Daz Studio Pro BETA - version!
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You are surely not a super human any more than the rest of us. You'd rather go through the pain of reinstalling maybe hundreds of files because you didn't get a confirmation dialog? It has nothing to do with being an adult. It has to do with being a human...we make mistakes. The confirmation dialog gives us the chance to look at it and think, "Oh, crap, that's not what I wanted to delete! No!" Without it, all you're left with is "Oh, crap!"
I'm dealing with a database at work that doesn't ask for confimation. Luckily it has an un-delete option but it's easy to be heavy fingered and skip that. Having a confirmation button is the safest way.
Yeh it can, but I balance the work of fixing my mistake versus the continued work of not having that option - option: meaning I can chose to use it or not. My responsibility either way. I Linux's ethos - they treat their uses like adults; Windows, well they think we're all idiots who need to be led around by both hands.
Oh and whilst we're at it; can we have some short cut keys - vastly superior to the mouse (imo). Much quicker too, especially when combining them.
Like I said, I'd like the OPTION, that makes it my choice, so yeh, treat me like an adult and allow ME to make the decission. I fail to see how asking for an option, allowing me to make the decission, is a claim to being superhuman, or do you just like to insult people?
Like most game publishers 3D companies live in the office and pretty much rely on staff meetings and focus groups DRM is here to stay, unfortunately just look to the bank draining 3D program rental that is already the way of doing things, which is the next logical step for this new DRM scheme, unfortunately, the 3D hobbyist is not as vocal nor does it mobilize when needed, otherwise we wouldn't see $400-1k annual rentals on Vue/Autodesk/Adobe.
I was inspired to edit my post as well as re-post your quote, as I admit that I have true fear that this will interrupt my hobby in which I not only spend a lot of money, but time as well with this program..
I love Daz, but I'm really angry and frustrated with where this company is going, as this is not like steam which has millions of users, nor has people in the entertainment industry of which doesn't have to worry about paying rent on their program of choice, it's hobbyists, who have to spend money on housing food, and clothing, not only for themselves but for several meta-humans who run around the house making too much noise!
As well as retirees and people with fixed incomes, not to mention rural areas which doesn't have Internet access, and where folks have to plan a trip to downtown to download using public wifi...Unfortunately people have to pay dearly for crappy Internet or none at all..
It's short sighted and will put off a lot of people, and it doesn't matter that you only have to use it once, if you don't have Internet it won't make any difference period, and no-one is gonna drag their PC to the coffee shop just to take several hours slowing down other people's wifi in order to dl/install a character pack..I think the techs don't realize the complications for practical use of this product if you have spotty or no Internet at all, they're too focused on theory and assumptions and not real-world practicality about how this will effect the end user outside the 50-60K demographic.
Your local hard drive?
No, the cloud, as you will have to re-download the assets if you uninstall them, due to any number of reasons.
Are all products Daz Connect ready?
New products, as well as a huge selection of older products, will be offered through Daz Connect right away, with more of the older products having Daz Connect support added in the future. Our plans are for existing products that have been offered through non-Daz Connect methods to continue to be offered in those ways as well as through Daz Connect. New products will begin to migrate toward a Daz Connect-only delivery.<---This is what concerns me, and others here.
Currently each item lives as it's own SKU directory in the data/cloud diretory - perfectly easy to make a copy of.
And I'm on dial-up internet at home, drag a laptop to a wifi hot-spot for all my downloads. I may never use DS Connect in the real world, but it has been fun to play with.
I would like to see these options implemented, too. I don't use "smart content" but "categories" I use a lot, primarily for organising Poser-only content. And an undo for category moving (like there is in Windows) - maybe it is there, but I haven't found it yet. Back in DS3, I once accidentally dropped a category tree in a random subcategory (drag'n'drop can get really cumbersome), and it took me a long time to find it again.
BTW my custom categories seem to be working fine after the beta imported the database. I haven't dug deep yet, but no obvious missed categories on top.
And you don't have to redownload them now?
Not going to get into it, but many times in these threads it has been said how the content is distributed...
I think Daz_Rawb said it most plainly here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/934809/#Comment_934809
So I can copy it, and reinstall later offline?...This is good, the only thing is I do not install anything in the default program files or daz studio location, as both have different directories.
The second point is more about others and their inabillity to just go out and purchase a laptop as well as a desktop so therefore, it will effect the company which it would effect myself, which is secondary to those who also make a living at this, and with this company, so I don't want to see Daz Studio fall from the market at all...
And it has been said many times that there are no plans as to when, let alone, if that will ever happen. Yes, it is a possibility, but will it be reality???
There was no insult there, intended or not. Where did you see an insult?
OK, I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on. I am one of the least insulting, flame-war-starting people in here. Now I'll just be invisible.
Ok, I feel like I have suddenly been tossed into space and landed on the wrong planet. I bought something from the Daz site yesterday and when I went to download it, I noticed an update to 4.9, so simply ticked it and downloaded it. At first glance when I opened the new 4.9, I thought "cool"! Then suddenly, not so cool, I am so confused I feel like I have been given hallucinogenic drugs. My biggest confusion is I now have a "lost and found" folder, all the icons of my products have a cloud on them and when I double click them it takes me into two new windows with pretty much the same info, and when I save a scene I just worked on for three hours, I cannot find where it went! (it used to go to my "unassigned" folder because I had never catagorized). The bottom line, to me 4.9 looks like a total mess, if I would have known, I wouldn't have downloaded it. Yes, I have been through the FAQ, it reads like Chinese to me because I did not go to college for computer science, language...whatever you call it. All I want to know right now is where are my saved scenes going? I'm just a little gay bumpkin from the mid-west who knows that once you learn a car, you know how to drive it. I don't want a new car!
Is there a way to change how items are catagoriezed in smart? I'm really itching to better organize it to suit my taste. I'd rather see a figure with their character, materials and poses under same directory. Its getting tedious checking each item/pose/clothes/accessory to see if it is for which generation.
I would love nothing better than to be proven wrong, in fact, I'm counting on that!...
And yes, as I am an addict, I already Dl'd and installed it, but thankfully, this is a separate beta, so I hope the Daz connect isn't mandatory as there is a large demographic here who are still using V4, so their pocket book/wallets carry weight.
I could adapt to a point, but my system is too customized to impose mandatory default settings..To expand on my earlier point, I would love to see this company advance and change with the market without sacrificing the versatility of choice from the end user.
In other words, don't mandate windows 8 on window 7 users...
Oh, didn't see this post, I hope this will prove me wrong and put to bed any concerns I might have..
Hmmm, good news, thanks for proving me wrong about this,
as far as encrypted files are concerned...I'm pretty much unconcerned!
This is not too bad, still, I don't want to have to change my current directories of which My custom Daz directory is located...
If users who do not have easy access, and by access, I mean the practical and literal terms of not having access to Internet services, as only having one desktop, without a laptop, and/or their city/county/or state not providing proper reliable Internet access, as in not having Internet cafes, or public wifi/library, because there is a lot more people without Internet access or multiple PC/laptops than those who can afford them actually realize, just as there are a lot of people who do not work in an office, in a business park or high-rise, so that concern for them still stands.
Then they should edit the FAQ to read, "... may begin...", instead of, "... will begin...". Otherwise, there's no such thing as if's, maybe's, or possibility's in that sentence, and anything else they try telling us is irrelevant.
Yes, the default categories are merely suggestions...they can be 'scrapped' and replaced by your own categories (not really removed, but ignored/hidden). You can create new categories from your own organization by right clicking...the exact how is in one of these threads...I think fixmypcmike posted the best instructions.
Is your saved scene not going somewhere into the "lost and found" folder or a subfolder within it?
Um - well, untill just recently, the laptop was a Dell M4300 running windows XP that I purchased from my employer when I retired 6 years ago; it was two years old at the time, and the buy-out was $300. If all you're doing is dragging bits back and forth, or web surfing, you just don't need high-end hardware.
And, fyi, that brown highlighting makes text almost unreadable with the light forum theme. :-)
Hm - missed that first part. With the exception of Microsoft stuff (avoided like ... well, you know) nothing gets installed to default locations. I don't put ANYTHING in 'program files' and refuse to use the 'My <stuff>' directories on general principles. I do use DIM - software goes into "D:/bits-32" and "D:/bits-64"; content goes into "D:/s4stuff/gen5" (an artifact left over from when I had directories for the generation 1 thru generation 5 figures, props, and so on).
Sorry about that, all fixed, yes, I'm all about customization, so my reaction was a bit stressed against mandatory defaults, which is a real fear as win 10, and the entirety of the digital environment seems to be working towards that lowly goal...So the terms "streamlined" and convenience seems to get the skin crawling for me nowadays...But at least some of my fears have been eased..
I kind of took the first part of the post as "not a super human" which is pretty obvious as they don't exist outside of comic books/films. I accept your apology and offer my own as I can be a little contentious.
So please don't keep your opinions to yourself... They all matter, especially the ones we don't agree with.
Agree! Assurances that counter the FAQ, have limited value imo - note I mean my own opinion; rewording that would go a great way towards assuring folks like me who are of a naturally suspicious (read paranoid) nature; I would be encouraged, that is for sure.
I still don't see myself buying anything that is encrypted only. I do without, or wait until products get released on Netflix, or network TV, or are priced so rediculously low as to be almost free; some items I am still waiting for. I even stopped using my Kindle, I gave it to mum, who mostly reads titles that are free so it doesn't concern her. The possibility of not having access to books I bought was enough for me to change my habbits; I went back to buying real books which are also often cheaper due to weird TAXing by the UK govt. I buy far fewer than I used to.
The saved scene will have gone, on disc, to whatever folder you saved it to - try saving another scene and note where the file browser opens, then cancel. Only the Connect files are (currently) limited to the databse areas - Smart Content, Categories and Products - all of your own files (pure assets like Morph Assets aside) are available in the Content Library DAZ Formats list (if you saved to a content dirctory) or through File>Open/File>Merge.
how do i get the dazstudio pro beta..i try and try all i got is the 4,8 over and over ..?
On the Ready To Download tab in Install Manager, click Download Filters and make sure you have Public Build checked.
>Zarcon (sorry to use short name^^;??)
DAZ actually already release contents as encrypted for public beta.
At first, I think,, it is bad. and wrong thing. daz should not release such content for beta test.
Then after some or few or strange user complain, DAZ man say
"we will offer new prodcuts as DIM conetnts without encrypted as same as before (or they have not decided when ,or they say no plan
and "we can not talk about future,, do not take us bad!" ( you who complains, are simply too sensitive! and have evil in maind, I heared so ^^)
But it is really funny because, if encrypt contents is to protect vendor, (there seems no other meaning, can you find?)
why daz can keep contents as non encrypted for user toor? I can not find any meaning.
there is only two choice. daz will offer all new contents as encrypted. or simply stop the plan now.
"nante = such thing (will not happen if you think Theoretically)"
then if DAZ have no plan about when start, simply delete such discribe from official announcement . what is wrong?
What they have said, I think, is that no content currently scheduled or planned for release will be Connect-only.
kitakoredaz, understood, and thanks. By the way, I am fine with the Short name.
My signature somewhat hints at my only discontent towards encrypting files on a computer dedicated to a special task such as rendering. The CPU power and HDD/Ram bandwidth wasted in reading and decrypting such things. I would rather my workstation spend it's resources rendering the scene, rather then wasting it's resources DRM checking files and decrypting them so they can be used every time the files are accessed.
As for the DRM thing, I have been burnt by that a few times already. Updated this CPU for daz, just to not be able to watch documentaries I had paid for (and purchasing them again did not fix it). Between that, and what i-tunes did to my DAW, I have no use for DRM at all.
Filed a bug report on the slow render times with UE2's indirect light mode and raycache. The answer was definitely not what I expected.
"It's not a bug, it's a feature." Edited out names.
If it isn't broken, it doesn't have enough features!? lol. Let's see if the 'dev team' has a more 'acceptable' answer for the non-improvement in performance.
I am curious tho, What improvement, where? Dose it actually make a mirror cast light onto other object, or is it somewhere else in the options tab for UE2?