The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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Complaint: Burned cookies.
Arghhh..., my mothers prize chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, abused. I mistakenly set the oven for 375F instead of 350F degrees. Ten minute normal cooking time is almost too much at 375F. First sheet of cookies came out darkish brown instead of cardboard brown. Bottoms of cookies almost burned. After my initial panic, I cooled the oven to 350 and am trying again with a 2nd sheet of cookies.
Non-complaint: However unattractive the "burned" ones are, they're still edible. Crunchy instead of munchy but edible. Yum...
It's a good thing I never get Trick-or-Treaters for Halloween, that means all the cookies are mine, mine, all mine. Mwaa, ha ha...
Non-complaint: Yay! Today's total is four dozen perfect cookies and 14 trivial-emergency rations.
Now for some hot chocolate, and a nap.
Noncompliant: I figured out how to have my cake and eat it. I bake a lemon bundt cake with cream cheese Icing—everything a Diabetic can't have. Done in moderation, it's okay. Most will go to the neighbors next door.
If you know your carb to insulin ratio and can count carbs.sugars and fiber you can simply adjust your rapid insulin to match..
That is correct. I am not allowed to share. If they were refusing to eat my food I share, that would be a different issue. However last night I went to a Church Fall Festival. I brought home some chips and candy bags. I shared most of the candy and chip bags without any staff knowing. I just can't share with the staff knowing.
Oops! I went to dollar tree to get some items for a Christmas Charity box thing my church is doing. I got a sloth teddy bear, a calculator, crayon bandaids, and a pair of washclothes. I didn't get the microfiber washclothes as those are for cleaning areas not faces or bodies.
...ahh Nebraska: "The Sleep Through State". Been through there on road trips to Colorado during ski season. Once had to actually endure travelling through here during the daytime as we were waylaid overnight by a blizzard in North Platte.
...yeah, we change our clocks next Sunday morning. The sun will be setting at eight minutes before 17:00. Depressing..
Tonight sunset where I live is 4.35pm. Our clocks changed early yesterday (Sunday) morning. It was nice to get beakfast in the light this morning with sunrise when I got up at 6.46am. Unfortunately the cat doesn't read the clocks, so he was singing for his breakfast at 4.30am this morning instead of the usual 5.30am. He likes to sing in the bath because he gets the best echo and wakes the whole house. Also, being a Maine Coon, he has a big & powerful set of lungs, so his song is LOUD. Evil fleabag.
Do you know that Cats howl at night because there is nothing to Hunt? We have motion-active toys for our cats, no howling before we wake. I got one I plugged in. I must obtain a longer USB cord for the Toy in the Video. We have wall-mounted toys with strings that go on when they walk by.
Complaint: No Jack-O-Lantern for me this year. Unless I catch a ride somewhere today or tomorrow to a pumpkin patch. The only pumpkins available in the local store are uncarriably large.
Non-complaint: I have cookies!
Will trade cookies (a few
), for a pumpkin.
Complaint: Cold & rainy today. But tomorrow(Halloween) will be just cold, like almost snow cold. The rain today is that mist-like stuff that probably means each "drop" was a snowflake a few hundred feet higher in the air.
Non-complaint: Winter food supplies all accumulated. Winter clothes & boots pulled from the back of the closet. Hornets are dormant or gone. And in two weeks when I will be 3/4 of a century old, I have tickets & a ride to a proper symphony at Kleinhan's Music Hall in Buffalo. A real symphony hall with cushioned seats with arms, heat & A/C, elegant ambience, excellent acoustics, a cloak room, and a champagne vendor for an intermission treat.
And most importantly, a professional orchestra, unlike at Chautauqua where it's a temporary group of music students, however skilled, in a semi-covered big hole in the ground, with noisy neighbors & non-auto street noise, while sitting on hard church type pews, either sweating, or shivering depending on the weather you didn't prepare for. Don't get me wrong, I like Chautauqua, it's a wonderful opportunity for this culturally starved area. And the Chautauqua Amphitheater is a quaint and relatively inexpensive venue, but a dog bark during an adagio quietly diminishing to final silence, kinda breaks the mood.
. This concert is my birthday present to myself for this year. Wheee...
(My last three years self-birthday presents were computer parts for the three computers I built during that time. Symphonies are cheaper.
Complaint: Why is it that the temporary resident people at Chautauqua drag their dogs on a leash out to the rim of the Amphitheater to watch the performance? Leave your $@#%@#$ dog home or let it poop in your own yard.
Complaint: 80°F or 26°C two days ago. Now I have Ice Grass for a lawn since it has rained over the last three days. I woke to 29°F or -1°C burrrrr; cats are crying to go out; I will get cold.
Our cat has plenty of toys to play with, and often does at night - we come down in the morning to find the contents of his toybox spread over the ground floor & stairs (which is hazardous in the extreme). I think the main reason he sings is because his food bowl is empty and he wants us to change that. If we put more food in it of an evening, he turns his nose up at it and won't eat it and then sings for fresh stuff at 5:30 in the morning. Basically, he's an evil fleabag a cat being a cat.
Toys lying around are not the same as hunting moving objects.
Experts mostly claim the following
They Are Bored, hunting relieves boredom.
They Are Anxious; Pheromone Therapy can help it did with my black cat.
They Want To Go Outside points hunting at night.
They Are Aging. My older cats try to howl, but she is a squeaky toy. She can't meow, just squeak. She kind of purrs in short bursts when she talks.
They Are Sick. The last Black cat Started howling in the middle of the night and then threw a blood clot and died painfully by the time I got him to the Vet. I was hearing howls on the way. I don't want to go through that again. Black cat before him, we paid a thousand dollars US on radioactive Idione treatment. We had to wear plastic clothes to pet him, then throw out the plastic., and then we had to do saline under the skin before he died. I will not do that again, either.
Some do say Hunger.
Rewarded myself with french fries and meatballs for fixing the brakes on my car and changing tires to studded ones for the winter
I have had enough of vetenarians wanting to take my money to prolong the lives of cats over 16 years of age
none of them had great lives for those last couple of years
younger yes but once they start looking miserable and over 16 I would now only make that last compasionate visit
it was my seemingly healthy 7 year old cat that suddenly dropped dead last year without warning that completely threw me though
I still cry
What is the movie that starts with a cow eye being cut?
Yes, we all need self-affirmation.
That way we know at least one person cares.
But I draw the line at sending myself Christmas cards.
I don't know if it's the start, but Un Chien Andalou.
Have you considered that your cat sings because he's trying to express himself or has a desire to be on one of those TV musical talent search shows?...
Does he have a particular style or genera he seems interested in?... Lots of cats enjoy singing ballads or feline folk... mostly Meeerooooow or Raaaawaaawhaaa... Though lately, 80s glam metal bands like Meow Jovi have become popular again after guitarist Fluffy Meowjovi's remixes were featured in a couple of movies...
Have you considered buying your cat some musical instruments and seeing which if any they wish to explore... my cat enjoyed the harpsichord, but eventually developed an interest in the saxophone, but unfortunately she used it to beat a squirrel to death with and it never sounded quite the same afterwards.
That was kinda unfortunate because she was fairly good at it despite not having lips... I regret not buying her a new one and spending the money on a little flamethrower for her birthday instead, but I thought the sax just a phase and she really did enjoy that flamethrower a lot.
Maybe the next time your cat is singing, record a demo tape and send it in to Pop Idol or something (that's more for richardandtracy)... (I think that's more regionally appropriate?)... AgitatedRiot you might want to consider that too... or maybe "The Masked Singer"... your cat is not famous yet, but it would be a huge surprise to see a cat inside something like a dog costume... you could pitch it like that... Just don't mention you got the idea from me, that seems to destroy any credibility in any sales pitch apparently... They totally dismissed my idea of a particular celebrity singing in a chestburster alien costume and when the time came for them to be unmasked, the burst through the alien's chest... apparently my description was "unsettling" and "gory" and "inappropriate for the demographic involved"... I personally think they were too cheap to spend the money on a good looking alien costume and the 150 pounds of pig entrails needed to fill it.
Entrails have gotten pretty expensive lately.
Anyway... If you need an agent for your cat, I could see if my cousin is still in touch with that cow guy... I think he works with cats and manatees too still.
Just reading all of that makes me want to take our cats for a wellness check.
Complaint; Some 3 inches of snow had fallen during the night, it's probably going to melt as it's raining now but I still don't like it.
True... I forgot to mention that... cats are very enthusiastic about their music and one really should make sure they are healthy before giving them musical instruments like electric guitars and drum sets... they will exhaust themselves playing and it's best they be healthy enough to engage in this pursuit... I didn't mention it, but that was another reason I bought my cat a flamethrower instead of a new saxophone, a flamethrower is a lot less physically challenging than a sax, and my cat was by that point getting on in years.
We have managed to stop the cat from playing the Piano. We discovered he couldn't do it when the keyboard lid was down. He plays as well as I do, which is no recommendation at all.
Denis hasn't figured out how to open doors yet, Lucy never did
Lynx used to, since he passed I have been able to shut some rooms, I would prefer to have not lost him though
Yeah. Ozzie (our Maine Coon) used to be able to open the kitchen fanlight window and have it close and lock automatically after him. Took us a long time to work out how he got out of the house when no-one was in.
I suspect Fluffy (probably a Norwegian Forest Cat, who adopted us) taught the younger Ozzie how to do it. Fluffy had to be put to sleep after showing serious signs of HCM and 2 collapsed lungs.
Can understand how its preferable to put up with a cat's quirks rather than live without them entirely.
Non-complaint: I have no apologies for finding this new lecture interesting. I've long been disturbed by the tendency of modern physics to keep complicating things and making them more unintuitive. After 50 years of twiddling, complicating, stagnation, physicists & mathematicians are finally realizing they're in a dead end, and it's time to look for the light again. Years ago, Roger Penrose's books and lectures got me interested in different ways to look at the Universe, and now Neil Turok picks up a mathematical electrostatic wand and is approaching the complicated theories trying to attract or dispel the complications like bits of fluff in a delicate mechanism. Finally, someone who has a believable explanation for dark matter, neutrino mass, missing neutrinos, and finally a graspable reason to abandon the Inflation theory. I've always been suspicious of the magic of Inflation and extra dimensions. And disappointed by exceptions to the neutrino theory, and the lack of an explanation for why there are three, successively heavier generations of each type of particle.
I know this isn't everybody's cup of tea, but these things have been my mindset for decades (as amateurish as it is). This coupled with Roger Penrose's CCC theory, and his ideas banishing the concept of co-existent multiverses, for which he hasn't been enthusiastically accepted(yet), but despite his advanced age (92), he keeps popping up with illuminating math and logic.
I know the following lecture (no heavy mathematics) may still be complicated, but there are a few here who might appreciate a new, simpler way of looking at things without all the mystery of Quantum theories. Quantum Theory is still valid, but incomplete, as Turok points out, it is devoid of gravity, but believes that that's the problem and the solution. As he puts it, "instead of quantizing Classical gravity to explain Quantum effects, we need to be gravitizing Quantum theory to explain Classical observations."
I like him saying that his theory could be dismantled in a day.
I don't know if I heard right about what he said. We don't know what dark matter is, so let me explain.
Still, I have seen most of this in How the Universe works. He did touch on many things I never considered or heard of.
Thank you,
That's also what I like about Roger Penrose, he's quick to say people are free have objections, and that he might be wrong, but he has very solid logic and math behind him. Well, at least for the physical side of his work. I'm still a little unconvinced about how exactly he draws his connection between physics and consiousness, but I think he's on the right track.
And why do I like Roger Penrose's physics so much? It's because I'd arrived at a few threads of his theories in my head decades ago, but only learned about him just a couple of years ago and found him explaining my own theories to me, complete with mathematics and fleshed out logic that I could never achieve. Perhaps I'm not as poor at this as I'd thought.
Thanks! I think that is it!