I am beginner to Daz Studio, I have tried my luck in vain...



  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @SofaCitizen, I don't if I am going to quit or not yet.

    Some of the items I got most of them free and some paid, do not work the way I do expect it.

    When I tried to make a render with two or more figures, the problem that appeared, is fitting the items clothes or footwear, after changing the pose, all hell is loose.

    I have tried to use Male and Female figures, depending on the type of figures G1, G2, G3 or G8; its totally frustrating to accomodate them.

    Don't lose hope! Most issues will have an answer when you take a closer look at them.

    If the clothes are not parented to the figure then they will not be able to follow a pose or other movement. Always keep the scene tab open and check that the clothing items are correctly parented to the figure - the easiest way to do this is to make sure, as Richard Haseltine said, that you have the figure selected when you load the clothing into the scene. You can fix this afterwards if you forget but for now it would probably be easier to delete the clothing, select the figure and re-add it to the scene.

    You can try watching this YouTube video for more info if it helps: Daz Studio - Adding Clothing and Parenting Items - YouTube (IT Roy)

    I can understand being a bit frustrated when you cannot see why things are not behaving as expected. But hopefully, when you spend a little time to look in the scene tab and check how things have loaded, the answers will become a little clearer and start to make sense :)

  • @Richard Haseltine, Thanks for coming to this thread, I have seen some of your answers in other threads when other members have problems and need help.

    I would suggest you to be careful when you type, you got some spelling errors, typing on the quick is when the things do not get the whole message.

    I have 3 months venturing to use Daz Studio, the only tutorial available is the "Barefoot Dancer" after that there are many videos on YouTube that try to guide the users, but these videos have lost one of the main thing, focus on what is being told about, there is no close-ups, neither I do not see any input values for the figures control.

    In another thread, is harder to understand Daz Studio and there is a lack of tutorials.

    One member told "create your own written tutorial", well that is a good idea, but in practice it takes a lot of time to do just that.

    But wait a moment, the software changes from time to time, is not possible to keep pace with it, another member suggested, but anything that can be done to guide others can be useful, it does not matter if somehing have changed or not, at least is a very good intention.

    I made one using MS Word, Installing Daz Studio with some screenshots, I only covered the install process and barely how to open the program; this document needs some finishing touches to be useful.

    Interactive or Video tutorials? I believe the interactive tutorials have a better advantage to guide the user to get the most when using the software.

    I understand that Daz needs to make money, but at the same time it would be good to have some of these resources available for free like figures, props, clothing or anything else available, I am still trying to use the program and at this stage is not being easy to achieve anything with few resources at hand.

    Out there, many new users and those who are still struggling, need anything that is at hand to gain more experience and this takes long time; not all are photographers or graphic artists, these people have a better understanding.

    Once again, thank you very much to come to this thread!

  • @SofaCitizen, well what I can say.

    When adding clothes for the male figure or underwear for the female figures these do not fit, even when trying the autofit some of these get outside the figure.

    As I have not so many of the things I would like to get the results, is very frustrating.

    Too daunting to use either Hexagon or Blender, and create a custom figure, clothing, accessories or props on the cheap.

    Have you seen some of the comments on YouTube? Not all are enthusiast to use Daz Studio.

    (And very closer to me, my relatives would scold me for using a program that is hard to use and understand), in other words they would class it as useless.

  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @SofaCitizen, well what I can say.

    When adding clothes for the male figure or underwear for the female figures these do not fit, even when trying the autofit some of these get outside the figure.

    As I have not so many of the things I would like to get the results, is very frustrating.

    Too daunting to use either Hexagon or Blender, and create a custom figure, clothing, accessories or props on the cheap.

    Have you seen some of the comments on YouTube? Not all are enthusiast to use Daz Studio.

    (And very closer to me, my relatives would scold me for using a program that is hard to use and understand), in other words they would class it as useless.

    Well, I think you should look carefully to see if the clothes are parented as previously mentioned. Other than a bit of poke through I have not had any issues with correctly parented clothes misbehaving in such abundance. I certainly think that Blender and Hexagon should wait until you have the basics with Daz under your belt. Creating custom assets  would be much more involved and so would only increase your frustration.

    As a general rule I don't bother with comments on most social media - at best they are a waste of time and at worst ... well best not go there.

  • @SofaCitizen, the options are limited when using G1, G2, G3 and G8, whith each version the items must stick to that; but what happen if there are no choices in between them?

    I wanted to create a render with a G8 figure, clothing and accessories that have a tick besides the Filter By Content can be used, if there is nothing to choose from then untick that, some goes well but other of the items do not fit well, Clothing, Footwear and so.

    The AutoFit which I got free on Daz Store only works with some but not all, certain figures are needed to work with; unfortunately I don;t have that.

    For my project I do not have so much choice.

    I downloade a business suit from Renderosity, this one does not work with Daz Studio, it has to be loaded with Blender, again the materials and poses are for Blender.

    So I got a rough time and I can't do nothing because I am tied with nothing usable at the moment. sad

  • @zombietaggerung, I don't know how I went to the One Bedroom House to be displayed in Daz Studio.

    For the Materials it can be applied too cool.

    The other props, well I have to see if these can fit properly

    The program is giving me a rough time angry, I want to position the figures in the lounge room and the other props in the surrounding area.

    Those with better experience than me would think is fairly easy.

    Do you think is best to load the props and then the figures later, or any suggestions indecision.

    Look at the screen capture.


    Screenshot 2022-09-11 115500.png
    1332 x 1847 - 482K
  • Uhm.....I'm not super clear on what you are asking me here. This was one of my earlier sets, so the props/structure don't load with any materials applied. You will have to apply the materials after the props are loaded in. All the props also load up in the scene were they are supposed to be in the house, so none of them are at world center. Since the set is extremely easy on resources, it's basically your choice weather or not you want to load your characters first or the set. Either way, it's best policy to keep your figures as close to world center as possible and then move the scene/props around them.

  • @zombietaggerung. sorry to have bothered so much with the questions.

    I did loaded the props first, then I am aabout to put some figures on it.

    With some tinkering I hope to get it the way I would like.

    Also I love the concept, simple but nice, just a bit reduced in size to have a proper distribution of the objects, anyway these props looks good!

    Thank you very much for your beautiful work.

  • It's fine, I don't mind helping as much as i can. But I'm no genius, and there are many things i don't know how to do with this program.

  • Halcon BlueskyHalcon Bluesky Posts: 584
    edited September 2022

    @zombietaggerung, I am very happy with the concept you created.

    Is apparently simple but is nice.

    The props fit well, like magic.

    But Daz figures, give me a headache, when trying to positioning and trying to fit the clothings.

    I M doing over and again my project, I hope I can get it right this time around, so I can be satisfied with the big effort.

    Thank you!

    Post edited by Halcon Bluesky on
  • @SofaCitizen, How is going for you?

    I am doing another kind of project with the One Bedroom House.

    I like the way this prop looks.

    Small but nice, my previous intent were a failure.

    I hope to hit the jackpot with this, if not I want to smash the computer.

  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @SofaCitizen, How is going for you?

    I am doing another kind of project with the One Bedroom House.

    I like the way this prop looks.

    Small but nice, my previous intent were a failure.

    I hope to hit the jackpot with this, if not I want to smash the computer.

     Hmm, well, not much is new recently. It's been a less-than-ideal last week so I really have not had either the time or creative energy to do much unfortunately. Hopefully I will be able to get back to things this weekend.

    I am wishing you luck with your most recent render - hopefully you will create something you are happy with.

    Not sure if you have seen it but the September freebie challenge is up now and the theme is about Cars - so perhaps something that might interest you?

  • @SofaCitizen, Cars? are you sure is that?

    The only thing I knew is about deep of field.

    I lack of cars to create something.

    At least the One Bedroom House has everything in an small but nice package; go to Renderosity and get it.

    I will try to do little by little and know how it goes since is hard to position the figures inside.

    I did try with the figures first but when placing the house, the figures vanished from sight.

    I use the controls to bring it to the front view.

    Well, I will let you know if there are some progress. 

  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @SofaCitizen, Cars? are you sure is that?

    The only thing I knew is about deep of field.

    I lack of cars to create something.

    At least the One Bedroom House has everything in an small but nice package; go to Renderosity and get it.

    I will try to do little by little and know how it goes since is hard to position the figures inside.

    I did try with the figures first but when placing the house, the figures vanished from sight.

    I use the controls to bring it to the front view.

    Well, I will let you know if there are some progress. 


    Quite sure. The Depth of Field is the New User challenge. The Freebies challenge is the Cars one. Unlike with the Highlander there can be more than one challenge at the same time. A signature image was posted in the thread and so I have added it to my signature so you can click that to go to the thread if you want.

    Obviously you don't have to enter if the theme does not inspire you but as you specifically mentioned some cars earlier and I gave you links to 3 free ones I figured that it may be of some interest.

  • @SofaCitizen, Thanks for the links, I didn't look that at first.

    When I was there there is so many things I downloaded, this might be useful for some renders.

    Only got the BMW and the Audi model, the other cars not of my liking but with these two maybe would be enough to do something.

  • @SofaCitizen, I never thought to find plenty of freebies.

    It may not be the quality of Daz, but I wiil see what can I do.

    I had to bookmark, just in case, so I can go back and what I need.

    So how you are going now?

    And how did you got that banner promoting the latest freebies contest?

  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    I never thought to find plenty of freebies.

    It may not be the quality of Daz, but I wiil see what can I do.


    Free stuff does't mean lower quality. A lot of freebies are high quality and a lot of expensive assets are just crappy. Daz store products doesen't always mean quality products. And IMHO the recent products sold at Rendo are really carefully tested before realeased on the store, I know that because I sell products on Rendo, They'll never anymore let (recent)  poor quality assets appear in their big choice of assets. Daz base their choices on images only (as far as I know). Moreover Rendo are now very strict with packaging and files structure (data folder, people folder, runtime/textures folder, documentation, props folders etc). The multiple ways of Daz installing possibilities (Install manager, Daz Central, Daz Connect) only lead to confusion and mess. I never use the (not so smart) Smart Content Tab. Content libraries are easy to manage and do not need metadata.

  • @Halcon Bluesky, If you follow the link to the Freebies challenge a user has posted the code you need to copy & paste into your signature. To edit the signature you need to go to your forum profile (click on the cog in the top-right and then click on your name), then from the profile page click on the inner right cog and select "Edit Profile" and then from that page there is a link to "Edit Signature" - alternatively you can just click on this link: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/profile/signature

    In that edit page I clicked te "Source" button, pasted the HTML code from the forum thread and then clicked "Source" again which displays the image. Then you can click save.

    Regarding the quality of freebies, I'd agree with everything rosseliani said.

  • Halcon BlueskyHalcon Bluesky Posts: 584
    edited September 2022

    @rosseliani, While I was there, I found some of your handy works along with other creators.

    The Readme file inside the archive, indicate how to place the contents, other creators do not include a Reame file how to place the files, then its blind guess how to get that into the installed file structure.

    Now, is very easy to asume that all users may afford quality software or add-ons.

    I understand that many creators want to monetize their works.

    The other side of the coin is that not all are in the same position to do that.

    Several factors determine this situation, and this can exacerbate it when the currency is not US Dollars, the exchange rate will be detrimental to the point of feeling discouraged and the only alternative is to find free stuff anywhere else.

    Save that if some people may do a contribution no matter if is small or big, this would show appreciation to the hard work that many creators do.

    I would do that too, not now but I hope that at a later time.

    Remember that this pandemic changed the landscape of the things around the world; not so many people and business have recovered yet form the financial uncertainty.

    If Daz Studio were easy to master, I would like to do the same to giveaway some usable works, because the most important thing is to share with others, so they can realize their dereast aspirations.

    I personally do try to discover for myself what a software can do, most other programs at least are more manageable to certain degree.

    However I have a brutal opinion that this program Daz Studio is not so simple to use.

    I have tried one and over again to do some renders, when the results were not what I expect, closed the program and start from scratch again. 

    I have asked some questions in some threads, I do appreciate the patience and some clear to follow insttructions, this is far more important than the outrageous videos that do not show a clear view of what to do, in other words, a document with pictures and a well done instructions is much better solution.

    Post edited by Halcon Bluesky on
  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @Catherine3678ab, you are always available when someone needs help, you are really wonderful!

    Where are you mostly, I mean, if you have some dedicated webpage or anything else?.

    Where am I mostly? ... haunting these forums ;-)

    Seriously though I also have photography as a hobby -- love trying to catch photos of the equipment and space/sky ships in the skies and over on the Moon. I post some of these photos AS WELL AS stuff for Daz Studio over at Deviantart in my Gallery there.

    Either there and/or over at Renderosity I put some freebies and tutorials, all for free.


    With regards to using freebies in general, many do require some work to make usable in D/S. That is why many of us like shopping here because normally the products will work as they should. If you haven't already, do consider buying a membership -- should be on sale again 'anytime' -- October is normally a big anniversary sale celebration month. We get freebies and good value ... even many PA products going on sale for 1 day only at USD1.99 for example.

    Not to go overboard is the biggest shopping hazard! Decide ahead of time  what topic, for which figure, etc. that you want to use. As you find things in the store that you would like [even now] put them into your wish list. Then they are easier to find esp. if there is a flash sale on. Now the coupons that members get will not work on all of the sale items during the October sales -- rather hit and miss. Great if they do, if they don't, well they will for something else another day. They expire at the end of each month when we get new coupons.

    A great tip I found in a video tutorial for using .hdr as background images, match the "horizon" of the image to the edge of the floor grid. Then put the figure into the picture so everything looks correct.


  • Halcon BlueskyHalcon Bluesky Posts: 584
    edited September 2022

    @Catherine3678ab, you are a mysterious woman.

    You are wandering the forums and suddendly something caught your eye, then, click, click click typing and posting your opinion or some know-how info.

    Are you a photographer by trade or some aficionado to photographic gear and the like?

    Do you prefer Nikon or Canon as the "tool of trade"?

    To me, a Daz+ membership is a waste of money, a few cents of saving, and freebies? I do not see 'em, only for those who may do a shopping spree, that could be convenient.

    Unfortunately I can't even create anything fabulous, the renders project are a disastrous thing.

    Nor even create a custom figure or prop or anything else.

    Let's tune an episode of Dreamland - Aquarella, Crayons or Coloring Pencils; better off tune in Sesame Street. indecision Because the alphabet soup has become chaotic.

    And for the record, barely I have managed to create instructions "How to Install Daz Studio in Windows 10/11 with DIM"

    I tried some graphical programs, even I have created a webpage alike for local use, but Daz Studio in an uphill battle.

    Post edited by Halcon Bluesky on

    And for the record, barely I have managed to create instructions "How to Install Daz Studio in Windows 10/11 with DIM"

    I tried some graphical programs, even I have created a webpage alike for local use, but Daz Studio in an uphill battle.

    Is this the webpage you created?

    instal instructions1.png
    690 x 147 - 19K
  • @rosseliani. the instructions for Installing Daz Studio are in MS Word format, with some polishing details I can convert it to Portable Format Document (PDF)

    because this the most widely used format; Adobe Acrobat DC can be downloaded free from Adobe webpage.

    About the webpage I created is for use locally, not available to anyone else, because it serve to a limited area, apart from this is far from finished yet, because is a new version I am still working on at slow pace.

    Now when I was at rendo I found two of your handy works "vinyl-lp-record-and-sleeve-for-daz-studio-002" and "vinyl-lp-record-for-daz-studio-006" I have not downloaded anything else at the moment, I will install it, this could be useful to try any kind of project with sonic boom. smiley

    Thank you very much for your gesture to put these there for others to use it. heartyes

  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @Catherine3678ab, you are a mysterious woman.

    You are wandering the forums and suddendly something caught your eye, then, click, click click typing and posting your opinion or some know-how info.

    Are you a photographer by trade or some aficionado to photographic gear and the like?

    Do you prefer Nikon or Canon as the "tool of trade"?

    To me, a Daz+ membership is a waste of money, a few cents of saving, and freebies? I do not see 'em, only for those who may do a shopping spree, that could be convenient.

    Unfortunately I can't even create anything fabulous, the renders project are a disastrous thing.

    Nor even create a custom figure or prop or anything else.

    Let's tune an episode of Dreamland - Aquarella, Crayons or Coloring Pencils; better off tune in Sesame Street. indecision Because the alphabet soup has become chaotic.

    And for the record, barely I have managed to create instructions "How to Install Daz Studio in Windows 10/11 with DIM"

    I tried some graphical programs, even I have created a webpage alike for local use, but Daz Studio in an uphill battle.

    Yes in more ways than you know ;-)

    There are several of us, customers such as yourself, who pitch in to help others understand how to find or use the various products. It's no fun spending years trying to learn everything by yourself. It's via teamwork that everybody moves forward faster on the learning curves.

    I chose not to go pro with photography so I remain free to take photos of what I want to take photos of. It's a hobby. Nikon :-) That's the camera that caught the attack from the Moon photo :-) I have had ex-Nikon photographers who either bought or were given a Canon tell me they regretted leaving their Nikon. Something about the clarity of focus. I think the type and quality of camera I really want, nobody has made yet.

    No, it's not a few cents of savings, it's many dollars of savings. Pick a topic and go through the store when not signed in ... add up the cost of products to have lighting, scenery, sets, characters, clothing, hair, props, etc. ... then signed in as a member, with the same items in the basket, you will find that the cost of an annual membership would be covered in the first such order. So first buy the membership, then go shopping.

    If you are having so much problems figuring out how to do Iray renders, try rendering in 3Delight instead. For those you must use those "create a new" point light, distance light, etc. but they work well. Those don't work as well with Iray because Iray needs much more light than they produce as is. You can dial up the light to some huge numbers but it is generally easier simply to use other lighting methods for Iray {like the .hdrs}.

    I think you are over complicating the situation. You need to narrow your focus, what do you want to do with Daz Studio? Make still renders or animations? About what, people, cartoons, animals, etc.?

    I have made several tutorials, I have installed and used DIM for content installations, and I never saw it as so complicated that it could require a tutorial on how to use it. The Company does provide some instructions for use, and those are just fine.
    Now, W10 protects its Program Folders and sometimes certain things trigger its protection stoppers. So no, I do not use DIM to install Daz Studio. On this computer I must use the good ol' fashioned, right-click, run as Admin {if it lets one, sometimes W10 says no, then run it normally} and run the D/S installer. And aside from where it goes into the Program Folders, tell it where to put the Content. Then run DIM and have it download and install the content to the SAME Content location. {I highly recommend using external hard drives for Content storage}. However while you have only a small content folder, if it fits on the computer that's fine too. {in the Documents section somewhere}.



  • Halcon Bluesky said:

    @rosseliani. the instructions for Installing Daz Studio are in MS Word format, with some polishing details I can convert it to Portable Format Document (PDF)

    because this the most widely used format; Adobe Acrobat DC can be downloaded free from Adobe webpage.

    About the webpage I created is for use locally, not available to anyone else, because it serve to a limited area, apart from this is far from finished yet, because is a new version I am still working on at slow pace.

    Now when I was at rendo I found two of your handy works "vinyl-lp-record-and-sleeve-for-daz-studio-002" and "vinyl-lp-record-for-daz-studio-006" I have not downloaded anything else at the moment, I will install it, this could be useful to try any kind of project with sonic boom. smiley

    Thank you very much for your gesture to put these there for others to use it. heartyes

    Um, about your website, you might want to work on some of those posts {due to removed content}  but the whole thing is most certainly available for anybody to see ;-) 


  • @Catherine3678ab, Nikon is a very good camera, I had the opportunity to experience what the fuss about that is.

    I tried with a D70, the small lens cover the portrait scene while a non-nikon telephoto lens gives a better view for panoramic shots; latest models are really expensive the type of gear the super paparazzis do use as the ultimate tools of trade; I spoke with some people in the IT industry, they agree Nikon is much better than Canon.

    Well I do experiment how I can do a suitable render, HDRI files are practical because there is no need to use props or anything else, and the render will take less time to do.

    I did some with the "One Bedroom House" the concept looks nice, positioning the figures are the problem, sometimes these can get displaced.

    I wanted to use at least four figures on it, last time I thought I saved it to continue working on it, then the figures were not there.

    And I am not over complicating the situation, I got few people figures, No animals and I am not interested on silly cartoons; animations? not yet.

    I wish I could buy a ton of items from Daz, having spent in some of the items and not seeing the results I want, its obvious I can't risk too much for nothing.

    I have used Daz Studio with Windows 10, ultimately I had upgraded the BIOS to run Windows 11. (Windows 10 2.0 with some cosmetic details)

    Working with an external hard drive could be apparently a good idea, but to be safe, it would be best to have two drives, one as an spare if something wrong happens.

    In today's world, a Solid State Drive could make a difference to Windows OS, its upon the user what to choose from. In Monopoly game sense you can't pass GO and claim the $200, if the item is really expensive, unless you can get a Communal Ark Card.

    What I have created is a Homepage, with several categories, really handy, no need to use too much bookmarks.

    This is localized for an small area, wish this could be a worldwide reach, but that is too broad and I do not have the time to dedicate to such time-consuming task.

    One of the things I am worried about is a place where to host such kind of work and to have some GPL license in place, if I were to give it away to others.

  • @SofaCitizen, How you go?

    I am trying hard to do some renders, these got displaced after I thought I saved.

    And up to this moment there are no freebies around here; in Rendo there are some usable frebies I got, I had to spend some time there.

    And now I need to catch some zzz, if I have time I will try again.

    Also I saved one tutorial I will follow up and hope this can be useful for a later project.

    Unfortunately the BMW and Audi cars are in another format, I can't import into Daz Studio to work with.

    Take care buddy.

  • @Halcon Bluesky, about the same as the last time you asked unfortunately. Currently having a bit of an asset issue - have a few ideas I have been trying to work on but the right assets either do not exist in Daz format or are currently full price and so pretty expensive for what I need.

    I have just checked again and those cars I linked to are indeed not Daz format, sorry. Even tho I have had a little bit of luck with bouncing a few items via Blender it is indeed a bit hit-and-miss as the hamster-explosion I most recently had will atest.

    Still trying to come up with a good idea for the freebie car challenge but my mind is currently failing me there :(

  • @SofaCitizen, The Cars freebies contest is off the road, with no cars its a shame there is nothing usable.

    Unless there is something that may save the day, it could be a remote possibility.

    Take care.

  • @Halcon Bluesky, well, yeah even the Toyota I posted was a bust as it wasn't even an asset in it's own right - just a texture skin for a paid asset. Someone did post a spreadsheet detailing a bunch of car assets that should be free. But really it's more the idea I am struggling with - I usually come up with that first and then I source the assets to fit. However, perhaps that is not the right way to do things? Is the ability to take some items that you have and make something cool with them a skill that can be learned or an inate ability that you either have or don't? I suppose there is only one way to find out!

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