The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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I dunno, Twinkies seem a bit squishy to make good bomb shelters.
And yes, Twinkies do have a half life, they were only ever half alive.
Bile is vile. Or more specifically, bile tastes disgustingly vile.[blech] Which is probably the reason these nearly identical words, "bile" and "vile" can be used meaningfully in the same sentence with such ease. I wouldn't be surprised if the etymology of the two words have a common root.
Bile aids in digesting fats, which is why people who have had their gallbladder removed must avoid fatty foods.
bile is what you vomit up after you have vomited up all your stomach contents and your gastruc system still isn't done with you for eating that salmon wrap that was off
Bile & Vile? Is there a word for "Words that are meant to be used in the same sentence"?
I probably don't want to hear that rhyme but no doubt some rapper has uttered it with Kyle, pile, dial, alsle, mile, Nile, rile, style and tile tossed in
...I know it's early in the thread but couldn't resist.
...The Mile Mile Long Isle Of Bile in The Nile Complaint Thread
@McGuyver: as to coffee "experts", I agree.
I lso find nothing more off-putting than corporate gimmicks, like going into a an outlet of a certain alleged coffee chain to be faced by someone speaking a dialect of pseudo Italian mumbo jumbo when all I want is a 16 oz cup of coffee, "regular" (sugar and cream). I rarely go there unless that's all that is around where I am and I need that caffeine fix, stat. Sometimes I've actually had to repeat myself as they continue to try my intelligence and patience by rambling on in their corporatise lingo . One time I had to slow down afte a third time and repeat my request slowly and distinctly (though not loudly) while pointing to the 16 oz cups and then at coffee urns and cream behind the counter. A few people looked at me, some smiling, others seemingly confused.
I'm a strong supporter of the K.I.S.S. principle (not the music group, though they were great). Life would be so much simpler if everyone adopted it Of course it would likely put marketing firms out of business. which wouldn't be much of a loss and may result in lower prices.
At home I use the pour over method of making coffee (yeah it uses unbleached paper filters but at least they biodegrade) which makes a great cup of coffee without all the acid that percolated or French press brews produce. No fancy machinery, no "esoteric" or wasteful brewing method. As to teas, I'm pretty much into just straight English black tea (I get this one brand that comes from Yorkshire which makes a good strong cup), I'll do herbal teas, but only when not feeling well.
I'm the same when it comes to wines. If it tastes good and complements the dinner, perfect. I can't tell the difference between a 100$ bottle and a 10$ - 15$ one (of the same type).
I do agree, atmosphere is very important, like the old coffee and tea shop you described. There are a few cafes I go to that are in an older more cosy place, two of which have nice big cushy chairs. Unfortunately only one of those is with in walking distance. There is a tea shop a block away but it's in one of those ugly sterile post modern buildings with absolutely no character with blank white walls and garish bright lighting that makes me feel I'm in a setting from THX1138. The one pub I patronise where we have our Monday night trivia looks like a little hole in the wall place you'd come across (if you didn't blink) while wandering around the side streets of London. (see below).
Complaint: Dust in my HVAC system killed my sinuses with all the cat dander, dust mites, and pollutants. According to the EPA, our indoor environment is two to five times more toxic than our outdoor environment, and in some cases, the air measurements indoors are 100 times more polluted.
Non-Complaint: I had the ducts cleaned out today; oh, what a mess they were in. I don't think they have been cleaned since 1999 the house was built. I can already feel the air quality being so much better. Now, to start the painting process. So, I'm going to pollute my indoor environment with another Toxin.
Non-Complaint 2: My heart is phenomenal. The doctor had me weaning off clonazepam, and I cut the dosage fast. The pandemic freaked me out beyond belief. I was scared to death because I didn't leave my house the whole time. Is this wrong?
Ah Yorkshire Tea -- a proper cuppa
I will have you know, I knew what a Mogwai was but didn't know what a souk was. And I'm glad you've regained your ability to type 75 paragraphs without a Cloudflare error. While I don't go all out like some of the coffee people, I am somewhat picky about it. Ultimately I think the best coffee is some blend of coffee, oat milk, and sugar. Nothing else. I have enough coffee pods to load a machine gun that fires coffee pods. And for some reason I like the carnal, urban feeling of drinking gas station coffee. To best understand it, you'd probably need to imagine me at a QuikTrip drinking their coffee while London Grammar's "America" is playing. It doesn't matter if you've never been to QuikTrip, never heard London Grammar, and don't know what I look like. Because this is about coffee.
...Amazon Prime accidentally sent me a year + supply of it (four 100 bag boxes) when I only ordered one.
Oh, and they got rid of that ridiculous huge drop down banner at the top of the page.
...and attachments work again.
I live in the SE of England and find that PG Tips is right for the hard water we have. Round where my Dad lives in the soft water South West, Yorkshire Tea tastes better.
As for quantities. We're finding that four 240 teabag boxes a month isn't quite enough for my wife & I along with the occasional visitor. The kids drink hot chocolate instead, which costs much more.
Woke up this morning to the sounds of a digger type destructo-machine unloading next door. The old "Whirl-In" ice-cream restaurant is being demolished.
I've been going out once in a while to take photos for posterity. End of an era.
But I've confirmed with the landowner, that the land will be left clear, graded over, and reseeded. So, yay! I'll get my unobstructed view up the road to the middle of town, and won't have to go upstairs to see the bus coming.
Now, if he'd just keep the weeds mowed.
Tea: Earl Grey, and Oolong are my favorites. But I also keep a few other blacks, greens, herbals, and decaf. for variety now and then. I'm stingy and try to get two cups from each bag. I do have a tea ball, but haven't used it in years. Bags are sooo much easier.
Query: The adjective "stingy" pronounced [stin'-gee[ and meaning "not generous", is common, but how about the identically spelled adjective "stingy" pronounced [sting'-ee[, meaning having the attribute of causing stings. Is there such a word? There must be, I've been using it for most of my life. (especially after discovering my attraction to whips
Don't you just love English?
What's the word for words that are spelled identically but mean different things and are pronounced differently?
Not that it answers the question, or if it does it's in the negative, but see 22 Across
As much as I kvetch about this area being isolated, and me being car-less, I appreciate the fact that I'm incredibly lucky to be living, even if meagerly, in a situation where the hills are green, the crops grow lushly, temperatures are tolerable, insects are minor, wildlife is plentiful, the sky is blue and clear not green & stinky. Water is fresh, clear, plentiful and free. Roads are maintained, disasters are very infrequent and relatively minor. Mail is delivered on time. Crime is low, rent is affordable and the neighboring State is not lobbing bombs at me, Now, if we could just get a decent bus service out here that runs more than just once out in the morning and once back in the mid-afternoon.
Or a taxi/Uber type service that doesn't take half of my weekly food budget just for a trip uptown. Or half my rent for a 60 mile trip to Buffalo.
Complaint: Dentists: Arghhhh... broken molar needs a cap. About $1500, of which my insurance will only pay $200.
Note to self: Self, it's that time of year, check out your Medicare Advantage plan and see if you can add a Dental Rider for next year. But I'm not sure the tooth will last until January.
When my parents lived out in the sticks in Devon, the bus was less than ideal. It came to the stop nearest them (only 1.5 miles away) from Bude at 9am and went on to Bideford for about 10.30 am. To get back home, you'd have to take the bus to Bude along the coast, stay in Bude until the next Tuesday, before getting on the bus & getting off at 9am at the stop you'd left exactly a week before. The bus stayed like this for 5 years. Stangely not many people used it.
Don't think so. Not quite. "Homo-nym" Greek.[same-name] eg: "bark" of a dog vs. "bark" of a tree. Spelled the same, pronounced the same, different meanings. Unless the definition of "homonym" encompasses different pronunciations too.
Perhaps "homograph"? Greek[same-write]
But probably not "homophone". [same-sound]
Ah ha: Google to the rescue with a Venn Diagram.
Mixed Complaint: Been waiting fifteen minutes for this DAZ order to finish 'Processing'. I think its trying to tell me to save my money instead of spending it on things that I don't really 'need' but are tempting because SALE!.
Non-Complaint: We bought a house, and are getting the last necessities sorted out before we start readying to move in.
Store thing's been resolved. Guess it didn't like AdBlockers, since switching uBlock off the order works as normal.
You can see my A.I. Art. There is a link to My Deep Dreams. It takes you to my deep dream-generated art. It's down in my Sig.
I started a Facebook page, not much there yet
I only learned today my Facebook is not a page but a profile so that's why videos don't appear on watch, will edit my links
following but don't expect much interaction, I hardly go there lately and rarely interact
...been living with such noise for the last year as they finally decided to tear down the old postal distribution centre just to the southeast of my building . The sounds of destruction became so normal after a short time that I barely even noticed them unless a large part of the 3 block sized structure came down which created a "mini" earth tremor. Save for a small portion that still houses the public post office the entire building is now gone and for much of the summer, crews have been breaking up the massive concrete slab the main building sat on and hauling away the rubble along with some of the soil that was underneath as well.
Work begins after sunrise (07:30 currently) and goes until about 16:00 or so.
Eventually the entire area is to be redeveloped for multi floor residential and commercial use but will also include park like areas, so more construction noise for years to come. One developer proposed building a 90 storey mixed residential, office and commercial skyscraper on the site but that was quickly nixed by the city and the Pearl District (where I live) neighbourhood association (a building that tall would have also seriously messed with the wind patterns in the area).
Office buildings in the city have been experiencing difficulty keeping as well as attracting new tenants due in part to fallout from Covid, a rise in random vandalism, people working from home and the beginnings of what appears to be an outward migration (yes, Portland is actually losing instead of gaining population, for a number of factors I won't go into here).
In spite of this there has been no letup in multi floor residential construction in the city which includes a new 35 storey luxury high rise hotel and condo tower in downtown that is nearing completion. I wonder if they'll ever fill it as city as a whole has lost a fair portion of it's local businesses, amenities, and vibe since the pandemic and riots.
Then again, this may be the beginning of a good thing.
Complaint: I used to look out my kitchen window and see the side of a 60 year old decaying monument to the 60s, just on the other side of the driveway. But with the building demolished, I now have an unobstructed view, up the street towards the center of town. But I forgot that windows are two-way, especially at night.
No more cooking nearly naked at night.
Mustn't subject the natives to saggy folding skin too big for my now shrunken 3/4 century old body.
Non-complaint: My new view(image below): Wheee..., I can see the park.
But need to buy curtains for the kitchen window now. Wheee... shopping.
Complaint: But notice the dead Elm tree in the background. One of the last few remaining in town. When I was a kid, the town was full of huge beautiful Elms. Almost all now victims of Dutch Elm Disease.
It's ok, I thought some might want to look at my messed up mind.
If your profile picture is actually you, you look nothing like I expected. I was expecting someone more grey, furry, with pointy ears and looking upward. It's still a very nice picture though.
...I remember all the streets on my neighbourhood of Milwaukee back when I as gorwing up there were lined with tall stately elms on both sides along every block creating a canopy of leaves that provided welcome shade in summer. After they all succumbed to Dutch Elm disease, the neighbourhood looked like a war zone. The city replaced them maples and ash trees but it took a couple decades for those to grow to any appreciable size..
Here in Portland votanists have been waging n intense battle against the disease and so far trees are still standing. There is one nighbourhood here in Portland I used to live near and walk through which reminds me of the old onw in Wisconsin (see below).
As if that wasn't bad enough, a month or so ago, I read about a new disease carried by an invasive pest which affects maple trees that is difficult to control.