The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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I feel like that's saying a lot... considering native creatures ranging from jacked dog drowning Roos to mouse eating spiders are all so dangerous...
Hopefully they aren't this size...
Thats a small cicada killer wasp... they are actually reclusive and fairly nonaggressive... unless you are a cicada.
They lay their eggs in the cicadas and bury them for the young to eat eat when they hatch... which is ironic, because I placed the dead one I found in the picture in a small plastic container to preserve (they are incredibly hard to catch) and I forgot about it for a few weeks and when I came across it again, I found that some sort of larvae had erupted from it and eaten most of it before suffocating in the container.
Weird... I'm betting for the cicadas that was like some sort of poetic justice.
Nature is gruesome.
Our 2CV is our favourite car. Unfortunately our Charlie (maroon & black Charleston) hasn't been out since we moved to our house nearly 19 years ago. But we hope to get her running again.
Before Charlie we had a Red & White Dolly (murdered in an accident) a Dyane (rusted away) and an orange 'Special' which I sold to our neighbour when we didn't need two cars, and kept Charlie because she was newer and more beautiful. Loved them all. We took Charlie to Austria from Kent. 650 miles in 13hrs total elapsed time including the ferry crossing at Dover. Quite an adventure! Also took her to Norway & drove around the Hardanger Vidda inland from Bergen. Charlie had an interesting time in the Austrian Alps, on many passes we could manage no more than 10mph, which wasn't good for the hundreds of more modern cars behind us...
The place where my father was from in Italy (Sorrento) was very mountainous, which was pretty hard on a lot of cheaper or older cars... I suspect maybe that may have contributed to some people's temporary lack of love for their CVs, but in retrospect they realized they somehow always pulled through... they were hard cars to kill... at least from what I saw and from the condition I usually was familiar with seeing them...
The CV I mentioned (a lovely mustardish-brownish-yellowish color) was actually how my brother and the owner became friends...
Apparently one evening my brother was walking along the road on his way home when he noticed evidence of a very recent accident (basically a hole in a scraggly "fence" on the edge of the road) and he found the aforementioned CV nestled in an olive tree with its occupants... he helped the slightly banged up driver and his girlfriend (both classmates of his that he vaguely knew) get down from the tree (thanks to his natural monkey-like abilities and complete lack of sense)... the occupants were deeply appreciative of his help and became close friends of his, always praising him for his help and telling that story...
But, the interesting part of that story was when they came back to try and have the car removed (how was never mentioned or I forgot)... apparently while nobody was around, the car either fell or slid out of the tree (olive trees are kept kind short, so they aren't that tall) and it rolled down the very, very steep terrain to the roadside below, where they later found it... it was banged up to hell, but functional and drivable... how it got all the way down is a secret it kept to itself, because this was a very steep olive grove and I could not imagine anything rolling down the hill and not being destroyed or hung up on something...
I imagine it probably rolled like a four wheeled pinball, careening from tree to tree until it made level ground... and apparently it wasn't the farmer who removed it or anything because according to them, he complained someone wrecked one of his trees and nobody ever fessed up about it...
I like to think that like all CVs and VW beetles (and all other plucky little cars are) it was endowed with a Disneyesque life of its own and climbed down and made its way to the road below... I mean it was clumsy as hell, but it still survived looking way better than anyone would ever expect from such an adventure.
Which is something I really respect in certain vehicles... maybe they are haunted or possessed by benevolent spirits or whatever, but they have fortitude... some may look awful, be uncomfortable or smell odd, or be crusty, rusty wrecks... but they always pull through... which is one of those things a lot of non-gear head, luxury, high horsepower braggers don't understand... they belittle such "POS" vehicles, but their expensive beasts could never take a tenth of what these little creatures endure and still keep going.
Which is not to say all beaters and second hand cheap cars are heroes... don't ever get me started on my friend's old '78 Pontiac Le Mans... if ever there was a vehicle that had contempt for its owner and let no opportunity to disappoint go by, this was one... to this day I can't see a vehicle with a silver-gray exterior and red vinyl interior without shuddering... that car caused me so much grief it's unbelievable, and I wasn't the owner, just the dope who had to come fix that crap bucket all the time.
Is that a Citrus 2CV? Yeah, hitting a wasp with an acidic fruit, expecially if its bigger than a breadbox and has wheels (the 2CV, not the wasp), does some damage(to the wasp, not the 2CV)
Or have I mixed my topics. TLDRThoroughly
Non-complaint: Symphony Buddy with a car, has re-confirmed his interest. Wheee..., ticket for the symphony has been bought.
But it's a '78 Le Mans.
Some people... you gotta love them... because the alternative is really illegal and messy.
I love it when you are driving through a parking lot calmly and not like a recently escaped homicidal maniac and there are two kinda hobbley people and you are like "go ahead and cross fellow citizens" (a small percentage of that good will was because they probably were going walk out into traffic anyway) and they smile and proceed to walk down the roadway at a 2.5° angle until they are right in the center of the road and then walk the entire length of parking lot smack dab in the middle so nobody can pass them... it's there some clause in the motor vehicle laws that you can... ah, never mind... but seriously, that happens like every time l try to be nice... my daughter thinks it's hilarious that when I do that it's like a given that the person will do something like that... there was recently an incident where I slowed down to let a guy in a wheelchair chair cross on a busy road, there was a red light coming anyway, so I figured if he was slow, I'd hold back the traffic so he could cross... but not only was he so slow, I missed the light, the were a bunch of geese who saw that as an opportunity and started to cross... followed by some lady in a walker with a little pug dog who was losing its mind to be outdoors... but not in a happy-happy-joy-joy way, a "please dear god kill me now" sort of way... one of those dogs that's not used to moving air and thinks ghosts are trying to steal his internal organs... so like that wasn't really working out for her that well, so if you think a 917 year old lady using a walker might be slow, imagine one with a dog having a full on mental breakdown... I was at the point where I was just going to put the car in park a carry them both across... but at least she was crossing at a 90° angle... more or less... that dog wasn't helping her stay on course...
My daughter found that amusing because neither of us saw where the geese or the old lady came from... it was like either they were all hiding behind the single shrub on the corner or they spawned into that space because the game was set to annoying... which is entirely possible because once on the way to Montauk, we kept passing the same drunk guy crossing the road three times... miles apart... I hate when the game glitches and the same NPCs keep spawning... shabby programming.
Oh well...
I just don't get people who cross pretty much at an extended parallel angle, especially when they can barely walk to begin with... cross and walk on the side of the road... I'll wait, but others don't or drive so maniacally they'll never see them... I've seen so many people doing that almost end up as hood ornaments because some idiot was rushing to get a parking spot as close to being inside the store as possible...
I didn't so much kvetch about slow walkers obstructing my path(when I had a car), because I'm never really in a hurry when driving, but these days I do get upset at drivers who wait for the traffic light with the front half of their car completely across the crosswalk, so that I either have to walk around them, staring at the driver to try to evoke a modicum of guilt (never happens), or raise my cane in manner to suggest that they should move back, or shout "I'm walking here" in my best Ratso Rizzo voice at the driver who won't hear it because the windows are up and the A/C is on. And if they do hear me, they put on the entitled act, then act the fool, and I've then created a scene in the middle of the street where the light is now turning green again, that completely destroys my mood for the rest of the day
, and it's never worth it, but it happens. [Yeah, yeah, I know. It's a long run-on sentence, but I've spent too long on it already, so
Non-complaint: Wow, busy week, I've made three trips out of my cave this last week.
Dentist, doctor, and blood test. Yesterday was the blood test in the city. Medical center is near a TimHortons, so I had breakfast there(Wheee...), and I spent a half hour in "BigLots" discount store gathering a few groceries, snacks, and miscellaneous kitchen tools (somehow I keep losing one or two members of a cheap plastic measuring cup set. I think they follow the socks into a blackhole). I also popped into the CVS drugstore to get my new Covid shot, a box of Christmas cards, and a Birthday card.
Complaint: The Covid shot effects hit me before bed last night, just complete exhaustion & some body aches. Although I feel much better this morning. Not Covidy at all.
Perhaps: The Universe is what happened when God switched from analog to digital?
If it were in good condition I'd be happy to experience it. I had a 1966 Lincoln Continental 4-door sedan(suicide doors) in 1993, proud as heck of it. Sold it to a museum. Kids these days don't know what it was like travelling in a car with lots of leg & head room, a car half again as big as modern cars, land yachts, gasoline guzzlers, glass & metal clouds floating along the roads.
The opposite happens to me. I'll stop for someone waiting to cross the street, and the person will wave me off. I'll be going maybe 25, maybe 40, and they'll just wave me off. I stopped just for you, and you're telling me to go ahead? Happens a lot.
Complaint: $64 for a plastic phone case/holder for my damned new phone... the previous, exact same one was $40 four years ago... WTF?... it's literally $2 worth of plastic and a minimum bit of rejiggering to match up holes and snap details to fit the phone... if it costs anyone more than it would to be able to sell it for a healthy profit, for anything less than $25 they are an idiot and should quit making stuff. Effing unbelievable how people gouge prices.
I have to figure out how to modify the old case... eff that noise, it's just ABS plastic and urethane rubber.
people like you upset me
I go to great lengths to avoid having cars randomly stop for me where there isn't a crossing, I have been known to hide behind trees
I don't want to be rushed, I wait until the road is clear both sides
I don't want some random car with nothing behind them stopping for me
the worst are those who swear at me because I don't want to cross and stand in the middle of the road because I know I won't make it before the car the other side comes
When I first got cars, they were always used. Actually, my first vehicle was a Ford Econoline van. Previosly was used by the drummer in my friend's band. It was good for a couple of months. Then it started overheating, on a cool rainy night, going across the city. Then I got a '66 Chysler Newport. And later, a '69 Chysler Newport. Those things were so big, I could lay down across the seat and not touch my head or feet on the doors!
Well, good luck! Around here, other people go very fast. The main road at the top of my street is posted 40mph. People go at least 50. At one point it drops to 30...they keep going 50 or more.
My first car was a 1970 Ford Maverick; I paid 450 US and drove that little car back and forth from St Louis to Fort Riley, KS. once a month for two years, not to mention all the places I went in Kansas or Colorado. I never put tires on it or oiled in it. And I sold the car for the same amount. What a POS it was when I got done.
Was it blue?... If so I think I saw it yesterday... first time in years I saw a maverick and it looked like it was twenty years older than it should be and was lost at sea for a decade or so... been a while since I've seen what should have been a classic car is such bad shape... granted when I say "classic car", I don't necessarily mean a great car, but usually something which by this point usually has only a handful of surviving examples that are generally restored regardless of the vehicle's reputation or looks... that car was a vehicular zombie...
I just sat down at my computer to look up info about Wheel of Fortune. but that was a little after 20 hundred. now it is almost 21 hundred. What happened to the time?
It's still flying like an eagle and "slipping, slipping slipping into the future"
watching live Lewiston Maine, stay safe all in the area KK and others
KK is in the other Portland.
oops still this looks scary, I am of course down in Australia and it's come up in a live feed from a YT channel I follow
No it was Rust-oleum Red.
I saw that there's a BOLO in Massachusetts for this guy now. Probably up more north, above Boston, though.
I saw that, too. Scary.
Very Finnish Problems
I really don't like when people say BOGO to mean "buy one, get one half off". It's supposed to be "buy one, get one free". If you have to pay half price for the second one then it's a BOGOHO.
as opposed to the Aussie Bogan
buy for one and they all want their drinks for free
...that happens a lot where I live particularly in my neighbourhood..
Sometimes I'll walk up to the car's front fender, then walk around the front of the car and continue on crossing to get the point across.
...thank you.
I live in the Portland on the other corner of the country but we have our troubles out here as well. It isn't uncommon for me to hear gunfire at night. Doesn't seem to matter what type of neighbourhood you live in.
Where I live is in a rather upscale area, but it borders a somewhat dicey neighbourhood in the city centre. Its not unusual for me to be woken up in the middle of the night by someone drunk off their gourd or strung out on whatever illegal substance, screaming at the top of their lungs and/or beating on things like the rubbish can at the corner
Just saw Gordig's post.