The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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What was the last movie I saw in theaters? The Meg 2. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Actually having some computer issues which is not helping me with my rendering. It either wants to stay on all the time or turns off after some time of unuse.
My last movie, "Twilight New Moon," My wife was so in at fawning over Taylor Lautner; she went and complained about the teenagers making noise while we watched. (They Were on their phones texting each other.) She didn't mind making loud noises when he took off his shirt. I started calling her a cradle robber. We had fun over that for a year. Well, I did.
Last movie I saw in the theater was the Star Wars movie in 2017.
The mall down the street has been more theater. They had a nice one, too. Movies got too expensive, now I wait to catch it on TV. Prime, maybe, or one of the free channels...with commercials (yuk!).
The last movie I saw in theaters was Barbie. My daughter and I went a few weeks ago when she was on vacation from work.
I have no time for the idiots who needlessly smuggle organic materials in their luggage and cause issues like that.
I realize it can happen by accident too but have encountered stupid friends and relatives who tried it to bring a plant or food they liked over on a plane and their ignorant reaction when instead of sympathy I show satisfaction customs stopped them says it all.
I saw Star Wars when it came out before they added more special effects. Every boy wants to be Luke, and every girl wishes to be Princess Leia. Then they spit when they found out the were Brother and Sister.
...the premiere of the last Indiana Jones Film in IMAX.
Crikey, I remember paying 50¢ for a Saturday afternoon double feature matinee. with cartoons.
The price for that experience was about what it cost me to fly one way from Chicago to New York on a "space available" fare in the late 1960s.
I think the last movie I have seen in a theater was The Roadwarrior back in 1982
Last movie I remember seeing at a theater was the original "Avatar"(2009 wow, was it that long ago?). I may have been to others since then, but I either walked out on them or they were mildly tolerable and eminently forgetable.
Although, wait..., I do remember seeing "John Carter" , the critically boo-ed massive CGI adventure on Mars with six-limbed, green Martians, a nearly naked Vickie in a temple with a sword, and a super Earthman & a freaky-fast dog. I saw it at the Universal Studios CityWalk AMC theater during my last trip to Florida in early 2013. I liked it and thought it was a fun fantasy. I don't know what all the dissing was about.
Oh, wait..., I also remember seeing "Cowboys and Aliens" in 2011. Ghaaaa..., stop making me realize how much of my previous life I've supressed after going car-less.
Complaint: Theaters these days are just too expensive.
It has to be a really special movie to get me to even think about finding a theater worthy of the price of transportation and admission. And after a certain age, not peeing for two hours after sucking down a quart of flavored sugar water, is problematic.
And who can go to the movies without buying ridiculously overpriced popcorn? And don't get me started on the sound volume. It either blows out your eardrums or everybody whispers critical plot information imperceptably.
Nope, much easier to wait for the movie to come to a streaming service, sit in my recliner with my array of remote controls laid out in front of me, the remote volume dial at my fingertips or in my headphones, and watch it at MY pace. And it's rewindable
Yeah, I would have liked to have seen "Oppenheimer" in an IMAX theater but I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars to get to one. It will come to my TV someday soon.
and by then I might even have upgraded to a 4K TV. 
It wasn't the original I saw in 2017, it was the one where Luke "dies". (nobody really dies in these movies, it seems) I saw the original way back.
Treasure Planet for me, not sure what year xD
Actually one of my daughters wanted to be Darth Vader... even dressed up as him when she was six... I was never clear if it was the snazzy red light saber and the glossy black body armor, or the wholesale murder and planet blowing up... later on she had a crush on Clone Wars Anikin, but less because of the movie actor and more because of the cartoon version, who was much more likable.
I saw the original movie when it was new and always would have wanted to be Han Solo more than Luke... especially with the Wookie friend and the cool piece of junk spaceship... but I would have still wanted a light saber in addition to my blaster... you can't run out of light saber, but apparently blaster ammo you can.
Complaint: A million warts on the buttocks of the the person who created whichever smoke alarm or sensor in my house which is signaling a dying battery... Once every twenty minutes or so it screeches a shrill single "chirp" and is silent for another twenty minutes or more...
Its loud, it'll freak you the hell out wherever you are in the house, more so the closer you are, but then it goes back to sleep...
Frankly I wouldn't care if it did that, but had a red LED that blinks or something... but this crap sucks... we have so many sensors and smoke detectors in the house that all do that crap to some extent, it's effing annoying...
I've got it narrowed down to five candidates, three of them being motion sensors, but the alarm panel isn't indicating any dying batteries (not always accurate though).
I get that if you have one smoke detector in the house, the math is pretty easy... but we have one in practically every major room, hallways, plus two gas detectors, multiple motion sensors and other security sensors and they all friggin' do some version of this...
Blinking LED lights man!
What's so damn hard about that?
Yes, The Last Jedi. Ok. I remember watching the original for a couple of dollars, which included two other movies and soda and popcorn. Then you can spend the night watching them over and over.
...BTW mine just started that annoying intermittent beep a few moments ago. I have to try to climb up on a chair with my creaky old bones and joints to change the battery. which is tricky to remove to say the least.
Must be some kind of worldwide smoke detector conspiracy.
Aaaaaaaargh... Found it... it was a weird carbon monoxide detector masquerading as a small power adapter... seriously, looked nothing like a carbon monoxide detector... annoying that it did have two LEDs on it... a green "Everything is Okay" one and a red one for test mode... couldn't add another one to let me know the battery is dying... eh?... of course not.
I think the last movie I saw in a theater was Wakanda Forever. Never mind that I've seen Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and the Super Mario movie since then. With all of these streaming video services, basically whenever a new movie is released, I get excited and patiently wait three months for it to appear. I am currently waiting for the Barbie movie to show up on one of these services. I'm not waiting for Oppenheimer to show up.
For bonus points, the last album I bought on CD was Rihanna's Good Girl Gone Bad in 2008. Technically I bought Leona Lewis's The Labyrinth Tour in 2010 but I don't think that counts. And I tried to buy a Foxes album probably last year but they kept cancelling my preorder to the point that the album was released on my streaming music service before I could buy it. And who knows if I remember what I bought anyway?
Before we got a house, we lived in a building where every smoke detector was wired together. One of them went off due to probably me burning what I call dinner. And, being who I am, I tried to silence the thing by disconnecting it from the wiring. This triggered all of the other smoke detectors in the network to sound an alarm because one of their nodes was not responding. In the house we live in now, I have no idea if the smoke detectors are working because I have no idea how to test the battery. All I know is something about pressing a button and it beeps. But that's what it does when the battery is working. So there is no test for when it isn't working. Or maybe it just doesn't work. I don't know.
...the cinema near the pub I go to for Monday trivia had the Barbie Movie there until yesterday for a total of 8 weeks. Usually they change out about every two weeks..
Was hoping for Oppenheimer next, but instead they went with A Haunting in Venice, (meh).
Complaint: My wife keeps coming into the kitchen while I was cooking; the kitchen is a small place, smaller than a jail cell with two prisoners. When mother yells at the top of their lungs, get out of the kitchen. I see why she lost her cool.
Complaint: Nightmares I have been having over the last couple of years. I can handle them mentally. What I can't handle is striking out my demons and punching her. I now sleep on a cot next to the bed; I feel lonely
Non_complanit: I had a choice yesterday.
Ballon glow
Mosaic Art Show.
Ballon Glow v Mosaic Art Show.
Mosaic Art was huge, about 1.5 miles. I got my steps in, but my legs hurt. I spent too much and walked too much.
The town was built in the 1800s, with a population of 71,339. It's not that small of a place. The art show was on the historic main street. They even Had one of these.
Had a great time.
The only time I've ever tried cookng naked is because somebody else made a big deal out of it. Cooking oil burns, it makes you jump, and all of that makes the person who got you into this situation just laugh and want you to do it again. I don't even like cooking. I don't understand the people who do. I also don't understand why people like mowing lawn. I wouldn't do that naked either. If you're doing something you don't want to do, just because another person wanted you to, they probably shouldn't laugh if you get hurt; particularly if you have a pan full of hot grease that you could throw any time you want to.
You know, being with a woman instead of a man isn't even a sexual thing to me. It's more of a protest probably. Maybe it's a sexual thing. But what I choose to be is probably just as much about getting away from something as it is about getting something I want. Maybe I'm "demisexual", like that woman who said she was going to slash my ankles said she was. I'd like to see Google translate that last sentence properly. I tried and it did okay. I wonder if Demi Moore is still doing anything. I'm done.
I once baked some chicken while wearing a crop top. I remembered to use hotmits but I didn't have anything covering my stomach. Of course, I burnted my stomach.
Running around naked is overrated... as much as I joke about being pantsless or streaking... eff that... I don't even like wearing shorts because every time I do I get cut, scratched or bitten by something... the hell I need anything cutting, scratching or biting me in an area that does just fine being covered by clothing... And after that hawk dropped a pissed off snake on that lady recently*, all the more reason to wear clothes... because I know that's exactly what would happen if I went around naked, only I'd be laying on my back on a folding lounge chair, just about to take a nap when the damn hawk would drop the snake and it would land right in my lap, teeth-first and I'd spring upright, but the lounge chair would collapse trappings me and the snake, which would just piss the snake off more and then when I'd finally get out of the tangled mess of chair debris, the hawk would attack too...
Yeah... No thanks.
You know the first cave person who tried wearing an animal pelt as proto-clothing got laughed at and made fun of... until Grog almost got bitten in the crotch by an angry saber tooth chipmunk which only grabbed onto the loin cloth... Then everyone was like... "Uhk... Grog has good thinking... do like Grog, Grog no lose wiener... clothes good..."
Clothes good indeed.
Snake bite on wiener bad.
Grog smart.
skinny dipping at night is fun though but I only did it alone when we had a pool
Complaint: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!
Without getting into details, this has been a trying, frustrating and exhausting friggin' few months... actually pretty much the whole friggin' year hasn't been a much of a hoot... I feel like a sack of cats that someone was just swinging around... and there's not a damned thing to do about it.
This song fits the recent discussion, lol.