The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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Did you ever read something while someone was asking you a very detailed question without waiting for you to acknowledge if you were listening to them, which you weren't really, but sort of, but still not really, but they kept talking to you despite the fact that when you finally looked at them they, but like a cat that just got sprayed with cold water they kept talking with waiting to know if you understood any of it...?
That happened while I was looking at what you wrote...
The above was what I got out of your post after I sorted out the car repair stuff and something about Tuesday...
I was very concerned.
I do now understand what was going on, but my brain needed to completely recalibrate.
You missed the saga of Corky the mouse... It was covered in detail during your absence from the forums...
Above: Corky in Detention Facility 5G
Corky was a Deer Mouse who decided to come indoors and eat the corks off my olive oils... she was eventually detained in a holding facility...
According to the benevolent wishes of my wife and daughters, The Mouse Crimes Accords were established in 2009 and any mouse in violation of the accords has 7 days to turn themselves in (the wife and daughters' part of the document) or face the use of ridiculously lethal force (my provision)...
Corky was smart enough to turn herself in almost immediately and normally would have been exiled to a nature preserve a couple of miles away...
Unfortunately, this was in the middle of the winter when we had a warm spell and then temps plunged and there was a big snowstorm.
Corky being a deer mouse would have had a nest in hollow branch in a tree (deer mice are generally arboreal like squirrels), to have released her into the nature preserve would have meant she'd have been a mousesicle by nightfall.
So she was given accommodations in a special detention facility until the weather improved...
It didn't for a long time.
By spring I decided to just build her a little house she could live in until it was warm enough for her to either build her own nest or if she wanted, raise her family there...
I may have gotten a bit carried away...
I guess I had gotten used to her and wanted her to do well... also there was no rush since it was still too cold and snowy to leave her outdoors...
I may have gotten a little carried away in the end...
I don't think she needed a full basement with a pool table... the satellite dish and fireplace were probably overkill too...
I figured if she did have kids the little car would come in handy when she had to drop them off at daycare...
Eventually the snow melted and Corky and her home were transported to the wild where I assume she lived happily ever after or was eaten by an owl...
But according to the forest ranger, they still hear a tiny electric guitar playing late at night...
Corky had her own... and was quite good...
Corky's guitar
Yeah... so that was a thing back then... it's not the weirdest thing I've been up to or was up to... but I figure you probably expected that.
Stop, I thought I completely butchered that sentence.
No my brain did that... that's what it read interlaced with what was being said to me at the moment... so when I removed the parts about auto repairs and a ferry ticket, dead rose and deceased neighbors during a flower war was what I was left with.
I was just sharing how dumb my brain gets.
I Dare not say its name, lest it reappear like Beetlejuice! But yes. I had been battling it unknown 3computers back where they all irreparably were ruined. This newest machine was very pricey, so I don't want that app taking over again. My family doesn't know Windows 10 or 11 nor DAZ, they keep telling me to get a 'smarter' phone. So I pour out my troubles here in this thread..maybe just need sympathy for my fear of the new windows buile AND the new DAZ menu scene. I dodged the chat stuff. I can type faster than speak 3 times as I am an oooolllld search engine user. Tech getting me down because it interferred more than it helped.
There is a sense of cognitive dissonance due to my age no doubt, and predilections. I've always been a kind of outrider, don't follow fads, sports, or re-booted mythology in gaming etc among many things that are popular. I've read nearly all the old compilations of world myths, legends, folklore a long time ago from books even more a long time ago. Nobody I knew was into mythology ever. Anyway, it's fun to see 3d models now-centaur,pegasus, griffin, yeti, etd. No one in the family gets it,but I am used to that. I don't know about being neuro different, but mebbe so in some degree since I view things apparently differently. They used to call me 'artistic' so I guess that's the 'different' perspective. Thanks for listening. I'm really ok except for the update ambushes those make me feel alone because nobody at home can help me. Thankfully, there are folks like you who have helped me.
I am still kind of confused as to who or what died, the neighbours or their roses?
I about fell up out of my chair when I read that. I had to go back to see what I typed.
It was a funny comment. Kudos
Yep, I was worried about the neighbors too. And I even started to post a reply when it first appeared, but figured I was being too pedantic. Thank you all, for beating me to the pendanticism.
Never doubt the power of a well placed apostrophe, or a missing one.
Okay, sorry everyone...
The original post by AgitatedRiot:
Complaint: "Roses died;"...(Presumably flowers, not more than one human named "Rose")...
..."if I'm lucky, and if it warms enough, I'll get one more bloom"... (presumably from the rose bush, shrub or plant, not the corpses of said individuals named "Rose")
..."There are still tiny buds all over it."...(Again, probably a reference to a shrub, not a corpse or corpses)...(probably).
..."Neighbors died about a month ago."...(I'm assuming there is an apostrophe missing, and the neighbors are fine)...(probably)
..."They didn't prune theirs at all this year."...(Again, probably roses, not corpses)...
..."Mine had blooms all year long."...(This one I think is a reference to flowery corpses, but I could be wrong)...
..."All the neighbors lost their flowers a ways back."... (my interpretation is ambiguous, it could mean the neighbor's shrubs lost their blooms, or the neighbors are plant people that shed their flowers periodically or in cold weather)...
... "I told them to stage the plants with different seasonal blooming plants."...(This confirms my brain misunderstood what it thought it read, and this is about cold weather killing off flowers, not wholesale neighbor deaths and/or flowering alien plant people from Jv'foozkrok 4)...(maybe)
I'm sorry for any confusion my brain caused, it's likely not the last time this will happen... (definitely).
Where is my hair brush? Oh where is my hair brush? I see my paint brushes but not my hair brush. I saw my toothbrush but I don't know where my hair brush is!
Complaint: My son's cat climbed behind my second monitor and knocked it over, breaking it. And my remainig monitor doesn't have a VESA mount on it to mount it to the desk or wall to avoid this sort of thing in the future. Frustrating.
Non-complaint: I think the yellow jackets are gone.
Complaint... Bought myself a prepaid MC card just in case, then Daz gave me a coupon for 10% off the cart for downloading DS 4.22, Gift Cards not excluded.
Went to activate the Prepaid card and all their sites are down...
The Daz offer is for the weekend, it says, not just for today.
Hoping the Card company gets their sites up tomorrow.
When I said I don't think my monitor has a VESA connector, I was told it is very likely it does have one and there's some plastic cover I have to remove.
Unfortunately, if you look for reviews with VESA in them on mine at Amazon, they say it doesn't have one. I wish I'd read that before I bought it. It's ok, though. I found a $20 adapter that says it works on this monitor to connect to VESA mounting. So I guess I'll see how well it does when it gets here.
The new monitors almost all have either HDMI or Display Port connections. When I upgraded my computer a little over a year ago, I got a card with Display Port output. New monitor has 4K resolution! And it's me, anyway. 28". My first color TV, in the late 70's, had a 27" screen!
The VESA standard is for mounting the monitor, not for connecting it to the video outputs.
Oh, thanks, I did not know that. I never considered mounting it on anything. Mine always sat right on the desk.
I see my ramblings are great fun here. I do it in real life, also. You all would get a kick out of that if you didn't have to lean in to hear my voice. If you listen to me, it is almost like I'm on top of you, beating you. Wrong Words; you still can't hear me if I sit on you. You would also get a kick out of me talking to myself, and yes, I answer; I even berate myself. I call myself the worst names, names I would not say in other people's company. Especially with the Females around or Children; I don't talk that way in front of anyone.
I hope the Intent of this comment came across. Dang, dead Rose, poor everybody.
Edit Miscommunication:
There was a big explosion in a residential area heard in my town last night. Nobody was sure where. Speculation from fireworks thrown by youths driving a truck around to sdriveby shootings. Turned out to be a propane tank in a garage exploded and pretty much destroyed the house. I saw a news video this morning, but it was not on the FD app. My complaint is how these situations are not immediately reported at the time by anyone except a resident or 2 so it's diffifult to know what is actually happening and where. Scary business, thankfully the winds had died down.
When I was still in Florida (20 years ago), I rode bicycle a lot around the city of Melbourne. One bright sunny day while riding past a store I heard a loud hissing noise several yards away. I came around a corner and saw a medium size horizonal propane tank (about the size of two compact cars end to end), with an obvious turbulent whitish plume of propane gas and condensed atmospheric water vapor shooting out of the top of the tank, only a few feet from the sidewalk, in between two businesses. So I lit a match and went closer to investigate.
No, wait, that's not what I did, I would have properly remembered that, if I'd remembered anything at all. 
Oh, I remember now, I skedaddled my bicycle and my body two businesses further down the street and dialed 911. Then I stood there, two lots away, and waited for the emergency vehicles to arrive. It was only after 5 or 6 minutes as they were arriving that I began to think I wasn't quite far enough away.
In the end, nothing happened, the firemen just let the tank release it's excess pressure through the already opened safety valve for another 10 minutes or so (it was a very hot day), and went away. But I often think, something setting fire to the plume of vapors volcanoing out of the top would have been a massively impressive fireball, probably covering half the block downwind. Wheee...
But at least, propane is somewhat lighter than air so it wouldn't flow along the ground. Yikes!
I think I remember the plume as being huge because I could see the shadow of the afternoon sun on the ground and neighboring building, and the schlieren caustics in the shadows indicated the vast volume of gas already in the air. Woulda' been a big fireball.
Liinlcon Co MO Two tanks float away. One of the tanks is empty, and the other is about 60 percent full, holding approximately 15 to 18,000 gallons of gas. Caused city-wide evacuations. Back in 2015,
Water from the rapidly rising River Des Pere, a tributary of the Mississippi River, flooded a Phillips Pipeline Co. propane tank farm late Friday on the city's south side, causing nine of 51 30,000-gallon propane tanks to break their moorings Saturday entirely and the other 42 to float free partially. 1993 About 600 families in a 40-square-block residential and business area were evacuated. City and company officials tried to secure the tanks. They said a battery would sit it off. I lived four blocks from that one.
My wife asks me to get her something shiny. Will this work? Her birthday is on Pearl Harbor Day.
Not a fan of indoor cats, but I do feel bad for your loss.
And to your point about veterinarians, most of them will assume that when you bring your elderly animal in because they're under duress, that you will want them to keep the poor thing going as long as possible. This is when you should have a frank conversation with that doctor. Most vets are suprised when the pet owner is the one to broach the subject of how to know "the appropriate time". But the doctor is usually also RELIEVED because now that doctor and pet owner are on the same page, we can do the right things in the right moment for the animal.
I have had to put down a bird and a couple of cats owned by a lady friend who couldn't take them in by herself. So I know what you're going through. The sense of loss is hard. But I also know what the animals are going through, and there DOES come that point in time.
Be strong. And keep doing the right thing.
Edit: The bird was mine. That was heartbreaking, and as a normally tough guy, I was on the verge of tears 24/7 for probably a month afterward. The cats were owned by a lady friend I met some years bird and cats didn't happen at the same time. She was completely devastated when the first cat started having organ failure. She waited in the waiting room while I went in and held the cat while the doctor did his thing. Kitty was comfortable with me being there. My lady friend WAS able to be present for the second cat (and hold him too) when he went a couple years later...but she wanted me in the room with them. Huge credit to her, because there's nothing harder you will do in life...except maybe lose a child before your own time comes.
in Australia cats are a huge threat to many endangered species, many environmentalists would like to see them banned altogether
they are not native to the continent
as a responsible pet owner I keep mine inside, it is actually the law in many council areas
I think all cats should be indoor cats. Not only for the reasons Wendy mentioned, but also it's not safe for them outside. I adopted a cat who had been an outdoor cat a few years ago. Last year he died of FIV (cat AIDS), which he caught from living outdoors. I would never let any of my cats roam outside.
I'm confused. The rose BLOOMS died? Or the rose PLANTS died? Because I had some struggles with 3 rose bushes here in Florida this autumn. I finally removed and replaced them. So far so good, but I won't know true status until next summer. My other rose bushes have been producing deformed blooms. All I can do is keep deadheading them and feeding them, and see what happens next year.