgrSQL from my computer everything worked fine again.
And please see the hundreds of posts in this forum about the issues related to CMS and PostgrSQL. There are valuable reasons !!!
But if you know, what to do about it, please give a detailed description.
What channel has to be opened in ZA and how to do?
That sounds promising then! If you e.g. have a G3F figure selected will it show you hair for G2F in addiiton to G3F?
A new checkbox should be there at the bottom of the smart content pane to let you have smart content not filter content based on the current scene selection. It isn't a perfect solution but it will let you see all of your content so you could pick items that you know are compatible.
I can't read this whole pile, can someone tell me this:
I don't use smart content or categories. I'm old school, i manually sort stuff into folders I want. Will all my stuff stay where it is, how it is with 4.8? or is this new data system and organization required. If it's only the DB I don't think I care, I just don't want my content shuffling around.
I don't use dim and have no interest in any system like that. For as long as I recall daz studio always had a login in option, is that now required or something?
Yes, your files wills tay put. No, you don't have to be logged in (even if you do use the Connect system) to work. However, if and when there is content that is Connect-only you won't be able to use that - but your existing, and currently forthcoming, content is not going to change (unless and until almost everyone abandons DIM, at least).
While I am at it, will it be possible to turn off auotamtic smart matching? I have so much content that it can be very painful when I happen to be on All (in DS 4.8) and then have to wait for everythign to be populated. The option to have to click a "Populate" button would be very welcome.
I would like to see a way to relax specific requirments on what is displayed. An option to also show items that auto-fit supports would be welcome. And hair is so portable that an option to just show all hair would be welcome (i.e. let me default to all hair but have more restricted filters for the other categories).
I guess that leaves encyption as the big thorny issue. :(
Zone Alarm has a long-standing conflict with PostgreSQL from long before Daz3D started using it. It goe back to at least 2009, so it doesn't seem likely that they'll fix it.
here's a question I haven't seen asked.
How will products like PoseBuilder work? You need to be able to choose the files you want to work with...
thanks Richard, I figured as much but my intial skimming made me cross a wire and I wasn't sure.
And the vast majority of the problems were/are with the Valentina database.
I can't seem to get DAZ Studio Pro BETA to download when I click on the button. I have the current DIM. I'm using Windows 10. Any suggestions?
Thanks, but to be honest it is easier the organized from scratch. Trying to organize content that is already organized is a complete headache. I think its better just to use the content library and build catagories from there I could move whole folders! I wish I could move whole folders(product) from the smart content tab to my catagory of choice rather than just single files. This is taking too long and the smart content tab feels too all over the place for me to use.
Smart content tab NEEDS a "Create a Catagory from" when we right click on the product. It will certainly help.
Isn't that what you already have in Content Library > Products?