Daz Studio Pro BETA - version!
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You mean, if that "move things with connect" did also move the corresponding files on disk? Because right now if you move files with Connect they are moved in DS only. They're still at the same place on the disk, so the directory structure I see in Poser is the one DAZ wanted, not the one I wanted.
But anyway, managing content used in both apps with Connect would be a bad idea just beacuse of the fact that the files are now installed into one directory per product.
removed as redundant
Especially as idiocy, unlike genious is infinite.
That reminds me of the difference between Windows and Linux: Windows presumes we're all idiots and insists on holding our hand, and Windows 10, more so. Linux, however, presumes we're an adult, or at least not an idiot, and encourages us to learn how to use it. This is from a discussion I was having in class - I'm an arguably mature student.
Personally, the system security and protecting PAs product is a different one to how everything is organised. It might have been better to do them seperately, but the security can't be done in the old system, so they were clubbed together. So Daz is getting it in the neck, one for trying to do something about something that really needs fixing; two, for keeping their and PAs products more secure, or at least attempting to.
I think done seperately, folks would have been if not fine, a lot less vociferous.
I've got to wonder if the project manager for this, considered risks and change management as much as they ought to have done.
Except for some at Canonical that seem to have been bitten by the same stupidity inducing bug as those at MS...but that's a whole different topic.
As to the trying to do too much at once and that the various parts of this beta should have been broken into different releases/parts...that sounds reasonable. I'm guessing had it been done that way Rawb, Jon and everyone else would have had more sleep the past few nights. Really, the current content management system has been in need of a complete overhaul for years. And this new way is as good of a way to do it as any and in some ways, an 'unstructured'/minimally structured content folder and managed by a database is definitely better than the noodle pile (pour some sauce on it and call it a spaghetti dinner) that there currently is.
I'm a Poser-only customer (meaning I use neither Studio or DSON with any version of Genesis). Please excuse my barging in on a DS-specific thread, but I have a few questions regarding this new DRM thing for content. I do NOT use DIM to download content. I use the "My Product" library and manually download and install Poser-only conent. Will the Poser-ready produds I've purchased in the past remain available in my account under "My Product Libary" in Poser-ready form for as long as my account exists? Do I need to worry about backing up and archiving my Poser-ready content for the future because of these changes? Although I'm a Poser-only customer, I've been a fairly good Daz3D customer since landing almost here in late 2005 and I really don't relish the idea of downloading 90+ pages (thousands of items!) in my "Product Library" unnecessarily, especially since it would take a huge amount of my time and bandwidth...I sometimes rely on the ability to re-download "old" content going back to the beginnings of my account if neaded (I still use Generations 2-4 of the "Michaels and Vickys" and so on). At this point as a Poser-only customer, I'm really, really hoping that Daz isn't going to take away my already-purchased "downloadable library" of content like certain other sites have done in the past--hard drive failures and disc loss or damage are realties, as well as other circumstances that may prompt redownload.
Content that is available through DIM/product Library will continue to be available through those methods.
Thank you. I wanted to be sure, especially since I don't use DIM. I think my backup DVD sets have some gaps over the yeara (due to bad discs or damage), so I thought it worth asking. I'm sure I'm not the only Poser-only customer who's concerned. Some of my favorite "legacy" sutff has come from Daz over the years, so I'd hate to lose anything. I'm still hoping to pick up more "legacy" stuff that I still have on my bookmarked wishlist), but the possiblity of doing so kind of depended on the asnwer to my questions. So, thank you for your prompt reply. I'm relieved that Daz won't be taking all my "old" Poser toys away from me. ;)
I too don't use DIM and prefer downloading the zips and installing them by hand. I've noticed mistakes, and other things (not often) and prefer to do it that method rather than use automated installers. It also helps track of files that are missing in the installation (which is surpisingly more common than one would think).
In case you guys didn't know... DIM can download the zips without installing. All you do is set up a folder anywhere, on any drive. Check off the ones you want to DL and away it goes.
I take it a step further by also letting it install to a dummy folder and then sort and rename before I merge into my actual content folder. This way I have a folder full of zips and my content unzipped also.
If you need any help to get set up, it's really easy. :) And then you'll never have to worry!
Speaking for myself: I know. I manually download for a couple of reasons. One being it makes me stop and think a little harder about my purchases before hand... (If only slightly longer on some "deals" like FastGrab)... The major reason is being a Poser-only customer, I buy only older content and often wind up having to convert .rsr to .png for Poser Pro 2014. So downloading manually helps me spot-check for that, so I can do it before I install things to my runtimes (boy, I have a lot of those going!). It doesn't take me a lot of extra time to download manuallly because I usally download when I'm ready to manually install my shiny "old" (but new to me) toys for Poser into their runtime homes.
I don't know if my voice matters, but I am one of those "power users" who bother tech support very rarely (thrice in all my years here), and with very "niche" issues.
Like the fact that the bsdf() brick in the shader mixer is still thinking that Oren-Nayar is a specular model. I had a support ticket last December. I know Iray is all the rage now, but hey, this shouldn't be rocket science to fix. Here is the link for the admins: https://helpdaz.zendesk.com/requests/182152
// I can well write my own shaders, without resorting to shader mixer, but what about those who cannot? Half the 3Delight "shader" products in the store here are shader mixer networks... //
I'm testing 4.9, I think there's a problem with Smart Content finding some of my products, some products can't be found even when they are in the databases, an example is my Desk Clocks product, it's in the database but not in Smart Content, there's also the file 1_12657.json in the meta folder. It would be cool to get any product with partial product descriptions.
I think the internal queries are wrong. I use this script to list all my products:
Ok my friend has been reading the thread, at the moment she is in agreement with what others are complaining about. At first glance is appears what will be done may be intrusive, but can't say for sure yet. She needs to brush up on the programming cause she hasn't hacked a virus in 2 years, busy with baby and all. For the moment she agrees there is something to be concerned about, but will investigate further to find out if these changes really are for the better or not. She is very unbiased, does not do 3D art or animation, though is starting in the game making business. She said she will let me know what she finds out. Remember...she said at first glance it could be bad, does not mean it is, she wanted to make that part clear.
Well, it suddenly jumped up to full speed when it came to the person, and got stuck at the skin/hair, no more progress at all. Weird.
I'll make some other test render and see if this is a problem with the hair, and file a bug report. Got to love 'em Beta Bugs. ;-)
That looks like a the typical transmapped hair slowdown...depending on the hair and the shader on it and the lighting in the scene it can slow for a very long time. It's usually the occlusion with the transmapped hair that does it. The same with some shaders on the skin (AoA can have massive slowdowns, sometimes).
Sometimes you have to give it time to finish. I was convinced the other day that DS had seemingly locked up at 8% (still counting time, but no visible progress). I gave it a full day and killed it and tried again, once again the render stalled at 8%. I stuck it out that time, it stayed there for several days, then finally moved on and finished the rest of the render a few days after that. It is entirely possible that your render is the same thing.
I think yoju may be taking what I wrote out of context -- not hard in a thread this extensive. I'm only talking about a hypothetical improvement to the way Daz Connect *could* work. What I'm talking about is actual moving of the files through an internal file manager (would looke like Explorer in Windows, or the Mac Finder) so that a person's desired organization could be used for both Poser and D|S. By moving the files inside a controlled environment, Connect would monitor their new locations, thus keeping the database intact.
I'll repeat: this isn't how it works now. It's merely one person's idea of how it might work, and make everyone happy.
Yes, I checked the settings after cancelling the render, and found outt that for some reason, the Ray trace depth was at 5. Once I reduced that to a more reasonable "1", it didn't get stuck any longer.
But the weird part is that (at Raytrace 5) it goes at 62% for the part of the image with the plane in it (the wiring under the wing), but just that particular part in the image below, and then up to full throttle at all the other parts before and after it.
The DIM suggestion was more to get your whole account downloaded and stored safely if you were concerned about the future.
Once you tell it what to download and start it you can walk away, not sit and click one by one.
How many cores in the computer, vs what is the 'Buckets' setting at. it may be related to a reflection issue I had a very long time ago.
Try upping the number of Buckets, and see if that makes the CPU usage go up in that area of the render.
Has anyone wondered how Vicyoria 4.2 is supposed to work post 4.9? Right now, V4.2 won't work with Connect because Connect downloads every product into it's own folder in the cloud directory, which of course breaks V4.2's ExP technology. So what's the solution? Either DAZ is going to have to create some sort of fix that allows Connect-downloaded versions of V4.2 to work with all the ExP based morphs and characters, or there will need to be a way to select where content is installed, so that ExP based products can be installed to the same folder as V4.2.
I noticed an odd thing with V4.2 in Studio 4.8beta, the Morph loader couldn't find any files??? It worked fine in 4.7 normal, so I assumed it was just the Beta being in an off dir somewhere for some stuff. (I got screen-caps somewhere from that experiment)
Did you set your content directories in the beta? It doesn't share setttings with the general release.
Me, yea, everything else works perfectly... Except the eyelids vs eye-pointing "Pose Dials" on G3F. I was going back threw the generations to see if any one else had 'disconnected' eyelids. I found that A3 doesn't move the eyelids with the eye up-down control, V4 threw G2F/M all move the eyelids with the dial, then G3F dose not.
It was the first time I tried to pull out V4, in a very very long time, and am not losing sleep over the 'Morph loader' issue in 4.8 beta.
I'm about to back up 64bit 4.7, and migrate 64 bit 4.8 beta over to the 'normal' version folder here. Making room for the next beta. I'm keeping 32bit 4.6 around for testing purposes only.
(EDIT) I Just got Studio 4.8 migrated over (I wish that 'Y' drive was another SSD instead of a HDD, lol), and V4.2 loads fine there. It's got to be something in that Beta, lol.
As for 4.9, it's pending, as I tittle my thumbs waiting on the computer. O.T. Did we get all the cool pics from New Horizons yet, or are they still downloading that stuff, lol.
Maybe, but, the difference is that the 20 people know what they are doing and know what they are looking for. The majority of the 10,000 don't, hence all the support tickets and "I can't find my content!" threads.
When these are generated it tells me that this method of content delivery creates more problems than it solves. The solution is not to try and fix the system that is causing the issues, the solution is to create something more usable that people can get on with and use. I always fail to understand why, when there is a system in already in place that has consistently been proven to work, the need is felt to roll out another system that doesn't do the same job as well.
Take Smart Content, we have had a Content Library since day one, it works. You rolled out Smart Content, since day one people have complained that they can't find their content. Since there is a Content Library, why was Smart Content needed!?
DIM - There was already a system in place whereby users downloaded and installed content, and it worked. You roll out the DIM, more complaints and support tickets. There was a working system already in place, why roll out another!?
Daz Connect - We have the store, we have browsers, they work! What do you think is going to happen next, yep, more complaints and more support tickets.
Please, the company needs to listen and learn as much as we do. Establish a basic core of things that work and work at keeping it that way. Stop coming up with needless gimmicks and start creating things that everyone can learn and use!
Well, Fist impression. Thank you for NOT putting that face with a (TOS prevents me from saying my fist impression), on my desktop. And the chosen Icon is sufficient for the cause, I will not be mistaking the different versions. I'm guessing You already went threw the full rainbow of color options for the old logo?
Would management be offended, If I chose a random color, and put the old logo Icon back when 4.9 is no longer in beta?
At least, I believe, smart content are not designed to gather all product files throw into one daz decided place only for the user
who can not find item which they bought in daz studio.
(the reason is simple, they can not understand, which file will be installed clear. with each case their install way.
= lack of infomation for them.
or they can not set root directory properly. or their database can not work well . )
Smart content =database should be used,
how user set their directory, and have many root directoies , and their directory mess up or complex,
(actually daz offered meta-data often cause mess up group and category, or luck ability to find item, for heavy smart content user)
once user tell where is root directory to aprication, database should find file, and show items only which user need with compatibility and group
for user who is rude and lazy (like me)
why it not work well ? it is simply because problem of in-put data. and user have not taguht clear, how input their data, as they like
in database, and how it keep safety as meta-data file. just learn, import, export user data. or meta data. do not you?
smat content should be desigend to give user more free customize their directory and file location. at least it is principal. I think.
I am only on page two of browsing over what is in this Beta, and I'm looking at a screen, that I have two potential problems with. (quickly counts the running computers in the room with me). I have 15 computers (not all of them capable of running daz studio), I do plan to eventually get a setup going where I can have one computer rendering, while I work on another computer. Also, I do create and test 'things' from time to time.
I foresee that being a major problem, with me making content if I can't move stuff around my own computer. Dose that include the "My Content" folders? I have many questions regarding making maps, and packing them up for a 'project', if I can't move stuff around.
And testing stuff. How dose the 'Daz Connect' and "DAZ 3D web services" comply (or not) with NDA from PA's?
(EDIT) made it to page 5, and I see many doubts about the usability from a user stand point with some of these changes, yet I'm not seeing anyone ask about Making Content under (the limitations of?) the new systems (encrypted files, DRM, incomprehensible directory numbering with a new user tree, and such). I'm tempted not to read any further into the thread (to this point), as it looks steam rolled in the wrong direction.
I've had my run-in with DRM in the past. My "Virtual Instruments" libraries plus my own created music, vs a MP3-Player software interface. It deleted all my music and instrument libraries, because I had not purchased it from the MP3-player's store. Needles to say, I no longer have anything from that 'fruit company', and I never will. lol.
Moving on.
lol. Is Daz another OptiTex, that wants out of the 3D business all together? I don't think so, I think the Questions have not been asked.
How do you create content under the new system?
And how are PA's supposed to have others test that stuff?
I was so hoping to see a fix for Pro Pack G3F stuff, not fiting the non daz figures in the same Pro pack. Auto follow is indeed broken on G3F (despite the current 'policy' to the contrary).
Subdivision vs auto-follow vs G3F.
After a long drawn out debate with Tech support regarding G3F cloths not fitting Non-daz G3F figures, this is the gist of what I understand, and the reason for the stalemate in resolving the issue.
It is my understanding, that so long as the Auto-follow mechanism works on the non-subdivided mesh of the figure, it is considered to be working flawlessly. In fact, Auto-follow completely ignores any shaping info on subdivided meshes, so it is almost guaranteed to not work with them.
Generation six had a far higher mesh density that allowed the base mesh to be morphed for figures without the need to subdivide it, unless the mesh was subdivided specifically for what is called HD figures. The Auto-follow mechanism is only guaranteed to work on non-HD figures, so it is up to the PA s to make sure there HD figures worked fine with Auto-follow. So far, all is good.
Now enter Generation seven (G3F). The base mesh density of G3F is lower then that of Generation six, however it is far more evenly spaced to allow better control of the mesh overall. Unfortunately, the lower mesh density requires more subdivision to achieve the same amount of detail that you could get with Generation six in some areas. Thus even figures not labeled HD, are still using subdivided mesh info to achieve the shape. And that is the problem, as auto- follow is not supported on those figures.
G3F figures must use a subdivided mesh for the shape, and cloths will not fit them. And in accordance with Daz3D's policies regarding auto-follow, there is nothing broken that needs to be fixed. Thus, so long as Auto-follow will not be made to work with subdivided mesh shapes, I find it difficult to say a G3F Pro Bundle is worth it, when it's contents are guaranteed to not work together.
Days? Ouch.
Which is why open beta is so valuable; you can guarantee that folks using it will find stuff that was missed. Parly numbers, but also they don't know, what they should and shouldn't be doing, so will try unusual combinations that can serious impact the software. This is beta testing in general, not specific to Daz.