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@ SofaCitizen, well,Command Line OS was really hard to use since the user had to memorize the commands and syntax.
When Windows 95 was out, it was a big difference.
Sure, fast forward to Windows 10/11 it has changed so much, still the Microsoft has to make it more usable, realiable and a better choice.
@ SofaCitizen, I have come back.
Fortunately, I have located the forum discussion.
A long hiatus, but here I am, I will try slowly doing what I can.
I do enjoy Daz Studio, I have bought a few items from the store, wish I could buy a ton of 'em, but with exchange rates is an overkill, no way to get a decent bargain.
Waiting for your comment
Welcome back! :)
Well, bargains can be had if you are patient with some products but yes, things can get a little expensive if you want to buy lots of things :( Hopefully you can substitute the gaps with some freebies to complete the renders you want to make.
Well, The days have gone quick, I could do nothing for a while.
But now, I will try my hand on anything that maybe suitable to do.
I have done just a few renders, the one I have done was for some relatives, they are very happy.
It took some time to get it right, have a look and tell me your opinion.
Nice, it looks like you are expanding your library now :)
Next you can try working with some poses, perhaps to have her either walking or actively hunting in the woods? Manually posing figures can be tough tho so hopefully you can pick up some pose packs to get you started. I usually try and find something that is close and then modify them from there.
@ SofaCitizen, even thought is a bit cartoonish, I used this character to create the render you see, this one is free to get from Patreon.
I didn't use any posing at that time, I would like to redo this one, I did just a basic render!
Bundles are too expensive and beyond my budget, so I am lookinf for some free items here and there in other places.
Previously there were some Daz Freebies, but these were Bryce and Carrara file format, I do not have these programs, I had to hide the unusable items or delete them.
Just imagine if this situation could happen with any uninitiated Daz Studio user
How to convert some of these?; there were some freebies I liked, seeing the description, I had to deselect it and not getting them.
In the entries thread for the current competiton, at least I got some interesting items, have a closer look, you may have some of the items.
I've never used Bryce or Carrara so don't know much about them unfortunately, or if they can be converted to be used in Daz Studio. Maybe someone else can help with that?
For freebie poses I guess I haven't used many of these myself. Renderosity does indicate they have some although the "Poses & Expressions" category does include animations so it's difficult to guage how many there actually are. Probably worth having a look there as a start if the ones on the store are currently not within your Daz budget.
@ SofaCitizen, I got some poses from Rendo, not too bad as these are free to use.
Sure if you want a more sophisticate set, then is assumed you are going to buy it, because you need that.
@ SofaCitizen, I got a problem.
I have spent a lot of time to do some renders for the family members.
look carefully, the male figure has one detail in the arm clothing
I not remember very well what step to fix the issue on Daz Studio, I had to fill up on a graphics program.
If you or someoneone else can post an example how to fix the issue for the missing clothing, more than very happy to do the fixing.
I do not want to use a graphics program to do just that.
please let me know
Ahh, well I do see two problems. You have the texture stretching on the underarm of the jacket - possibly because the PA of that jacket didn't anticipate it being used in that pose. Not sure that is fixable without hand-editing the relevant texture. I assume you are referring to the poke-thru of the shirt on the jacket tho as that is quite common when having several layers of clothing? To try and fix that, there are several options - even more if you were able to buy other products to help - but I will skip those for now. Firstly, I would check the shaping tab while the shirt is selected to see if there are any existing morphs to reduce the size of the sleeves - failing that select the jacket and see if there are morphs to enlarge the sleeves. You could try changing the jacket's collision item (under Mesh Smoothing in the Parameters tab) from the figure to the shirt - but this may then move the collision problem to the trousers. If that still doesn't work you can try playing with the "Smoothing Iterations" and "Collision Iterations" to see if certain values fix the poke-thru in the arm without adding poke-thru elsewhere. There may be a more scientific approach to changing those values but I don't know what that is - I just try changing one and see what happens and hope that some combination of values fixes the problem.
@ SofaCitizen, the clothing I have used is free, so its perlk fault, he/she went to the time tunnel in 1940 era, when I used the suit, the poke thru you saw in the arm, I could not fix it.
I desperately looked if there was some decent mens suit to buy to a reasonable price, nope, over the roof, aaarrrgghh!
Well, I should have renamed this post as "The Misadventures of Halcon Bluesky in 3D Realm"
I will see how it goes with what you told me.
So you fitted this free suit on the figure with Auto-Fit ?
Do you know some modeling / sculpting software like Hexagon or Blender? as the full body morph and corrective morphs (pJCMS) on the suite need to be fixed...
@ crosswind Well I have tried to fit this clothing to a free figure obtained somewhere else.
Some time before, I run into something similar, there was some poke-thru to some clothing and footwear.
I don't remember what I did to fix that, I wish I could have taken some notes, to try it again.
Blender is a hells learning curve and Hexagon, I have not used that yet.
I did use auto-fit, it seems the issue is with the model, I tried to reduce the morph build, I used another figure a bit bulky, reduced it to zero the build, as some poke thru was in the chest area as well, at least I managed to get that in control, but the arm pose got out of control.
Daz Studio is a very nice software, there are times when posing the models is challenging, depending on the situation.
Environments per example are tricky, when trying to pose the character in a suitable position point.
But the again, the poke thru, is my only concern at this moment.
I did some renders for Christmas time, you can imagine, family members were happy to see their presents with a personalised gift tag. Even thought these were not 100% perfect, at least, I had to use GIMP to do the fixing.
I don't want to rely on a Graphics Program, I need to do that properly in Daz Studio, and have the satisfaction of a well done render.
Understood ~ Actually there're quite a few ways to fix poke-thru
- check if the clothing item has any adjustment morph, for instance, adjust arms, if there're, dial them
- if there's no adjustment morph on clothing items, use partial body morphs on the figure, dial a small value, then dial the auto follow morphs in the hidden properties of clothing item
- use Mesh Grabber to push in/out the poke-thru mesh
- use Geometry Editor to select and hide the poke-thru geometry
- use Push Modifier or dFormer
- add dForce modifier to make the shirt "shrink"
@ crosswind I would like some screenshot, this could serve me as a guide, so I can work through.
I would appreciate if you could do that
Better based on the suit you use. If it's a freebie, can you name it ?
@ crosswind This is the name of the freebie:
You can find it at rendo
Found it ~~ let me play with it for a while. It's for G8M, so you auto fitted the suit on a G3M or something ?
And all items in this Suit has dForce, you may try Simulation first.
@ crosswind Thanks for your interest to help me.
It was late night when I had reply you.
Now try to play with these characters:
Kenshi for G9, D2 Barbarian for G9 and Macho Man Randy Savage for G8M and G8.1M.
You can find them at patreon
These are free, otherwise latest characters additions are released for paid members and will be gradually released for free after one month.
1st, if you're not a Daz veteran, I suggest you NOT use this suit on G9 by auto-fit as that'll be pretty cumbersome to fix rigid follow nodes (buttons) and corrective morphs. Some techniques and tricks have to be needed....
2nd, even on G8M, I played with it for a while last night. The result proved to be not good either. With quite a lot poses approaching / exceeding limits, the fitting in b/t jacket and shirt were awful, even with adjustment morphs dialed. Properties on dynamic surfaces were not well set up. After simulation, the poke-thru were still ugly there, let alone a couple of explosions when simulating.
This freebie suit really needs to be optimized if you wanna use it in some complex cases ( e.g. posing with limit off, with auto-fit on non G8M figures, etc...). As a tinker, I even don't wanna touch it, haha ~
@ crosswind Thanks for taking your time to help me, you are very experienced Daz Studio user.
Do you think the suits sold here are useless as the free one? I wish it these items could do the trick for me, at the same time I am looking for something that will not hurt my wallet as well if these were good to use.
Any ideas?
I understand. TBH, as per my exp., I would say the similar suits that're for sales in here are better than majority of freebies in terms of quality and applicability, e.g. the suit products from IH Kang, mal3Imagery; kobamax from Rendo, etc. Let's say, in most cases, you'll get what you pay for.
However, it doesn't mean that freebies cannot be used or are totally useless, that'll depend, especially if you wanna have a freebie really play well, like this set of suit, you have to make some effort and spend more time on it. While tinkering these items, you'll learn a lot.
So at the end of the day, it's still up to your preferences. All roads lead to Rome. You always have chance to make great renders by just using freebies. On the contrary, there're many people who still cannot make good renders even if they bought quite a lot of products on various sites....
@ crosswind Thanks for taking your time, I will have a look to that later.
"So at the end of the day, it's still up to your preferences. All roads lead to Rome. You always have chance to make great renders by just using freebies. On the contrary, there're many people who still cannot make good renders even if they bought quite a lot of products on various sites...."
You are completely right on that aspect.
Have a Happy New Year 2024 and all the best for you!
You're welcome ! Happy New Year 2024 to you too and wish you all the best and good luck !